Stakedeal med DrNoe vol. 2(ATT DrNoe)

#1| 0

Stald DrNoe har været så gæstfrie at tage mig ind i varmen på en super deal!

Stake: 500$ (i 5 rater á 100$)
Game: 5-11$ tours (sats til større tours er også tilladt)
Cut: 0-2k$ 70/30 - 2-5k$ 60/40 - +5k$ 50/50

Der postes programmer og busthænder i denne tråd.

Løbende bankroll:
Hos staker: 200$
Hos stakee: 25$
I alt: 225$

Næste grind session er pt ukendt, men bump'er når jeg spiller igen.

Håber den nye tråd bringer med sig en MASSE skrub - har fået rettet et par leaks, og blevet opmærksom på et par andre, så de også kan ryge - så nu kan jeg mærke at topresultatet er lige om hjørnet!

10/4 - nattegrind - løbende program

5,5$ 12k gtd rebuy 6-max (den blev lidt for dyr pga rebuys - så betaler selv det over 11$)
01:35 - 2,2$ rush turbo rebuy 14,5k gtd
02:00 - 5,5$ rush multi entry 2 entries 7k gtd

Daily A 12$
Daily B 12$

Total buyin: 56,2$
total cash:

9/4 - Endeligt program

11$ double stack 12,5k gtd rush kl. 17
4,4 rush on demand
18:35 14,5k gtd rebuy 3,3$
19:00 11$ 14k gtd super stack
20:35 2,2$ 18,5k gtd rush turbo rebuy
21:30 11$ 10k gtd early antes
22:00 Early A 6$
22:02 Early B 6$
22:35 Rush rebuy 3,3$ 32k gtd

Total buyin: 78,2$
Total Cash: 0
Resultat: -78,2$

8/4 - nattegrind

3 entries i 12,5k gtd KO 11$ kl. 23:30
1 entry i rush 10k gtd turbo 11$

Total buyin: 44$
Total Cash: 8$
Resultat: -36$

08-04-2011 21:42 #2| 0

Hey Law,

Vi to er aldrig bumpet ind i hinanden på dette forum, og normalvis ville jeg mene, at det var superdårlig stil at blande sig i en railtråd til deal, men føler jeg vil kunne bidrage konstruktivt til din og Doc's deal, så derfor gør jeg det.

Før jeg skriver meget mere, skal jeg lige gøre opmærksom på, at jeg på ingen måder og kanter er nogen chef - Så det er ikke fordi der vælter guld ud af ørerne på mig og jeg pisser champagne, men jeg skulle mene, at jeg kunne komme med et par tips til dit videre spil for dealen. Jeg har på sidelinien fulgt lidt med i den anden railtråd, og kan se, at du spiller på en måde som jeg tidligere gjorde. Igen, dette er IKKE ment som en sviner, men tværtimod som noget konstruktivt jeg håber du kan tage med dig.

En af de ting som har slået mig, når jeg har kigget hænder igennem fra dealen er, at du ind imellem har en tendens til, ikke at have gjort op med dig selv hvorfor du spiller en hånd på en bestemt måde på et givent tidspunkt. Før jeg går videre med dette, så vil jeg gerne dele min tilgang til MTT-spil og så kan du jo se om det giver mening.

De første 2-3 timer af en tour spiller jeg altid superstramt og ABC - Ingen afvigelser overhovedet. Med dette mener jeg, at vi raiser alle gode hænder, strammer vildt op til raises før vi skal acte og at vi kun spiller Premium hænder såfremt der er raiset om til dig. Lad være med at forsvare din blind, med mindre du finder en specifik grund til det eller har varerne. C-bet praktisk taget hvert evigt eneste flop, og når vi rammer så better vi alle streets. Ingen fancyplaying.

Når der begynder at komme anter på og vi har fået siet en god del spillere fra, så løsner jeg op og begynder at spille positionerne og spillerne meget mere. Derudover, så adjuster jeg betsizing, således at vi kan tillade os langt flere moves end vi ellers ville kunne. Fordelen ved dette er også, at du kan spille langt flere pots, og derved få dine modstandere på tæerne. I denne fase af en tour prøver jeg så vidt muligt at undgå showdown, med mindre jeg er absolut sikker på at jeg er god, eller med mindre vi kan få stakaterne ind preflop(Det skal dog siges, at det til tider kan være enormt informativt at ramme nogle billige SD‘s for at se hvilke spillere vi er oppe imod). Selvfølgelig undgår vi ikke SD’s når vi har ramt godt, men i udgangspunktet så handler denne del af touren for mig om at skrabe sammen uden at vise hvorledes jeg sidder og trykker taster. Pound på de dårlige spillere - Raise deres blinds hver eneste gang du kan komme til det, da de vil smide og kun forsvare når de har goodies, hvorefter du nemt kan komme væk! Og find ud af hvem cheferne på bordet er, og lade være med at clashe unødigt med dem!

Når vi rammer late, så spiller jeg aggressivt. Raiser alle PP’s fra næsten alle positioner i udgangspunktet og alle SC’s. Derudover så fancyplayer jeg heller ikke i denne del af touren som udgangspunkt. C-better og spiller så aggressivt som det er muligt.

Det var sådan en kort skitsering, for det jeg egentlig gerne ville frem til er følgende. Det virker tit til, at du i dine tours bliver en smule frustreret og i alle faser af tours ser doublinger som din måde at skrabe til dig på. Dette bevirker, at du ret mange gange kommer til at smide 6k ind i en pot på 1k med AK som ikke har ramt - Nå du spiller på denne måde, så er der flere ting som gør sig gældende. For det første, så står det du risikerer ikke mål med det du kan opnå - Doc har nævnt dette for dig flere gange i form af risk/reward. For det andet, så gør du dig selv supernem at spille mod. Villains ved, at de blot skal ramme eller have monstre med hjemmefra og så checke til dig, hvorefter de kan tømme dig. Derudover kan de tillade sig, at spille mange pots mod dig, fordi de kan komme billigt væk hvis de ikke føler for at føre hånden videre, og praktisk talt hver eneste gang af dig bliver givet implied odds. Når du gør det på denne måde, så er det hele tiden dig som er på tæerne og skal gætte hvor du står i hånden. Dette skal vi helst se om vi kan gøre modsat.

Måden vi kan gøre dette på er ved at mixe vores spil op - Jeg siger ikke, at man ikke skal overbetshove et flop, men lad være med kun at gøre det, når du ikke har ramt og håber at modstanderne bare giver op. Balancering kan være møgsvært i en tour, fordi man bliver rykket rundt og der er så mange modstandere at holde styr på, men hvis du kun overbetshover luft, så viser du jo praktisk taget hvad du sidder med og gør igen dig selv nem at spille mod.

En af de ting jeg brugte meget, da jeg begyndte at skulle tænke i ranges og levels er, at jeg forestillede mig, at hver eneste hånd jeg spillede var min måde at fortælle de folk jeg sad til bords med en historie. Historien er sand 50% af gangen og løgn og latin 50% af gangene. Det vi gerne vil er for det første at gøre det uigennemskueligt hvornår hver enkel mulighed er tilfældet og derudover, så vil vi gerne have folk til at tro at vi opererer med, at vi fortæller sandheden 90% af gangen.(Igen skal det siges, at leveltænkning kommer ind i billedet og forplumrer det, så dette er blot simplificeret, da vi nogle gange gerne vil have, at vildand tror, at vi tror, at han tror osv.) Men vend hver hånd du spiller om, og sig - Hvis jeg sad overfor en spiller som spillede mig som jeg spiller ham, hvorledes ville jeg så agere. Ville jeg tro på ham. Hvad ville jeg tro han sad med. Hvorledes ville han se mig osv osv.

Derfor vil jeg også foreslå dig, at du skruer ned for den ellers imponerende volumen der har været i projektet og så begynder at spille en tour af gangen, mens du implementerer nye ting i dit spil. Det kan føles kedeligt, men hvis du har den analytiske tilgang til det og “leger” at du spiller poker for at udvikle og lære, så bliver det langt sjovere. Ydermere, så spil en tour, få hele HH’s smidt på din mail og gennemgå alle hænder. Det er møgkedeligt, men poker bliver til gengæld meget, meget, meget sjovere efterfølgende. Og så ville jeg, hvis jeg var dig, arbejde på ikke at tilte. Det virker som om du kan have en tendens til det når du bliver suget eller når du kommer til at spille en ukoncentreret hånd. Vend den igen om, og glæd dig over, såfremt du får pengene ind som favorit og slå en enkelt gang i bordet når der suges, og så videre!

Det her blev alt, alt for langt, og hvis folk mener jeg er en idiot samt at det er utilstedeligt at smide sådan noget her i en railtråd, så skal jeg gerne slette det lige så snart jeg bedes om det. Men det er på alle måder ment som lidt konstruktiv feedback fra en udenforstående der ikke har noget investeret i dette. Og så må min afslutningsbøn være - Lyt alt hvad du kan til Doc. Manden vil kunne hjælpe dig videre i dit spil og dette samtidigt med, at du får mulighed for at spille på en fed deal.

GL til backer og dig Law - Som sagt så sletter jeg, hvis folk synes dette er upassende J

08-04-2011 22:06 #3| 0

Alt skrub sendt herfra TheLaw, har jo set i forige tråd at du sagtens kan, skal bare justeres lidt.


08-04-2011 22:08 #4| 0

Rigtig fin post eatme - ingen grund til den skal slettes :-)
Sålænge tingene er konstruktive er der selvfølgelig plads til dem - og du er meget velkommen til at følge railen fremover - og kommentere.

Flere af de ting du nævner giver fin mening, men føler også at jeg er kommet over flere af de leaks du nævner - det med at overbette/shove blindt, er dog noget jeg klart skal ha fixet - samt det med at tænke mere i ranges.

Med hensyn til volumen er jeg også begyndt at skrue lidt ned og vil også gøre det fremover - men kommer ikke til at kun spille 1 tour ad gangen - ved 2-3 stk kan fokus stadig holdes og samtidig løbende analysering af situationerne.

Jeg lytter også rigtig meget til Doc - spillet under denne deal er mit første egentlig tour spil - så det er klart en super chance doc har givet mig - og det er derfor også klart at jeg har massere at lære - hvilket også er grunden til at alle konstruktive råd bliver modtaget med kyshånd.

Som sagt, følg endelig railen fremover - og kommenter den når du falder over noget :-)


08-04-2011 22:40 #5| 0

Guldindlæg imho, og hvis man fjerner det "personlige" er grundsubstansen jo noget nær nuts i tilgang til online low/mid MTT spil. Måske man kunne få eatme til at omskrive det til en "generel tilgang" og poste det i staking afsnittet til debat og mulighed for at sætte "tanker igang" hos flere spillere?

WP Eatme!

Sry hi-jack thelawfirm, gl gl med dit videre forløb :-)

09-04-2011 00:57 #6| 0

bump for lidt nattegrind

09-04-2011 01:04 #7| 0

1. KO (2$)

Full Tilt Poker Game #29738543563: $12,500 KO Guarantee (230997438), Table 55 - 20/40 - No Limit Hold'em - 00:02:10 CET - 2011/04/09 [18:02:10 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (3,000)
Seat 2: Pollassen (2,955)
Seat 3: fulminio (6,011)
Seat 4: bbauer03 (4,820)
Seat 5: karmaeon28 (2,055)
Seat 6: regheton (3,000)
Seat 7: hillelbl1yud (2,819)
Seat 8: bobby kraut (5,800)
Seat 9: cvt73 (2,325)
cvt73 posts the small blind of 20
ADforPresident posts the big blind of 40
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Qh As]
Pollassen has 15 seconds left to act
Pollassen raises to 120
fulminio has 15 seconds left to act
fulminio has timed out
fulminio folds
fulminio is sitting out
bbauer03 folds
karmaeon28 folds
hillelbl1yud folds
bobby kraut folds
cvt73 has 15 seconds left to act
cvt73 has timed out
cvt73 folds
cvt73 is sitting out
ADforPresident calls 80
*** FLOP *** [7s Qs Th]
cvt73 has returned
ADforPresident bets 160
Pollassen calls 160
*** TURN *** [7s Qs Th] [Qc]
ADforPresident bets 200
Pollassen calls 200
*** RIVER *** [7s Qs Th Qc] [4s]
ADforPresident bets 480
Pollassen raises to 2,475, and is all in
ADforPresident calls 1,995
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Pollassen shows [Ks Ah] a pair of Queens
ADforPresident shows [Qh As] three of a kind, Queens
ADforPresident wins the pot (5,930) with three of a kind, Queens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5,930 | Rake 0
Board: [7s Qs Th Qc 4s]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (big blind) showed [Qh As] and won (5,930) with three of a kind, Queens
Seat 2: Pollassen showed [Ks Ah] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 3: fulminio didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: bbauer03 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: karmaeon28 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: regheton is sitting out
Seat 7: hillelbl1yud didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: bobby kraut (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: cvt73 (small blind) folded before the Flop

09-04-2011 01:07 #8| 0

2. KO (2$)

Full Tilt Poker Game #29738634323: $12,500 KO Guarantee (230997438), Table 92 - 20/40 - No Limit Hold'em - 00:05:33 CET - 2011/04/09 [18:05:33 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: ESPaided (625)
Seat 2: bignuttedbandit (10,895), is sitting out
Seat 3: ghanges (2,820)
Seat 4: ADforPresident (2,940)
Seat 5: Dioni2686 (2,955)
Seat 6: smal9 (4,040)
Seat 7: mark-millar (2,660)
Seat 9: harlem doc (4,244)
mark-millar posts the small blind of 20
harlem doc posts the big blind of 40
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Qd Qs]
ESPaided calls 40
bignuttedbandit folds
ghanges folds
matthewroberts2 sits down
matthewroberts2 has registered late for the tournament and will be dealt in on their big blind
ADforPresident raises to 120
Dioni2686 folds
smal9 folds
mark-millar calls 100
harlem doc folds
ESPaided calls 80
*** FLOP *** [6c Ts 8h]
mark-millar checks
ESPaided bets 505, and is all in
ADforPresident has 15 seconds left to act
ADforPresident raises to 1,120
mark-millar folds
ADforPresident shows [Qd Qs]
ESPaided shows [6s 8s]
Uncalled bet of 615 returned to ADforPresident
*** TURN *** [6c Ts 8h] [9s]
*** RIVER *** [6c Ts 8h 9s] [Td]
ADforPresident shows two pair, Queens and Tens
ESPaided shows two pair, Tens and Eights
ADforPresident wins the pot (1,410) with two pair, Queens and Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1,410 | Rake 0
Board: [6c Ts 8h 9s Td]
Seat 1: ESPaided showed [6s 8s] and lost with two pair, Tens and Eights
Seat 2: bignuttedbandit didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: ghanges didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: ADforPresident showed [Qd Qs] and won (1,410) with two pair, Queens and Tens
Seat 5: Dioni2686 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: smal9 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: mark-millar (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 9: harlem doc (big blind) folded before the Flop

09-04-2011 01:50 #9| 0

buster i setup her..

Full Tilt Poker Game #29739165469: $12,500 KO Guarantee (230997438), Table 83 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 00:25:04 CET - 2011/04/09 [18:25:04 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: mikechr23 (4,861)
Seat 2: TookUrNotes (3,811)
Seat 3: nutts_player (8,247)
Seat 4: djcantr (3,805)
Seat 5: MRBILL89 (3,570)
Seat 6: Hustlin9to5 (3,000)
Seat 7: ADforPresident (1,770)
Seat 8: sammymumu (2,760)
Seat 9: Cindy Mobley (3,405)
sammymumu posts the small blind of 30
Cindy Mobley posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Jh Ac]
mikechr23 folds
TookUrNotes folds
nutts_player folds
djcantr folds
MRBILL89 calls 60
ADforPresident raises to 180
sammymumu folds
Cindy Mobley calls 120
MRBILL89 calls 120
*** FLOP *** [As Th 3h]
Cindy Mobley checks
MRBILL89 checks
ADforPresident bets 300
Cindy Mobley calls 300
MRBILL89 folds
*** TURN *** [As Th 3h] [4d]
Cindy Mobley checks
ADforPresident bets 540
Cindy Mobley calls 540
*** RIVER *** [As Th 3h 4d] [Td]
Cindy Mobley checks
ADforPresident checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
ADforPresident shows [Jh Ac] two pair, Aces and Tens
Cindy Mobley mucks
ADforPresident wins the pot (2,250) with two pair, Aces and Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2,250 | Rake 0
Board: [As Th 3h 4d Td]
Seat 1: mikechr23 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: TookUrNotes didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: nutts_player didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: djcantr didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: MRBILL89 folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Hustlin9to5 is sitting out
Seat 7: ADforPresident (button) showed [Jh Ac] and won (2,250) with two pair, Aces and Tens
Seat 8: sammymumu (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 9: Cindy Mobley (big blind) mucked [Qh Kh] - a pair of Tens

09-04-2011 01:56 #10| 0

burde have haft et KO mere her, men uskrub..

Full Tilt Poker Game #29739948697: $12,500 KO Guarantee (230997438), Table 55 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 00:54:28 CET - 2011/04/09 [18:54:28 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (3,128)
Seat 2: Scarioli (4,934)
Seat 3: fulminio (7,711)
Seat 4: cschips (1,140)
Seat 5: Toreetius (9,270)
Seat 6: Irish Lights (3,761)
Seat 7: hillelbl1yud (2,009)
Seat 8: bobby kraut (4,710)
Seat 9: timothygamble (6,040)
Irish Lights posts the small blind of 60
hillelbl1yud posts the big blind of 120
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Jd Ac]
bobby kraut has 15 seconds left to act
bobby kraut folds
timothygamble folds
ADforPresident raises to 299
Scarioli folds
fulminio folds
cschips calls 299
Toreetius folds
Irish Lights folds
hillelbl1yud folds
*** FLOP *** [Ad 5s 6s]
ADforPresident bets 480
cschips raises to 841, and is all in
ADforPresident calls 361
cschips shows [5d 4d]
ADforPresident shows [Jd Ac]
*** TURN *** [Ad 5s 6s] [Jc]
*** RIVER *** [Ad 5s 6s Jc] [5c]
cschips shows three of a kind, Fives
ADforPresident shows two pair, Aces and Jacks
cschips wins the pot (2,460) with three of a kind, Fives
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2,460 | Rake 0
Board: [Ad 5s 6s Jc 5c]
Seat 1: ADforPresident showed [Jd Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and Jacks
Seat 2: Scarioli didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: fulminio didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: cschips showed [5d 4d] and won (2,460) with three of a kind, Fives
Seat 5: Toreetius (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Irish Lights (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: hillelbl1yud (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 8: bobby kraut didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: timothygamble didn't bet (folded)

09-04-2011 02:14 #11| 0

vammel hånd i turboen... suk

Full Tilt Poker Game #29740330599: Turbo $10K Guarantee (Rush) (231009271), Table 119 - 150/300 - No Limit Hold'em - 01:11:20 CET - 2011/04/09 [19:11:20 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: T19hta55 (8,530)
Seat 2: ROBUSTYOU22 (7,678)
Seat 3: Guenter3 (3,956)
Seat 4: mano078 (9,569)
Seat 5: George2Loose (7,020)
Seat 6: prins Alex (2,926)
Seat 7: nuggiman (6,050)
Seat 8: yurakls (11,980)
Seat 9: ADforPresident (10,695)
ROBUSTYOU22 posts the small blind of 150
Guenter3 posts the big blind of 300
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Th As]
mano078 folds
George2Loose raises to 600
prins Alex folds
nuggiman folds
yurakls folds
ADforPresident calls 600
T19hta55 folds
Guenter3 calls 300
*** FLOP *** [Ad Td 9s]
Guenter3 checks
George2Loose bets 885
ADforPresident has 15 seconds left to act
ADforPresident raises to 2,400
Guenter3 folds
George2Loose has 15 seconds left to act
George2Loose raises to 6,420, and is all in
ADforPresident calls 4,020
George2Loose shows [Jd Qd]
ADforPresident shows [Th As]
*** TURN *** [Ad Td 9s] [3s]
*** RIVER *** [Ad Td 9s 3s] [7d]
George2Loose shows a flush, Ace high
ADforPresident shows two pair, Aces and Tens
George2Loose wins the pot (14,790) with a flush, Ace high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 14,790 | Rake 0
Board: [Ad Td 9s 3s 7d]
Seat 1: T19hta55 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ROBUSTYOU22 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Guenter3 (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: mano078 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: George2Loose showed [Jd Qd] and won (14,790) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 6: prins Alex didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: nuggiman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: yurakls didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: ADforPresident showed [Th As] and lost with two pair, Aces and Tens

09-04-2011 02:15 #12| 0

bust 2 hænder efter..

Full Tilt Poker Game #29740398877: Turbo $10K Guarantee (Rush) (231009271), Table 215 - 170/340 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 01:14:07 CET - 2011/04/09 [19:14:07 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: ACES11223344 (8,700)
Seat 2: ADforPresident (2,940)
Seat 3: ULTRA2D (10,310)
Seat 4: beastman112 (17,118)
Seat 5: bustin_nutz73 (8,360), is sitting out
Seat 6: Infiniti1987 (17,808)
Seat 7: Mule HUN (20,614)
Seat 8: KwaziWabbit (14,458)
Seat 9: Lithas (7,355)
ACES11223344 antes 25
ADforPresident antes 25
ULTRA2D antes 25
beastman112 antes 25
bustin_nutz73 antes 25
Infiniti1987 antes 25
Mule HUN antes 25
KwaziWabbit antes 25
Lithas antes 25
bustin_nutz73 has been disconnected
ADforPresident posts the small blind of 170
ULTRA2D posts the big blind of 340
The button is in seat #1
bustin_nutz73 has reconnected
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Th Jh]
beastman112 folds
bustin_nutz73 folds
Infiniti1987 folds
Mule HUN raises to 689
KwaziWabbit folds
Lithas folds
ACES11223344 folds
ADforPresident raises to 2,915, and is all in
ULTRA2D folds
Mule HUN calls 2,226
ADforPresident shows [Th Jh]
Mule HUN shows [Ac Ks]
*** FLOP *** [4s 6c Ah]
*** TURN *** [4s 6c Ah] [4h]
*** RIVER *** [4s 6c Ah 4h] [4c]
ADforPresident shows three of a kind, Fours
Mule HUN shows a full house, Fours full of Aces
Mule HUN wins the pot (6,395) with a full house, Fours full of Aces
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6,395 | Rake 0
Board: [4s 6c Ah 4h 4c]
Seat 1: ACES11223344 (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: ADforPresident (small blind) showed [Th Jh] and lost with three of a kind, Fours
Seat 3: ULTRA2D (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: beastman112 folded before the Flop
Seat 5: bustin_nutz73 folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Infiniti1987 folded before the Flop
Seat 7: Mule HUN showed [Ac Ks] and won (6,395) with a full house, Fours full of Aces
Seat 8: KwaziWabbit folded before the Flop
Seat 9: Lithas folded before the Flop

09-04-2011 02:33 #13| 0

næsten bust i entry 2.. men kommer simpelthen ikke væk med top 2 par her - slet ikke med min stack i mente... men vel egentlig os rimelig std.?

Full Tilt Poker Game #29740775135: $12,500 KO Guarantee (230997438), Table 55 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 01:30:06 CET - 2011/04/09 [19:30:06 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (4,443)
Seat 2: Scarioli (8,706)
Seat 3: fulminio (9,492)
Seat 4: DrexxMac (4,365)
Seat 5: Toreetius (5,985)
Seat 6: hesaysup (11,457)
Seat 7: kiza_ser (7,655)
Seat 8: bobby kraut (7,834)
Seat 9: timothygamble (19,131)
ADforPresident antes 25
Scarioli antes 25
fulminio antes 25
DrexxMac antes 25
Toreetius antes 25
hesaysup antes 25
kiza_ser antes 25
bobby kraut antes 25
timothygamble antes 25
Toreetius posts the small blind of 120
hesaysup posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Kc Qd]
kiza_ser folds
bobby kraut has 15 seconds left to act
bobby kraut has timed out
bobby kraut folds
bobby kraut is sitting out
timothygamble raises to 480
bobby kraut has returned
ADforPresident calls 480
Scarioli calls 480
fulminio folds
DrexxMac has 15 seconds left to act
DrexxMac calls 480
Toreetius folds
hesaysup calls 240
*** FLOP *** [Qh 6d Kh]
hesaysup checks
timothygamble bets 240
ADforPresident raises to 960
Scarioli raises to 8,201, and is all in
DrexxMac calls 3,860, and is all in
hesaysup folds
timothygamble folds
ADforPresident calls 2,978, and is all in
Scarioli shows [Kd Qc]
DrexxMac shows [6s 6h]
ADforPresident shows [Kc Qd]
Uncalled bet of 4,263 returned to Scarioli
*** TURN *** [Qh 6d Kh] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [Qh 6d Kh 9c] [8s]
Scarioli shows two pair, Kings and Queens
ADforPresident shows two pair, Kings and Queens
ADforPresident ties for the side pot (78) with two pair, Kings and Queens
Scarioli ties for the side pot (78) with two pair, Kings and Queens
DrexxMac shows three of a kind, Sixes
DrexxMac wins the main pot (14,565) with three of a kind, Sixes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 14,721 Main pot 14,565. Side pot 156. | Rake 0
Board: [Qh 6d Kh 9c 8s]
Seat 1: ADforPresident showed [Kc Qd] and won (78) with two pair, Kings and Queens
Seat 2: Scarioli showed [Kd Qc] and won (78) with two pair, Kings and Queens
Seat 3: fulminio folded before the Flop
Seat 4: DrexxMac (button) showed [6s 6h] and won (14,565) with three of a kind, Sixes
Seat 5: Toreetius (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: hesaysup (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 7: kiza_ser folded before the Flop
Seat 8: bobby kraut folded before the Flop
Seat 9: timothygamble folded on the Flop

09-04-2011 02:45 #14| 0

3. KO

Full Tilt Poker Game #29741027795: $12,500 KO Guarantee (230997438), Table 1 - 140/280 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 01:41:06 CET - 2011/04/09 [19:41:06 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: begalito (4,555)
Seat 2: PowellJam (4,505)
Seat 3: ADforPresident (10,849)
Seat 4: AofClubs (6,022)
Seat 5: Smiler15 (18,059)
Seat 6: Poxeto (5,841)
Seat 7: IGetMugger (9,499)
Seat 8: Les_money_tkr (23,882)
Seat 9: mogul13 (4,970)
begalito antes 25
PowellJam antes 25
ADforPresident antes 25
AofClubs antes 25
Smiler15 antes 25
Poxeto antes 25
IGetMugger antes 25
Les_money_tkr antes 25
mogul13 antes 25
PowellJam posts the small blind of 140
ADforPresident posts the big blind of 280
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Jc Kc]
AofClubs folds
Smiler15 folds
Poxeto folds
IGetMugger folds
Les_money_tkr folds
mogul13 raises to 4,945, and is all in
begalito folds
PowellJam folds
ADforPresident calls 4,665
mogul13 shows [Tc Kd]
ADforPresident shows [Jc Kc]
*** FLOP *** [Jd 2h Ac]
*** TURN *** [Jd 2h Ac] [2d]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 2h Ac 2d] [4d]
mogul13 shows a pair of Twos
ADforPresident shows two pair, Jacks and Twos
ADforPresident wins the pot (10,255) with two pair, Jacks and Twos
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 10,255 | Rake 0
Board: [Jd 2h Ac 2d 4d]
Seat 1: begalito (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: PowellJam (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: ADforPresident (big blind) showed [Jc Kc] and won (10,255) with two pair, Jacks and Twos
Seat 4: AofClubs folded before the Flop
Seat 5: Smiler15 folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Poxeto folded before the Flop
Seat 7: IGetMugger folded before the Flop
Seat 8: Les_money_tkr folded before the Flop
Seat 9: mogul13 showed [Tc Kd] and lost with a pair of Twos

09-04-2011 03:11 #15| 0

4. KO

Full Tilt Poker Game #29741653321: $12,500 KO Guarantee (230997438), Table 186 - 200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 02:09:40 CET - 2011/04/09 [20:09:40 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: rafthegan (25,954)
Seat 2: hotguy11688 (12,303)
Seat 3: lvcallisto (14,498)
Seat 4: freelife80 (4,841)
Seat 5: fulminio (6,674)
Seat 6: 4alposika (47,543)
Seat 7: ADforPresident (13,920)
Seat 8: Avatar665 (19,085)
Seat 9: benito812 (5,731)
rafthegan antes 50
hotguy11688 antes 50
lvcallisto antes 50
freelife80 antes 50
fulminio antes 50
4alposika antes 50
ADforPresident antes 50
Avatar665 antes 50
benito812 antes 50
Avatar665 posts the small blind of 200
benito812 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [As Qc]
rafthegan folds
hotguy11688 folds
lvcallisto folds
freelife80 folds
fulminio folds
4alposika folds
ADforPresident raises to 999
Avatar665 folds
benito812 raises to 5,681, and is all in
ADforPresident calls 4,682
benito812 shows [8s 8h]
ADforPresident shows [As Qc]
*** FLOP *** [5c 4c Qd]
*** TURN *** [5c 4c Qd] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [5c 4c Qd Kd] [Td]
benito812 shows a pair of Eights
ADforPresident shows a pair of Queens
ADforPresident wins the pot (12,012) with a pair of Queens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 12,012 | Rake 0
Board: [5c 4c Qd Kd Td]
Seat 1: rafthegan folded before the Flop
Seat 2: hotguy11688 folded before the Flop
Seat 3: lvcallisto folded before the Flop
Seat 4: freelife80 folded before the Flop
Seat 5: fulminio folded before the Flop
Seat 6: 4alposika folded before the Flop
Seat 7: ADforPresident (button) showed [As Qc] and won (12,012) with a pair of Queens
Seat 8: Avatar665 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 9: benito812 (big blind) showed [8s 8h] and lost with a pair of Eights

09-04-2011 03:26 #16| 0

læser den fint - men self skal idioten ramme.....

Full Tilt Poker Game #29742003344: $12,500 KO Guarantee (230997438), Table 186 - 250/500 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 02:24:52 CET - 2011/04/09 [20:24:52 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: rafthegan (41,954)
Seat 2: hotguy11688 (8,653)
Seat 3: lvcallisto (17,372)
Seat 4: Taint4U (20,100)
Seat 5: Akromax (13,845)
Seat 6: 4alposika (30,393)
Seat 7: ADforPresident (27,984)
Seat 8: Avatar665 (5,897)
Seat 9: lrntofoldson (26,176)
rafthegan antes 50
hotguy11688 antes 50
lvcallisto antes 50
Taint4U antes 50
Akromax antes 50
4alposika antes 50
ADforPresident antes 50
Avatar665 antes 50
lrntofoldson antes 50
hotguy11688 posts the small blind of 250
lvcallisto posts the big blind of 500
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Qs 7s]
Taint4U folds
Akromax folds
4alposika folds
ADforPresident raises to 1,259
Avatar665 folds
lrntofoldson folds
rafthegan folds
hotguy11688 folds
lvcallisto calls 759
*** FLOP *** [Qh Td 8s]
lvcallisto checks
ADforPresident bets 1,500
lvcallisto raises to 4,750
ADforPresident calls 3,250
*** TURN *** [Qh Td 8s] [3c]
lvcallisto bets 11,313, and is all in
ADforPresident calls 11,313
lvcallisto shows [Kh Jh]
ADforPresident shows [Qs 7s]
*** RIVER *** [Qh Td 8s 3c] [Kd]
lvcallisto shows a pair of Kings
ADforPresident shows a pair of Queens
lvcallisto wins the pot (35,344) with a pair of Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 35,344 | Rake 0
Board: [Qh Td 8s 3c Kd]
Seat 1: rafthegan (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: hotguy11688 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: lvcallisto (big blind) showed [Kh Jh] and won (35,344) with a pair of Kings
Seat 4: Taint4U folded before the Flop
Seat 5: Akromax folded before the Flop
Seat 6: 4alposika folded before the Flop
Seat 7: ADforPresident showed [Qs 7s] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 8: Avatar665 folded before the Flop
Seat 9: lrntofoldson folded before the Flop

09-04-2011 03:29 #17| 0

buster her.. ca 90 pladser fra pengene, hånden efter suget ovenover..

Full Tilt Poker Game #29742055871: $12,500 KO Guarantee (230997438), Table 186 - 250/500 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 02:27:10 CET - 2011/04/09 [20:27:10 ET - 2011/04/08]
Seat 1: rafthegan (44,254)
Seat 2: hotguy11688 (8,253)
Seat 3: lvcallisto (54,144)
Seat 5: Akromax (13,195)
Seat 6: 4alposika (30,243)
Seat 7: ADforPresident (10,512)
Seat 8: Avatar665 (5,747)
Seat 9: lrntofoldson (26,026)
rafthegan antes 50
hotguy11688 antes 50
lvcallisto antes 50
Akromax antes 50
4alposika antes 50
ADforPresident antes 50
Avatar665 antes 50
lrntofoldson antes 50
Akromax posts the small blind of 250
4alposika posts the big blind of 500
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Jh Qd]
ADforPresident raises to 1,259
Avatar665 folds
lrntofoldson folds
rafthegan folds
hotguy11688 folds
lvcallisto folds
Akromax folds
4alposika calls 759
*** FLOP *** [Js 7s Ah]
4alposika checks
ADforPresident bets 2,000
4alposika calls 2,000
*** TURN *** [Js 7s Ah] [9d]
4alposika checks
ADforPresident bets 3,500
4alposika raises to 26,934, and is all in
ADforPresident calls 3,703, and is all in
4alposika shows [Jd As]
ADforPresident shows [Jh Qd]
Uncalled bet of 19,731 returned to 4alposika
*** RIVER *** [Js 7s Ah 9d] [Qh]
4alposika shows two pair, Aces and Jacks
ADforPresident shows two pair, Queens and Jacks
4alposika wins the pot (21,574) with two pair, Aces and Jacks
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 21,574 | Rake 0
Board: [Js 7s Ah 9d Qh]
Seat 1: rafthegan folded before the Flop
Seat 2: hotguy11688 folded before the Flop
Seat 3: lvcallisto folded before the Flop
Seat 5: Akromax (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: 4alposika (big blind) showed [Jd As] and won (21,574) with two pair, Aces and Jacks
Seat 7: ADforPresident showed [Jh Qd] and lost with two pair, Queens and Jacks
Seat 8: Avatar665 folded before the Flop
Seat 9: lrntofoldson folded before the Flop

09-04-2011 09:02 #18| 0

Superindlæg EatMe, som også jeg vil læse igen. Er meget meget enig i at det at skrue ned for antallet af tours, sng's, ja whatever man spiller kan være meget lærerigt og en rigtig god måde at komme videre med sit spil på. Som Ploc mener jeg helt klart det er sin egen tråd værdigt!

Og til LawFirm - Gl med dealen - Det er en chef du er i stald hos, og en ikke så lidt fantastisk deal du har fået - Både du og Doc ønskes al den skrub der kan tænkes herfra!



09-04-2011 09:24 #19| 0

tak til eatme for grundigt indlæg

01:15 du har JTs mod mid raise. Med knap 2:1 i direkte odds er det usandsynligt at han kan folde noget som helst der. Jeg siger ikke at du IKKE skal spille JTs i spottet - men måske maximerer du din value i hånden ved at spille den som stop n'go: Flat preflop og shove in the dark på any flop. Det vil tage potten ned nogle gange.

09-04-2011 11:00 #20| 0

Doc det er noteret.

- hvem end der har giver mig minus for q7s hånden - kommenter endelig, så skal jeg nok argumentere for hvorfor det er fint spillet :-)

09-04-2011 15:45 #21| 0

Grinder lidt i eftermiddag/aften - program er ikke fastlagt endnu, bliver det lidt senere - men early a og b er ihvertfald inkluderet - double FT'er dem i dag ;-)

Derudover grinder jeg også hele dagen i morgen - så nu ligger det store resultat lige om hjørnet :-)

GL til os

09-04-2011 18:06 #22| 0

Hurtig bust i første tour...

Full Tilt Poker Game #29756583032: $12,500 Rush Guarantee (231135311), Table 92 - 10/20 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:04:34 CET - 2011/04/09 [11:04:34 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: Brunoanm1901 (2,940)
Seat 2: ksen1 (2,970)
Seat 3: L15ODA (2,980)
Seat 4: Naggedd (2,800)
Seat 5: KarenCH (2,920)
Seat 6: Jardelo0 (2,870)
Seat 7: ADforPresident (2,940)
Seat 8: CPcompany (2,970)
Seat 9: Scooterish (3,070)
ksen1 posts the small blind of 10
L15ODA posts the big blind of 20
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Kh Kc]
Naggedd calls 20
KarenCH folds
Jardelo0 folds
ADforPresident has 8 seconds left to act
ADforPresident raises to 59
CPcompany folds
Scooterish folds
Brunoanm1901 folds
ksen1 calls 49
L15ODA calls 39
Naggedd calls 39
*** FLOP *** [4c Jh 8s]
ksen1 checks
L15ODA checks
Naggedd checks
ADforPresident bets 236
ksen1 calls 236
L15ODA calls 236
Naggedd folds
*** TURN *** [4c Jh 8s] [3s]
ksen1 checks
L15ODA checks
ADforPresident bets 699
ksen1 raises to 2,675, and is all in
L15ODA folds
ADforPresident calls 1,946, and is all in
ksen1 shows [Jd Jc]
ADforPresident shows [Kh Kc]
Uncalled bet of 30 returned to ksen1
*** RIVER *** [4c Jh 8s 3s] [3c]
ksen1 shows a full house, Jacks full of Threes
ADforPresident shows two pair, Kings and Threes
ksen1 wins the pot (6,234) with a full house, Jacks full of Threes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 6,234 | Rake 0
Board: [4c Jh 8s 3s 3c]
Seat 1: Brunoanm1901 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ksen1 (small blind) showed [Jd Jc] and won (6,234) with a full house, Jacks full of Threes
Seat 3: L15ODA (big blind) folded on the Turn
Seat 4: Naggedd folded on the Flop
Seat 5: KarenCH didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Jardelo0 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: ADforPresident showed [Kh Kc] and lost with two pair, Kings and Threes
Seat 8: CPcompany didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: Scooterish didn't bet (folded)

09-04-2011 18:31 #23| 0

latterlig hånd i rush'en

Full Tilt Poker Game #29757109070: $4 + $0.40 Rush On Demand (231343767), Table 31 - 170/340 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:29:24 CET - 2011/04/09 [11:29:24 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: romangorep1 (5,191)
Seat 2: weruch (16,534)
Seat 3: bingo lady57 (10,604)
Seat 4: snowman718 (14,370)
Seat 5: had2seetheriver (2,596)
Seat 6: TWardt (17,069)
Seat 7: karrramba111 (3,665)
Seat 8: ADforPresident (10,345)
Seat 9: rdO1337 (5,623)
romangorep1 antes 25
weruch antes 25
bingo lady57 antes 25
snowman718 antes 25
had2seetheriver antes 25
TWardt antes 25
karrramba111 antes 25
ADforPresident antes 25
rdO1337 antes 25
weruch posts the small blind of 170
bingo lady57 posts the big blind of 340
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Kd As]
snowman718 folds
had2seetheriver has 8 seconds left to act
had2seetheriver folds
TWardt folds
karrramba111 folds
ADforPresident has 8 seconds left to act
ADforPresident raises to 800
rdO1337 raises to 2,380
romangorep1 folds
weruch folds
bingo lady57 folds
ADforPresident raises to 10,320, and is all in
rdO1337 calls 3,218, and is all in
ADforPresident shows [Kd As]
rdO1337 shows [Ks Jd]
Uncalled bet of 4,722 returned to ADforPresident
*** FLOP *** [Qs Tc 9s]
*** TURN *** [Qs Tc 9s] [8c]
*** RIVER *** [Qs Tc 9s 8c] [5h]
ADforPresident shows Ace King high
rdO1337 shows a straight, King high
rdO1337 wins the pot (11,931) with a straight, King high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 11,931 | Rake 0
Board: [Qs Tc 9s 8c 5h]
Seat 1: romangorep1 (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: weruch (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: bingo lady57 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: snowman718 folded before the Flop
Seat 5: had2seetheriver folded before the Flop
Seat 6: TWardt folded before the Flop
Seat 7: karrramba111 folded before the Flop
Seat 8: ADforPresident showed [Kd As] and lost with Ace King high
Seat 9: rdO1337 showed [Ks Jd] and won (11,931) with a straight, King high

09-04-2011 18:36 #24| 0

bust.. som nr 25

Full Tilt Poker Game #29757237314: $4 + $0.40 Rush On Demand (231343767), Table 35 - 200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:35:27 CET - 2011/04/09 [11:35:27 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: Turtle says uuh (15,208)
Seat 2: squiccia (23,688)
Seat 3: karrramba111 (8,730)
Seat 4: ziggy2234 (24,768)
Seat 5: sextant (15,787)
Seat 6: TWardt (16,779)
Seat 7: prinela (12,790)
Seat 8: ADforPresident (6,642)
Turtle says uuh antes 50
squiccia antes 50
karrramba111 antes 50
ziggy2234 antes 50
sextant antes 50
TWardt antes 50
prinela antes 50
ADforPresident antes 50
squiccia posts the small blind of 200
karrramba111 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [As Qc]
ziggy2234 folds
sextant raises to 15,737, and is all in
TWardt folds
prinela folds
ADforPresident calls 6,592, and is all in
Turtle says uuh folds
squiccia folds
karrramba111 folds
sextant shows [Kh Ad]
ADforPresident shows [As Qc]
Uncalled bet of 9,145 returned to sextant
*** FLOP *** [6s Jd 8h]
*** TURN *** [6s Jd 8h] [7s]
*** RIVER *** [6s Jd 8h 7s] [Jc]
sextant shows a pair of Jacks
ADforPresident shows a pair of Jacks
sextant wins the pot (14,184) with a pair of Jacks
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 14,184 | Rake 0
Board: [6s Jd 8h 7s Jc]
Seat 1: Turtle says uuh (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: squiccia (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: karrramba111 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: ziggy2234 folded before the Flop
Seat 5: sextant showed [Kh Ad] and won (14,184) with a pair of Jacks
Seat 6: TWardt folded before the Flop
Seat 7: prinela folded before the Flop
Seat 8: ADforPresident showed [As Qc] and lost with a pair of Jacks

09-04-2011 21:08 #25| 0

hvad fanden har folk gang i??

Full Tilt Poker Game #29760586766: $14,500 Guarantee (Rebuy) (231151943), Table 140 - 60/120 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:05:03 CET - 2011/04/09 [14:05:03 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (7,110)
Seat 2: Bop Be (6,385)
Seat 3: The__00Poker (6,820)
Seat 4: skabooom1 (6,985)
Seat 5: _MaSCaRaDo302_ (5,865)
Seat 6: jekz2007 (9,760)
Seat 7: Marusik009 (7,140)
Seat 8: swizzybeatz1 (6,185)
Seat 9: giant ones (3,250)
ADforPresident posts the small blind of 60
Bop Be posts the big blind of 120
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Kd As]
The__00Poker has 15 seconds left to act
The__00Poker folds
skabooom1 folds
_MaSCaRaDo302_ has 15 seconds left to act
_MaSCaRaDo302_ folds
jekz2007 raises to 420
Marusik009 calls 420
swizzybeatz1 calls 420
giant ones calls 420
ADforPresident raises to 2,100
Bop Be folds
jekz2007 raises to 9,760, and is all in
Marusik009 has 15 seconds left to act
Marusik009 calls 6,720, and is all in
swizzybeatz1 calls 5,765, and is all in
giant ones calls 2,830, and is all in
ADforPresident has 15 seconds left to act
ADforPresident folds
jekz2007 shows [Ad Ks]
Marusik009 shows [7h 7c]
swizzybeatz1 shows [Td 2d]
giant ones shows [5s 5h]
Uncalled bet of 2,620 returned to jekz2007
*** FLOP *** [8c 8s Tc]
*** TURN *** [8c 8s Tc] [6c]
*** RIVER *** [8c 8s Tc 6c] [2c]
jekz2007 shows a pair of Eights
Marusik009 shows a flush, Ten high
swizzybeatz1: lol this is awesome
Marusik009 wins side pot #2 (1,910) with a flush, Ten high
swizzybeatz1 shows two pair, Tens and Eights
Marusik009 wins side pot #1 (8,805) with a flush, Ten high
giant ones shows two pair, Eights and Fives
Marusik009 wins the main pot (15,220) with a flush, Ten high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 25,935 Main pot 15,220. Side pot 1 8,805. Side pot 2 1,910. | Rake 0
Board: [8c 8s Tc 6c 2c]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Bop Be (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: The__00Poker didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: skabooom1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: _MaSCaRaDo302_ didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: jekz2007 showed [Ad Ks] and lost with a pair of Eights
Seat 7: Marusik009 showed [7h 7c] and won (25,935) with a flush, Ten high
Seat 8: swizzybeatz1 showed [Td 2d] and lost with two pair, Tens and Eights
Seat 9: giant ones (button) showed [5s 5h] and lost with two pair, Eights and Fives

09-04-2011 22:12 #26| 0

bust i superstack, efter lang tid som short...

Full Tilt Poker Game #29762270617: Super Stack $14K Guarantee (231156168), Table 159 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:10:21 CET - 2011/04/09 [15:10:21 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: GoWhiskey (4,339)
Seat 2: zaner_123 (2,029), is sitting out
Seat 3: 777are (12,841)
Seat 4: ADforPresident (2,115)
Seat 5: kechri84 (12,825)
Seat 6: mcclements (13,155)
Seat 7: ItFeltWright (9,501)
Seat 8: Greenhorn02 (8,640)
Seat 9: COTLOD (9,520)
kechri84 posts the small blind of 100
mcclements posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [6d 6c]
ItFeltWright folds
Greenhorn02 folds
COTLOD folds
GoWhiskey folds
zaner_123 folds
777are calls 200
ADforPresident raises to 2,115, and is all in
kechri84 folds
mcclements folds
777are calls 1,915
ADforPresident shows [6d 6c]
777are shows [7s As]
*** FLOP *** [4h Td 8s]
*** TURN *** [4h Td 8s] [Ah]
*** RIVER *** [4h Td 8s Ah] [7d]
ADforPresident shows a pair of Sixes
777are shows two pair, Aces and Sevens
777are wins the pot (4,530) with two pair, Aces and Sevens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4,530 | Rake 0
Board: [4h Td 8s Ah 7d]
Seat 1: GoWhiskey didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: zaner_123 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: 777are showed [7s As] and won (4,530) with two pair, Aces and Sevens
Seat 4: ADforPresident (button) showed [6d 6c] and lost with a pair of Sixes
Seat 5: kechri84 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: mcclements (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: ItFeltWright didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: Greenhorn02 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: COTLOD didn't bet (folded)

09-04-2011 22:33 #27| 0

bust i rebuy'en... er det meget skidt? kalder for at skubbe any lavt flop..

Full Tilt Poker Game #29762859436: $14,500 Guarantee (Rebuy) (231151943), Table 140 - 250/500 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:30:50 CET - 2011/04/09 [15:30:50 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (6,075)
Seat 2: Slavey1 (4,137)
Seat 3: The__00Poker (9,936)
Seat 4: skabooom1 (8,100)
Seat 5: Brettyboy31 (24,450)
Seat 6: qwertibie (20,946)
Seat 7: Marusik009 (70,905), is sitting out
Seat 8: hench123 (21,438)
Seat 9: DD888G (8,779)
ADforPresident antes 50
Slavey1 antes 50
The__00Poker antes 50
skabooom1 antes 50
Brettyboy31 antes 50
qwertibie antes 50
Marusik009 antes 50
hench123 antes 50
DD888G antes 50
Slavey1 posts the small blind of 250
The__00Poker posts the big blind of 500
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [5c 7c]
skabooom1 folds
Marusik009 has returned
qwertibie has been disconnected
Brettyboy31 has 15 seconds left to act
qwertibie has reconnected
qwertibie has been disconnected
qwertibie has reconnected
Brettyboy31 raises to 1,500
qwertibie folds
Marusik009 folds
hench123 folds
DD888G folds
ADforPresident calls 1,500
Slavey1 folds
The__00Poker has 15 seconds left to act
The__00Poker folds
*** FLOP *** [3s Td 2d]
Brettyboy31 checks
ADforPresident bets 4,525, and is all in
Brettyboy31 calls 4,525
ADforPresident shows [5c 7c]
Brettyboy31 shows [Th Ts]
*** TURN *** [3s Td 2d] [9c]
*** RIVER *** [3s Td 2d 9c] [3d]
ADforPresident shows a pair of Threes
Brettyboy31 shows a full house, Tens full of Threes
Brettyboy31 wins the pot (13,250) with a full house, Tens full of Threes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 13,250 | Rake 0
Board: [3s Td 2d 9c 3d]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (button) showed [5c 7c] and lost with a pair of Threes
Seat 2: Slavey1 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: The__00Poker (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: skabooom1 folded before the Flop
Seat 5: Brettyboy31 showed [Th Ts] and won (13,250) with a full house, Tens full of Threes
Seat 6: qwertibie folded before the Flop
Seat 7: Marusik009 folded before the Flop
Seat 8: hench123 folded before the Flop
Seat 9: DD888G folded before the Flop

09-04-2011 23:21 #28| 0

flot PF spil af ham da... cripled

Full Tilt Poker Game #29764160343: Early Double - A (231188727), Table 64 - 15/30 - No Limit Hold'em - 22:18:23 CET - 2011/04/09 [16:18:23 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: widar73 (2,000)
Seat 2: Kabinos (3,020)
Seat 3: Nabil84 (3,180)
Seat 4: spire8989 (2,055)
Seat 5: FILTRO (3,270)
Seat 6: Morgy9 (1,600)
Seat 7: bebbo1980 (1,155)
Seat 8: ADforPresident (1,940)
Seat 9: crazyplayer (1,970)
ADforPresident posts the small blind of 15
crazyplayer posts the big blind of 30
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Ac Kh]
Kabinos folds
Nabil84 folds
spire8989 folds
FILTRO raises to 60
Morgy9 has 15 seconds left to act
Morgy9 folds
bebbo1980 calls 60
ADforPresident has 15 seconds left to act
ADforPresident raises to 150
crazyplayer folds
FILTRO calls 90
bebbo1980 calls 90
*** FLOP *** [Jh As 3h]
ADforPresident bets 310
FILTRO folds
bebbo1980 calls 310
*** TURN *** [Jh As 3h] [Ts]
ADforPresident has 15 seconds left to act
ADforPresident bets 695
bebbo1980 calls 695, and is all in
ADforPresident shows [Ac Kh]
bebbo1980 shows [3s Ad]
*** RIVER *** [Jh As 3h Ts] [6h]
ADforPresident shows a pair of Aces
bebbo1980 shows two pair, Aces and Threes
bebbo1980 wins the pot (2,490) with two pair, Aces and Threes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2,490 | Rake 0
Board: [Jh As 3h Ts 6h]
Seat 1: widar73 is sitting out
Seat 2: Kabinos didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Nabil84 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: spire8989 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: FILTRO folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Morgy9 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: bebbo1980 (button) showed [3s Ad] and won (2,490) with two pair, Aces and Threes
Seat 8: ADforPresident (small blind) showed [Ac Kh] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 9: crazyplayer (big blind) folded before the Flop

09-04-2011 23:43 #29| 0

er også bust i begge rush rebuys.. fik ikke lige kopieret bust hænder, men de er gemt på harddisken.

09-04-2011 23:55 #30| 0

"ADforPresident raises to 150"

Den skal nok have lidt mere.


10-04-2011 00:13 #31| 0

bust i early b, efter lang tid som short.. kortene er bare ikke med mig idag...

Full Tilt Poker Game #29765572021: Early Double - B (231189144), Table 65 - 50/100 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:10:50 CET - 2011/04/09 [17:10:50 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: frankmills (2,375)
Seat 2: Reksio_RK (4,155)
Seat 3: Kabinos (1,530), is sitting out
Seat 4: tuOdekcuStoG (2,245)
Seat 5: ADforPresident (420)
Seat 6: cheatforwin (6,465)
Seat 7: Fatoru (3,110)
Seat 8: novoOL (3,820)
Seat 9: Triplesuited415 (3,980)
novoOL posts the small blind of 50
Triplesuited415 posts the big blind of 100
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Qh As]
frankmills folds
Reksio_RK has 15 seconds left to act
Reksio_RK folds
Kabinos folds
tuOdekcuStoG folds
ADforPresident raises to 420, and is all in
cheatforwin has 15 seconds left to act
cheatforwin folds
Fatoru raises to 900
novoOL folds
Triplesuited415 folds
Fatoru shows [Qs Qd]
ADforPresident shows [Qh As]
Uncalled bet of 480 returned to Fatoru
*** FLOP *** [3d Qc Ac]
*** TURN *** [3d Qc Ac] [Ks]
*** RIVER *** [3d Qc Ac Ks] [Jh]
Fatoru shows three of a kind, Queens
ADforPresident shows two pair, Aces and Queens
Fatoru wins the pot (990) with three of a kind, Queens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 990 | Rake 0
Board: [3d Qc Ac Ks Jh]
Seat 1: frankmills didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Reksio_RK didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Kabinos didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: tuOdekcuStoG didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: ADforPresident showed [Qh As] and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens
Seat 6: cheatforwin didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: Fatoru (button) showed [Qs Qd] and won (990) with three of a kind, Queens
Seat 8: novoOL (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 9: Triplesuited415 (big blind) folded before the Flop

10-04-2011 00:35 #32| 0


Full Tilt Poker Game #29766193689: $10,000 Guarantee (Early Antes) (231182991), Table 111 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:33:13 CET - 2011/04/09 [17:33:13 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: Reenberg (11,187)
Seat 2: TRUE JOCK 1 (17,730)
Seat 3: mbelov13 (5,689)
Seat 4: ADforPresident (14,674)
Seat 5: kickncards (27,306)
Seat 6: Thyge (2,968)
Seat 7: MrPdB (5,679)
Seat 8: Panda Kopanda (11,444)
Seat 9: Semen90 (10,368)
Reenberg antes 25
TRUE JOCK 1 antes 25
mbelov13 antes 25
ADforPresident antes 25
kickncards antes 25
Thyge antes 25
MrPdB antes 25
Panda Kopanda antes 25
Semen90 antes 25
mbelov13 posts the small blind of 120
ADforPresident posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Kc Ad]
Semen90 has been disconnected
kickncards raises to 720
Thyge folds
MrPdB folds
Panda Kopanda folds
Semen90 has reconnected
Semen90 has 15 seconds left to act
Semen90 folds
Reenberg calls 720
TRUE JOCK 1 folds
mbelov13 folds
ADforPresident calls 480
*** FLOP *** [9h As 8c]
ADforPresident checks
kickncards checks
Reenberg bets 1,080
ADforPresident raises to 3,200
kickncards folds
Reenberg has 15 seconds left to act
Reenberg raises to 6,350
ADforPresident raises to 13,929, and is all in
Reenberg calls 4,092, and is all in
ADforPresident shows [Kc Ad]
Reenberg shows [9s 8s]
Uncalled bet of 3,487 returned to ADforPresident
*** TURN *** [9h As 8c] [5s]
*** RIVER *** [9h As 8c 5s] [Qd]
ADforPresident shows a pair of Aces
Reenberg shows two pair, Nines and Eights
Reenberg wins the pot (23,389) with two pair, Nines and Eights
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 23,389 | Rake 0
Board: [9h As 8c 5s Qd]
Seat 1: Reenberg showed [9s 8s] and won (23,389) with two pair, Nines and Eights
Seat 2: TRUE JOCK 1 (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: mbelov13 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: ADforPresident (big blind) showed [Kc Ad] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 5: kickncards folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Thyge folded before the Flop
Seat 7: MrPdB folded before the Flop
Seat 8: Panda Kopanda folded before the Flop
Seat 9: Semen90 folded before the Flop

10-04-2011 00:52 #33| 0

bust, bust, bust........ tilbage i en tour..

Full Tilt Poker Game #29766675089: $10,000 Guarantee (Early Antes) (231182991), Table 48 - 200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 23:50:45 CET - 2011/04/09 [17:50:45 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: Hay Farmer 70 (9,113)
Seat 2: forzaseb116 (14,670)
Seat 3: Lizzi66 (21,000)
Seat 4: 10fromheaven (11,998)
Seat 5: icantwin420 (47,736)
Seat 6: ADforPresident (3,134)
Seat 7: frenche68 (10,541)
Seat 8: tomacco1 (6,017)
Seat 9: Byler81 (9,144)
Hay Farmer 70 antes 50
forzaseb116 antes 50
Lizzi66 antes 50
10fromheaven antes 50
icantwin420 antes 50
ADforPresident antes 50
frenche68 antes 50
tomacco1 antes 50
Byler81 antes 50
frenche68 posts the small blind of 200
tomacco1 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [4h 4d]
Byler81 has 15 seconds left to act
Byler81 folds
Hay Farmer 70 raises to 1,000
forzaseb116 folds
Lizzi66 folds
10fromheaven folds
icantwin420 folds
ADforPresident raises to 3,084, and is all in
frenche68 folds
tomacco1 folds
Hay Farmer 70 calls 2,084
ADforPresident shows [4h 4d]
Hay Farmer 70 shows [Qh Ah]
*** FLOP *** [Kd 7s 7c]
*** TURN *** [Kd 7s 7c] [Qs]
*** RIVER *** [Kd 7s 7c Qs] [6d]
ADforPresident shows two pair, Sevens and Fours
Hay Farmer 70 shows two pair, Queens and Sevens
Hay Farmer 70 wins the pot (7,218) with two pair, Queens and Sevens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7,218 | Rake 0
Board: [Kd 7s 7c Qs 6d]
Seat 1: Hay Farmer 70 showed [Qh Ah] and won (7,218) with two pair, Queens and Sevens
Seat 2: forzaseb116 folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Lizzi66 folded before the Flop
Seat 4: 10fromheaven folded before the Flop
Seat 5: icantwin420 folded before the Flop
Seat 6: ADforPresident (button) showed [4h 4d] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Fours
Seat 7: frenche68 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 8: tomacco1 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 9: Byler81 folded before the Flop

10-04-2011 01:13 #34| 0

amen det var dog utroligt.. bust i sidste tour.. bordet lukkede så skriver bare lige hh senere - kan finde den frem hvis det er...

har A6o i smallblind, der er foldet til mig - jeg raiser og BB caller..

flop: AQ6r - jeg better 1/3 pot - han click'er og jeg skubber.. bliver self kaldt af AQ...

godnat, jeg må have en god potion skrub gemt til i morgen........

10-04-2011 01:15 #35| 0

damen kom hjem - jeg fik steamet af - og nu er jeg klar til lidt nattegrind, er super frisk da jeg sov i eftermiddag - nu kommer den sejr altså!

10-04-2011 02:47 #36| 0


Full Tilt Poker Game #29769469027: $14,500 Rush Guar (Rebuy) (231229812), Table 293 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 01:45:55 CET - 2011/04/10 [19:45:55 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: filufilu110 (3,295)
Seat 2: gabbast (2,970)
Seat 3: PoKeRFaCeS X (1,725)
Seat 4: VoodooDT (2,145)
Seat 5: moneystackin (1,675)
Seat 6: Rapp1 (2,065)
Seat 7: vienna72 (2,040)
Seat 8: JPeazy713 (3,555)
Seat 9: ADforPresident (6,210)
gabbast posts the small blind of 30
PoKeRFaCeS X posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [As Ad]
VoodooDT raises to 180
moneystackin calls 180
Rapp1 folds
vienna72 folds
JPeazy713 folds
ADforPresident raises to 660
filufilu110 raises to 3,295, and is all in
gabbast folds
PoKeRFaCeS X folds
VoodooDT calls 1,965, and is all in
moneystackin calls 1,495, and is all in
ADforPresident calls 2,635
filufilu110 shows [Ac Kc]
VoodooDT shows [5c 5h]
moneystackin shows [9c 9d]
ADforPresident shows [As Ad]
*** FLOP *** [Kh Jc Qd]
*** TURN *** [Kh Jc Qd] [Kd]
*** RIVER *** [Kh Jc Qd Kd] [8c]
filufilu110 shows three of a kind, Kings
ADforPresident shows two pair, Aces and Kings
filufilu110 wins side pot #2 (2,300) with three of a kind, Kings
VoodooDT shows two pair, Kings and Fives
filufilu110 wins side pot #1 (1,410) with three of a kind, Kings
moneystackin shows two pair, Kings and Nines
filufilu110 wins the main pot (6,790) with three of a kind, Kings
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 10,500 Main pot 6,790. Side pot 1 1,410. Side pot 2 2,300. | Rake 0
Board: [Kh Jc Qd Kd 8c]
Seat 1: filufilu110 (button) showed [Ac Kc] and won (10,500) with three of a kind, Kings
Seat 2: gabbast (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: PoKeRFaCeS X (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: VoodooDT showed [5c 5h] and lost with two pair, Kings and Fives
Seat 5: moneystackin showed [9c 9d] and lost with two pair, Kings and Nines
Seat 6: Rapp1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: vienna72 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: JPeazy713 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: ADforPresident showed [As Ad] and lost with two pair, Aces and Kings

10-04-2011 02:53 #37| 0

de vil simpelthen bare ikke holde idag..

Full Tilt Poker Game #29769595140: $14,500 Rush Guar (Rebuy) (231229812), Table 190 - 50/100 - No Limit Hold'em - 01:51:27 CET - 2011/04/10 [19:51:27 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: DU_xx_UD (1,734)
Seat 2: carson06 (9,160)
Seat 3: ADforPresident (3,005)
Seat 4: welchywelch (3,130)
Seat 5: xkorienokx (2,585)
Seat 6: mtgbrkr21 (5,235)
Seat 7: Miki_88_QJ (3,390)
Seat 8: countrymac (1,575)
Seat 9: kala_kalada (28,180)
carson06 posts the small blind of 50
ADforPresident posts the big blind of 100
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Ad Ac]
welchywelch folds
xkorienokx folds
mtgbrkr21 raises to 200
Miki_88_QJ raises to 350
countrymac folds
kala_kalada folds
DU_xx_UD folds
carson06 calls 300
ADforPresident raises to 3,005, and is all in
mtgbrkr21 folds
Miki_88_QJ calls 2,655
carson06 raises to 5,660
Miki_88_QJ calls 385, and is all in
carson06 shows [Ah Qc]
ADforPresident shows [Ad Ac]
Miki_88_QJ shows [Qs Kc]
Uncalled bet of 2,270 returned to carson06
*** FLOP *** [Qh Js Td]
*** TURN *** [Qh Js Td] [5d]
*** RIVER *** [Qh Js Td 5d] [9s]
carson06 shows a pair of Queens
Miki_88_QJ shows a straight, King high
Miki_88_QJ wins the side pot (770) with a straight, King high
ADforPresident shows a pair of Aces
Miki_88_QJ wins the main pot (9,215) with a straight, King high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 9,985 Main pot 9,215. Side pot 770. | Rake 0
Board: [Qh Js Td 5d 9s]
Seat 1: DU_xx_UD (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: carson06 (small blind) showed [Ah Qc] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 3: ADforPresident (big blind) showed [Ad Ac] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 4: welchywelch didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: xkorienokx didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: mtgbrkr21 folded before the Flop
Seat 7: Miki_88_QJ showed [Qs Kc] and won (9,985) with a straight, King high
Seat 8: countrymac didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: kala_kalada didn't bet (folded)

10-04-2011 03:06 #38| 0

godt så....

Full Tilt Poker Game #29769845765: $7,000 Rush Guarantee (231234248), Table 42 - 10/20 - No Limit Hold'em - 02:04:19 CET - 2011/04/10 [20:04:19 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (2,880)
Seat 2: Valerios (2,920)
Seat 3: veriz (2,870)
Seat 4: CosmaB (3,170)
Seat 5: Tjprips (3,040)
Seat 6: twoods (2,990)
Seat 7: MrRobsonCRO (3,710)
Seat 8: Incubus812 (2,980)
Seat 9: Moberri89 (3,280)
Valerios posts the small blind of 10
veriz posts the big blind of 20
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Ts Jc]
CosmaB folds
Tjprips folds
twoods raises to 60
MrRobsonCRO folds
Incubus812 folds
Moberri89 folds
ADforPresident raises to 120
Valerios folds
veriz folds
twoods calls 60
*** FLOP *** [Jd 6d 9c]
twoods bets 60
ADforPresident raises to 160
twoods raises to 2,870, and is all in
ADforPresident calls 2,600, and is all in
twoods shows [Kd Qd]
ADforPresident shows [Ts Jc]
Uncalled bet of 110 returned to twoods
*** TURN *** [Jd 6d 9c] [7d]
*** RIVER *** [Jd 6d 9c 7d] [4c]
twoods shows a flush, King high
ADforPresident shows a pair of Jacks
twoods wins the pot (5,790) with a flush, King high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5,790 | Rake 0
Board: [Jd 6d 9c 7d 4c]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (button) showed [Ts Jc] and lost with a pair of Jacks
Seat 2: Valerios (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: veriz (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: CosmaB didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: Tjprips didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: twoods showed [Kd Qd] and won (5,790) with a flush, King high
Seat 7: MrRobsonCRO didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: Incubus812 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: Moberri89 didn't bet (folded)

10-04-2011 03:08 #39| 0

og busto...

Full Tilt Poker Game #29769891919: $7,000 Rush Guarantee (231234248), Table 54 - 10/20 - No Limit Hold'em - 02:06:22 CET - 2011/04/10 [20:06:22 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: jaimelone (2,580)
Seat 2: ADforPresident (230)
Seat 3: youthfull2 (4,560)
Seat 4: StevieB1914 (2,620)
Seat 5: swartzee (3,200)
Seat 6: anhanh (2,250)
Seat 7: HrGnadenlos (3,100)
Seat 8: feroz777 (3,930)
Seat 9: chupacabra800 (2,940)
ADforPresident posts the small blind of 10
youthfull2 posts the big blind of 20
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Kc Ac]
StevieB1914 has 8 seconds left to act
StevieB1914 raises to 70
swartzee raises to 120
anhanh folds
HrGnadenlos folds
feroz777 folds
chupacabra800 folds
jaimelone folds
ADforPresident raises to 230, and is all in
youthfull2 raises to 499
StevieB1914 has 15 seconds left to act
StevieB1914 raises to 2,620, and is all in
swartzee folds
youthfull2 calls 2,121
StevieB1914 shows [Ks Ah]
ADforPresident shows [Kc Ac]
youthfull2 shows [As Ad]
*** FLOP *** [Tc 9s 9h]
*** TURN *** [Tc 9s 9h] [2c]
*** RIVER *** [Tc 9s 9h 2c] [7h]
StevieB1914 shows a pair of Nines
youthfull2 shows two pair, Aces and Nines
youthfull2 wins the side pot (4,780) with two pair, Aces and Nines
ADforPresident shows a pair of Nines
youthfull2 wins the main pot (810) with two pair, Aces and Nines
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5,590 Main pot 810. Side pot 4,780. | Rake 0
Board: [Tc 9s 9h 2c 7h]
Seat 1: jaimelone (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: ADforPresident (small blind) showed [Kc Ac] and lost with a pair of Nines
Seat 3: youthfull2 (big blind) showed [As Ad] and won (5,590) with two pair, Aces and Nines
Seat 4: StevieB1914 showed [Ks Ah] and lost with a pair of Nines
Seat 5: swartzee folded before the Flop
Seat 6: anhanh didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: HrGnadenlos didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: feroz777 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: chupacabra800 didn't bet (folded)

10-04-2011 03:18 #40| 0

busto i rebuy'en... kommer uheldigt ind her..

Full Tilt Poker Game #29770117367: $14,500 Rush Guar (Rebuy) (231229812), Table 177 - 150/300 - No Limit Hold'em - 02:16:36 CET - 2011/04/10 [20:16:36 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (2,821)
Seat 2: tukitukibeti (5,200)
Seat 3: xygtjohn (10,800)
Seat 4: Jerimy1978 (5,780)
Seat 5: shady1206 (1,700)
Seat 6: moneystackin (7,960)
Seat 7: gloson (4,400)
Seat 8: ddub428 (4,785)
Seat 9: mitr11 (4,550)
tukitukibeti posts the small blind of 150
xygtjohn posts the big blind of 300
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [6c Ad]
Jerimy1978 folds
shady1206 folds
moneystackin folds
gloson has 8 seconds left to act
gloson has timed out
gloson folds
ddub428 folds
mitr11 has 8 seconds left to act
mitr11 has timed out
mitr11 folds
ADforPresident raises to 2,821, and is all in
tukitukibeti calls 2,671
xygtjohn has 15 seconds left to act
xygtjohn folds
ADforPresident shows [6c Ad]
tukitukibeti shows [6h 6s]
*** FLOP *** [Th 8d 2d]
*** TURN *** [Th 8d 2d] [9s]
*** RIVER *** [Th 8d 2d 9s] [2h]
ADforPresident shows a pair of Twos
tukitukibeti shows two pair, Sixes and Twos
tukitukibeti wins the pot (5,942) with two pair, Sixes and Twos
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 5,942 | Rake 0
Board: [Th 8d 2d 9s 2h]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (button) showed [6c Ad] and lost with a pair of Twos
Seat 2: tukitukibeti (small blind) showed [6h 6s] and won (5,942) with two pair, Sixes and Twos
Seat 3: xygtjohn (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Jerimy1978 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: shady1206 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: moneystackin didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: gloson didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: ddub428 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: mitr11 didn't bet (folded)

10-04-2011 03:40 #41| 0

yes yes.. bust i 6-max rebuy'en

Full Tilt Poker Game #29770544024: $12,000 Guarantee (Rebuy) (231218679), Table 151 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 02:36:32 CET - 2011/04/10 [20:36:32 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: sdoane (15,139)
Seat 2: oGUTSHOTo (4,710)
Seat 3: goldwolf88 (2,120), is sitting out
Seat 4: beland66 (7,700)
Seat 5: Azrael_pl (2,450)
Seat 6: ADforPresident (5,600)
sdoane antes 25
oGUTSHOTo antes 25
goldwolf88 antes 25
beland66 antes 25
Azrael_pl antes 25
ADforPresident antes 25
sdoane posts the small blind of 120
oGUTSHOTo posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Qd Qh]
goldwolf88 folds
beland66 raises to 720
Azrael_pl folds
ADforPresident raises to 5,575, and is all in
sdoane folds
oGUTSHOTo folds
beland66 calls 4,855
ADforPresident shows [Qd Qh]
beland66 shows [Jc Js]
*** FLOP *** [6c Jd 2s]
*** TURN *** [6c Jd 2s] [3d]
*** RIVER *** [6c Jd 2s 3d] [3s]
ADforPresident shows two pair, Queens and Threes
beland66 shows a full house, Jacks full of Threes
beland66 wins the pot (11,660) with a full house, Jacks full of Threes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 11,660 | Rake 0
Board: [6c Jd 2s 3d 3s]
Seat 1: sdoane (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: oGUTSHOTo (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: goldwolf88 folded before the Flop
Seat 4: beland66 showed [Jc Js] and won (11,660) with a full house, Jacks full of Threes
Seat 5: Azrael_pl folded before the Flop
Seat 6: ADforPresident (button) showed [Qd Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and Threes

10-04-2011 06:05 #42| 0

bust i a og b næsten samtidigt...

Full Tilt Poker Game #29773394708: Daily Double - B (226600541), Table 82 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 05:01:56 CET - 2011/04/10 [23:01:56 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (5,550)
Seat 2: MuffinMan1500 (9,280)
Seat 3: souljagurl777 (1,185), is sitting out
Seat 4: sheri50ir (2,870)
Seat 5: katenu (9,155)
Seat 6: eAAgle_eye (9,600)
Seat 7: Ewindsor310 (3,370)
Seat 8: Saranghe (7,600)
Seat 9: carlocongiusta (3,825)
ADforPresident antes 25
MuffinMan1500 antes 25
souljagurl777 antes 25
sheri50ir antes 25
katenu antes 25
eAAgle_eye antes 25
Ewindsor310 antes 25
Saranghe antes 25
carlocongiusta antes 25
carlocongiusta posts the small blind of 120
ADforPresident posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Ad Ks]
MuffinMan1500 has 15 seconds left to act
MuffinMan1500 has timed out
MuffinMan1500 folds
MuffinMan1500 is sitting out
souljagurl777 folds
sheri50ir folds
katenu has 15 seconds left to act
katenu has timed out
katenu folds
katenu is sitting out
eAAgle_eye raises to 480
Ewindsor310 folds
Saranghe calls 480
carlocongiusta folds
ADforPresident raises to 5,525, and is all in
eAAgle_eye calls 5,045
Saranghe folds
ADforPresident shows [Ad Ks]
eAAgle_eye shows [Ah Ac]
*** FLOP *** [3h 5d Qs]
*** TURN *** [3h 5d Qs] [Js]
*** RIVER *** [3h 5d Qs Js] [3d]
ADforPresident shows a pair of Threes
eAAgle_eye shows two pair, Aces and Threes
eAAgle_eye wins the pot (11,875) with two pair, Aces and Threes
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 11,875 | Rake 0
Board: [3h 5d Qs Js 3d]
Seat 1: ADforPresident (big blind) showed [Ad Ks] and lost with a pair of Threes
Seat 2: MuffinMan1500 folded before the Flop
Seat 3: souljagurl777 folded before the Flop
Seat 4: sheri50ir folded before the Flop
Seat 5: katenu folded before the Flop
Seat 6: eAAgle_eye showed [Ah Ac] and won (11,875) with two pair, Aces and Threes
Seat 7: Ewindsor310 folded before the Flop
Seat 8: Saranghe (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 9: carlocongiusta (small blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #29773406691: Daily Double - A (226600526), Table 39 - 120/240 Ante 25 - No Limit Hold'em - 05:02:39 CET - 2011/04/10 [23:02:39 ET - 2011/04/09]
Seat 1: beamer808 (17,029)
Seat 2: ujustgotfeltd (7,344)
Seat 3: kila5 (1,949)
Seat 4: SonnyCrockett20 (8,305)
Seat 5: ADforPresident (7,949)
Seat 6: Goldeneye7 (2,125)
Seat 7: BoxerdogJack (6,690)
Seat 8: thekiller151 (3,830)
Seat 9: tripsondaflop (5,237)
beamer808 antes 25
ujustgotfeltd antes 25
kila5 antes 25
SonnyCrockett20 antes 25
ADforPresident antes 25
Goldeneye7 antes 25
BoxerdogJack antes 25
thekiller151 antes 25
tripsondaflop antes 25
beamer808 posts the small blind of 120
ujustgotfeltd posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to ADforPresident [Ad Js]
kila5 has 15 seconds left to act
kila5 folds
SonnyCrockett20 folds
kila5: nice play
ADforPresident raises to 500
Goldeneye7 folds
BoxerdogJack folds
thekiller151 folds
tripsondaflop has 15 seconds left to act
tripsondaflop has timed out
tripsondaflop folds
tripsondaflop is sitting out
beamer808 calls 380
ujustgotfeltd folds
*** FLOP *** [Kc As 4c]
beamer808 checks
ADforPresident bets 960
beamer808 raises to 16,504, and is all in
ADforPresident calls 6,464, and is all in
beamer808 shows [4h 4s]
ADforPresident shows [Ad Js]
Uncalled bet of 9,080 returned to beamer808
*** TURN *** [Kc As 4c] [2h]
*** RIVER *** [Kc As 4c 2h] [6d]
beamer808 shows three of a kind, Fours
ADforPresident shows a pair of Aces
beamer808 wins the pot (16,313) with three of a kind, Fours
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 16,313 | Rake 0
Board: [Kc As 4c 2h 6d]
Seat 1: beamer808 (small blind) showed [4h 4s] and won (16,313) with three of a kind, Fours
Seat 2: ujustgotfeltd (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: kila5 folded before the Flop
Seat 4: SonnyCrockett20 folded before the Flop
Seat 5: ADforPresident showed [Ad Js] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 6: Goldeneye7 folded before the Flop
Seat 7: BoxerdogJack folded before the Flop
Seat 8: thekiller151 folded before the Flop
Seat 9: tripsondaflop (button) folded before the Flop

10-04-2011 06:09 #43| 0


Føler virkelig ikke der er noget der går min vej for tiden, og tror også det kommer til at påvirke mit spil i visse situationer..

Jeg tror vi skal stoppe dealen her - jeg er bange for at kombinationen af mit held og mit ikke fuldt udviklede spil blot vil fortære de sidste 200$.

Jeg vil holde en pause - og så må jeg udvikle mit spil for egne $, kan ikke forsvare at skulle "spilde" flere af dine.

Tusinde tak for chancen, er ked af at jeg ikke kunne udnytte den bedre.

GL til resten af stald noe, og til dig selv.


10-04-2011 11:06 #44| 0

Syntes sku du skulle give det en chance mere og så følge det Eatme skriver. Prøv en uge hvor du spiller maks 2-3 tours om dagen med fuldt fokus og analysere dit spil både det gode og det dårlige.

Jeg tror der er mange der gerne vil have en sådan deal herinde og jeg forstår ikke din beslutning. Drnoe kan vel også være den eneste der kan lukke denne deal, da han pt har underskud.

Evt kunne i rykke over på et andet site der har nogle mindre felter


10-04-2011 12:15 #45| 0

@THe Lawfirm - vi tager den over msn - vil ikke diskutere dealen her

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