Fælles stake af CraekZ rail

#1| 2

Hermed railtråd.










04-06-2021 19:10 #2| 0

Program Lørdag den 10/7 2021:


11$ BB11 - Bust

11$ BB11 2nd bullet - Bust

7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Kvallet 1/16 for 55$

55$ Mini BB HR - Bust

16.5$ PKO - Bust

22$ Mini Saturday KO - Bust

5.5$ Pokernet Tour (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = 15.5$) - Bust 2/22 til 70.5$

4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 10/16

4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 7/16

4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 10/16

2.85$ sat til TH22 PKO - Bust 12/16

2.85$ sat til TH22 PKO - Bust 9/16


Buy-in i alt = 157,4$

Cashes i alt = 125,5$


Pause nr. 1:


BB11: 5.7K

Mini BB HR: 24K

16.5 PKO: 8K


Pause nr. 2:


16.5 PKO: 20.6K

Mini KO: 6.2K

PN Tour: 9.9K


Pause nr. 3:


PN Tour: 34K 2/5





Program 1. session, fredag den 4/6 2021:




22$ BBT-148 - Bust

11$ BB11 - Bust

16.5$ PKO - Bust

7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 12/16

7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 6/16

22$ Fast Friday - Bust 255/2.720 til 56.8$

11$ Big11 - Bust 957/2.171

4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 8/16

7.5$ sat til BBT-153 - Bust 7/16


I alt: 109,4$

Cashes: 56.8$



Pause nr. 1:


Alt bust


Pause nr. 2:


Mini Fast: 14.1K

Big11: 12.9K


Pause nr. 3:


Mini Fast: 70.7K

Big11: Bust kort før pausen... 99 vs QQ



    Program Fredag den 11/6 2021


    7.5$ PKO 6K GTD - Bust 88 vs 99, set imod set ;(

    11$ BB11 - Bust

    11$ BB11 2nd bullet - Bust som nr 737/6.026 til 10.39$ + 3.75$ i KO

    7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 4/16

    5.5$ PKO 4K GTD - Bust med 6.66$ i KO

    3.5$+r 180m sng (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = 10.5$ i alt) - Bust 9/180 til 23.85$

    16.5$ PKO - Bust

    3.5$ 180m sng (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = samlet 10.5$) - Bust 73/180

    4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 16/16

    11$ BB11 ODM - Bust nr 79/324 til 11.25$ i KO

    2.85$ sat til TH22 - Kvallet 1/16

    22$ TH22 PKO - Bust 916/1.811 til 5$ i KO


    I alt buy-ins = 120.25$ (22$ er kvallet)

    I alt cashes: 82.9$


    Pause nr. 1:


    7.5$ PKO: 2.4K

    5.5$ PKO: 2.9K

    BB11: 4.6K


    Pause nr. 2:


    16.5 PKO: 12.3K

    BB11: 5K

    3.5 sng: 15K


      Pause nr. 3: 

      16.5 PKO: 9.8K

      BB11: 20.9K 


      Pause nr. 4:


      BB11 ODM: 24.3K

      TH22: 10.2K




      Program Lørdag den 12/6 2021


      22$ Mini Saturday KO - Bust nr. 96/3.3551 til 61.17$ + 93,44$ i KO

      22$ TH22 - Bust 864/1.580

      3.5$+r 180m sng (2x rebuy + 1x add-on = 14$) - Bust 21/180 til 11.21$

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Kvallet 1/16

      33$ BB33 - Bust 343/3.122 til 16.25$ + 22.51$ i KO

      11$ BB11 ODM - Bust

      3.5$+r 180m sng (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = 10.5$) - Bust 58/180

      15$ sat til Cooldown - Bust 6/16

      3.5$+r 180m sng (1x rebuy) - Bust 147/180


      I alt buy-ins = 138,9$ (33$ kvallet)

      I alt cashes = 221.33$ (33$ for BB33 kval)


      Pause nr. 1:


      Mini KO: 9K

      TH22: 5.1K

      BB33: 6K

      3.5 sng: 2.9K


      Pause nr. 2:


      Mini KO: 81.3K

      3.5 sng nr 1: 20.8K

      BB33: 12.5K

      3.5 sng nr 2: 2.9K


      Pause nr. 3:


      Mini KO: 142.6K

      3.5 sng nr. 3: 2.9K


      Pause nr. 4:


      Mini KO: 64.8K




      Program Mandag den 14/6:


      5.5$ PKO 3K GTD - Bust 367/1.096 med 1.75$ i KO

      11$ BB11 ODM - Bust med 2.5$ i KO

      11$ BB11 - Bust AKcc vs AKo vs AJo vs QQ LOL

      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 16/16

      11$ The Hot 11 - Bust 237/1.795 til 16.73$

      3.5$ 180m sng (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = 10.5$) - Bust 138/180

      3.5$ 180m sng (2x rebuy + 1x add-on = 14$) - Bust 77/180 

      7.5$ sat til TH55 - Bust 9/16

      11$ BB11 ODM - Bust


      Buy-ins i alt = 89$

      Cashes i alt = 20,98$


      Pause nr. 1:


      BB11: 6K

      TH11: 6.8K

      3.5$ sng: 10.1K


      Pause nr. 2:


      TH11: 19.7K (190/343, ITM ved 341)




      Program Torsdag den 24/6 2021


      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Kvallet 1/16 (55$)

      3.5$ 180m SNG (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = 10.5$) - Bust nr 16/180 til 15.23$

      11$ BB11 - Bust med 2.5$ KO

      11$ The Hot 11 - Bust 1.027/1.715

      55$ Mini BB HR (Midstakes Madness 02) - Bust

      11$ BB11 ODM - Bust


      Samlet buy-in = 106$

      Samlet cash = 72.73$


      Pause nr. 1:

      3.5 sng: 3.3K

      TH11: 9K


      Pause nr. 2:


      3.5 sng: 11.8K




      Program Fredag den 25/6 2021:


      11$ BB11 - Bust

      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 9/16

      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 8/16

      16.5$ PKO - Bust

      11$ TH11 - Bust 385/1.492

      3.5$ 180m sng (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = 10.5$) - Bust 34/180

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 3/16 til 3.12$

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Kvallet 1/16 til 33$

      11$ Midstakes Madness Mini ME

      33$ BB33 - Bust

      3.5$ 180m sng (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = 10.5$) - Bust 66/180

      5.7$ sat til Midtsakes Madness 10 - Kvallet 1/16 til 44$

      11$ BB11 ODM - Bust

      44$ MSM-10


      I alt buy-in = 188$ (hvoraf 77$ er kval)

      I alt cash = 80.12$


      Pause nr. 1:


      TH11: 5.2K

      16.5 PKO: 8.8K

      BB11: 6K

      3,5 sng: 5.6K


      Pause nr. 2:


      Mini ME: 95.1K


      Pause nr 3:


      Mini ME: 89.1K

      MSM-10: 31.1K





      Fredag den 2/7 2021:




      11$ BB11 - Bust 2.016/5.331

      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 14/16

      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 16/16

      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 7/16

      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Kvallet 1/16 for 55$

      16.5$ PKO - Bust

      11$ The Hot 11 - Bust

      55$ Mini BB HR - Bust 290/2.670 til 60.46$ + 18.75$ i KO

      3.5$ 180m sng (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = 10.5$) - Bust 89/180

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Kvallet 1/16 for 33$

      33$ BB33 - Bust med 7.5$ i KO

      2.85$ sat til TH22 - Bust 9/16

      2.85$ sat til TH22 - Bust 11/16

      2.85$ sat til TH22 - Bust 10/16

      11$ BB11 ODM


      I alt buy-ins: 190,95$

      I alt cashes: 174,71$$


      Pause nr. 1:


      BB11: 8.6K

      Mini BB HR: 61.4K

      16.5 PKO: 8.7K

      TH11: 6.1K


      Pause nr. 2:


      Mini BB HR: 68.6K

      BB33: 5.1K


      Pause nr. 3:


      Mini BB HR: 38.8K

      BB11 ODM: 6.3K




      Lørdag den 3/7 2021 "dagen hvor DK spillede sig i en semifinale"


      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Kvallet 1/16 for 55$

      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 10/16

      16.5$ PKO - Bust

      22$ Mini Saturday KO - Bust 603/2.685 5$ i KO

      55$ Mini BB HR - Bust

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Kvallet 1/16 for 33$

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 4/16

      33$ BB33 - Bust 1.120/2.966 med 22.5$ i KO

      11$ BB11 ODM - Bust

      11$ BB11 ODM - Bust

      22$ The Hot 22 PKO - Bust


      Buy-ins i alt: 200.5$

      Cashes i alt: 118,5$


      Pause nr. 1:


      16.5 PKO: 17K

      Mini KO: 19K


      Pause nr. 2:


      Mini KO: 17.6K

      BB33: 5.5K




      Program fredag den 9/7 2021:


      11$ BB11 - Bust

      11$ BB11 2nd bullet - Bust 990/5.806 3.75$ i KO

      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Kvallet for 55$

      55$ Mini BB HR - Bust

      2.85$ sat til Mini Fast - Bust 4/16

      2.85$ sat til Mini Fast - Bust 14/16

      16.5$ PKO - 3.7$ i KO

      11$ The Hot 11 - Bust

      3.5$ 180m SNG (1x rebuy = 7$)

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 11/16

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 6/16

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 9/16

      3.5$ 180m SNG (1x rebuy + 1x add-on = 10.5$) - Bust 8/180 til 32.74$

      11$ BB11 ODM - Bust 74/384 2.5$ i KO

      2.85$ sat til TH22 PKO - Bust 8/16

      2.85$ sat til TH22 PKO - Bust 8/16

      22$ TH22 PKO - Bust 501/1.726 med 22,5$ i KO


      Samlet buy-in = 187,1$

      Samlet cashes = 120,19$


      Pause nr. 1:


      BB11: 5.7K


      Pause nr. 2:


      BB11: 4.6K

      3.5 sng: 2.6K

      16.5 PKO: 16.2K

      TH11: 4.4K


      Pause nr. 3:


      BB11: 23K

      16.5 PKO: 11K

      3.5 sng: 7.6K

      BB11 ODM: 6.7K


      Pause nr. 4:


      TH22: 2.9K

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 10-07-2021 23:02
      04-06-2021 19:22 #3| 0

      Program Fredag den 16/7 2021:


      7.5$ sat til Mini BB HR - Bust 4/16

      16.5$ PKO - Bust /1.060 til 404,84$ + 346,29$ i KO

      11$ BB11 - Bust

      11$ BB11 2nd bullet - Bust 1.187/5.401

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 6/16

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 9/16

      4.4$ sat til BB33 - Bust 5/16

      3.5$ 180m SNG (2x rebuy + 1x add-on = 14$) - Bust 64/180

      5.5$ MM-118 Phase - Bust

      2.85$ sat til Mini Fast - Bust 9/16

      2.85$ sat til Mini Fast - Kvallet 1/16 for 22$

      11$ BB11 ODM - Bust 77/316 5$ i KO

      22$ Mini Fast 

      2.85$ sat til TH22 PKO - Bust 9/16
      2.85$ sat til TH22 PKO - Bust 9/16

      22$ TH22 PKO - Bust 494/1.729 med 12.5$ i KO

      I alt buy-in = 145.1$

      I alt cashes = 790,63$



      Pause nr. 1:


      BB11: 7.6K


      Pause nr. 2:


      Mini Fast: 4K

      16.5 PKO: 29.2K

      3.5 sng: 6K


      Pause nr 3:


      BB11 ODM: 23K

      16.5 PKO: 39.7K

      TH22 PKO: 6K


      Pause nr 4:


      16.5 PKO: 49.3K


      Pause nr 5 (hvornår er det sidst sket?):


      16.5 PKO: 99.3K


      Pause nr 6:


      16.5 PKO: 520.2K (6/27)


      Pause nr 7:


      16.5 PKO: 1.354mio (2/15)


      Pause nr 8:


      16.5 PKO: 2.87mio (1/7)


      Pause nr 9:


      16.5 PKO: 1.39mio (3/4)


      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 17-07-2021 04:16
      04-06-2021 19:35 #4| 0

      FFS.... Villain var på kæmpe tilt... Da jeg kom til bordet havde han 90K.... Og han spillede med hovedet under armen:


      PokerStars Hand #227320668379: Tournament #3195505803, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (500/1000) - 2021/06/04 19:33:15 CET [2021/06/04 13:33:15 ET]
      Table '3195505803 100' 6-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: CraekZe (33273 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: Padde0815 (22645 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: NaDaA1 (27626 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 4: Luki5757 (56146 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 5: Sxmon (121328 in chips, $30 bounty)
      Seat 6: kris_r9 (32580 in chips, $10 bounty)
      CraekZe: posts the ante 125
      Padde0815: posts the ante 125
      NaDaA1: posts the ante 125
      Luki5757: posts the ante 125
      Sxmon: posts the ante 125
      kris_r9: posts the ante 125
      Sxmon: posts small blind 500
      kris_r9: posts big blind 1000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Td Jc]
      CraekZe: raises 1200 to 2200
      Padde0815: folds
      NaDaA1: calls 2200
      Luki5757 has timed out
      Luki5757: folds
      Luki5757 is sitting out
      Sxmon: folds
      kris_r9: folds
      *** FLOP *** [6s 5h Js]
      CraekZe: bets 2328
      NaDaA1: calls 2328
      *** TURN *** [6s 5h Js] [8h]
      CraekZe: checks
      NaDaA1: bets 22973 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 22973
      *** RIVER *** [6s 5h Js 8h] [As]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Td Jc] (a pair of Jacks)
      NaDaA1: shows [Ah 4h] (a pair of Aces)
      NaDaA1 collected 57252 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 57252 | Rake 0
      Board [6s 5h Js 8h As]
      Seat 1: CraekZe showed [Td Jc] and lost with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 2: Padde0815 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: NaDaA1 showed [Ah 4h] and won (57252) with a pair of Aces
      Seat 4: Luki5757 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Sxmon (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: kris_r9 (big blind) folded before Flop

      Og så standard bust bagefter:


      PokerStars Hand #227320689597: Tournament #3195505803, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (500/1000) - 2021/06/04 19:34:04 CET [2021/06/04 13:34:04 ET]
      Table '3195505803 100' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: CraekZe (5647 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: Padde0815 (22520 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: NaDaA1 (57252 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 4: Luki5757 (56021 in chips, $15 bounty) is sitting out
      Seat 5: Sxmon (120703 in chips, $30 bounty)
      Seat 6: kris_r9 (31455 in chips, $10 bounty)
      CraekZe: posts the ante 125
      Padde0815: posts the ante 125
      NaDaA1: posts the ante 125
      Luki5757: posts the ante 125
      Sxmon: posts the ante 125
      kris_r9: posts the ante 125
      kris_r9: posts small blind 500
      CraekZe: posts big blind 1000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [8c Th]
      Padde0815: folds
      NaDaA1: folds
      Luki5757: folds
      Sxmon: folds
      kris_r9: raises 30330 to 31330 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 4522 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (25808) returned to kris_r9
      *** FLOP *** [7c Ac 2c]
      *** TURN *** [7c Ac 2c] [Js]
      *** RIVER *** [7c Ac 2c Js] [3d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      kris_r9: shows [3c 6h] (a pair of Threes)
      CraekZe: shows [8c Th] (high card Ace)
      kris_r9 collected 11794 from pot
      kris_r9 wins $5 for eliminating CraekZe and their own bounty increases by $5 to $15
      CraekZe finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 11794 | Rake 0
      Board [7c Ac 2c Js 3d]
      Seat 1: CraekZe (big blind) showed [8c Th] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 2: Padde0815 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: NaDaA1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: Luki5757 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Sxmon (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: kris_r9 (small blind) showed [3c 6h] and won (11794) with a pair of Threes

      04-06-2021 19:54 #5| 0

      Så er det fanme ikke nemt:


      PokerStars Hand #227321190018: Tournament #3204860509, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (75/150) - 2021/06/04 19:53:15 CET [2021/06/04 13:53:15 ET]
      Table '3204860509 68' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: mr.Po_II (21233 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 2: deimas444 (14553 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 3: masterknuth (8106 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 4: BongoBrumme (20738 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 5: PokerTilt89 (11024 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 6: CJGRISAFI (1847 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (9976 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 8: pokerbichuna (9411 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 9: zigzags66 (9945 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      mr.Po_II: posts the ante 20
      deimas444: posts the ante 20
      masterknuth: posts the ante 20
      BongoBrumme: posts the ante 20
      PokerTilt89: posts the ante 20
      CJGRISAFI: posts the ante 20
      CraekZe: posts the ante 20
      pokerbichuna: posts the ante 20
      zigzags66: posts the ante 20
      PokerTilt89: posts small blind 75
      CJGRISAFI: posts big blind 150
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qd Qh]
      CraekZe: raises 180 to 330
      pokerbichuna: folds
      zigzags66: folds
      mr.Po_II: calls 330
      deimas444: folds
      masterknuth: calls 330
      BongoBrumme: calls 330
      PokerTilt89: folds
      CJGRISAFI: calls 180
      *** FLOP *** [3h 7h 3d]
      CJGRISAFI: bets 1497 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 1497
      mr.Po_II: raises 19386 to 20883 and is all-in
      masterknuth: folds
      BongoBrumme: folds
      CraekZe: calls 8129 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (11257) returned to mr.Po_II
      *** TURN *** [3h 7h 3d] [2s]
      *** RIVER *** [3h 7h 3d 2s] [Tc]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Qd Qh] (two pair, Queens and Threes)
      mr.Po_II: shows [Ts Td] (a full house, Tens full of Threes)
      mr.Po_II collected 16258 from side pot
      CJGRISAFI: shows [7d Kh] (two pair, Sevens and Threes)
      mr.Po_II collected 6396 from main pot
      mr.Po_II wins $3.70 for eliminating CJGRISAFI and their own bounty increases by $3.70 to $11.10
      mr.Po_II wins $3.70 for eliminating CraekZe and their own bounty increases by $3.70 to $14.80
      CraekZe finished the tournament
      CJGRISAFI finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 22654 Main pot 6396. Side pot 16258. | Rake 0
      Board [3h 7h 3d 2s Tc]
      Seat 1: mr.Po_II showed [Ts Td] and won (22654) with a full house, Tens full of Threes
      Seat 2: deimas444 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: masterknuth folded on the Flop
      Seat 4: BongoBrumme (button) folded on the Flop
      Seat 5: PokerTilt89 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: CJGRISAFI (big blind) showed [7d Kh] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Threes
      Seat 7: CraekZe showed [Qd Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and Threes
      Seat 8: pokerbichuna folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: zigzags66 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      04-06-2021 20:56 #6| 0

      Opdaterer pausecounts under program

      04-06-2021 21:22 #7| 0

      Lever endnu i Mini Fast:


      PokerStars Hand #227323622870: Tournament #3202984146, $20+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (400/800) - 2021/06/04 21:21:31 CET [2021/06/04 15:21:31 ET]
      Table '3202984146 58' 8-max Seat #3 is the button
      Seat 1: Sergio1306 (11763 in chips)
      Seat 2: Toneyyyyyy (12951 in chips)
      Seat 3: NH 1121 NH (14231 in chips)
      Seat 4: yusiuwahHK97 (60389 in chips)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (8983 in chips)
      Seat 6: 55chechauen55 (50125 in chips)
      Seat 7: _Miazakii_ (14669 in chips)
      Seat 8: mansurovren (30142 in chips)
      Sergio1306: posts the ante 80
      Toneyyyyyy: posts the ante 80
      NH 1121 NH: posts the ante 80
      yusiuwahHK97: posts the ante 80
      CraekZe: posts the ante 80
      55chechauen55: posts the ante 80
      _Miazakii_: posts the ante 80
      mansurovren: posts the ante 80
      yusiuwahHK97: posts small blind 400
      CraekZe: posts big blind 800
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Jc Js]
      55chechauen55: folds
      _Miazakii_: folds
      mansurovren: folds
      Sergio1306: folds
      Toneyyyyyy: raises 800 to 1600
      NH 1121 NH: raises 12551 to 14151 and is all-in
      yusiuwahHK97: folds
      CraekZe: calls 8103 and is all-in
      Toneyyyyyy: calls 11271 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (1280) returned to NH 1121 NH
      *** FLOP *** [6d Jh 4c]
      *** TURN *** [6d Jh 4c] [Qd]
      *** RIVER *** [6d Jh 4c Qd] [Kc]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Toneyyyyyy: shows [9s Ad] (high card Ace)
      NH 1121 NH: shows [8h 8c] (a pair of Eights)
      NH 1121 NH collected 7936 from side pot
      CraekZe: shows [Jc Js] (three of a kind, Jacks)
      CraekZe collected 27749 from main pot
      Toneyyyyyy finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 35685 Main pot 27749. Side pot 7936. | Rake 0
      Board [6d Jh 4c Qd Kc]
      Seat 1: Sergio1306 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: Toneyyyyyy showed [9s Ad] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 3: NH 1121 NH (button) showed [8h 8c] and won (7936) with a pair of Eights
      Seat 4: yusiuwahHK97 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Jc Js] and won (27749) with three of a kind, Jacks
      Seat 6: 55chechauen55 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: _Miazakii_ folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: mansurovren folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      04-06-2021 21:30 #8| 2

      Adder en 7.5$ sat til BBT-153 efter aftale med Bergkamp22

      04-06-2021 21:42 #9| 0

      Taber desværre nogle vitale hænder i alle 3 igangværende.

      97rr rammer flush på river, villain rammer fh i Big11.. Nede i 624... Oppe i 5.7K igen pt

      QQ vs A10o, villain rammer straight på turn i Mini Fast... Dog kæmpet mig op på 48K pr

      A10 vs J9o vs 55 i sat til BBt-153, J9 rammer 9'eren - og bust

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 04-06-2021 21:46
      04-06-2021 22:04 #10| 0

      ITM Mini Fast

      04-06-2021 22:23 #11| 0

      Held og Lykke

      04-06-2021 22:25 #12| 0
      petjen27 skrev:

      Held og Lykke


       Jo tak.... Desværre JJ ind i lowstacks KK..... 16BB tilbage

      04-06-2021 22:27 #13| 0

      Bust... Nutflushdraw vs top pair...

      Vi ender 255/2.720.... Til 56.8$

      04-06-2021 22:30 #14| 0
      05-06-2021 14:22 #15| 0

      Der kommer ingen session i dag, da jeg skal et smut i hegnet. 

      05-06-2021 17:42 #16| 0
      CraekZ skrev:

      Der kommer ingen session i dag, da jeg skal et smut i hegnet. 

      God tur 😂
      05-06-2021 21:00 #17| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      God tur


       Jo tak. Kan da stå oprejst endnu og grille kunne jeg fanme oz. Så måske der sku grindes alligevel 😂

      11-06-2021 17:07 #18| 0

      Mojn drenge. 
      Skal lige spise osv. Så starter jeg op for en session. 

      11-06-2021 17:41 #19| 0


      11-06-2021 18:31 #20| 0

      Starter så småt op...

      Program kan findes i post nr. 2.

      11-06-2021 18:41 #21| 0

      LOL hvor er det fantastisk... Kommer på FT med 2 pladser til Mini BB HR... Og så det her lård!!

      PokerStars Hand #227501535717: Tournament #3211510916, $7.36+$0.14 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round II, Level I (25/50) - 2021/06/11 18:39:03 CET [2021/06/11 12:39:03 ET]
      Table '3211510916 1' 4-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: AndersenUlsk (465 in chips)
      Seat 2: florias3 (440 in chips)
      Seat 3: CraekZe (490 in chips)
      Seat 4: L.A.Ruseman (605 in chips)
      AndersenUlsk: posts the ante 10
      florias3: posts the ante 10
      CraekZe: posts the ante 10
      L.A.Ruseman: posts the ante 10
      florias3: posts small blind 25
      CraekZe: posts big blind 50
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ah Ac]
      L.A.Ruseman: folds
      AndersenUlsk: folds
      florias3: raises 380 to 430 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 380
      *** FLOP *** [9d 7h Td]
      *** TURN *** [9d 7h Td] [4h]
      *** RIVER *** [9d 7h Td 4h] [7d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      florias3: shows [5d Jd] (a flush, Jack high)
      CraekZe: shows [Ah Ac] (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
      florias3 collected 900 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 900 | Rake 0
      Board [9d 7h Td 4h 7d]
      Seat 1: AndersenUlsk (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: florias3 (small blind) showed [5d Jd] and won (900) with a flush, Jack high
      Seat 3: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Ah Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sevens
      Seat 4: L.A.Ruseman folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      11-06-2021 19:31 #22| 0

      6.66$ i KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227502661071: Tournament #3209688174, $2.40+$2.50+$0.60 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (100/200) - 2021/06/11 19:29:31 CET [2021/06/11 13:29:31 ET]
      Table '3209688174 4' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: CraekZe (4054 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: POKEY514 (3330 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: math_andrad3 (3005 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: bilard358 (868 in chips, $6.25 bounty)
      Seat 5: Taggwan (4803 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: dayneko128 (2835 in chips, $3.25 bounty)
      Seat 7: pokerinha38 (22201 in chips, $4.75 bounty)
      Seat 8: John_Solovei (6628 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 9: giwrgis4 (3251 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      CraekZe: posts the ante 25
      POKEY514: posts the ante 25
      math_andrad3: posts the ante 25
      bilard358: posts the ante 25
      Taggwan: posts the ante 25
      dayneko128: posts the ante 25
      pokerinha38: posts the ante 25
      John_Solovei: posts the ante 25
      giwrgis4: posts the ante 25
      dayneko128: posts small blind 100
      pokerinha38: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ah Kd]
      John_Solovei: folds
      giwrgis4: folds
      CraekZe: raises 240 to 440
      POKEY514: folds
      math_andrad3: folds
      bilard358: raises 403 to 843 and is all-in
      Taggwan: folds
      dayneko128: calls 743
      pokerinha38: folds
      CraekZe: raises 3186 to 4029 and is all-in
      dayneko128: calls 1967 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (1219) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [6d Jh Js]
      *** TURN *** [6d Jh Js] [8c]
      *** RIVER *** [6d Jh Js 8c] [7h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      dayneko128: shows [Qd 9d] (a pair of Jacks)
      CraekZe: shows [Ah Kd] (a pair of Jacks - Ace kicker)
      CraekZe collected 3934 from side pot
      bilard358: shows [Qh Kh] (a pair of Jacks - lower kicker)
      CraekZe collected 2954 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $4.38 for eliminating bilard358 and their own bounty increases by $1.87 to $4.37
      CraekZe wins $2.28 for eliminating dayneko128 and their own bounty increases by $0.97 to $5.34
      dayneko128 finished the tournament
      bilard358 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 6888 Main pot 2954. Side pot 3934. | Rake 0
      Board [6d Jh Js 8c 7h]
      Seat 1: CraekZe showed [Ah Kd] and won (6888) with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 2: POKEY514 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: math_andrad3 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: bilard358 showed [Qh Kh] and lost with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 5: Taggwan (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: dayneko128 (small blind) showed [Qd 9d] and lost with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 7: pokerinha38 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: John_Solovei folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: giwrgis4 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      11-06-2021 19:59 #23| 0

      BB11 er åbenbart med re-entry nu.. Så har nappet en re-entry

      11-06-2021 20:17 #24| 0

      3.75$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227503754064: Tournament #3209684667, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (125/250) - 2021/06/11 20:15:12 CET [2021/06/11 14:15:12 ET]
      Table '3209684667 232' 8-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: SaltaSSSS (11514 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: ZeiteGmbH (9393 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: gweeble (44281 in chips, $26.87 bounty)
      Seat 4: Rajzer31 (5098 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: Parrafelipe (69 in chips, $5 bounty) is sitting out
      Seat 6: jerohace (5812 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: Russco21 (6674 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (9608 in chips, $5 bounty)
      SaltaSSSS: posts the ante 36
      ZeiteGmbH: posts the ante 36
      gweeble: posts the ante 36
      Rajzer31: posts the ante 36
      Parrafelipe: posts the ante 36
      jerohace: posts the ante 36
      Russco21: posts the ante 36
      CraekZe: posts the ante 36
      SaltaSSSS: posts small blind 125
      ZeiteGmbH: posts big blind 250
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Kd Kc]
      gweeble: folds
      Rajzer31: folds
      Parrafelipe: folds
      jerohace: folds
      Russco21: folds
      CraekZe: raises 300 to 550
      SaltaSSSS: folds
      ZeiteGmbH: calls 300
      *** FLOP *** [Ts 4h Qd]
      ZeiteGmbH: bets 500
      CraekZe: calls 500
      *** TURN *** [Ts 4h Qd] [2s]
      ZeiteGmbH: bets 1257
      CraekZe: raises 2618 to 3875
      ZeiteGmbH: raises 4432 to 8307 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 4432
      *** RIVER *** [Ts 4h Qd 2s] [9d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      ZeiteGmbH: shows [3s Ac] (high card Ace)
      CraekZe: shows [Kd Kc] (a pair of Kings)
      CraekZe collected 19127 from pot
      CraekZe wins $3.75 for eliminating ZeiteGmbH and their own bounty increases by $3.75 to $8.75
      ZeiteGmbH finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 19127 | Rake 0
      Board [Ts 4h Qd 2s 9d]
      Seat 1: SaltaSSSS (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: ZeiteGmbH (big blind) showed [3s Ac] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 3: gweeble folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: Rajzer31 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Parrafelipe folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: jerohace folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: Russco21 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (button) showed [Kd Kc] and won (19127) with a pair of Kings

      11-06-2021 20:27 #25| 0

      ITM første 3.5 sng

      11-06-2021 20:38 #26| 0

      5/12 i 3.5 sng

      11-06-2021 20:40 #27| 0

      FT som 4/9 med 20BB

      11-06-2021 20:45 #28| 0

      FUUUUCK... Bust nr 9 til 23.85$:


      PokerStars Hand #227504491938: Tournament #3211131767, $3.30+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIX (2500/5000) - 2021/06/11 20:44:41 CET [2021/06/11 14:44:41 ET]
      Table '3211131767 12' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: SluijsNL (240864 in chips)
      Seat 2: Zhenya4777 (16117 in chips)
      Seat 3: bocoboco11 (34378 in chips)
      Seat 4: skydiver9640 (39049 in chips)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (67864 in chips)
      Seat 6: varssa (127198 in chips)
      Seat 7: ArnovanLuik (103164 in chips)
      Seat 8: zhorrr777 (69625 in chips)
      Seat 9: franccesco21 (74741 in chips)
      SluijsNL: posts the ante 500
      Zhenya4777: posts the ante 500
      bocoboco11: posts the ante 500
      skydiver9640: posts the ante 500
      CraekZe: posts the ante 500
      varssa: posts the ante 500
      ArnovanLuik: posts the ante 500
      zhorrr777: posts the ante 500
      franccesco21: posts the ante 500
      franccesco21: posts small blind 2500
      SluijsNL: posts big blind 5000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [As Ks]
      Zhenya4777: folds
      bocoboco11: folds
      skydiver9640: folds
      CraekZe: raises 62364 to 67364 and is all-in
      varssa: folds
      ArnovanLuik: raises 35300 to 102664 and is all-in
      zhorrr777: folds
      franccesco21: folds
      SluijsNL: folds
      Uncalled bet (35300) returned to ArnovanLuik
      *** FLOP *** [Th 9c Jd]
      *** TURN *** [Th 9c Jd] [4s]
      *** RIVER *** [Th 9c Jd 4s] [7h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [As Ks] (high card Ace)
      ArnovanLuik: shows [Ac Jc] (a pair of Jacks)
      ArnovanLuik collected 146728 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 146728 | Rake 0
      Board [Th 9c Jd 4s 7h]
      Seat 1: SluijsNL (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: Zhenya4777 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: bocoboco11 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: skydiver9640 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: CraekZe showed [As Ks] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 6: varssa folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: ArnovanLuik showed [Ac Jc] and won (146728) with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 8: zhorrr777 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: franccesco21 (small blind) folded before Flop

      11-06-2021 21:04 #29| 0

      HAHAHAHA.. Poker er IKKE dødt endnu:


      PokerStars Hand #227504906188: Tournament #3209688203, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (250/500) - 2021/06/11 21:02:58 CET [2021/06/11 15:02:58 ET]
      Table '3209688203 54' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: ProZeSSoR (10911 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (9529 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 3: Pokermania202 (9440 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 4: dubhousing (8499 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 5: NineBe (9002 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 6: IamTABASCO (21850 in chips, $14.80 bounty)
      Seat 7: helflip (15775 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 8: komornik (7016 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 9: Fieldy714 (23386 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      ProZeSSoR: posts the ante 60
      CraekZe: posts the ante 60
      Pokermania202: posts the ante 60
      dubhousing: posts the ante 60
      NineBe: posts the ante 60
      IamTABASCO: posts the ante 60
      helflip: posts the ante 60
      komornik: posts the ante 60
      Fieldy714: posts the ante 60
      Pokermania202: posts small blind 250
      dubhousing: posts big blind 500
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ah Qc]
      NineBe: folds
      IamTABASCO: folds
      helflip: raises 1000 to 1500
      komornik: folds
      Fieldy714: folds
      ProZeSSoR: folds
      CraekZe: raises 7969 to 9469 and is all-in
      Pokermania202: folds
      dubhousing: folds
      helflip: calls 7969
      *** FLOP *** [4s Kh 8c]
      *** TURN *** [4s Kh 8c] [6d]
      *** RIVER *** [4s Kh 8c 6d] [9s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      helflip: shows [Kd Tc] (a pair of Kings)
      CraekZe: shows [Ah Qc] (high card Ace)
      helflip collected 20228 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 20228 | Rake 0
      Board [4s Kh 8c 6d 9s]
      Seat 1: ProZeSSoR folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (button) showed [Ah Qc] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 3: Pokermania202 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: dubhousing (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: NineBe folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: IamTABASCO folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: helflip showed [Kd Tc] and won (20228) with a pair of Kings
      Seat 8: komornik folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: Fieldy714 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      11-06-2021 21:17 #30| 0

      ITM BB11

      11-06-2021 21:25 #31| 0

      Kvaller i første huk til TH22 for 2.85$

      11-06-2021 21:27 #32| 0

      2.5$ KO. Ikke et call jeg laver særligt ofte:


      PokerStars Hand #227505508869: Tournament #3211583733, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level V (90/180) - 2021/06/11 21:25:59 CET [2021/06/11 15:25:59 ET]
      Table '3211583733 21' 8-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: drychh (14246 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: kaet27 (5226 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 3: Just4Beast (5171 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: N-Gel23151 (4670 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: madiite (8179 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: sorin355 (8044 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (10004 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 8: BigChief2312 (1306 in chips, $5 bounty)
      drychh: posts the ante 27
      kaet27: posts the ante 27
      Just4Beast: posts the ante 27
      N-Gel23151: posts the ante 27
      madiite: posts the ante 27
      sorin355: posts the ante 27
      CraekZe: posts the ante 27
      BigChief2312: posts the ante 27
      BigChief2312: posts small blind 90
      drychh: posts big blind 180
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qh Kh]
      kaet27: raises 180 to 360
      Just4Beast: folds
      N-Gel23151: folds
      madiite: folds
      sorin355: calls 360
      CraekZe: raises 990 to 1350
      BigChief2312: folds
      drychh: folds
      kaet27: raises 3849 to 5199 and is all-in
      sorin355: folds
      CraekZe: calls 3849
      *** FLOP *** [Ac 6c Qc]
      *** TURN *** [Ac 6c Qc] [9h]
      *** RIVER *** [Ac 6c Qc 9h] [Kd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      kaet27: shows [Jc Jd] (a pair of Jacks)
      CraekZe: shows [Qh Kh] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
      CraekZe collected 11244 from pot
      CraekZe wins $2.50 for eliminating kaet27 and their own bounty increases by $2.50 to $7.50
      kaet27 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 11244 | Rake 0
      Board [Ac 6c Qc 9h Kd]
      Seat 1: drychh (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: kaet27 showed [Jc Jd] and lost with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 3: Just4Beast folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: N-Gel23151 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: madiite folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: sorin355 folded before Flop
      Seat 7: CraekZe (button) showed [Qh Kh] and won (11244) with two pair, Kings and Queens
      Seat 8: BigChief2312 (small blind) folded before Flop

      11-06-2021 21:32 #33| 0

      Bust nr 737/6.026 til 10.39$ + 3.75$ i KO.... Det der med at være foran, det er jeg ikke for god til:


      PokerStars Hand #227505590892: Tournament #3209684667, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (450/900) - 2021/06/11 21:29:07 CET [2021/06/11 15:29:07 ET]
      Table '3209684667 329' 8-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: DeeBz.s (110615 in chips, $42.49 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (9683 in chips, $8.75 bounty)
      Seat 3: eltjee90 (26294 in chips, $17.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: tiomilo32 (29586 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: Velho_rhanis (16239 in chips, $12.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: slplayer1 (39906 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: I'llTheBest (38320 in chips, $14.37 bounty)
      Seat 8: poseidon533 (85896 in chips, $61.08 bounty)
      DeeBz.s: posts the ante 140
      CraekZe: posts the ante 140
      eltjee90: posts the ante 140
      tiomilo32: posts the ante 140
      Velho_rhanis: posts the ante 140
      slplayer1: posts the ante 140
      I'llTheBest: posts the ante 140
      poseidon533: posts the ante 140
      eltjee90: posts small blind 450
      tiomilo32: posts big blind 900
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac Jc]
      Velho_rhanis: folds
      slplayer1: folds
      I'llTheBest: folds
      poseidon533: calls 900
      DeeBz.s: calls 900
      CraekZe: raises 8643 to 9543 and is all-in
      eltjee90: folds
      tiomilo32: folds
      poseidon533: calls 8643
      DeeBz.s: folds
      *** FLOP *** [Kd 7d Qd]
      *** TURN *** [Kd 7d Qd] [Ts]
      *** RIVER *** [Kd 7d Qd Ts] [2d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      poseidon533: shows [Ad 6h] (a flush, Ace high)
      CraekZe: shows [Ac Jc] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
      poseidon533 collected 22456 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 22456 | Rake 0
      Board [Kd 7d Qd Ts 2d]
      Seat 1: DeeBz.s folded before Flop
      Seat 2: CraekZe (button) showed [Ac Jc] and lost with a straight, Ten to Ace
      Seat 3: eltjee90 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: tiomilo32 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: Velho_rhanis folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: slplayer1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: I'llTheBest folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: poseidon533 showed [Ad 6h] and won (22456) with a flush, Ace high

      11-06-2021 21:40 #34| 0

      6.25$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227505844312: Tournament #3211583733, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2021/06/11 21:38:48 CET [2021/06/11 15:38:48 ET]
      Table '3211583733 21' 8-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: drychh (24611 in chips, $16.25 bounty)
      Seat 2: Mattzy1 (5872 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: Brito.Aces (18889 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: Evy_Gruy (10484 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: Nail86 (3218 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (18476 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: mxbulls (4912 in chips, $5 bounty)
      drychh: posts the ante 50
      Mattzy1: posts the ante 50
      Brito.Aces: posts the ante 50
      Evy_Gruy: posts the ante 50
      Nail86: posts the ante 50
      CraekZe: posts the ante 50
      mxbulls: posts the ante 50
      Nail86: posts small blind 150
      CraekZe: posts big blind 300
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [As Kd]
      mxbulls: folds
      drychh: raises 450 to 750
      Mattzy1: calls 750
      Brito.Aces: folds
      Evy_Gruy: folds
      Nail86: calls 600
      CraekZe: raises 1350 to 2100
      drychh: folds
      Mattzy1: calls 1350
      Nail86: raises 1068 to 3168 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 1068
      Mattzy1: calls 1068
      *** FLOP *** [9c 9s 5d]
      CraekZe: bets 6574
      Mattzy1: calls 2654 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (3920) returned to CraekZe
      *** TURN *** [9c 9s 5d] [9d]
      *** RIVER *** [9c 9s 5d 9d] [3s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [As Kd] (three of a kind, Nines)
      Mattzy1: shows [Ac 2c] (three of a kind, Nines - lower kicker)
      CraekZe collected 5308 from side pot
      Nail86: shows [6h 2h] (three of a kind, Nines - lower kicker)
      CraekZe collected 10604 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $3.75 for eliminating Mattzy1 and their own bounty increases by $3.75 to $11.25
      CraekZe wins $2.50 for eliminating Nail86 and their own bounty increases by $2.50 to $13.75
      Mattzy1 finished the tournament
      Nail86 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 15912 Main pot 10604. Side pot 5308. | Rake 0
      Board [9c 9s 5d 9d 3s]
      Seat 1: drychh folded before Flop
      Seat 2: Mattzy1 showed [Ac 2c] and lost with three of a kind, Nines
      Seat 4: Brito.Aces folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Evy_Gruy (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: Nail86 (small blind) showed [6h 2h] and lost with three of a kind, Nines
      Seat 7: CraekZe (big blind) showed [As Kd] and won (15912) with three of a kind, Nines
      Seat 8: mxbulls folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      11-06-2021 21:50 #35| 0

      2.5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227506111531: Tournament #3211583733, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (250/500) - 2021/06/11 21:49:00 CET [2021/06/11 15:49:00 ET]
      Table '3211583733 21' 8-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: drychh (20081 in chips, $16.25 bounty)
      Seat 3: Philippnooo1 (4120 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: Brito.Aces (34340 in chips, $19.37 bounty)
      Seat 5: Evy_Gruy (7854 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: MarkKutna (11200 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (22572 in chips, $13.75 bounty)
      Seat 8: mxbulls (15616 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      drychh: posts the ante 80
      Philippnooo1: posts the ante 80
      Brito.Aces: posts the ante 80
      Evy_Gruy: posts the ante 80
      MarkKutna: posts the ante 80
      CraekZe: posts the ante 80
      mxbulls: posts the ante 80
      MarkKutna: posts small blind 250
      CraekZe: posts big blind 500
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [9s 9c]
      mxbulls: folds
      drychh: folds
      Philippnooo1: raises 500 to 1000
      Brito.Aces: folds
      Evy_Gruy: folds
      MarkKutna: folds
      CraekZe: raises 6000 to 7000
      Philippnooo1: calls 3040 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (2960) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [8h Ts Kd]
      *** TURN *** [8h Ts Kd] [5c]
      *** RIVER *** [8h Ts Kd 5c] [9d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [9s 9c] (three of a kind, Nines)
      Philippnooo1: shows [Ah Qs] (high card Ace)
      CraekZe collected 8890 from pot
      CraekZe wins $2.50 for eliminating Philippnooo1 and their own bounty increases by $2.50 to $16.25
      Philippnooo1 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 8890 | Rake 0
      Board [8h Ts Kd 5c 9d]
      Seat 1: drychh folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Philippnooo1 showed [Ah Qs] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 4: Brito.Aces folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Evy_Gruy (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: MarkKutna (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: CraekZe (big blind) showed [9s 9c] and won (8890) with three of a kind, Nines
      Seat 8: mxbulls folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      11-06-2021 21:55 #36| 0

      5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227506234491: Tournament #3209690649, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (75/150) - 2021/06/11 21:53:43 CET [2021/06/11 15:53:43 ET]
      Table '3209690649 89' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: Baezil (2291 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: RafaPerroni (2388 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: xxphantomx (3619 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 4: xrobob (272 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: hongkingkong (4612 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: MikiDave (4980 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: Kissen25 (15073 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 8: 13allack13 (11097 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 9: CraekZe (8903 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Baezil: posts the ante 20
      RafaPerroni: posts the ante 20
      xxphantomx: posts the ante 20
      xrobob: posts the ante 20
      hongkingkong: posts the ante 20
      MikiDave: posts the ante 20
      Kissen25: posts the ante 20
      13allack13: posts the ante 20
      CraekZe: posts the ante 20
      xxphantomx: posts small blind 75
      xrobob: posts big blind 150
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [9s Ks]
      hongkingkong: raises 150 to 300
      MikiDave: folds
      Kissen25: folds
      13allack13: folds
      CraekZe: calls 300
      Baezil: folds
      RafaPerroni: folds
      xxphantomx: folds
      xrobob: calls 102 and is all-in
      *** FLOP *** [9h 9d Jd]
      hongkingkong: checks
      CraekZe: bets 310
      hongkingkong: calls 310
      *** TURN *** [9h 9d Jd] [6h]
      hongkingkong: checks
      CraekZe: bets 604
      hongkingkong: calls 604
      *** RIVER *** [9h 9d Jd 6h] [5c]
      hongkingkong: checks
      CraekZe: bets 3669
      hongkingkong: folds
      Uncalled bet (3669) returned to CraekZe
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [9s Ks] (three of a kind, Nines)
      CraekZe collected 1924 from side pot
      xrobob: shows [Qd 7s] (a pair of Nines)
      CraekZe collected 1011 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $5 for eliminating xrobob and their own bounty increases by $5 to $15
      xrobob finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 2935 Main pot 1011. Side pot 1924. | Rake 0
      Board [9h 9d Jd 6h 5c]
      Seat 1: Baezil folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: RafaPerroni (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: xxphantomx (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: xrobob (big blind) showed [Qd 7s] and lost with a pair of Nines
      Seat 5: hongkingkong folded on the River
      Seat 6: MikiDave folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: Kissen25 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: 13allack13 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: CraekZe showed [9s Ks] and won (2935) with three of a kind, Nines

      11-06-2021 22:09 #37| 0

      Som sagt tidligere.. Poker er IKKE død endnu:


      PokerStars Hand #227506540662: Tournament #3211583733, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (350/700) - 2021/06/11 22:06:15 CET [2021/06/11 16:06:15 ET]
      Table '3211583733 2' 8-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: CraekZe (5368 in chips, $16.25 bounty)
      Seat 2: LomaNegra66 (22463 in chips, $18.75 bounty)
      Seat 3: makenjibanzai (6483 in chips, $8.75 bounty)
      Seat 4: bajasas (51302 in chips, $20.93 bounty)
      Seat 5: fecarvalhoBR (11520 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: maciejka69 (22423 in chips, $17.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: oskarlyx (3150 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 8: mrpink271 (44265 in chips, $15 bounty)
      CraekZe: posts the ante 110
      LomaNegra66: posts the ante 110
      makenjibanzai: posts the ante 110
      bajasas: posts the ante 110
      fecarvalhoBR: posts the ante 110
      maciejka69: posts the ante 110
      oskarlyx: posts the ante 110
      mrpink271: posts the ante 110
      CraekZe: posts small blind 350
      LomaNegra66: posts big blind 700
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [3d 3s]
      makenjibanzai: folds
      bajasas: folds
      fecarvalhoBR: folds
      maciejka69: calls 700
      oskarlyx: folds
      mrpink271: calls 700
      CraekZe: raises 4558 to 5258 and is all-in
      LomaNegra66: folds
      maciejka69: raises 9442 to 14700
      mrpink271: raises 9442 to 24142
      maciejka69: calls 7613 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (1829) returned to mrpink271
      *** FLOP *** [7s Kd 4s]
      *** TURN *** [7s Kd 4s] [9c]
      *** RIVER *** [7s Kd 4s 9c] [Jc]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      maciejka69: shows [Tc Ac] (high card Ace)
      mrpink271: shows [6h Kh] (a pair of Kings)
      mrpink271 collected 34110 from side pot
      CraekZe: shows [3d 3s] (a pair of Threes)
      mrpink271 collected 17354 from main pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 51464 Main pot 17354. Side pot 34110. | Rake 0
      Board [7s Kd 4s 9c Jc]
      Seat 1: CraekZe (small blind) showed [3d 3s] and lost with a pair of Threes
      Seat 2: LomaNegra66 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: makenjibanzai folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: bajasas folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: fecarvalhoBR folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: maciejka69 showed [Tc Ac] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 7: oskarlyx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: mrpink271 (button) showed [6h Kh] and won (51464) with a pair of Kings

      11-06-2021 22:18 #38| 0

      Og for sidste gang... Poker er IKKE dødt endnu:


      PokerStars Hand #227506827875: Tournament #3209690649, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (200/400) - 2021/06/11 22:17:14 CET [2021/06/11 16:17:14 ET]
      Table '3209690649 140' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
      Seat 1: gerbereneU66 (29403 in chips, $35 bounty)
      Seat 2: WaffleMachine (33504 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: Greentourist (5154 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 4: vs.panda.vs (4542 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: orqa (11139 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 6: vesse66 (5730 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (6306 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 8: kuchel1981 (7757 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 9: lamaemp (5203 in chips, $10 bounty)
      gerbereneU66: posts the ante 50
      WaffleMachine: posts the ante 50
      Greentourist: posts the ante 50
      vs.panda.vs: posts the ante 50
      orqa: posts the ante 50
      vesse66: posts the ante 50
      CraekZe: posts the ante 50
      kuchel1981: posts the ante 50
      lamaemp: posts the ante 50
      CraekZe: posts small blind 200
      kuchel1981: posts big blind 400
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Kc Th]
      lamaemp: folds
      gerbereneU66: folds
      WaffleMachine: folds
      Greentourist: folds
      vs.panda.vs: folds
      orqa: folds
      vesse66: folds
      CraekZe: raises 5856 to 6256 and is all-in
      kuchel1981: calls 5856
      *** FLOP *** [6s 2s 5h]
      *** TURN *** [6s 2s 5h] [4h]
      *** RIVER *** [6s 2s 5h 4h] [9d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Kc Th] (high card King)
      kuchel1981: shows [9h 8d] (a pair of Nines)
      kuchel1981 collected 12962 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 12962 | Rake 0
      Board [6s 2s 5h 4h 9d]
      Seat 1: gerbereneU66 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: WaffleMachine folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Greentourist folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: vs.panda.vs folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: orqa folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: vesse66 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (small blind) showed [Kc Th] and lost with high card King
      Seat 8: kuchel1981 (big blind) showed [9h 8d] and won (12962) with a pair of Nines
      Seat 9: lamaemp folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      11-06-2021 22:32 #39| 1


      I morgen spiller jeg, hvis jeg spiller, enten meget tidligt eller efter DK kampen. Har lovet konen og børnene at se kampen med dem.

      Har endvidere måske mulighed for en session mandag aften, men det er ikke helt sikkert endnu. Skal til min bedstemors bisættelse tirsdag, så har fri fra arbejdet.


      Opsummering på dagens session: Syntes spillet var fint, fik bygget nogle fine stacks rundt omkring, vi manglede lige det sidste i flere gode spots. Og havde den AKss så holdt hjem på FT i 3.5 sng, så var vi nok gået ret dybt... Ikke at gøre.... Men de 3.5 sng kommer nok jævnligt med på programmet.  

      12-06-2021 21:22 #40| 0

      Starter nok en session op efter kampen. 
      Pga det sene tidspunkt, så er der mange tours vi ikke kan nå. Så hvad mener i om at vi køber direkte ind i BB33?

      12-06-2021 21:28 #41| 0
      CraekZ skrev:

      Starter nok en session op efter kampen. 
      Pga det sene tidspunkt, så er der mange tours vi ikke kan nå. Så hvad mener i om at vi køber direkte ind i BB33?


       Hvis vi ikke kan nå de lækre value tours, så er det måske lige før vi skal vente til en anden dag? 

      12-06-2021 21:30 #42| 0
      ktothep skrev:


       Hvis vi ikke kan nå de lækre value tours, så er det måske lige før vi skal vente til en anden dag? 


       Vi kan nå en del tours endnu. + sng og ODM. 

      12-06-2021 21:37 #43| 0

      Har startet en session op...

      Program bliver opdateret i post nr 2.

      Pt. har fået én positiv tilbagemelding på BB33, men regger ikke før jeg har hørt fra flere.

      12-06-2021 21:52 #44| 0

      Kvaller BB33 for 4.4$

      12-06-2021 22:07 #45| 0

      16.88$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227532033577: Tournament #3209684692, $7.50+$22.50+$3.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (100/200) - 2021/06/12 22:06:17 CET [2021/06/12 16:06:17 ET]
      Table '3209684692 187' 8-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: olezka18 (1977 in chips, $33.75 bounty)
      Seat 2: jamuha17 (17006 in chips, $45 bounty)
      Seat 3: panandrei74 (8148 in chips, $45 bounty)
      Seat 4: rikidikitavi (5522 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: anisheks (11455 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: IcaLm (13288 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (5384 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: MegaBobeR_55 (11374 in chips, $33.75 bounty)
      olezka18: posts the ante 30
      jamuha17: posts the ante 30
      panandrei74: posts the ante 30
      rikidikitavi: posts the ante 30
      anisheks: posts the ante 30
      IcaLm: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts the ante 30
      MegaBobeR_55: posts the ante 30
      jamuha17: posts small blind 100
      panandrei74: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [7d 7s]
      rikidikitavi: folds
      anisheks: folds
      IcaLm: folds
      CraekZe: raises 240 to 440
      MegaBobeR_55: folds
      olezka18: raises 1507 to 1947 and is all-in
      jamuha17: folds
      panandrei74: folds
      CraekZe: calls 1507
      *** FLOP *** [5c Ks 4h]
      *** TURN *** [5c Ks 4h] [8d]
      *** RIVER *** [5c Ks 4h 8d] [Jc]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [7d 7s] (a pair of Sevens)
      olezka18: shows [As 5s] (a pair of Fives)
      CraekZe collected 4434 from pot
      CraekZe wins $16.88 for eliminating olezka18 and their own bounty increases by $16.87 to $39.37
      olezka18 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 4434 | Rake 0
      Board [5c Ks 4h 8d Jc]
      Seat 1: olezka18 (button) showed [As 5s] and lost with a pair of Fives
      Seat 2: jamuha17 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: panandrei74 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: rikidikitavi folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: anisheks folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: IcaLm folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: CraekZe showed [7d 7s] and won (4434) with a pair of Sevens
      Seat 8: MegaBobeR_55 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      12-06-2021 22:08 #46| 0

      5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227532060941: Tournament #3207121335, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (250/500) - 2021/06/12 22:07:16 CET [2021/06/12 16:07:16 ET]
      Table '3207121335 171' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: GORO99 (23200 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: fossil500 (16757 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 3: Enna83 (60211 in chips, $17.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: devopetts (35991 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 5: JBMNT420 (6668 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: RandLee (7830 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: godzilaO (44219 in chips, $35 bounty)
      Seat 9: CraekZe (9980 in chips, $10 bounty)
      GORO99: posts the ante 50
      fossil500: posts the ante 50
      Enna83: posts the ante 50
      devopetts: posts the ante 50
      JBMNT420: posts the ante 50
      RandLee: posts the ante 50
      godzilaO: posts the ante 50
      CraekZe: posts the ante 50
      godzilaO: posts small blind 250
      CraekZe: posts big blind 500
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ks Ah]
      GORO99: folds
      fossil500: folds
      Enna83: folds
      devopetts: folds
      JBMNT420: raises 6118 to 6618 and is all-in
      RandLee: folds
      godzilaO: folds
      CraekZe: calls 6118
      *** FLOP *** [5d 7h 2c]
      *** TURN *** [5d 7h 2c] [6d]
      *** RIVER *** [5d 7h 2c 6d] [Ac]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ks Ah] (a pair of Aces)
      JBMNT420: shows [As Jh] (a pair of Aces - lower kicker)
      CraekZe collected 13886 from pot
      CraekZe wins $5 for eliminating JBMNT420 and their own bounty increases by $5 to $15
      JBMNT420 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 13886 | Rake 0
      Board [5d 7h 2c 6d Ac]
      Seat 1: GORO99 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: fossil500 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Enna83 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: devopetts folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: JBMNT420 showed [As Jh] and lost with a pair of Aces
      Seat 7: RandLee (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: godzilaO (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 9: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Ks Ah] and won (13886) with a pair of Aces

      12-06-2021 22:18 #47| 0

      Husk nu de klare linier der er mht. buyin. Vi skal ikke efter 3 sessions begynde at købe dyrere ind. Du skal acceptere at der er regler at forholde sig til i staket...

      12-06-2021 22:20 #48| 0

      5.62$ ko:


      PokerStars Hand #227532376264: Tournament #3209684692, $7.50+$22.50+$3.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (125/250) - 2021/06/12 22:18:16 CET [2021/06/12 16:18:16 ET]
      Table '3209684692 187' 8-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: aleks.buil (254 in chips, $39.37 bounty)
      Seat 2: jamuha17 (19756 in chips, $45 bounty)
      Seat 3: panandrei74 (12869 in chips, $56.25 bounty)
      Seat 4: rikidikitavi (4355 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: anisheks (891 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: IcaLm (11516 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (27166 in chips, $39.37 bounty)
      Seat 8: MegaBobeR_55 (9759 in chips, $33.75 bounty)
      aleks.buil: posts the ante 36
      jamuha17: posts the ante 36
      panandrei74: posts the ante 36
      rikidikitavi: posts the ante 36
      anisheks: posts the ante 36
      IcaLm: posts the ante 36
      CraekZe: posts the ante 36
      MegaBobeR_55: posts the ante 36
      aleks.buil: posts small blind 125
      jamuha17: posts big blind 250
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [9s 4s]
      panandrei74: folds
      rikidikitavi: folds
      anisheks: raises 605 to 855 and is all-in
      IcaLm: folds
      CraekZe: calls 855
      MegaBobeR_55: folds
      aleks.buil: folds
      jamuha17: calls 605
      *** FLOP *** [Jd Tc 8h]
      jamuha17: checks
      CraekZe: checks
      *** TURN *** [Jd Tc 8h] [Qh]
      jamuha17: bets 1340
      CraekZe: calls 1340
      *** RIVER *** [Jd Tc 8h Qh] [4c]
      jamuha17: bets 2546
      CraekZe: calls 2546
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      jamuha17: shows [9h 5h] (a straight, Eight to Queen)
      CraekZe: shows [9s 4s] (a straight, Eight to Queen)
      jamuha17 collected 3886 from side pot
      CraekZe collected 3886 from side pot
      anisheks: mucks hand
      jamuha17 collected 1489 from main pot
      CraekZe collected 1489 from main pot
      jamuha17 wins $5.63 for splitting the elimination of anisheks and their own bounty increases by $5.62 to $50.62
      CraekZe wins $5.63 for splitting the elimination of anisheks and their own bounty increases by $5.62 to $44.99
      anisheks finished the tournament in 1222nd place
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 10750 Main pot 2978. Side pot 7772. | Rake 0
      Board [Jd Tc 8h Qh 4c]
      Seat 1: aleks.buil (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: jamuha17 (big blind) showed [9h 5h] and won (5375) with a straight, Eight to Queen
      Seat 3: panandrei74 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: rikidikitavi folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: anisheks mucked [5c Kc]
      Seat 6: IcaLm folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: CraekZe showed [9s 4s] and won (5375) with a straight, Eight to Queen
      Seat 8: MegaBobeR_55 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      12-06-2021 22:22 #49| 0

      I skal da heller ikke snydes for denne frækkert kort forinden:


      PokerStars Hand #227532321726: Tournament #3209684692, $7.50+$22.50+$3.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (125/250) - 2021/06/12 22:16:20 CET [2021/06/12 16:16:20 ET]
      Table '3209684692 187' 8-max Seat #6 is the button
      Seat 1: aleks.buil (876 in chips, $39.37 bounty)
      Seat 2: jamuha17 (17387 in chips, $45 bounty)
      Seat 3: panandrei74 (12941 in chips, $56.25 bounty)
      Seat 4: rikidikitavi (4427 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: anisheks (14295 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: IcaLm (13066 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (13368 in chips, $39.37 bounty)
      Seat 8: MegaBobeR_55 (10206 in chips, $33.75 bounty)
      aleks.buil: posts the ante 36
      jamuha17: posts the ante 36
      panandrei74: posts the ante 36
      rikidikitavi: posts the ante 36
      anisheks: posts the ante 36
      IcaLm: posts the ante 36
      CraekZe: posts the ante 36
      MegaBobeR_55: posts the ante 36
      CraekZe: posts small blind 125
      MegaBobeR_55: posts big blind 250
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ad As]
      aleks.buil: folds
      jamuha17: folds
      panandrei74: folds
      rikidikitavi: folds
      anisheks: raises 913 to 1163
      IcaLm: folds
      CraekZe: calls 1038
      MegaBobeR_55: folds
      *** FLOP *** [Ah 7c 7s]
      CraekZe: checks
      anisheks: bets 1432
      CraekZe: calls 1432
      *** TURN *** [Ah 7c 7s] [Js]
      CraekZe: checks
      anisheks: checks
      *** RIVER *** [Ah 7c 7s Js] [8c]
      CraekZe: bets 2005
      anisheks: raises 9659 to 11664 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 8732 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (927) returned to anisheks
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      anisheks: shows [8h 8d] (a full house, Eights full of Sevens)
      CraekZe: shows [Ad As] (a full house, Aces full of Sevens)
      CraekZe collected 27202 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 27202 | Rake 0
      Board [Ah 7c 7s Js 8c]
      Seat 1: aleks.buil folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: jamuha17 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: panandrei74 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: rikidikitavi folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: anisheks showed [8h 8d] and lost with a full house, Eights full of Sevens
      Seat 6: IcaLm (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (small blind) showed [Ad As] and won (27202) with a full house, Aces full of Sevens
      Seat 8: MegaBobeR_55 (big blind) folded before Flop

      12-06-2021 22:42 #50| 0

      21.25$ KO og massiv stack:


      PokerStars Hand #227532985843: Tournament #3207121335, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (500/1000) - 2021/06/12 22:39:52 CET [2021/06/12 16:39:52 ET]
      Table '3207121335 29' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: jazzfareva (42924 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 2: TheSheep12 (2763 in chips, $42.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: BUSCHIDO666 (38678 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (34010 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 5: Antoshka960 (26704 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: billionaaire (22720 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: olezka18 (30952 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: MStashe (21204 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 9: PhiSlamaJama34 (54104 in chips, $25 bounty)
      jazzfareva: posts the ante 100
      TheSheep12: posts the ante 100
      BUSCHIDO666: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts the ante 100
      Antoshka960: posts the ante 100
      billionaaire: posts the ante 100
      olezka18: posts the ante 100
      MStashe: posts the ante 100
      PhiSlamaJama34: posts the ante 100
      BUSCHIDO666: posts small blind 500
      CraekZe: posts big blind 1000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [9h 9d]
      Antoshka960: folds
      billionaaire: folds
      olezka18: folds
      MStashe: folds
      PhiSlamaJama34: folds
      jazzfareva: raises 1000 to 2000
      TheSheep12: raises 663 to 2663 and is all-in
      BUSCHIDO666: raises 35915 to 38578 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 32910 and is all-in
      jazzfareva: folds
      Uncalled bet (4668) returned to BUSCHIDO666
      *** FLOP *** [Jh 6d As]
      *** TURN *** [Jh 6d As] [7h]
      *** RIVER *** [Jh 6d As 7h] [5d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      BUSCHIDO666: shows [8d Qs] (high card Ace)
      CraekZe: shows [9h 9d] (a pair of Nines)
      CraekZe collected 62494 from side pot
      TheSheep12: shows [6h Qh] (a pair of Sixes)
      CraekZe collected 10889 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $21.25 for eliminating TheSheep12 and their own bounty increases by $21.25 to $36.25
      TheSheep12 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 73383 Main pot 10889. Side pot 62494. | Rake 0
      Board [Jh 6d As 7h 5d]
      Seat 1: jazzfareva folded before Flop
      Seat 2: TheSheep12 (button) showed [6h Qh] and lost with a pair of Sixes
      Seat 3: BUSCHIDO666 (small blind) showed [8d Qs] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 4: CraekZe (big blind) showed [9h 9d] and won (73383) with a pair of Nines
      Seat 5: Antoshka960 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: billionaaire folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: olezka18 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: MStashe folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: PhiSlamaJama34 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      Og så en heldig 15$ KO lige efter:


      PokerStars Hand #227533011045: Tournament #3207121335, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (500/1000) - 2021/06/12 22:40:48 CET [2021/06/12 16:40:48 ET]
      Table '3207121335 29' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
      Seat 1: jazzfareva (40824 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 3: BUSCHIDO666 (4668 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (73383 in chips, $36.25 bounty)
      Seat 5: Antoshka960 (26604 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: billionaaire (22620 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: olezka18 (30852 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: MStashe (21104 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 9: PhiSlamaJama34 (54004 in chips, $25 bounty)
      jazzfareva: posts the ante 100
      BUSCHIDO666: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts the ante 100
      Antoshka960: posts the ante 100
      billionaaire: posts the ante 100
      olezka18: posts the ante 100
      MStashe: posts the ante 100
      PhiSlamaJama34: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts small blind 500
      Antoshka960: posts big blind 1000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [7d 8c]
      billionaaire: folds
      olezka18: folds
      MStashe: folds
      PhiSlamaJama34: folds
      jazzfareva: folds
      BUSCHIDO666: raises 3568 to 4568 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 4068
      Antoshka960: calls 3568
      *** FLOP *** [Jc 7h 2s]
      CraekZe: bets 8992
      Antoshka960: calls 8992
      *** TURN *** [Jc 7h 2s] [5c]
      CraekZe: bets 20143
      Antoshka960: calls 12944 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (7199) returned to CraekZe
      *** RIVER *** [Jc 7h 2s 5c] [8d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [7d 8c] (two pair, Eights and Sevens)
      Antoshka960: shows [Js Ts] (a pair of Jacks)
      CraekZe collected 43872 from side pot
      BUSCHIDO666: shows [2d Kd] (a pair of Deuces)
      CraekZe collected 14504 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $10 for eliminating BUSCHIDO666 and their own bounty increases by $10 to $46.25
      CraekZe wins $5 for eliminating Antoshka960 and their own bounty increases by $5 to $51.25
      Antoshka960 finished the tournament
      BUSCHIDO666 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 58376 Main pot 14504. Side pot 43872. | Rake 0
      Board [Jc 7h 2s 5c 8d]
      Seat 1: jazzfareva folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: BUSCHIDO666 (button) showed [2d Kd] and lost with a pair of Deuces
      Seat 4: CraekZe (small blind) showed [7d 8c] and won (58376) with two pair, Eights and Sevens
      Seat 5: Antoshka960 (big blind) showed [Js Ts] and lost with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 6: billionaaire folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: olezka18 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: MStashe folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: PhiSlamaJama34 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      12-06-2021 22:46 #51| 0

      Er du på hide?

      12-06-2021 22:48 #52| 0

      Med de massive prygl mit røvhul har taget imod på jobbet i dag, så bør det være en seriøs skrub aften du har gang i

      12-06-2021 22:57 #53| 0
      The_Animal84 skrev:

      Er du på hide?


       Ja er jeg... Men tager det af nu

      12-06-2021 22:59 #54| 0
      Evigtung skrev:

      Med de massive prygl mit røvhul har taget imod på jobbet i dag, så bør det være en seriøs skrub aften du har gang i


       Er ked af at høre om det røvhul....

      Tror vi er mange der har modtaget diverse prygl i dag... Jeg var i hvert fald ikke mig selv da Cedde E lå i græsset, føj for en omgnag.. Fuck resultatet af kampen, bare han kommer sig...

      Men ja, der har da været tegn på skrub, så overvejede lige kort af prøve en sat til Cooldown.. Men de koster 15$

      12-06-2021 23:03 #55| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Er ked af at høre om det røvhul....

      Tror vi er mange der har modtaget diverse prygl i dag... Jeg var i hvert fald ikke mig selv da Cedde E lå i græsset, føj for en omgnag.. Fuck resultatet af kampen, bare han kommer sig...

      Men ja, der har da været tegn på skrub, så overvejede lige kort af prøve en sat til Cooldown.. Men de koster 15$


       Ja, det oveni det jeg nok vil kalde min værste arbejdsdag i snart 11 år samme sted, hjalp ikke på det

      12-06-2021 23:04 #56| 0
      Evigtung skrev:


       Ja, det oveni det jeg nok vil kalde min værste arbejdsdag i snart 11 år samme sted, hjalp ikke på det



      12-06-2021 23:09 #57| 0
      CraekZ skrev:




       Vi begyndte med udbringning fra et eksternt firma i går, de formår så kun at hente ordre nr 1 korrekt, dog ringer gæsten 1 time senere og spørg, hvad der foregår, de 3 andre meddeler det firma så de aldrig har fået en ordre om. Den ene af dem får dog stadig ikke deres mad 2 timer efter. Så lave deres mad på ny og sende en af sine egne medarbejdere ned med maden + alt ekstra (ja de manglet vel kun at få mine bukser) men de endte da med at få en god oplevelse. Tjenere som stadig ikke kan Bonne rigtig ind. Jeg er normalt rimelig tolerant, men der er grænser for, hvad en mand kan klarer og stå på mål for

      12-06-2021 23:16 #58| 1

      ITM BB33

      12-06-2021 23:17 #59| 0

      ITM 3.5 sng nr. 1

      12-06-2021 23:19 #60| 0
      Evigtung skrev:


       Vi begyndte med udbringning fra et eksternt firma i går, de formår så kun at hente ordre nr 1 korrekt, dog ringer gæsten 1 time senere og spørg, hvad der foregår, de 3 andre meddeler det firma så de aldrig har fået en ordre om. Den ene af dem får dog stadig ikke deres mad 2 timer efter. Så lave deres mad på ny og sende en af sine egne medarbejdere ned med maden + alt ekstra (ja de manglet vel kun at få mine bukser) men de endte da med at få en god oplevelse. Tjenere som stadig ikke kan Bonne rigtig ind. Jeg er normalt rimelig tolerant, men der er grænser for, hvad en mand kan klarer og stå på mål for

       Ej fuck hvor langt ude.. Skal man se positivt på det, så kan det KUN blive bedre fremad


      12-06-2021 23:19 #61| 0

      Ser godt ud mate, mangler der ikke 2 bountys i #2 fra #50 samt 1 fra #45 og #48 også?

      Redigeret af ktothep d. 12-06-2021 23:29
      12-06-2021 23:20 #62| 0
      CraekZ skrev:

       Ej fuck hvor langt ude.. Skal man se positivt på det, så kan det KUN blive bedre fremad



       Tjekket firmaet ud på trustpilot efterfølgende... De har 2.2

      12-06-2021 23:31 #63| 0

      18.75$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227534213366: Tournament #3207121335, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (1000/2000) - 2021/06/12 23:26:21 CET [2021/06/12 17:26:21 ET]
      Table '3207121335 21' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: IFISHWIN (58082 in chips, $33.75 bounty)
      Seat 2: kingsallday999 (86080 in chips, $42.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: AREYOUANGRY? (38168 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: 2la-SkyLine (70300 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: Limpers tax (131483 in chips, $43.12 bounty)
      Seat 6: yates04 (72586 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: Luki5757 (81290 in chips, $38.75 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (54742 in chips, $51.25 bounty)
      Seat 9: vocminog (113398 in chips, $42.50 bounty)
      IFISHWIN: posts the ante 200
      kingsallday999: posts the ante 200
      AREYOUANGRY?: posts the ante 200
      2la-SkyLine: posts the ante 200
      Limpers tax: posts the ante 200
      yates04: posts the ante 200
      Luki5757: posts the ante 200
      CraekZe: posts the ante 200
      vocminog: posts the ante 200
      yates04: posts small blind 1000
      Luki5757: posts big blind 2000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Kc Ks]
      CraekZe: raises 2400 to 4400
      vocminog: folds
      IFISHWIN: folds
      kingsallday999: folds
      AREYOUANGRY?: raises 33568 to 37968 and is all-in
      2la-SkyLine: folds
      Limpers tax: folds
      yates04: folds
      Luki5757: folds
      CraekZe: calls 33568
      *** FLOP *** [4h Kd 9s]
      *** TURN *** [4h Kd 9s] [2s]
      *** RIVER *** [4h Kd 9s 2s] [6s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Kc Ks] (three of a kind, Kings)
      AREYOUANGRY?: shows [8c 8h] (a pair of Eights)
      CraekZe collected 80736 from pot
      CraekZe wins $18.75 for eliminating AREYOUANGRY? and their own bounty increases by $18.75 to $70
      AREYOUANGRY? finished the tournament in 537th place and received $20.08.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 80736 | Rake 0
      Board [4h Kd 9s 2s 6s]
      Seat 1: IFISHWIN folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: kingsallday999 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: AREYOUANGRY? showed [8c 8h] and lost with a pair of Eights
      Seat 4: 2la-SkyLine folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Limpers tax (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: yates04 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: Luki5757 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [Kc Ks] and won (80736) with three of a kind, Kings
      Seat 9: vocminog folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      12-06-2021 23:33 #64| 0

      5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227534361321: Tournament #3207121335, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVII (1000/2000) - 2021/06/12 23:31:41 CET [2021/06/12 17:31:41 ET]
      Table '3207121335 21' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: IFISHWIN (52082 in chips, $33.75 bounty)
      Seat 2: kingsallday999 (97160 in chips, $42.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: LeCaribouFou (16476 in chips, $30.62 bounty)
      Seat 4: 2la-SkyLine (69300 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: Limpers tax (139083 in chips, $43.12 bounty)
      Seat 6: yates04 (83786 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: Luki5757 (62890 in chips, $38.75 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (84630 in chips, $70 bounty)
      Seat 9: vocminog (117798 in chips, $42.50 bounty)
      IFISHWIN: posts the ante 200
      kingsallday999: posts the ante 200
      LeCaribouFou: posts the ante 200
      2la-SkyLine: posts the ante 200
      Limpers tax: posts the ante 200
      yates04: posts the ante 200
      Luki5757: posts the ante 200
      CraekZe: posts the ante 200
      vocminog: posts the ante 200
      kingsallday999: posts small blind 1000
      LeCaribouFou: posts big blind 2000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac Ah]
      2la-SkyLine: raises 2400 to 4400
      Limpers tax: folds
      yates04: folds
      Luki5757: folds
      CraekZe: raises 9600 to 14000
      vocminog: folds
      IFISHWIN: calls 14000
      kingsallday999: folds
      LeCaribouFou: folds
      2la-SkyLine: raises 54000 to 68000
      CraekZe: raises 16430 to 84430 and is all-in
      IFISHWIN: folds
      2la-SkyLine: calls 1100 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (15330) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [3c Kh 9c]
      *** TURN *** [3c Kh 9c] [5c]
      *** RIVER *** [3c Kh 9c 5c] [Qc]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      2la-SkyLine: shows [Ad Ks] (a pair of Kings)
      CraekZe: shows [Ac Ah] (a flush, Ace high)
      CraekZe collected 157000 from pot
      CraekZe wins $5 for eliminating 2la-SkyLine and their own bounty increases by $5 to $75
      2la-SkyLine finished the tournament in 453rd place and received $20.08.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 157000 | Rake 0
      Board [3c Kh 9c 5c Qc]
      Seat 1: IFISHWIN (button) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: kingsallday999 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: LeCaribouFou (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: 2la-SkyLine showed [Ad Ks] and lost with a pair of Kings
      Seat 5: Limpers tax folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: yates04 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: Luki5757 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [Ac Ah] and won (157000) with a flush, Ace high
      Seat 9: vocminog folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      12-06-2021 23:36 #65| 0

      Bust BB33 som 343/3.122 til 16.25$ + 22.51$ i KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227534405951: Tournament #3209684692, $7.50+$22.50+$3.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXI (500/1000) - 2021/06/12 23:33:24 CET [2021/06/12 17:33:24 ET]
      Table '3209684692 135' 8-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: Rikaflaren (25612 in chips, $67.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: Tilc67 (35188 in chips, $75.93 bounty)
      Seat 3: bergziege09 (46021 in chips, $45 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (17751 in chips, $44.99 bounty)
      Seat 5: EasyCompanE (85102 in chips, $89.99 bounty)
      Seat 6: SMYSoul (61081 in chips, $45 bounty)
      Seat 7: dynam1k88 (84689 in chips, $115.30 bounty)
      Seat 8: mhem87 (52687 in chips, $208.09 bounty)
      Rikaflaren: posts the ante 150
      Tilc67: posts the ante 150
      bergziege09: posts the ante 150
      CraekZe: posts the ante 150
      EasyCompanE: posts the ante 150
      SMYSoul: posts the ante 150
      dynam1k88: posts the ante 150
      mhem87: posts the ante 150
      Tilc67: posts small blind 500
      bergziege09: posts big blind 1000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Th Tc]
      CraekZe: raises 16601 to 17601 and is all-in
      EasyCompanE: folds
      SMYSoul: folds
      SMYSoul is sitting out
      dynam1k88: folds
      mhem87: folds
      Rikaflaren: raises 7861 to 25462 and is all-in
      Tilc67: folds
      bergziege09: folds
      Uncalled bet (7861) returned to Rikaflaren
      *** FLOP *** [2d 6h Ad]
      *** TURN *** [2d 6h Ad] [6d]
      *** RIVER *** [2d 6h Ad 6d] [Kc]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Th Tc] (two pair, Tens and Sixes)
      Rikaflaren: shows [Qh Ac] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
      Rikaflaren collected 37902 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 37902 | Rake 0
      Board [2d 6h Ad 6d Kc]
      Seat 1: Rikaflaren (button) showed [Qh Ac] and won (37902) with two pair, Aces and Sixes
      Seat 2: Tilc67 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: bergziege09 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: CraekZe showed [Th Tc] and lost with two pair, Tens and Sixes
      Seat 5: EasyCompanE folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: SMYSoul folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: dynam1k88 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: mhem87 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      12-06-2021 23:39 #66| 0
      ktothep skrev:

      Ser godt ud mate, mangler der ikke 2 bountys i #2 fra #50 samt 1 fra #45 og #48 også?


       Ved ikke lige helt hvad du mener m8??

      12-06-2021 23:39 #67| 0
      Evigtung skrev:


       Tjekket firmaet ud på trustpilot efterfølgende... De har 2.2


       AVAVAVAV, de ryger vel hurtigt ud igen så?

      12-06-2021 23:40 #68| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Ved ikke lige helt hvad du mener m8??


       Opdateret nu ;) 

      12-06-2021 23:41 #69| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       AVAVAVAV, de ryger vel hurtigt ud igen så?


       Jeg er gået i dialog med ham der har fået dem ind, med målet om det

      12-06-2021 23:42 #70| 0
      ktothep skrev:


       Opdateret nu ;) 


       Ja jeg opdaterer kun KO's osv i programmet når der lige er tid til det.. 

      Der var lidt mange KO's på det tidspunkt :)

      12-06-2021 23:44 #71| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Ja jeg opdaterer kun KO's osv i programmet når der lige er tid til det.. 

      Der var lidt mange KO's på det tidspunkt :)


       Og det skal vi ikke klage over! :) 

      12-06-2021 23:46 #72| 0
      ktothep skrev:


       Og det skal vi ikke klage over! :) 


       Nej så sku man da næsten være et skarn :)

      Vi er btw oppe på 98$ i buy.ins i dag pt. Så der er ikke plads til meget mere.. Måske jeg lige smider en 3.5 sng på... Kommer an på hvor mange der er regged

      13-06-2021 00:32 #73| 0

      Kun Mini KO tilbage

      13-06-2021 01:04 #74| 0

      28.44$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227536476264: Tournament #3207121335, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIV (3000/6000) - 2021/06/13 1:02:12 CET [2021/06/12 19:02:12 ET]
      Table '3207121335 21' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: lavanda883 (108959 in chips, $77.02 bounty)
      Seat 2: Japira (667992 in chips, $118.75 bounty)
      Seat 3: pvlpvlpvl (226474 in chips, $31.25 bounty)
      Seat 4: pa4o77 (55532 in chips, $50 bounty)
      Seat 5: Limpers tax (12013 in chips, $56.87 bounty)
      Seat 6: yates04 (283784 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: Serg2407 (266412 in chips, $77.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (64834 in chips, $75 bounty)
      Seat 9: vocminog (158916 in chips, $71.56 bounty)
      lavanda883: posts the ante 600
      Japira: posts the ante 600
      pvlpvlpvl: posts the ante 600
      pa4o77: posts the ante 600
      Limpers tax: posts the ante 600
      yates04: posts the ante 600
      Serg2407: posts the ante 600
      CraekZe: posts the ante 600
      vocminog: posts the ante 600
      Limpers tax: posts small blind 3000
      yates04: posts big blind 6000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac Jh]
      Serg2407: folds
      CraekZe: raises 58234 to 64234 and is all-in
      vocminog: raises 94082 to 158316 and is all-in
      lavanda883: folds
      Japira: folds
      pvlpvlpvl: folds
      pa4o77: folds
      Limpers tax: calls 8413 and is all-in
      yates04: folds
      Uncalled bet (94082) returned to vocminog
      *** FLOP *** [Qc Td 8h]
      *** TURN *** [Qc Td 8h] [Kh]
      *** RIVER *** [Qc Td 8h Kh] [9c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ac Jh] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
      vocminog: shows [Qs Ks] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
      CraekZe collected 105642 from side pot
      Limpers tax: shows [2h 5d] (high card King)
      CraekZe collected 45639 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $28.44 for eliminating Limpers tax and their own bounty increases by $28.43 to $103.43
      Limpers tax finished the tournament in 125th place and received $51.82.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 151281 Main pot 45639. Side pot 105642. | Rake 0
      Board [Qc Td 8h Kh 9c]
      Seat 1: lavanda883 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: Japira folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: pvlpvlpvl folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: pa4o77 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Limpers tax (small blind) showed [2h 5d] and lost with high card King
      Seat 6: yates04 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: Serg2407 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [Ac Jh] and won (151281) with a straight, Ten to Ace
      Seat 9: vocminog showed [Qs Ks] and lost with two pair, Kings and Queens

      13-06-2021 01:29 #75| 0

      Bust Mini KO som 96/3.351 til 61.17$ + 93.44$ i KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227537012308: Tournament #3207121335, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVI (4000/8000) - 2021/06/13 1:27:28 CET [2021/06/12 19:27:28 ET]
      Table '3207121335 21' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: lavanda883 (55562 in chips, $77.02 bounty)
      Seat 2: Japira (464493 in chips, $143.75 bounty)
      Seat 3: pvlpvlpvl (292148 in chips, $31.25 bounty)
      Seat 4: rsehnem77 (129121 in chips, $63.75 bounty)
      Seat 5: sandorcsikar (80936 in chips, $17.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: yates04 (313834 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: Serg2407 (333142 in chips, $103.75 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (95247 in chips, $103.43 bounty)
      Seat 9: vocminog (400000 in chips, $71.56 bounty)
      lavanda883: posts the ante 800
      Japira: posts the ante 800
      pvlpvlpvl: posts the ante 800
      rsehnem77: posts the ante 800
      sandorcsikar: posts the ante 800
      yates04: posts the ante 800
      Serg2407: posts the ante 800
      CraekZe: posts the ante 800
      vocminog: posts the ante 800
      vocminog: posts small blind 4000
      lavanda883: posts big blind 8000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [5c 5s]
      Japira: raises 44000 to 52000
      pvlpvlpvl: folds
      rsehnem77: folds
      sandorcsikar: folds
      yates04: folds
      Serg2407: folds
      CraekZe: raises 42447 to 94447 and is all-in
      vocminog: folds
      lavanda883: folds
      Japira: calls 42447
      *** FLOP *** [6c 8d 7c]
      *** TURN *** [6c 8d 7c] [6d]
      *** RIVER *** [6c 8d 7c 6d] [7d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Japira: shows [Jc Ah] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
      CraekZe: shows [5c 5s] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes - lower kicker)
      Japira collected 208094 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 208094 | Rake 0
      Board [6c 8d 7c 6d 7d]
      Seat 1: lavanda883 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: Japira showed [Jc Ah] and won (208094) with two pair, Sevens and Sixes
      Seat 3: pvlpvlpvl folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: rsehnem77 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: sandorcsikar folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: yates04 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: Serg2407 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (button) showed [5c 5s] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Sixes
      Seat 9: vocminog (small blind) folded before Flop

      13-06-2021 01:33 #76| 0


      Tilbage hvor vi startede....

      13-06-2021 09:25 #77| 0

      Stærk session

      Synes det var godt du ikke købte direkte ind i BB33 da der var udover aftalen, og desuden tænker jeg også at sen late reg i lørdagsversionen af de BB tours må være minus EV da det jo er 75% af puljen der går til KO?

      Hyper SNG med 10bb starts stack 15 usd satten til cooldown er der ikke så meget at sige til det overholder de regler der er aftalt. Vil dog blive overrasket hvis det er et spil vi slår. Jeg vil gætte på det er noget af det hårdeste 15 usd spil at slå da det er de samme regs der sidder i den hver gang, eller er det bare min oplevelse?

      Men gg og fedt med en god session, ikke meget mere der skal gå din vej inden det er et tungt cash :)

      Redigeret af petjen27 d. 13-06-2021 11:09
      13-06-2021 09:33 #78| 0

      Er meget enig med Petjen27 og fedt med en fornuftig session. Du kommer tættere og tættere på..

      13-06-2021 11:24 #79| 1
      petjen27 skrev:

      Stærk session

      Synes det var godt du ikke købte direkte ind i BB33 da der var udover aftalen, og desuden tænker jeg også at sen late reg i lørdagsversionen af de BB tours må være minus EV da det jo er 75% af puljen der går til KO?

      Hyper SNG med 10bb starts stack 15 usd satten til cooldown er der ikke så meget at sige til det overholder de regler der er aftalt. Vil dog blive overrasket hvis det er et spil vi slår. Jeg vil gætte på det er noget af det hårdeste 15 usd spil at slå da det er de samme regs der sidder i den hver gang, eller er det bare min oplevelse?

      Men gg og fedt med en god session, ikke meget mere der skal gå din vej inden det er et tungt cash :)

       Nej det var også et “hovsa-forslag” om vi sku regge til BB33. Men igen, så var det kun et forslag, jeg regger ikke til noget udover aftalen, medmindre dette i overensstemmelse med flertallet. 
      Ang. 15$ sat’en, så tænker jeg den overholder reglerne ja. Den blev udelukkende regged fordi der var plads i forhold til rulle og borde. Du har ret i at de kan være ret reg-infested, men jeg har stort set labels på 95% af de regs der spiller disse. Så jeg havde skam kontrolleret hvor mange af dem der var med i den og det var langt under hvad der plejer at være. Men så er de regs nu heller ikke bedre. Det er ca. de samme som du møder ned til 2.85$ niveauet. Så skulle man fravælge sats pga regs, så var der ikke mange man kunne spille ;) 


      13-06-2021 11:28 #80| 1
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Er meget enig med Petjen27 og fedt med en fornuftig session. Du kommer tættere og tættere på..


       Ja nu er vi da i hvert fald tilbage ved start. Lad os krydse hvad krydses kan, for at det nu er tid til at bygge på!

      Og fedt vi fik snakket om de 3.5$ sng’s, skal liiii ind i spillemoden til dem igen. Men der er value at hente der. 

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 13-06-2021 16:31
      14-06-2021 16:48 #81| 2

      Jeg gir lige en melding senere om jeg napper en session i aften. 

      14-06-2021 19:02 #82| 0

      Starter en lille session op nu.

      14-06-2021 19:15 #83| 0

      2,5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227577686879: Tournament #3213234897, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (70/140) - 2021/06/14 19:13:20 CET [2021/06/14 13:13:20 ET]
      Table '3213234897 11' 8-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 2: AlexCorvin22 (5000 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 3: anjelika1968 (5397 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: romk@vip (10074 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: josielairesd (4784 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: Patou1150 (424 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (4703 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 8: shighz (6688 in chips, $5 bounty)
      AlexCorvin22: posts the ante 21
      anjelika1968: posts the ante 21
      romk@vip: posts the ante 21
      josielairesd: posts the ante 21
      Patou1150: posts the ante 21
      CraekZe: posts the ante 21
      shighz: posts the ante 21
      Patou1150: posts small blind 70
      CraekZe: posts big blind 140
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [5s 7h]
      shighz: folds
      AlexCorvin22: folds
      anjelika1968: folds
      romk@vip: folds
      josielairesd: raises 140 to 280
      Patou1150: calls 210
      CraekZe: calls 140
      *** FLOP *** [Jc 5c 4s]
      Patou1150: checks
      CraekZe: checks
      josielairesd: checks
      *** TURN *** [Jc 5c 4s] [6h]
      Patou1150: bets 123 and is all-in
      CraekZe: raises 432 to 555
      josielairesd: folds
      Uncalled bet (432) returned to CraekZe
      *** RIVER *** [Jc 5c 4s 6h] [8s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Patou1150: shows [6s Kc] (a pair of Sixes)
      CraekZe: shows [5s 7h] (a straight, Four to Eight)
      CraekZe collected 1233 from pot
      CraekZe wins $2.50 for eliminating Patou1150 and their own bounty increases by $2.50 to $7.50
      Patou1150 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 1233 | Rake 0
      Board [Jc 5c 4s 6h 8s]
      Seat 2: AlexCorvin22 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: anjelika1968 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: romk@vip folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: josielairesd (button) folded on the Turn
      Seat 6: Patou1150 (small blind) showed [6s Kc] and lost with a pair of Sixes
      Seat 7: CraekZe (big blind) showed [5s 7h] and won (1233) with a straight, Four to Eight
      Seat 8: shighz folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      14-06-2021 19:28 #84| 0
      CraekZ skrev:

      Starter en lille session op nu.

      14-06-2021 19:29 #85| 0
      petjen27 skrev:




      14-06-2021 19:30 #86| 0

      1,75$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227578051089: Tournament #3211304424, $2.40+$2.50+$0.60 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (100/200) - 2021/06/14 19:28:26 CET [2021/06/14 13:28:26 ET]
      Table '3211304424 11' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: XPERT1102 (1403 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (3036 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: gerryzockt (2281 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: qqshonok666 (5519 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: JonesCPH (4914 in chips, $3.25 bounty)
      Seat 7: zekaaa10 (2975 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: AiA99 (17575 in chips, $6.47 bounty)
      Seat 9: kolya10 (3081 in chips, $2.50 bounty)
      XPERT1102: posts the ante 25
      CraekZe: posts the ante 25
      gerryzockt: posts the ante 25
      qqshonok666: posts the ante 25
      JonesCPH: posts the ante 25
      zekaaa10: posts the ante 25
      AiA99: posts the ante 25
      kolya10: posts the ante 25
      JonesCPH: posts small blind 100
      zekaaa10: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [8s Ts]
      AiA99: raises 200 to 400
      kolya10: calls 400
      XPERT1102: folds
      CraekZe: calls 400
      gerryzockt: calls 400
      qqshonok666: folds
      JonesCPH: calls 300
      zekaaa10: folds
      *** FLOP *** [Th 5d 8c]
      JonesCPH: checks
      AiA99: checks
      kolya10: checks
      CraekZe: bets 2611 and is all-in
      gerryzockt: calls 1856 and is all-in
      JonesCPH: folds
      AiA99: folds
      kolya10: folds
      Uncalled bet (755) returned to CraekZe
      *** TURN *** [Th 5d 8c] [Kc]
      *** RIVER *** [Th 5d 8c Kc] [2d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [8s Ts] (two pair, Tens and Eights)
      gerryzockt: shows [6d 8d] (a pair of Eights)
      CraekZe collected 6112 from pot
      CraekZe wins $1.75 for eliminating gerryzockt and their own bounty increases by $0.75 to $3.25
      gerryzockt finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 6112 | Rake 0
      Board [Th 5d 8c Kc 2d]
      Seat 1: XPERT1102 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: CraekZe showed [8s Ts] and won (6112) with two pair, Tens and Eights
      Seat 3: gerryzockt showed [6d 8d] and lost with a pair of Eights
      Seat 4: qqshonok666 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: JonesCPH (small blind) folded on the Flop
      Seat 7: zekaaa10 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: AiA99 folded on the Flop
      Seat 9: kolya10 folded on the Flop

      14-06-2021 19:44 #87| 0



      PokerStars Hand #227578370867: Tournament #3211302582, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (70/140) - 2021/06/14 19:41:39 CET [2021/06/14 13:41:39 ET]
      Table '3211302582 113' 8-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: KTO TAM ?!87 (14684 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (9611 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 3: MaleditoDF (14452 in chips, $11.25 bounty)
      Seat 4: FortanS (2455 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: rogoff76 (11687 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: alencarfu (7486 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: kidstarlight (3008 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 8: ZazyDod (4436 in chips, $5 bounty)
      KTO TAM ?!87: posts the ante 21
      CraekZe: posts the ante 21
      MaleditoDF: posts the ante 21
      FortanS: posts the ante 21
      rogoff76: posts the ante 21
      alencarfu: posts the ante 21
      kidstarlight: posts the ante 21
      ZazyDod: posts the ante 21
      MaleditoDF: posts small blind 70
      FortanS: posts big blind 140
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Kh Ah]
      rogoff76: folds
      alencarfu: raises 168 to 308
      kidstarlight: folds
      ZazyDod: folds
      KTO TAM ?!87: folds
      CraekZe: raises 672 to 980
      MaleditoDF has timed out
      MaleditoDF: folds
      MaleditoDF is sitting out
      FortanS: calls 840
      alencarfu: folds
      *** FLOP *** [9h 4s 8h]
      FortanS: checks
      CraekZe: bets 1554
      FortanS: calls 1454 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (100) returned to CraekZe
      *** TURN *** [9h 4s 8h] [5h]
      *** RIVER *** [9h 4s 8h 5h] [4d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      FortanS: shows [5c 4c] (a full house, Fours full of Fives)
      CraekZe: shows [Kh Ah] (a flush, Ace high)
      FortanS collected 5414 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 5414 | Rake 0
      Board [9h 4s 8h 5h 4d]
      Seat 1: KTO TAM ?!87 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (button) showed [Kh Ah] and lost with a flush, Ace high
      Seat 3: MaleditoDF (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: FortanS (big blind) showed [5c 4c] and won (5414) with a full house, Fours full of Fives
      Seat 5: rogoff76 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: alencarfu folded before Flop
      Seat 7: kidstarlight folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: ZazyDod folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      14-06-2021 20:16 #88| 0

      Har kun 3.5 sng og TH11 tilbage. Det blir de sidste for i dag.. 

      14-06-2021 20:43 #89| 0

      FEDT.. Min PC crashede lige og så sku der da lige opdateres og genstartes 2 gange... Festligt

      14-06-2021 21:05 #90| 0

      ITM TH11

      14-06-2021 21:15 #91| 0

      Bust TH11 237/1.795 til 16.73$

      14-06-2021 21:17 #92| 0


      Det var en session lige til skraldespanden...

      18-06-2021 21:17 #93| 0

      Hvornår spilles der igen ?

      19-06-2021 11:51 #94| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Hvornår spilles der igen ?


       Det bliver nok i næste weekend. Er i sommerhus med nogle venner i denne. 

      19-06-2021 12:11 #95| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Det bliver nok i næste weekend. Er i sommerhus med nogle venner i denne. 

      Bare i orden, god weekend 🍺😎
      19-06-2021 14:13 #96| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Bare i orden, god weekend


       Jo tak. Der gir rigeligt med special øl. Og som tidligere nævnt, så spiller vi evt noget poker, så ser i mig online, er det for egen rulle og kæmpe 

      -EV drunkenpoker. 

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 19-06-2021 14:13
      19-06-2021 20:35 #97| 1
      CraekZ skrev:


       Jo tak. Der gir rigeligt med special øl. Og som tidligere nævnt, så spiller vi evt noget poker, så ser i mig online, er det for egen rulle og kæmpe 

      -EV drunkenpoker. 

      Super fint, og god udmelding 👍🏻
      24-06-2021 18:59 #98| 0

      Mojn drenge.


      Har fået mulighed for en lille session i dag. Så jeg starter så småt ud nu her. Opdaterer program i post nr 2.

      24-06-2021 19:11 #99| 0

      Kvaller til Mini BB HR (Midstakes Madness 02)

      24-06-2021 19:12 #100| 0

      GL 🙂

      24-06-2021 19:15 #101| 0
      kris_rem skrev:



       Jo tak... 

      24-06-2021 19:24 #102| 0

      2.5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #227815151753: Tournament #3217113290, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (50/100) - 2021/06/24 19:23:40 CET [2021/06/24 13:23:40 ET]
      Table '3217113290 102' 8-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: SpecialAlexey (3749 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 2: DannyN13 (4398 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 3: CraekZe (2177 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: HPI KIT (1691 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: xaltepico (7028 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: FelipeB.foz (7299 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: makonya91 (15835 in chips, $12.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: Dmitry_Rudik (11885 in chips, $5 bounty)
      SpecialAlexey: posts the ante 15
      DannyN13: posts the ante 15
      CraekZe: posts the ante 15
      HPI KIT: posts the ante 15
      xaltepico: posts the ante 15
      FelipeB.foz: posts the ante 15
      makonya91: posts the ante 15
      Dmitry_Rudik: posts the ante 15
      FelipeB.foz: posts small blind 50
      makonya91: posts big blind 100
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Td Ts]
      Dmitry_Rudik: folds
      SpecialAlexey: folds
      DannyN13: folds
      CraekZe: raises 120 to 220
      HPI KIT: raises 1456 to 1676 and is all-in
      xaltepico: folds
      FelipeB.foz: folds
      makonya91: folds
      CraekZe: calls 1456
      *** FLOP *** [Ad 6s 8c]
      *** TURN *** [Ad 6s 8c] [Th]
      *** RIVER *** [Ad 6s 8c Th] [Jh]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Td Ts] (three of a kind, Tens)
      HPI KIT: shows [Ac Qc] (a pair of Aces)
      CraekZe collected 3622 from pot
      CraekZe wins $2.50 for eliminating HPI KIT and their own bounty increases by $2.50 to $7.50
      HPI KIT finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 3622 | Rake 0
      Board [Ad 6s 8c Th Jh]
      Seat 1: SpecialAlexey folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: DannyN13 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: CraekZe showed [Td Ts] and won (3622) with three of a kind, Tens
      Seat 4: HPI KIT showed [Ac Qc] and lost with a pair of Aces
      Seat 5: xaltepico (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: FelipeB.foz (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: makonya91 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: Dmitry_Rudik folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      24-06-2021 19:37 #103| 0

      Fedt, GL og må skrubbet være med dig..

      24-06-2021 19:41 #104| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Fedt, GL og må skrubbet være med dig..


       Jo tak... Desværre bust i Mini BB HR... Bluffy dude, havde ramt hvor jeg troede han igen var ude at spille med musklerne.


      24-06-2021 19:44 #105| 0

      Og bust BB11... 99 vs 1010, vi rammer begge set.

      24-06-2021 19:53 #106| 0

      Kun 3.5$ sng og TH11 tilbage. Det blir de sidste. 

      24-06-2021 20:04 #107| 0



      3.5 sng: 3.3K

      TH11: 9K

      24-06-2021 20:20 #108| 0

      Bust TH11 1.027/1.715... En del coolers på få min.

      24-06-2021 20:30 #109| 0

      Lever endnu i 3.5:


      PokerStars Hand #227816720198: Tournament #3218801812, $3.30+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (300/600) - 2021/06/24 20:29:14 CET [2021/06/24 14:29:14 ET]
      Table '3218801812 9' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
      Seat 1: lupninox (15285 in chips)
      Seat 2: deadnoughtus (12041 in chips)
      Seat 3: pitiku09 (10759 in chips)
      Seat 4: timektimek88 (11578 in chips)
      Seat 5: Tessa Tes637 (7972 in chips)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (6464 in chips)
      Seat 7: MrMillions90 (11349 in chips)
      Seat 8: 89ccc (7890 in chips)
      Seat 9: The Magic Ball (6486 in chips)
      lupninox: posts the ante 50
      deadnoughtus: posts the ante 50
      pitiku09: posts the ante 50
      timektimek88: posts the ante 50
      Tessa Tes637: posts the ante 50
      CraekZe: posts the ante 50
      MrMillions90: posts the ante 50
      89ccc: posts the ante 50
      The Magic Ball: posts the ante 50
      MrMillions90: posts small blind 300
      89ccc: posts big blind 600
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac 9h]
      The Magic Ball: folds
      lupninox: folds
      deadnoughtus: folds
      pitiku09: folds
      timektimek88: folds
      Tessa Tes637: folds
      CraekZe: raises 5814 to 6414 and is all-in
      MrMillions90: folds
      89ccc: calls 5814
      *** FLOP *** [6c 2h 4d]
      *** TURN *** [6c 2h 4d] [Qs]
      *** RIVER *** [6c 2h 4d Qs] [3c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      89ccc: shows [Kh Jh] (high card King)
      CraekZe: shows [Ac 9h] (high card Ace)
      CraekZe collected 13578 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 13578 | Rake 0
      Board [6c 2h 4d Qs 3c]
      Seat 1: lupninox folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: deadnoughtus folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: pitiku09 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: timektimek88 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Tessa Tes637 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (button) showed [Ac 9h] and won (13578) with high card Ace
      Seat 7: MrMillions90 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: 89ccc (big blind) showed [Kh Jh] and lost with high card King
      Seat 9: The Magic Ball folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      24-06-2021 20:40 #110| 0

      Phew... Den var lækker... 7/43:


      PokerStars Hand #227816962584: Tournament #3218801812, $3.30+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (500/1000) - 2021/06/24 20:38:37 CET [2021/06/24 14:38:37 ET]
      Table '3218801812 14' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: jcandidop4 (13411 in chips)
      Seat 2: veronika743 (11522 in chips)
      Seat 3: VoodooRoo (12939 in chips)
      Seat 5: Mariana Caet (10827 in chips)
      Seat 6: will.buy92 (11041 in chips)
      Seat 7: biralzin (12467 in chips)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (15380 in chips)
      Seat 9: FREDY PRATY (230 in chips)
      jcandidop4: posts the ante 100
      veronika743: posts the ante 100
      VoodooRoo: posts the ante 100
      Mariana Caet: posts the ante 100
      will.buy92: posts the ante 100
      biralzin: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts the ante 100
      FREDY PRATY: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts small blind 500
      FREDY PRATY: posts big blind 130 and is all-in
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [9s Ah]
      jcandidop4: folds
      veronika743: folds
      VoodooRoo: folds
      Mariana Caet: folds
      will.buy92: folds
      biralzin: raises 1500 to 2000
      CraekZe: raises 13280 to 15280 and is all-in
      biralzin: calls 10367 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (2913) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [Ac 6h 8d]
      *** TURN *** [Ac 6h 8d] [3c]
      *** RIVER *** [Ac 6h 8d 3c] [4c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [9s Ah] (a pair of Aces)
      biralzin: shows [Th Tc] (a pair of Tens)
      CraekZe collected 24474 from side pot
      FREDY PRATY: shows [5h 9d] (high card Ace)
      CraekZe collected 1190 from main pot
      biralzin finished the tournament in 44th place
      FREDY PRATY finished the tournament in 45th place
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 25664 Main pot 1190. Side pot 24474. | Rake 0
      Board [Ac 6h 8d 3c 4c]
      Seat 1: jcandidop4 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: veronika743 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: VoodooRoo folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Mariana Caet folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: will.buy92 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: biralzin (button) showed [Th Tc] and lost with a pair of Tens
      Seat 8: CraekZe (small blind) showed [9s Ah] and won (25664) with a pair of Aces
      Seat 9: FREDY PRATY (big blind) showed [5h 9d] and lost with high card Ace

      24-06-2021 20:52 #111| 0

      ITM 3.5$ sng 21/27

      24-06-2021 20:55 #112| 0



      3.5$ sng: 11.8K

      24-06-2021 21:05 #113| 0

      Bust nr 16/180 til 15.23$:


      PokerStars Hand #227817608416: Tournament #3218801812, $3.30+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (1250/2500) - 2021/06/24 21:04:44 CET [2021/06/24 15:04:44 ET]
      Table '3218801812 14' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
      Seat 1: voycontos (89514 in chips)
      Seat 2: veronika743 (40873 in chips)
      Seat 3: VoodooRoo (40806 in chips)
      Seat 4: André Gatti (70299 in chips)
      Seat 6: BuckFin32 (37445 in chips)
      Seat 7: GUGASAMPA (39967 in chips)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (10098 in chips)
      voycontos: posts the ante 250
      veronika743: posts the ante 250
      VoodooRoo: posts the ante 250
      André Gatti: posts the ante 250
      BuckFin32: posts the ante 250
      GUGASAMPA: posts the ante 250
      CraekZe: posts the ante 250
      GUGASAMPA: posts small blind 1250
      CraekZe: posts big blind 2500
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ts As]
      voycontos: raises 2500 to 5000
      BlueCarla is disconnected
      veronika743: folds
      VoodooRoo: folds
      André Gatti: folds
      BuckFin32: folds
      GUGASAMPA: folds
      CraekZe: raises 4848 to 9848 and is all-in
      voycontos: calls 4848
      *** FLOP *** [7s 4s Qc]
      *** TURN *** [7s 4s Qc] [4h]
      *** RIVER *** [7s 4s Qc 4h] [7h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ts As] (two pair, Sevens and Fours)
      voycontos: shows [7d 7c] (four of a kind, Sevens)
      voycontos collected 22696 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 22696 | Rake 0
      Board [7s 4s Qc 4h 7h]
      Seat 1: voycontos showed [7d 7c] and won (22696) with four of a kind, Sevens
      Seat 2: veronika743 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: VoodooRoo folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: André Gatti folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: BuckFin32 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: GUGASAMPA (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Ts As] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Fours

      24-06-2021 21:08 #114| 0
      25-06-2021 11:17 #115| 0

      Jeg skal nok opdatere når jeg spiller igen. Har haft lidt meget om ørerne på det sidste, så er godt klar over at der ikke har været for meget volumen. 

      25-06-2021 18:56 #116| 0

      Starter en session op lige om snart.

      25-06-2021 19:14 #117| 0

      Gi gas 

      25-06-2021 19:17 #118| 0
      hamsjelv skrev:

      Gi gas 


       Den får fuld pedal i dag.

      Var ellers tæt på at tage til Amsterdam... Var i Parken i mandags og er stadig helt høj!!!

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 25-06-2021 19:17
      25-06-2021 19:22 #119| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Den får fuld pedal i dag.

      Var ellers tæt på at tage til Amsterdam... Var i Parken i mandags og er stadig helt høj!!!


       Ship du bare en tur i aften, så kan du roligt ryge til Holland i morgen - så holder du også 12 timers reglen ;) 


      25-06-2021 19:26 #120| 0
      ktothep skrev:


       Ship du bare en tur i aften, så kan du roligt ryge til Holland i morgen - så holder du også 12 timers reglen ;) 



       Den er i vinkel :)

      Lidt godt kom der da ud af min drukweekend med makkerne... I en ordentlig 13 hestes brandert fik jeg snakket med chefen, som sagde at jeg da bare sku tage afsted og gav mig 2 dage fri... Og så ellers ind at få fat i billetter.... Bedste køb i mit liv... Havde konen med på hendes første landskamp... Og fik sørme også skålet med drohse.....

      25-06-2021 19:29 #121| 0

      Nå.. Det var det dersens poker vi er her for... Lækkert lille read som gav en fin pot:


      PokerStars Hand #227838728263: Tournament #3217134162, $9.80+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2021/06/25 19:27:38 CET [2021/06/25 13:27:38 ET]
      Table '3217134162 39' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: steylo (5000 in chips)
      Seat 2: mate tdd (4888 in chips)
      Seat 3: Mikwej (5012 in chips)
      Seat 4: FernandesDiz (9818 in chips)
      Seat 5: RicH-kill187 (4715 in chips)
      Seat 6: german224 (4889 in chips)
      Seat 7: yorkenufc (1673 in chips)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (5360 in chips)
      Seat 9: LuckyBabruin (4894 in chips)
      steylo: posts the ante 6
      mate tdd: posts the ante 6
      Mikwej: posts the ante 6
      FernandesDiz: posts the ante 6
      RicH-kill187: posts the ante 6
      german224: posts the ante 6
      yorkenufc: posts the ante 6
      CraekZe: posts the ante 6
      LuckyBabruin: posts the ante 6
      Mikwej: posts small blind 25
      FernandesDiz: posts big blind 50
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [8s 8h]
      RicH-kill187: folds
      german224: folds
      yorkenufc: raises 1617 to 1667 and is all-in
      CraekZe: raises 3687 to 5354 and is all-in
      LuckyBabruin: folds
      steylo: folds
      mate tdd: folds
      Mikwej: folds
      FernandesDiz: folds
      Uncalled bet (3687) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [8c 2d 4c]
      *** TURN *** [8c 2d 4c] [5h]
      *** RIVER *** [8c 2d 4c 5h] [9c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      yorkenufc: shows [2s 2c] (three of a kind, Deuces)
      CraekZe: shows [8s 8h] (three of a kind, Eights)
      CraekZe collected 3463 from pot
      yorkenufc finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 3463 | Rake 0
      Board [8c 2d 4c 5h 9c]
      Seat 1: steylo folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: mate tdd (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Mikwej (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: FernandesDiz (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: RicH-kill187 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: german224 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: yorkenufc showed [2s 2c] and lost with three of a kind, Deuces
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [8s 8h] and won (3463) with three of a kind, Eights
      Seat 9: LuckyBabruin folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      25-06-2021 19:47 #122| 0

      FT sat til BB33


      Bust nr 3 til 3.12$.. PIS

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 25-06-2021 19:54
      25-06-2021 20:10 #123| 0

      Hvis man bare ku floppe sådan HVER gang:


      PokerStars Hand #227839718598: Tournament #3217134162, $9.80+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (125/250) - 2021/06/25 20:09:08 CET [2021/06/25 14:09:08 ET]
      Table '3217134162 77' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: rodrigolbt93 (11881 in chips)
      Seat 2: Thaaleesx (4060 in chips)
      Seat 3: rfraz1066 (5839 in chips)
      Seat 4: Vonni_NH (5335 in chips)
      Seat 5: Sasha_89_lab (4370 in chips)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (5022 in chips)
      Seat 7: goa1908 (5546 in chips)
      Seat 8: Vurtsvagger (4290 in chips)
      Seat 9: Willy222444 (6312 in chips)
      rodrigolbt93: posts the ante 30
      Thaaleesx: posts the ante 30
      rfraz1066: posts the ante 30
      Vonni_NH: posts the ante 30
      Sasha_89_lab: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts the ante 30
      goa1908: posts the ante 30
      Vurtsvagger: posts the ante 30
      Willy222444: posts the ante 30
      Sasha_89_lab: posts small blind 125
      CraekZe: posts big blind 250
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Js Jd]
      goa1908: folds
      Vurtsvagger: calls 250
      Willy222444: folds
      rodrigolbt93: folds
      Thaaleesx: folds
      rfraz1066: folds
      Vonni_NH: folds
      Sasha_89_lab: raises 625 to 875
      CraekZe: raises 4117 to 4992 and is all-in
      Vurtsvagger: folds
      Sasha_89_lab: calls 3465 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (652) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [7s Jh Jc]
      *** TURN *** [7s Jh Jc] [8d]
      *** RIVER *** [7s Jh Jc 8d] [Kh]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Sasha_89_lab: shows [Kd Ad] (two pair, Kings and Jacks)
      CraekZe: shows [Js Jd] (four of a kind, Jacks)
      CraekZe collected 9200 from pot
      Sasha_89_lab finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 9200 | Rake 0
      Board [7s Jh Jc 8d Kh]
      Seat 1: rodrigolbt93 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: Thaaleesx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: rfraz1066 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: Vonni_NH (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Sasha_89_lab (small blind) showed [Kd Ad] and lost with two pair, Kings and Jacks
      Seat 6: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Js Jd] and won (9200) with four of a kind, Jacks
      Seat 7: goa1908 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Vurtsvagger folded before Flop
      Seat 9: Willy222444 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      25-06-2021 20:13 #124| 0

      Bust BB11 99 vs 1010 BvsB

      25-06-2021 20:28 #125| 0

      Bust 16.5 PKO... AJss vs 1010.. 2x spar på flop... men ingen hjælp

      25-06-2021 20:35 #126| 0

      FT BB33 sat

      25-06-2021 20:36 #127| 0

      Kvallet BB33 for 2x 4.4$

      25-06-2021 20:41 #128| 0

      LOL.. Første hånd i BB33.. QQ ind i AA

      25-06-2021 20:43 #129| 0

      Og bust TH11 som 385/1.492

      25-06-2021 20:45 #130| 0

      Men fin stack i Mini ME:


      PokerStars Hand #227840573055: Tournament #3217061965, $9.80+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (200/400) - 2021/06/25 20:43:03 CET [2021/06/25 14:43:03 ET]
      Table '3217061965 41' 8-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: AlexPol91 (52427 in chips)
      Seat 2: LeandrinhoC (104187 in chips)
      Seat 3: aziza1981 (60371 in chips)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (54575 in chips)
      Seat 5: Bo0g1e (43184 in chips)
      Seat 6: AlexPreto10 (45181 in chips)
      Seat 7: padusul1975 (24902 in chips)
      Seat 8: Rowniwn (16268 in chips)
      AlexPol91: posts the ante 60
      LeandrinhoC: posts the ante 60
      aziza1981: posts the ante 60
      CraekZe: posts the ante 60
      Bo0g1e: posts the ante 60
      AlexPreto10: posts the ante 60
      padusul1975: posts the ante 60
      Rowniwn: posts the ante 60
      Bo0g1e: posts small blind 200
      AlexPreto10: posts big blind 400
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac Qd]
      padusul1975: folds
      Rowniwn: folds
      AlexPol91: folds
      LeandrinhoC: folds
      aziza1981: folds
      CraekZe: raises 720 to 1120
      Bo0g1e: folds
      AlexPreto10: raises 3280 to 4400
      CraekZe: calls 3280
      *** FLOP *** [As 3h 8d]
      AlexPreto10: bets 2400
      Bo0g1e is disconnected
      CraekZe: calls 2400
      *** TURN *** [As 3h 8d] [Jc]
      AlexPreto10: checks
      CraekZe: bets 4998
      AlexPreto10: raises 7802 to 12800
      CraekZe: calls 7802
      *** RIVER *** [As 3h 8d Jc] [9h]
      AlexPreto10: bets 25521 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 25521
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      AlexPreto10: shows [Td Ts] (a pair of Tens)
      CraekZe: shows [Ac Qd] (a pair of Aces)
      CraekZe collected 90922 from pot
      AlexPreto10 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 90922 | Rake 0
      Board [As 3h 8d Jc 9h]
      Seat 1: AlexPol91 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: LeandrinhoC folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: aziza1981 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (button) showed [Ac Qd] and won (90922) with a pair of Aces
      Seat 5: Bo0g1e (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: AlexPreto10 (big blind) showed [Td Ts] and lost with a pair of Tens
      Seat 7: padusul1975 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Rowniwn folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      25-06-2021 20:51 #131| 0

      Bust 3.5 sng som nr 34/180

      25-06-2021 21:06 #132| 0

      FT Midtstakes Madness 10 sat


      25-06-2021 21:12 #133| 0

      Kvallet MSM-10..... Selvom det ku ha endt klamt... Var oz på ft med 3 regs. Så fiiiint:

      PokerStars Hand #227841276975: Tournament #3219429009, $5.59+$0.11 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round II, Level I (25/50) - 2021/06/25 21:10:55 CET [2021/06/25 15:10:55 ET]
      Table '3219429009 1' 4-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: goedhandje (1105 in chips)
      Seat 3: TheGuerreiro (395 in chips)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (500 in chips)
      goedhandje: posts the ante 10
      TheGuerreiro: posts the ante 10
      CraekZe: posts the ante 10
      TheGuerreiro: posts small blind 25
      CraekZe: posts big blind 50
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ah Ac]
      goedhandje: folds
      TheGuerreiro: raises 335 to 385 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 335
      *** FLOP *** [3s 7s Qs]
      *** TURN *** [3s 7s Qs] [Th]
      *** RIVER *** [3s 7s Qs Th] [6c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      TheGuerreiro: shows [2s Jc] (high card Queen)
      CraekZe: shows [Ah Ac] (a pair of Aces)
      CraekZe collected 800 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 800 | Rake 0
      Board [3s 7s Qs Th 6c]
      Seat 1: goedhandje (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: TheGuerreiro (small blind) showed [2s Jc] and lost with high card Queen
      Seat 4: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Ah Ac] and won (800) with a pair of Aces

      25-06-2021 21:27 #134| 0

      Har regged det sidste for i aften... Vi har nået limit....

      25-06-2021 21:39 #135| 0

      Lidt HH's skal i jo også ha at kigge på.


      Elsker et godt herocall... Tænker ikke hans linje giver meget mening.. Er jeg galt på den?:

      PokerStars Hand #227841832134: Tournament #3217061966, $20+$20+$4 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level I (75/150) - 2021/06/25 21:30:57 CET [2021/06/25 15:30:57 ET]
      Table '3217061966 17' 7-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: infa0865 (24980 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 2: Trangelthi (24905 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 3: susipl (24647 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 4: Dinesho (25528 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 5: SlowDoke (24980 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (24980 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 7: ZeTn1 (24980 in chips, $20 bounty)
      infa0865: posts the ante 20
      Trangelthi: posts the ante 20
      susipl: posts the ante 20
      Dinesho: posts the ante 20
      SlowDoke: posts the ante 20
      CraekZe: posts the ante 20
      ZeTn1: posts the ante 20
      susipl: posts small blind 75
      Dinesho: posts big blind 150
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [8s 8d]
      SlowDoke: raises 196 to 346
      CraekZe: calls 346
      ZeTn1: folds
      infa0865: folds
      Trangelthi: folds
      susipl: folds
      Dinesho: folds
      *** FLOP *** [7c Jh 9s]
      SlowDoke: checks
      CraekZe: bets 370
      SlowDoke: calls 370
      *** TURN *** [7c Jh 9s] [7h]
      SlowDoke: checks
      CraekZe: bets 1114
      SlowDoke: calls 1114
      *** RIVER *** [7c Jh 9s 7h] [4d]
      SlowDoke: bets 2683
      CraekZe: calls 2683
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      SlowDoke: shows [Ah 8h] (a pair of Sevens)
      CraekZe: shows [8s 8d] (two pair, Eights and Sevens)
      CraekZe collected 9391 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 9391 | Rake 0
      Board [7c Jh 9s 7h 4d]
      Seat 1: infa0865 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: Trangelthi (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: susipl (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: Dinesho (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: SlowDoke showed [Ah 8h] and lost with a pair of Sevens
      Seat 6: CraekZe showed [8s 8d] and won (9391) with two pair, Eights and Sevens
      Seat 7: ZeTn1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      Bust BB11 ODM....:

      PokerStars Hand #227842025649: Tournament #3219430204, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2021/06/25 21:37:41 CET [2021/06/25 15:37:41 ET]
      Table '3219430204 17' 8-max Seat #3 is the button
      Seat 1: toudy1 (5900 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 2: mr.fantastic49 (10961 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: JEH1997 (4428 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: Sash1904EK (4710 in chips, $5 bounty) is sitting out
      Seat 5: tipiek (3888 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: ZMLucker (11126 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (1950 in chips, $5 bounty)
      toudy1: posts the ante 30
      mr.fantastic49: posts the ante 30
      JEH1997: posts the ante 30
      Sash1904EK: posts the ante 30
      tipiek: posts the ante 30
      ZMLucker: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts the ante 30
      Sash1904EK: posts small blind 100
      tipiek: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac Ad]
      ZMLucker: folds
      CraekZe: raises 1720 to 1920 and is all-in
      toudy1: raises 1720 to 3640
      mr.fantastic49: raises 7291 to 10931 and is all-in
      JEH1997: folds
      Sash1904EK: folds
      tipiek: folds
      toudy1: calls 2230 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (5061) returned to mr.fantastic49
      *** FLOP *** [Kc 6s 8h]
      *** TURN *** [Kc 6s 8h] [8s]
      *** RIVER *** [Kc 6s 8h 8s] [2d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      toudy1: shows [Jh Jc] (two pair, Jacks and Eights)
      mr.fantastic49: shows [Ks Kh] (a full house, Kings full of Eights)
      mr.fantastic49 collected 7900 from side pot
      CraekZe: shows [Ac Ad] (two pair, Aces and Eights)
      mr.fantastic49 collected 6270 from main pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 14170 Main pot 6270. Side pot 7900. | Rake 0
      Board [Kc 6s 8h 8s 2d]
      Seat 1: toudy1 showed [Jh Jc] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Eights
      Seat 2: mr.fantastic49 showed [Ks Kh] and won (14170) with a full house, Kings full of Eights
      Seat 3: JEH1997 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: Sash1904EK (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: tipiek (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: ZMLucker folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [Ac Ad] and lost with two pair, Aces and Eights

      25-06-2021 21:39 #136| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Den er i vinkel :)

      Lidt godt kom der da ud af min drukweekend med makkerne... I en ordentlig 13 hestes brandert fik jeg snakket med chefen, som sagde at jeg da bare sku tage afsted og gav mig 2 dage fri... Og så ellers ind at få fat i billetter.... Bedste køb i mit liv... Havde konen med på hendes første landskamp... Og fik sørme også skålet med drohse.....

       Det var super fedt i Parken. 
      det bliver også fedt med en sikker 3-0 i 

      morgen :-)

      GL med pokeren 


      25-06-2021 21:45 #137| 0
      drohse skrev:

       Det var super fedt i Parken. 
      det bliver også fedt med en sikker 3-0 i 

      morgen :-)

      GL med pokeren 




       Tror desværre Ramsey laver en enkelt kasse.

      FUUUUCK hvor ville jeg gerne til Amsterdam...

      Men for helvede hvor var det fedt på Skt. Hans Torv!!!

      Ja og i Parken... Og på Trianglen....

      Og jooo tak, vi har 3 tours tilbage for at redde æren...

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 25-06-2021 21:45
      25-06-2021 21:54 #138| 0

      Bust 3.5 sng 87cc vs QQ på 79c10c flop

      25-06-2021 21:58 #139| 0

      Gl med de resterende .. er lige kommet hjem fra job og hopper på direkten i køjen😂

      Redigeret af bergkamp22 d. 25-06-2021 21:59
      25-06-2021 22:08 #140| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Gl med de resterende .. er lige kommet hjem fra job og hopper på direkten i køjen


       Jo tak.... Kommet tilbage i Mini ME... Meeeen MSM-10 ser sværre ud pt

      25-06-2021 22:19 #141| 0

      At floppe nuts er min nye hobby.... Håber jeg... Vi er er back i MSM-10:


      PokerStars Hand #227843042893: Tournament #3217061966, $20+$20+$4 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (300/600) - 2021/06/25 22:15:59 CET [2021/06/25 16:15:59 ET]
      Table '3217061966 17' 7-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: tudoropt (40012 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 2: tubatalevski (36499 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 3: susipl (29396 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 4: skoolbuly (44957 in chips, $30 bounty)
      Seat 5: mastervaza (7601 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (12231 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 7: ZeTn1 (24273 in chips, $20 bounty)
      tudoropt: posts the ante 75
      tubatalevski: posts the ante 75
      susipl: posts the ante 75
      skoolbuly: posts the ante 75
      mastervaza: posts the ante 75
      CraekZe: posts the ante 75
      ZeTn1: posts the ante 75
      mastervaza: posts small blind 300
      CraekZe: posts big blind 600
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [6d 5d]
      ZeTn1: folds
      tudoropt: raises 600 to 1200
      tubatalevski: folds
      susipl: calls 1200
      skoolbuly: folds
      mastervaza: calls 900
      CraekZe: calls 600
      *** FLOP *** [4c 8s 7c]
      mastervaza: checks
      CraekZe: checks
      tudoropt: bets 2663
      susipl: folds
      mastervaza: folds
      CraekZe: calls 2663
      *** TURN *** [4c 8s 7c] [Qd]
      CraekZe: checks
      tudoropt: bets 3000
      CraekZe: raises 5293 to 8293 and is all-in
      tudoropt: calls 5293
      *** RIVER *** [4c 8s 7c Qd] [2d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [6d 5d] (a straight, Four to Eight)
      tudoropt: shows [7d 9s] (a pair of Sevens)
      CraekZe collected 27237 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 27237 | Rake 0
      Board [4c 8s 7c Qd 2d]
      Seat 1: tudoropt showed [7d 9s] and lost with a pair of Sevens
      Seat 2: tubatalevski folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: susipl folded on the Flop
      Seat 4: skoolbuly (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: mastervaza (small blind) folded on the Flop
      Seat 6: CraekZe (big blind) showed [6d 5d] and won (27237) with a straight, Four to Eight
      Seat 7: ZeTn1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      25-06-2021 22:23 #142| 0

      Aaaaaaaaargh.. Saiøst???


      PokerStars Hand #227843197344: Tournament #3217061966, $20+$20+$4 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (350/700) - 2021/06/25 22:21:19 CET [2021/06/25 16:21:19 ET]
      Table '3217061966 17' 7-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: tudoropt (25126 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 2: tubatalevski (36129 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 3: susipl (22491 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 4: skoolbuly (45032 in chips, $30 bounty)
      Seat 5: mastervaza (15672 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (35302 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 7: ZeTn1 (15217 in chips, $20 bounty)
      tudoropt: posts the ante 90
      tubatalevski: posts the ante 90
      susipl: posts the ante 90
      skoolbuly: posts the ante 90
      mastervaza: posts the ante 90
      CraekZe: posts the ante 90
      ZeTn1: posts the ante 90
      mastervaza: posts small blind 350
      CraekZe: posts big blind 700
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qc 8h]
      ZeTn1: folds
      tudoropt: folds
      tubatalevski: folds
      susipl: raises 700 to 1400
      skoolbuly: folds
      mastervaza: calls 1050
      CraekZe: calls 700
      *** FLOP *** [Jh Th 9d]
      mastervaza: checks
      CraekZe: bets 1691
      susipl: raises 3909 to 5600
      mastervaza: folds
      CraekZe: calls 3909
      *** TURN *** [Jh Th 9d] [4c]
      CraekZe: checks
      susipl: bets 15401 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 15401
      *** RIVER *** [Jh Th 9d 4c] [Js]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Qc 8h] (a straight, Eight to Queen)
      susipl: shows [Jc Jd] (four of a kind, Jacks)
      susipl collected 46832 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 46832 | Rake 0
      Board [Jh Th 9d 4c Js]
      Seat 1: tudoropt folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: tubatalevski folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: susipl showed [Jc Jd] and won (46832) with four of a kind, Jacks
      Seat 4: skoolbuly (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: mastervaza (small blind) folded on the Flop
      Seat 6: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Qc 8h] and lost with a straight, Eight to Queen
      Seat 7: ZeTn1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      25-06-2021 22:28 #143| 0

      Det skal åbenbart ikke lykkes med en KO i dag.... Skuffende

      25-06-2021 22:37 #144| 0

      Bust MSM-10 A7 vs JJ på A7xxJ

      25-06-2021 23:24 #145| 0

      Bust Mini ME

      25-06-2021 23:24 #146| 0
      26-06-2021 09:52 #147| 2

      Ingen session i aften drenge. Er på vej til Amsterdam. 

      26-06-2021 10:08 #148| 1
      CraekZ skrev:

      Ingen session i aften drenge. Er på vej til Amsterdam. 


       god tur 

      26-06-2021 10:37 #149| 0
      hamsjelv skrev:


       god tur 


       Jo tak. Det blir vildt.

      26-06-2021 18:54 #150| 1

      Fedt, god tur 👌🏻🍺🍺

      26-06-2021 20:55 #151| 2

      God tur til Baku! 

      26-06-2021 21:52 #152| 0
      ktothep skrev:

      God tur til Baku! 


       Haha. GPS’en er sat. 2 dage og 1 time😂😂😂

      4 4 4 4 nuuuuuuuul🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰🇩🇰

      01-07-2021 16:51 #153| 0

      Hvornår bliver der spillet igen ?

      01-07-2021 18:59 #154| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Haha. GPS’en er sat. 2 dage og 1 time

      Skal I køre derned? 😳😳😳😳
      02-07-2021 09:01 #155| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Hvornår bliver der spillet igen ?

       Muligvis i aften. Kommer dog desværre an på lidt af hvert, da jeg har nogle planer i dag. 


      MrLe-roy skrev:

      Skal I køre derned?

       Haha, ej dog ikke. Jeg bliver indenfor landets grænser denne gang. 


      02-07-2021 16:13 #156| 0
      CraekZ skrev:

       Muligvis i aften. Kommer dog desværre an på lidt af hvert, da jeg har nogle planer i dag. 


       Haha, ej dog ikke. Jeg bliver indenfor landets grænser denne gang. 


      Fornuftigt 😃
      02-07-2021 18:53 #157| 0

      Starter en session inden så længe. Program opdateres som sædvanligt i post nr. 2

      02-07-2021 19:09 #158| 0

      Tager 4stk sat til Mini BB HR. Regs er åbenbart offline i dag. Har kun mødt 1 reg i de første 2.. De andre spiller med hovedet under armen, men rammer desværre. Men der er value.

      02-07-2021 19:28 #159| 0

      Kvallet til Mini BB HR i 4. skud..

      Burde faktisk spille flere, for det er ikke tit man kun spiller imod 1 reg i de sats.. Og de andre er 100% fisk

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 02-07-2021 19:28
      02-07-2021 19:36 #160| 0

      Altid godt at hvae noter/farvekoder på villains... Lækker pot:


      PokerStars Hand #228003100645: Tournament #3220890448, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VII (60/120) - 2021/07/02 19:29:57 CET [2021/07/02 13:29:57 ET]
      Table '3220890448 206' 8-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: CraekZe (3416 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 2: janulys (4341 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 3: Ringmahon20 (5613 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: Pickuper123 (2915 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: IceFire12338 (9645 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: Pavlozzzz (4982 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: kama_jin01 (13269 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: medinacortez (9881 in chips, $5 bounty)
      CraekZe: posts the ante 18
      janulys: posts the ante 18
      Ringmahon20: posts the ante 18
      Pickuper123: posts the ante 18
      IceFire12338: posts the ante 18
      Pavlozzzz: posts the ante 18
      kama_jin01: posts the ante 18
      medinacortez: posts the ante 18
      janulys: posts small blind 60
      Ringmahon20: posts big blind 120
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [9d 9c]
      Pickuper123: calls 120
      IceFire12338: raises 120 to 240
      Pavlozzzz: raises 600 to 840
      kama_jin01: folds
      medinacortez: folds
      CraekZe: calls 840
      janulys: folds
      Ringmahon20: folds
      Pickuper123: folds
      IceFire12338: raises 8787 to 9627 and is all-in
      Pavlozzzz: calls 4124 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 2558 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (4663) returned to IceFire12338
      *** FLOP *** [3d Js Kc]
      *** TURN *** [3d Js Kc] [Ks]
      *** RIVER *** [3d Js Kc Ks] [8d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      IceFire12338: shows [6c 6d] (two pair, Kings and Sixes)
      Pavlozzzz: shows [Qd Ac] (a pair of Kings)
      IceFire12338 collected 3132 from side pot
      CraekZe: shows [9d 9c] (two pair, Kings and Nines)
      CraekZe collected 10638 from main pot
      IceFire12338 wins $2.50 for eliminating Pavlozzzz and their own bounty increases by $2.50 to $7.50
      Pavlozzzz finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 13770 Main pot 10638. Side pot 3132. | Rake 0
      Board [3d Js Kc Ks 8d]
      Seat 1: CraekZe (button) showed [9d 9c] and won (10638) with two pair, Kings and Nines
      Seat 2: janulys (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: Ringmahon20 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: Pickuper123 folded before Flop
      Seat 5: IceFire12338 showed [6c 6d] and won (3132) with two pair, Kings and Sixes
      Seat 6: Pavlozzzz showed [Qd Ac] and lost with a pair of Kings
      Seat 7: kama_jin01 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: medinacortez folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      02-07-2021 19:57 #161| 0

      Fuuuuck et fedt runout:


      PokerStars Hand #228003640317: Tournament #3219190512, $25+$25+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (400/800) - 2021/07/02 19:54:52 CET [2021/07/02 13:54:52 ET]
      Table '3219190512 7' 8-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: RutinhoPoker (25258 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 2: VolanDog (43645 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: uberron52 (24952 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: Kissen25 (17283 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 5: 524521 (60089 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (27768 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 7: Biodelic420 (56330 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 8: Brokeon72 (35706 in chips, $25 bounty)
      RutinhoPoker: posts the ante 100
      VolanDog: posts the ante 100
      uberron52: posts the ante 100
      Kissen25: posts the ante 100
      524521: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts the ante 100
      Biodelic420: posts the ante 100
      Brokeon72: posts the ante 100
      524521: posts small blind 400
      CraekZe: posts big blind 800
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qc 8h]
      Biodelic420: folds
      Brokeon72: folds
      RutinhoPoker: raises 960 to 1760
      VolanDog: calls 1760
      uberron52: calls 1760
      Kissen25: folds
      524521: calls 1360
      CraekZe: calls 960
      *** FLOP *** [3h 3c 8c]
      524521: checks
      CraekZe: checks
      RutinhoPoker: checks
      VolanDog: checks
      uberron52: checks
      *** TURN *** [3h 3c 8c] [Qh]
      524521: checks
      CraekZe: checks
      RutinhoPoker: checks
      VolanDog: checks
      uberron52: checks
      *** RIVER *** [3h 3c 8c Qh] [8s]
      524521: bets 9600
      CraekZe: raises 16308 to 25908 and is all-in
      RutinhoPoker: folds
      VolanDog: folds
      uberron52: folds
      524521: calls 16308
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Qc 8h] (a full house, Eights full of Queens)
      524521: shows [8d 3d] (a full house, Eights full of Threes)
      CraekZe collected 61416 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 61416 | Rake 0
      Board [3h 3c 8c Qh 8s]
      Seat 1: RutinhoPoker folded on the River
      Seat 2: VolanDog folded on the River
      Seat 3: uberron52 folded on the River
      Seat 4: Kissen25 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: 524521 (small blind) showed [8d 3d] and lost with a full house, Eights full of Threes
      Seat 6: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Qc 8h] and won (61416) with a full house, Eights full of Queens
      Seat 7: Biodelic420 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Brokeon72 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      02-07-2021 20:11 #162| 0

      FT BB33 sat

      02-07-2021 20:12 #163| 0

      WOW en rollercoaster hånd:


      PokerStars Hand #228003967385: Tournament #3223192591, $3.30+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2021/07/02 20:11:29 CET [2021/07/02 14:11:29 ET]
      Table '3223192591 20' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 2: Reptile.nsk (1291 in chips)
      Seat 3: primkiller (4112 in chips)
      Seat 4: kancyas (2684 in chips)
      Seat 5: isaak421 (3033 in chips)
      Seat 6: 777wcmoura777 (3063 in chips)
      Seat 7: florias3 (4080 in chips)
      Seat 8: moody_skill (1243 in chips)
      Seat 9: CraekZe (2782 in chips)
      Reptile.nsk: posts the ante 6
      primkiller: posts the ante 6
      kancyas: posts the ante 6
      isaak421: posts the ante 6
      777wcmoura777: posts the ante 6
      florias3: posts the ante 6
      moody_skill: posts the ante 6
      CraekZe: posts the ante 6
      moody_skill: posts small blind 25
      CraekZe: posts big blind 50
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qs Qc]
      Reptile.nsk: folds
      primkiller: folds
      kancyas: folds
      isaak421: folds
      777wcmoura777: raises 173 to 223
      florias3: folds
      moody_skill: raises 1014 to 1237 and is all-in
      CraekZe: raises 1539 to 2776 and is all-in
      777wcmoura777: calls 2553
      *** FLOP *** [Qd Tc 7s]
      *** TURN *** [Qd Tc 7s] [Kc]
      *** RIVER *** [Qd Tc 7s Kc] [Ts]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Qs Qc] (a full house, Queens full of Tens)
      777wcmoura777: shows [Ah Jd] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
      CraekZe collected 3078 from side pot
      moody_skill: shows [Qh Kd] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
      CraekZe collected 3759 from main pot
      moody_skill re-buys and receives 1500 chips for $3.50
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 6837 Main pot 3759. Side pot 3078. | Rake 0
      Board [Qd Tc 7s Kc Ts]
      Seat 2: Reptile.nsk folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: primkiller folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: kancyas folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: isaak421 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: 777wcmoura777 showed [Ah Jd] and lost with a straight, Ten to Ace
      Seat 7: florias3 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: moody_skill (small blind) showed [Qh Kd] and lost with two pair, Kings and Queens
      Seat 9: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Qs Qc] and won (6837) with a full house, Queens full of Tens

      02-07-2021 20:15 #164| 0

      Kvallet til BB33 i 1. skud

      02-07-2021 20:23 #165| 0

      Bust TH11 og BB11

      02-07-2021 20:25 #166| 0

      Bust 16.5 PKO

      02-07-2021 20:34 #167| 0

      Fortsat gl..

      02-07-2021 20:34 #168| 0

      18.75$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228004436402: Tournament #3219190512, $25+$25+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (600/1200) - 2021/07/02 20:33:23 CET [2021/07/02 14:33:23 ET]
      Table '3219190512 7' 8-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: RutinhoPoker (70063 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: VolanDog (32920 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: Pobxesu.1 (156207 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: PieterW1999 (9025 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: Moto11111 (25000 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (33056 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 7: Biodelic420 (109876 in chips, $59.37 bounty)
      Seat 8: Brokeon72 (16756 in chips, $25 bounty)
      RutinhoPoker: posts the ante 175
      VolanDog: posts the ante 175
      Pobxesu.1: posts the ante 175
      PieterW1999: posts the ante 175
      Moto11111: posts the ante 175
      CraekZe: posts the ante 175
      Biodelic420: posts the ante 175
      Brokeon72: posts the ante 175
      Brokeon72: posts small blind 600
      RutinhoPoker: posts big blind 1200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac As]
      VolanDog: folds
      Pobxesu.1: folds
      PieterW1999: raises 7650 to 8850 and is all-in
      Moto11111: folds
      CraekZe: raises 24031 to 32881 and is all-in
      Biodelic420: folds
      Brokeon72: folds
      RutinhoPoker: folds
      Uncalled bet (24031) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [Th 6h Ts]
      *** TURN *** [Th 6h Ts] [Td]
      *** RIVER *** [Th 6h Ts Td] [Js]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      PieterW1999: shows [Qs Kh] (three of a kind, Tens)
      CraekZe: shows [Ac As] (a full house, Tens full of Aces)
      CraekZe collected 20900 from pot
      CraekZe wins $18.75 for eliminating PieterW1999 and their own bounty increases by $18.75 to $43.75
      PieterW1999 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 20900 | Rake 0
      Board [Th 6h Ts Td Js]
      Seat 1: RutinhoPoker (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: VolanDog folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Pobxesu.1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: PieterW1999 showed [Qs Kh] and lost with three of a kind, Tens
      Seat 5: Moto11111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: CraekZe showed [Ac As] and won (20900) with a full house, Tens full of Aces
      Seat 7: Biodelic420 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Brokeon72 (small blind) folded before Flop

      02-07-2021 20:35 #169| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Fortsat gl..


       Jo tak.. Vi er ikke døde endnu og vi har heller ikke ramt limit endnu

      02-07-2021 20:45 #170| 0

      Bust 3.5 sng 89/180 Ak vs A5

      02-07-2021 21:27 #171| 0

      FUUUUUCK. Kender i det når man har AA og ens pc går ned???

      Og man kommer tilbage, for at se man havde ramt fh og sikkert fået god betaling!!!!


      Nå men, er tilbage og 7.5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228005544207: Tournament #3220890470, $15+$15+$3 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (50/100) - 2021/07/02 21:25:06 CET [2021/07/02 15:25:06 ET]
      Table '3220890470 26' 8-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: Marcos Epa (4518 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 2: DRELAX555 (11014 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: CraekZe (5806 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 4: kudur (4702 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 5: vinnkels (16060 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: Zhumaliyev (9989 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: Pot noodle dave (2650 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 8: AlexPro1989 (5281 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Marcos Epa: posts the ante 15
      DRELAX555: posts the ante 15
      CraekZe: posts the ante 15
      kudur: posts the ante 15
      vinnkels: posts the ante 15
      Zhumaliyev: posts the ante 15
      Pot noodle dave: posts the ante 15
      AlexPro1989: posts the ante 15
      vinnkels: posts small blind 50
      Zhumaliyev: posts big blind 100
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qh Ac]
      Pot noodle dave: calls 100
      AlexPro1989: folds
      Marcos Epa: folds
      DRELAX555: folds
      CraekZe: raises 300 to 400
      kudur: folds
      vinnkels: folds
      Zhumaliyev: folds
      Pot noodle dave: calls 300
      *** FLOP *** [As 3c Ah]
      Pot noodle dave: checks
      CraekZe: checks
      *** TURN *** [As 3c Ah] [2s]
      Pot noodle dave: bets 535
      CraekZe: calls 535
      *** RIVER *** [As 3c Ah 2s] [Th]
      Pot noodle dave: bets 1700 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 1700
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Pot noodle dave: shows [Jc 9h] (a pair of Aces)
      CraekZe: shows [Qh Ac] (three of a kind, Aces)
      CraekZe collected 5540 from pot
      CraekZe wins $7.50 for eliminating Pot noodle dave and their own bounty increases by $7.50 to $22.50
      Pot noodle dave finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 5540 | Rake 0
      Board [As 3c Ah 2s Th]
      Seat 1: Marcos Epa folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: DRELAX555 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: CraekZe showed [Qh Ac] and won (5540) with three of a kind, Aces
      Seat 4: kudur (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: vinnkels (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: Zhumaliyev (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: Pot noodle dave showed [Jc 9h] and lost with a pair of Aces
      Seat 8: AlexPro1989 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      02-07-2021 21:31 #172| 0

      Regger du til mere i aften ?

      02-07-2021 21:43 #173| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Regger du til mere i aften ?


       Måske.. Vi er dog oppe på 100$ i BI nu.. Så der er ikke meget mere at gøre med

      02-07-2021 21:44 #174| 0

      Liiiiiiidt småtiltet.. Rammer set i 7'ere i BB33 og får bettet en del.. Så går PC'en fanme ned igen... Og villain vinder hånden. Kommer tilbage og får AK, ryger ind pre imod samme villain... Hans JJ holder... Bust BB33

      02-07-2021 21:49 #175| 0

      Den begynder da at blive dyr den pc der.

      02-07-2021 21:49 #176| 1

      ITM Mini BB HR

      02-07-2021 22:13 #177| 0

      Bust Mini BB HR som 290/2.670. Til 60.46$ + 18.75$ i KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228006627819: Tournament #3219190512, $25+$25+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (3000/6000) - 2021/07/02 22:11:35 CET [2021/07/02 16:11:35 ET]
      Table '3219190512 40' 8-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: cajerogesell (653566 in chips, $196.87 bounty)
      Seat 2: Denblanch (84095 in chips, $175 bounty)
      Seat 3: veryiisiman (26379 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (25474 in chips, $43.75 bounty)
      Seat 5: zackelwahn (335672 in chips, $43.75 bounty)
      Seat 6: xrobob (172902 in chips, $62.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: mimacach (345072 in chips, $143.75 bounty)
      Seat 8: badmadbad (87941 in chips, $106.25 bounty)
      cajerogesell: posts the ante 750
      Denblanch: posts the ante 750
      veryiisiman: posts the ante 750
      CraekZe: posts the ante 750
      zackelwahn: posts the ante 750
      xrobob: posts the ante 750
      mimacach: posts the ante 750
      badmadbad: posts the ante 750
      badmadbad: posts small blind 3000
      cajerogesell: posts big blind 6000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ad 5c]
      Denblanch: raises 6000 to 12000
      veryiisiman: folds
      CraekZe: raises 12724 to 24724 and is all-in
      zackelwahn: folds
      xrobob: folds
      mimacach: folds
      badmadbad: folds
      cajerogesell: raises 628092 to 652816 and is all-in
      Denblanch: calls 71345 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (569471) returned to cajerogesell
      *** FLOP *** [Kc 3s 3h]
      *** TURN *** [Kc 3s 3h] [9h]
      *** RIVER *** [Kc 3s 3h 9h] [5s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      cajerogesell: shows [Th Td] (two pair, Tens and Threes)
      Denblanch: shows [Jd Js] (two pair, Jacks and Threes)
      Denblanch collected 117242 from side pot
      CraekZe: shows [Ad 5c] (two pair, Fives and Threes)
      Denblanch collected 83172 from main pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 200414 Main pot 83172. Side pot 117242. | Rake 0
      Board [Kc 3s 3h 9h 5s]
      Seat 1: cajerogesell (big blind) showed [Th Td] and lost with two pair, Tens and Threes
      Seat 2: Denblanch showed [Jd Js] and won (200414) with two pair, Jacks and Threes
      Seat 3: veryiisiman folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: CraekZe showed [Ad 5c] and lost with two pair, Fives and Threes
      Seat 5: zackelwahn folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: xrobob folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: mimacach (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: badmadbad (small blind) folded before Flop

      02-07-2021 22:14 #178| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Den begynder da at blive dyr den pc der.


       Ja og det syge er, at den er sprit ny!!!


      02-07-2021 22:16 #179| 0

      Bust BB11 ODM JJ vs 65rr

      02-07-2021 22:18 #180| 0

      Stopper dagens session, var har også nået limit... FUCK hvor sygt med den pis pc..... 

      02-07-2021 22:19 #181| 0
      03-07-2021 16:08 #182| 0

      Ved ikke om der kommer en session i dag. Kommer helt an på hvordan kampen ender. 

      03-07-2021 16:48 #183| 0
      CraekZ skrev:

      Ved ikke om der kommer en session i dag. Kommer helt an på hvordan kampen ender. 


       DK vinder.. - du får lyst til en røvfuld bajere og spiller en omgang løs poker og shipper en 11$ tour 😊

      03-07-2021 17:31 #184| 0
      drohse skrev:


       DK vinder.. - du får lyst til en røvfuld bajere og spiller en omgang løs poker og shipper en 11$ tour

      Det er Ok med mig 😂
      03-07-2021 17:49 #185| 1
      drohse skrev:


       DK vinder.. - du får lyst til en røvfuld bajere og spiller en omgang løs poker og shipper en 11$ tour


      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Det er Ok med mig


       Deal. Drunken poker incomming 😂🇩🇰🇩🇰🔥🔥

      03-07-2021 20:24 #186| 0

      Tager fanme en bette session.... Program opdateres i post nr. 2

      03-07-2021 20:30 #187| 0

      FT Mini BB HR sat

      03-07-2021 20:35 #188| 0

      5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228028192079: Tournament #3219190549, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2021/07/03 20:33:40 CET [2021/07/03 14:33:40 ET]
      Table '3219190549 49' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: Steli0s_13 (9816 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: APT_GPEK (6402 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: echoscience (19666 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 4: kingsallday999 (8478 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: faza29 (9990 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: feruggio83 (13627 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (9355 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: laito (11851 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 9: svd72 (3730 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Steli0s_13: posts the ante 10
      APT_GPEK: posts the ante 10
      echoscience: posts the ante 10
      kingsallday999: posts the ante 10
      faza29: posts the ante 10
      feruggio83: posts the ante 10
      CraekZe: posts the ante 10
      laito: posts the ante 10
      svd72: posts the ante 10
      laito: posts small blind 50
      svd72: posts big blind 100
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ah As]
      Steli0s_13: folds
      APT_GPEK: raises 120 to 220
      echoscience: folds
      kingsallday999: raises 680 to 900
      faza29: folds
      feruggio83: folds
      CraekZe: calls 900
      laito: folds
      svd72: folds
      APT_GPEK: calls 680
      *** FLOP *** [8d 2s 7h]
      APT_GPEK: checks
      kingsallday999: bets 2500
      CraekZe: calls 2500
      APT_GPEK: folds
      *** TURN *** [8d 2s 7h] [4s]
      kingsallday999: bets 5068 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 5068
      *** RIVER *** [8d 2s 7h 4s] [Th]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      kingsallday999: shows [9d 9c] (a pair of Nines)
      CraekZe: shows [Ah As] (a pair of Aces)
      CraekZe collected 18076 from pot
      CraekZe wins $5 for eliminating kingsallday999 and their own bounty increases by $5 to $15
      kingsallday999 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 18076 | Rake 0
      Board [8d 2s 7h 4s Th]
      Seat 1: Steli0s_13 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: APT_GPEK folded on the Flop
      Seat 3: echoscience folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: kingsallday999 showed [9d 9c] and lost with a pair of Nines
      Seat 5: faza29 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: feruggio83 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (button) showed [Ah As] and won (18076) with a pair of Aces
      Seat 8: laito (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 9: svd72 (big blind) folded before Flop

      03-07-2021 20:35 #189| 0

      Kvallet Mini BB HR

      03-07-2021 20:47 #190| 0

      FT BB33 sat


      Buster A9 vs 108hh.. Han rammer flush på river

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 03-07-2021 20:48
      03-07-2021 20:50 #191| 0

      Bust Mini BB HR.. Første spilbare hånd vi fik... Lorte river:


      PokerStars Hand #228028560926: Tournament #3219190541, $25+$25+$5 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (800/1600) - 2021/07/03 20:48:53 CET [2021/07/03 14:48:53 ET]
      Table '3219190541 148' 8-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: flexicat (57450 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 2: Leben38 (119537 in chips, $50 bounty)
      Seat 3: ohanaaa (14687 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (13590 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 5: kacer148 (25000 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 6: echoscience (48761 in chips, $25 bounty)
      Seat 7: SpeQL8 (140994 in chips, $68.75 bounty)
      Seat 8: lfmdcv (57535 in chips, $75 bounty)
      flexicat: posts the ante 225
      Leben38: posts the ante 225
      ohanaaa: posts the ante 225
      CraekZe: posts the ante 225
      kacer148: posts the ante 225
      echoscience: posts the ante 225
      SpeQL8: posts the ante 225
      lfmdcv: posts the ante 225
      flexicat: posts small blind 800
      Leben38: posts big blind 1600
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ad Tc]
      ohanaaa: folds
      CraekZe: raises 11765 to 13365 and is all-in
      kacer148: raises 11410 to 24775 and is all-in
      echoscience: folds
      SpeQL8: folds
      lfmdcv: folds
      flexicat: folds
      Leben38: folds
      Uncalled bet (11410) returned to kacer148
      *** FLOP *** [6d Qs Ks]
      *** TURN *** [6d Qs Ks] [Jh]
      *** RIVER *** [6d Qs Ks Jh] [Jd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ad Tc] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
      kacer148: shows [Kh Kd] (a full house, Kings full of Jacks)
      kacer148 collected 30930 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 30930 | Rake 0
      Board [6d Qs Ks Jh Jd]
      Seat 1: flexicat (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: Leben38 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: ohanaaa folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: CraekZe showed [Ad Tc] and lost with a straight, Ten to Ace
      Seat 5: kacer148 showed [Kh Kd] and won (30930) with a full house, Kings full of Jacks
      Seat 6: echoscience folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: SpeQL8 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: lfmdcv (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      03-07-2021 20:53 #192| 0

      FT BB33 sat

      03-07-2021 20:57 #193| 0

      Kvallet til BB33

      03-07-2021 21:04 #194| 0
      CraekZ skrev:

      Kvallet til BB33


       Ok - så shipper du en 33døls

      03-07-2021 21:08 #195| 0
      drohse skrev:


       Ok - så shipper du en 33døls


       Chancerne er der i hvert fald

      03-07-2021 21:21 #196| 0

      Klammert til bust i 16.5 PKO:


      PokerStars Hand #228029290696: Tournament #3220893689, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (350/700) - 2021/07/03 21:19:48 CET [2021/07/03 15:19:48 ET]
      Table '3220893689 1' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: luuk1980 (20930 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 2: johnygabriel03 (14466 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 3: LeksPokur (27782 in chips, $14.80 bounty)
      Seat 4: IronHeal (26969 in chips, $14.80 bounty) is sitting out
      Seat 5: CraekZe (6560 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 6: ASSI1802 (32367 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 7: neo_boroda (54490 in chips, $22.20 bounty)
      Seat 8: alekcei xxx (54641 in chips, $18.50 bounty)
      Seat 9: freeze304 (37586 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      luuk1980: posts the ante 85
      johnygabriel03: posts the ante 85
      LeksPokur: posts the ante 85
      IronHeal: posts the ante 85
      CraekZe: posts the ante 85
      ASSI1802: posts the ante 85
      neo_boroda: posts the ante 85
      alekcei xxx: posts the ante 85
      freeze304: posts the ante 85
      ASSI1802: posts small blind 350
      neo_boroda: posts big blind 700
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Jd Ac]
      alekcei xxx: raises 700 to 1400
      freeze304: raises 3150 to 4550
      luuk1980: folds
      johnygabriel03: folds
      LeksPokur: folds
      IronHeal: folds
      CraekZe: raises 1925 to 6475 and is all-in
      ASSI1802: folds
      neo_boroda: folds
      alekcei xxx: calls 5075
      freeze304: calls 1925
      *** FLOP *** [2d Ts Ah]
      alekcei xxx: checks
      freeze304: bets 5250
      alekcei xxx: calls 5250
      *** TURN *** [2d Ts Ah] [6s]
      alekcei xxx: checks
      freeze304: bets 700
      alekcei xxx: calls 700
      *** RIVER *** [2d Ts Ah 6s] [Qc]
      alekcei xxx: bets 42131 and is all-in
      freeze304: folds
      Uncalled bet (42131) returned to alekcei xxx
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      alekcei xxx: shows [Th Qh] (two pair, Queens and Tens)
      alekcei xxx collected 11900 from side pot
      CraekZe: shows [Jd Ac] (a pair of Aces)
      alekcei xxx collected 21240 from main pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 33140 Main pot 21240. Side pot 11900. | Rake 0
      Board [2d Ts Ah 6s Qc]
      Seat 1: luuk1980 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: johnygabriel03 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: LeksPokur folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: IronHeal folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (button) showed [Jd Ac] and lost with a pair of Aces
      Seat 6: ASSI1802 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: neo_boroda (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: alekcei xxx showed [Th Qh] and won (33140) with two pair, Queens and Tens
      Seat 9: freeze304 folded on the River

      03-07-2021 21:27 #197| 0

      Regged sidste tour for i dag

      03-07-2021 21:43 #198| 0

      Bust BB11 ODM

      03-07-2021 21:45 #199| 0



      PokerStars Hand #228029877344: Tournament #3220890471, $7.50+$22.50+$3.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (80/160) - 2021/07/03 21:42:29 CET [2021/07/03 15:42:29 ET]
      Table '3220890471 190' 8-max Seat #3 is the button
      Seat 1: panvikto (5022 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE (5289 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: porsan615 (3370 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: panosasd (7184 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (4480 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: HoodRichxx (16161 in chips, $67.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: brazilian135 (9625 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: adil2111 (5973 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      panvikto: posts the ante 24
      GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE: posts the ante 24
      porsan615: posts the ante 24
      panosasd: posts the ante 24
      CraekZe: posts the ante 24
      HoodRichxx: posts the ante 24
      brazilian135: posts the ante 24
      adil2111: posts the ante 24
      panosasd: posts small blind 80
      CraekZe: posts big blind 160
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [7c 7h]
      HoodRichxx: folds
      brazilian135: folds
      adil2111: raises 160 to 320
      panvikto: folds
      porsan615: folds
      panosasd: folds
      CraekZe: calls 160
      *** FLOP *** [Qs 5d 4h]
      CraekZe: checks
      adil2111: bets 320
      CraekZe: calls 320
      *** TURN *** [Qs 5d 4h] [6c]
      CraekZe: checks
      adil2111: bets 1280
      CraekZe: raises 2536 to 3816 and is all-in
      adil2111: calls 2536
      *** RIVER *** [Qs 5d 4h 6c] [8h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [7c 7h] (a straight, Four to Eight)
      adil2111: shows [Kd 3d] (high card King)
      CraekZe collected 9184 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 9184 | Rake 0
      Board [Qs 5d 4h 6c 8h]
      Seat 1: panvikto folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: porsan615 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: panosasd (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: CraekZe (big blind) showed [7c 7h] and won (9184) with a straight, Four to Eight
      Seat 6: HoodRichxx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: brazilian135 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: adil2111 showed [Kd 3d] and lost with high card King


      LOOOOL samme villain.. Men får da 1x 11.25$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228029912793: Tournament #3220890471, $7.50+$22.50+$3.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (80/160) - 2021/07/03 21:43:55 CET [2021/07/03 15:43:55 ET]
      Table '3220890471 190' 8-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: panvikto (4998 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE (5265 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: porsan615 (3346 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: panosasd (7080 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (9184 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: HoodRichxx (16137 in chips, $67.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: brazilian135 (9601 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: adil2111 (1493 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      panvikto: posts the ante 24
      GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE: posts the ante 24
      porsan615: posts the ante 24
      panosasd: posts the ante 24
      CraekZe: posts the ante 24
      HoodRichxx: posts the ante 24
      brazilian135: posts the ante 24
      adil2111: posts the ante 24
      CraekZe: posts small blind 80
      HoodRichxx: posts big blind 160
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac Ad]
      brazilian135: raises 160 to 320
      adil2111: raises 1149 to 1469 and is all-in
      panvikto: folds
      porsan615: raises 1853 to 3322 and is all-in
      panosasd: folds
      CraekZe: raises 5838 to 9160 and is all-in
      HoodRichxx: folds
      brazilian135: folds
      Uncalled bet (5838) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [2d 6h 8c]
      *** TURN *** [2d 6h 8c] [9d]
      *** RIVER *** [2d 6h 8c 9d] [5s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ac Ad] (a pair of Aces)
      porsan615: shows [Qh Qc] (a pair of Queens)
      CraekZe collected 3706 from side pot
      adil2111: shows [5c 6c] (two pair, Sixes and Fives)
      adil2111 collected 5079 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $11.25 for eliminating porsan615 and their own bounty increases by $11.25 to $33.75
      porsan615 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 8785 Main pot 5079. Side pot 3706. | Rake 0
      Board [2d 6h 8c 9d 5s]
      Seat 1: panvikto folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: porsan615 showed [Qh Qc] and lost with a pair of Queens
      Seat 4: panosasd (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (small blind) showed [Ac Ad] and won (3706) with a pair of Aces
      Seat 6: HoodRichxx (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: brazilian135 folded before Flop
      Seat 8: adil2111 showed [5c 6c] and won (5079) with two pair, Sixes and Fives

      03-07-2021 21:49 #200| 0

      11.25$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228030012313: Tournament #3220890471, $7.50+$22.50+$3.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (80/160) - 2021/07/03 21:47:57 CET [2021/07/03 15:47:57 ET]
      Table '3220890471 190' 8-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: panvikto (4614 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE (4881 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: Liane1960 (1816 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: panosasd (7368 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (7791 in chips, $33.75 bounty)
      Seat 6: HoodRichxx (15865 in chips, $67.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: brazilian135 (10033 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: adil2111 (6784 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      panvikto: posts the ante 24
      GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE: posts the ante 24
      Liane1960: posts the ante 24
      panosasd: posts the ante 24
      CraekZe: posts the ante 24
      HoodRichxx: posts the ante 24
      brazilian135: posts the ante 24
      adil2111: posts the ante 24
      Liane1960: posts small blind 80
      panosasd: posts big blind 160
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [3s As]
      CraekZe: raises 192 to 352
      HoodRichxx: folds
      brazilian135: folds
      adil2111: folds
      panvikto: folds
      Liane1960: calls 272
      panosasd: folds
      *** FLOP *** [2h 8s 3h]
      Liane1960: checks
      CraekZe: bets 370
      Liane1960: calls 370
      *** TURN *** [2h 8s 3h] [5s]
      Liane1960: checks
      CraekZe: bets 1114
      Liane1960: calls 1070 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (44) returned to CraekZe
      *** RIVER *** [2h 8s 3h 5s] [Th]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Liane1960: shows [2c Ac] (a pair of Deuces)
      CraekZe: shows [3s As] (a pair of Threes)
      CraekZe collected 3936 from pot
      CraekZe wins $11.25 for eliminating Liane1960 and their own bounty increases by $11.25 to $45
      Liane1960 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 3936 | Rake 0
      Board [2h 8s 3h 5s Th]
      Seat 1: panvikto folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Liane1960 (small blind) showed [2c Ac] and lost with a pair of Deuces
      Seat 4: panosasd (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: CraekZe showed [3s As] and won (3936) with a pair of Threes
      Seat 6: HoodRichxx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: brazilian135 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: adil2111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      03-07-2021 21:56 #201| 0

      Bust TH22:


      PokerStars Hand #228030167630: Tournament #3220897218, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (75/150) - 2021/07/03 21:54:12 CET [2021/07/03 15:54:12 ET]
      Table '3220897218 58' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
      Seat 1: MonacoMpire (7280 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: piton832 (11045 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: Bangic (3059 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 4: GUIDO637 (19214 in chips, $30 bounty)
      Seat 5: Sxmon (9286 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: Takerane17 (4505 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: nibali77 (5186 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: Danillo.G007 (3588 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 9: CraekZe (2499 in chips, $10 bounty)
      MonacoMpire: posts the ante 20
      piton832: posts the ante 20
      Bangic: posts the ante 20
      GUIDO637: posts the ante 20
      Sxmon: posts the ante 20
      Takerane17: posts the ante 20
      nibali77: posts the ante 20
      Danillo.G007: posts the ante 20
      CraekZe: posts the ante 20
      MonacoMpire: posts small blind 75
      piton832: posts big blind 150
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qs Qh]
      Bangic: folds
      GUIDO637: raises 150 to 300
      Sxmon: folds
      Takerane17: folds
      nibali77: raises 600 to 900
      Danillo.G007: folds
      CraekZe: raises 1579 to 2479 and is all-in
      MonacoMpire: folds
      piton832: folds
      GUIDO637: folds
      nibali77: calls 1579
      *** FLOP *** [2c 7d Ts]
      *** TURN *** [2c 7d Ts] [Jh]
      *** RIVER *** [2c 7d Ts Jh] [7s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      nibali77: shows [Ah As] (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
      CraekZe: shows [Qs Qh] (two pair, Queens and Sevens)
      nibali77 collected 5663 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 5663 | Rake 0
      Board [2c 7d Ts Jh 7s]
      Seat 1: MonacoMpire (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: piton832 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: Bangic folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: GUIDO637 folded before Flop
      Seat 5: Sxmon folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: Takerane17 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: nibali77 showed [Ah As] and won (5663) with two pair, Aces and Sevens
      Seat 8: Danillo.G007 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: CraekZe (button) showed [Qs Qh] and lost with two pair, Queens and Sevens

      Fuck for en cooler:


      PokerStars Hand #228030164983: Tournament #3220890471, $7.50+$22.50+$3.00 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (90/180) - 2021/07/03 21:54:05 CET [2021/07/03 15:54:05 ET]
      Table '3220890471 190' 8-max Seat #3 is the button
      Seat 1: panvikto (4983 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 2: GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE (4404 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: JoeBossMoney (4622 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: panosasd (5353 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (10190 in chips, $45 bounty)
      Seat 6: HoodRichxx (18456 in chips, $67.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: brazilian135 (6750 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: adil2111 (9394 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      panvikto: posts the ante 27
      GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE: posts the ante 27
      JoeBossMoney: posts the ante 27
      panosasd: posts the ante 27
      CraekZe: posts the ante 27
      HoodRichxx: posts the ante 27
      brazilian135: posts the ante 27
      adil2111: posts the ante 27
      panosasd: posts small blind 90
      CraekZe: posts big blind 180
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [7c 6d]
      HoodRichxx: folds
      brazilian135: folds
      adil2111: folds
      panvikto: folds
      GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE: raises 180 to 360
      JoeBossMoney: calls 360
      panosasd: calls 270
      CraekZe: calls 180
      *** FLOP *** [6c 3h 7s]
      panosasd: checks
      CraekZe: checks
      JoeBossMoney: bets 540
      panosasd: calls 540
      CraekZe: raises 1800 to 2340
      JoeBossMoney: raises 1895 to 4235 and is all-in
      panosasd: folds
      CraekZe: calls 1895
      *** TURN *** [6c 3h 7s] [4h]
      *** RIVER *** [6c 3h 7s 4h] [4c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [7c 6d] (two pair, Sevens and Sixes)
      JoeBossMoney: shows [6s 6h] (a full house, Sixes full of Fours)
      JoeBossMoney collected 10666 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 10666 | Rake 0
      Board [6c 3h 7s 4h 4c]
      Seat 1: panvikto folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: GRUFSBKGBMVDAUE folded on the Flop
      Seat 3: JoeBossMoney (button) showed [6s 6h] and won (10666) with a full house, Sixes full of Fours
      Seat 4: panosasd (small blind) folded on the Flop
      Seat 5: CraekZe (big blind) showed [7c 6d] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Sixes
      Seat 6: HoodRichxx folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: brazilian135 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: adil2111 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      03-07-2021 22:20 #202| 0

      Bust BB33

      03-07-2021 22:50 #203| 0

      Bust mini KO... Taber Q9ss vs K2o BvsB lige inden... FLOT call:


      PokerStars Hand #228031538036: Tournament #3219190549, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (500/1000) - 2021/07/03 22:48:39 CET [2021/07/03 16:48:39 ET]
      Table '3219190549 49' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: formule76 (59615 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 2: jizuzzz (59888 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: echoscience (97050 in chips, $47.50 bounty)
      Seat 4: DiegoVanca (59799 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 5: Khap$ali$AA (26062 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 6: TheDingleDon1 (12789 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (10434 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 8: drianoher (20650 in chips, $27.50 bounty)
      Seat 9: TheClever20 (18770 in chips, $15 bounty)
      formule76: posts the ante 100
      jizuzzz: posts the ante 100
      echoscience: posts the ante 100
      DiegoVanca: posts the ante 100
      Khap$ali$AA: posts the ante 100
      TheDingleDon1: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts the ante 100
      drianoher: posts the ante 100
      TheClever20: posts the ante 100
      TheClever20: posts small blind 500
      formule76: posts big blind 1000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Td Kh]
      jizuzzz: folds
      echoscience: folds
      DiegoVanca: folds
      Khap$ali$AA: folds
      TheDingleDon1: folds
      CraekZe: raises 9334 to 10334 and is all-in
      drianoher: folds
      TheClever20: folds
      formule76: calls 9334
      *** FLOP *** [9d Ad 9c]
      *** TURN *** [9d Ad 9c] [8d]
      *** RIVER *** [9d Ad 9c 8d] [5h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      formule76: shows [3d Jd] (a flush, Ace high)
      CraekZe: shows [Td Kh] (a pair of Nines)
      formule76 collected 22068 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 22068 | Rake 0
      Board [9d Ad 9c 8d 5h]
      Seat 1: formule76 (big blind) showed [3d Jd] and won (22068) with a flush, Ace high
      Seat 2: jizuzzz folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: echoscience folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: DiegoVanca folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Khap$ali$AA folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: TheDingleDon1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: CraekZe showed [Td Kh] and lost with a pair of Nines
      Seat 8: drianoher (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: TheClever20 (small blind) folded before Flop

      03-07-2021 22:54 #204| 0
      09-07-2021 17:30 #205| 0

      Starter en session op når aftensmaden er sat til livs. 

      09-07-2021 17:33 #206| 0
      CraekZ skrev:

      Starter en session op når aftensmaden er sat til livs. 

      Fedt, vi håber på en god en af slagsen :)
      09-07-2021 17:49 #207| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Fedt, vi håber på en god en af slagsen :)


       Enig. De sidste har ikke været prangende. 

      09-07-2021 18:53 #208| 0

      Har startet en session op.. Starter ud med et FT i Mini BB HR sat

      09-07-2021 18:57 #209| 0

      Kvallet til Mini BB HR for 7.5$

      09-07-2021 19:12 #210| 0

      FT Mini Fast sat

      09-07-2021 19:15 #211| 0

      Bust nr 4

      09-07-2021 19:33 #212| 0

      Hmmm... Den forbandede Mini BB HR vil bare ikke... Bust KQ vs AQ.. På Q højt flop

      09-07-2021 19:41 #213| 0

      3.7$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228168605686: Tournament #3224780336, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (60/120) - 2021/07/09 19:40:24 CET [2021/07/09 13:40:24 ET]
      Table '3224780336 44' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: JuraCatch (10418 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 2: HochuPograt* (10408 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 3: Vayeremenos (7167 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 4: boy1da101 (13870 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 5: nicolasb (8797 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (14675 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 7: KSV_Igor (2283 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 8: Nikk098 (8690 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 9: kolupaevboog (11593 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      JuraCatch: posts the ante 15
      HochuPograt*: posts the ante 15
      Vayeremenos: posts the ante 15
      boy1da101: posts the ante 15
      nicolasb: posts the ante 15
      CraekZe: posts the ante 15
      KSV_Igor: posts the ante 15
      Nikk098: posts the ante 15
      kolupaevboog: posts the ante 15
      CraekZe: posts small blind 60
      KSV_Igor: posts big blind 120
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [7s 9h]
      Nikk098: folds
      kolupaevboog: folds
      JuraCatch: folds
      HochuPograt*: folds
      Vayeremenos: folds
      boy1da101: folds
      nicolasb: folds
      CraekZe: calls 60
      KSV_Igor: raises 2148 to 2268 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 2148
      *** FLOP *** [3d 6c 7h]
      *** TURN *** [3d 6c 7h] [3s]
      *** RIVER *** [3d 6c 7h 3s] [Kh]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [7s 9h] (two pair, Sevens and Threes)
      KSV_Igor: shows [4h Ah] (a pair of Threes)
      CraekZe collected 4671 from pot
      CraekZe wins $3.70 for eliminating KSV_Igor and their own bounty increases by $3.70 to $11.10
      KSV_Igor finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 4671 | Rake 0
      Board [3d 6c 7h 3s Kh]
      Seat 1: JuraCatch folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: HochuPograt* folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Vayeremenos folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: boy1da101 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: nicolasb (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (small blind) showed [7s 9h] and won (4671) with two pair, Sevens and Threes
      Seat 7: KSV_Igor (big blind) showed [4h Ah] and lost with a pair of Threes
      Seat 8: Nikk098 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: kolupaevboog folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      09-07-2021 19:45 #214| 0

      Bust BB11 AJ vs 1010.. Re-entry

      09-07-2021 19:48 #215| 0

      Lidt for mange af sådanne hænder i dag:


      PokerStars Hand #228168727392: Tournament #3227098827, $3.30+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IV (50/100) - 2021/07/09 19:45:28 CET [2021/07/09 13:45:28 ET]
      Table '3227098827 18' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: CraekZe (4330 in chips)
      Seat 2: Woodlin452 (1157 in chips)
      Seat 3: Bigfish404 (1724 in chips)
      Seat 4: basoglu1980 (1239 in chips)
      Seat 5: JonyJays (3673 in chips)
      Seat 6: jenej (1619 in chips)
      Seat 7: mik1187 (3079 in chips)
      Seat 8: MyKill91 (2595 in chips)
      Seat 9: xzotyaxx (3084 in chips)
      CraekZe: posts the ante 10
      Woodlin452: posts the ante 10
      Bigfish404: posts the ante 10
      basoglu1980: posts the ante 10
      JonyJays: posts the ante 10
      jenej: posts the ante 10
      mik1187: posts the ante 10
      MyKill91: posts the ante 10
      xzotyaxx: posts the ante 10
      JonyJays: posts small blind 50
      jenej: posts big blind 100
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qh Qd]
      mik1187: folds
      MyKill91: folds
      xzotyaxx: folds
      CraekZe: raises 120 to 220
      Woodlin452: folds
      Bigfish404: calls 220
      basoglu1980: folds
      JonyJays: folds
      jenej: raises 1389 to 1609 and is all-in
      CraekZe: raises 2711 to 4320 and is all-in
      Bigfish404: folds
      Uncalled bet (2711) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [As Ac 7h]
      *** TURN *** [As Ac 7h] [8d]
      *** RIVER *** [As Ac 7h 8d] [Td]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      jenej: shows [Jc Ah] (three of a kind, Aces)
      CraekZe: shows [Qh Qd] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
      jenej collected 3578 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 3578 | Rake 0
      Board [As Ac 7h 8d Td]
      Seat 1: CraekZe showed [Qh Qd] and lost with two pair, Aces and Queens
      Seat 2: Woodlin452 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Bigfish404 folded before Flop
      Seat 4: basoglu1980 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: JonyJays (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: jenej (big blind) showed [Jc Ah] and won (3578) with three of a kind, Aces
      Seat 7: mik1187 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: MyKill91 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: xzotyaxx folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      09-07-2021 20:12 #216| 0

      Først hænderne op:


      PokerStars Hand #228169270546: Tournament #3224777354, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (100/200) - 2021/07/09 20:09:09 CET [2021/07/09 14:09:09 ET]
      Table '3224777354 361' 8-max Seat #3 is the button
      Seat 1: MOK88888 (8153 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 2: brooo90 (12939 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: CraekZe (8134 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: The Limpet (6602 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: chillis2014 (15566 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: gamblenine (11336 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: gbettes (3720 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 8: MaximuzD.M. (4550 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      MOK88888: posts the ante 30
      brooo90: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts the ante 30
      The Limpet: posts the ante 30
      chillis2014: posts the ante 30
      gamblenine: posts the ante 30
      gbettes: posts the ante 30
      MaximuzD.M.: posts the ante 30
      The Limpet: posts small blind 100
      chillis2014: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac Ad]
      gamblenine: folds
      gbettes: folds
      MaximuzD.M.: folds
      MOK88888: calls 200
      brooo90: folds
      CraekZe: raises 800 to 1000
      The Limpet: folds
      chillis2014: folds
      MOK88888: calls 800
      *** FLOP *** [6s Jd Qh]
      MOK88888: checks
      CraekZe: bets 1575
      MOK88888: raises 5548 to 7123 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 5529 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (19) returned to MOK88888
      *** TURN *** [6s Jd Qh] [2c]
      *** RIVER *** [6s Jd Qh 2c] [8d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      MOK88888: shows [Ts Qc] (a pair of Queens)
      CraekZe: shows [Ac Ad] (a pair of Aces)
      CraekZe collected 16748 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 16748 | Rake 0
      Board [6s Jd Qh 2c 8d]
      Seat 1: MOK88888 showed [Ts Qc] and lost with a pair of Queens
      Seat 2: brooo90 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: CraekZe (button) showed [Ac Ad] and won (16748) with a pair of Aces
      Seat 4: The Limpet (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: chillis2014 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: gamblenine folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: gbettes folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: MaximuzD.M. folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      Og så ellers hurtigt ned i kælderen igen:


      PokerStars Hand #228169304132: Tournament #3224777354, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (100/200) - 2021/07/09 20:10:32 CET [2021/07/09 14:10:32 ET]
      Table '3224777354 361' 8-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: MOK88888 (19 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 2: brooo90 (12909 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: CraekZe (16748 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: The Limpet (6472 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: chillis2014 (15336 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: gamblenine (11306 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: gbettes (3690 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 8: MaximuzD.M. (4520 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      MOK88888: posts the ante 19 and is all-in
      brooo90: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts the ante 30
      The Limpet: posts the ante 30
      chillis2014: posts the ante 30
      gamblenine: posts the ante 30
      gbettes: posts the ante 30
      MaximuzD.M.: posts the ante 30
      chillis2014: posts small blind 100
      gamblenine: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Jc Ac]
      gbettes: raises 3460 to 3660 and is all-in
      MaximuzD.M.: folds
      brooo90: folds
      CraekZe: raises 13058 to 16718 and is all-in
      The Limpet: folds
      chillis2014: folds
      gamblenine: folds
      Uncalled bet (13058) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [Ah 2s Jd]
      *** TURN *** [Ah 2s Jd] [Qs]
      *** RIVER *** [Ah 2s Jd Qs] [7h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      gbettes: shows [Kc Tc] (a straight, Ten to Ace)
      CraekZe: shows [Jc Ac] (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
      gbettes collected 7697 from side pot
      MOK88888: shows [3d 3s] (a pair of Threes)
      gbettes collected 152 from main pot
      gbettes wins $7.50 for eliminating MOK88888 and their own bounty increases by $7.50 to $12.50
      MOK88888 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 7849 Main pot 152. Side pot 7697. | Rake 0
      Board [Ah 2s Jd Qs 7h]
      Seat 1: MOK88888 showed [3d 3s] and lost with a pair of Threes
      Seat 2: brooo90 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: CraekZe showed [Jc Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and Jacks
      Seat 4: The Limpet (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: chillis2014 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: gamblenine (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: gbettes showed [Kc Tc] and won (7849) with a straight, Ten to Ace
      Seat 8: MaximuzD.M. folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      09-07-2021 20:12 #217| 0

      Bust TH11

      09-07-2021 20:17 #218| 0

      3.75$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228169445266: Tournament #3224777354, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XII (125/250) - 2021/07/09 20:16:03 CET [2021/07/09 14:16:03 ET]
      Table '3224777354 361' 8-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: gairdevil316 (3537 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 2: brooo90 (11163 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: CraekZe (11705 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: The Limpet (13597 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: chillis2014 (15038 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: gamblenine (10508 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: gbettes (6455 in chips, $12.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: MaximuzD.M. (3997 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      gairdevil316: posts the ante 36
      brooo90: posts the ante 36
      CraekZe: posts the ante 36
      The Limpet: posts the ante 36
      chillis2014: posts the ante 36
      gamblenine: posts the ante 36
      gbettes: posts the ante 36
      MaximuzD.M.: posts the ante 36
      CraekZe: posts small blind 125
      The Limpet: posts big blind 250
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qs Ah]
      chillis2014: folds
      gamblenine: folds
      gbettes: folds
      MaximuzD.M.: raises 3711 to 3961 and is all-in
      gairdevil316: folds
      brooo90: folds
      CraekZe: raises 7708 to 11669 and is all-in
      The Limpet: folds
      Uncalled bet (7708) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [Jh 4s 3s]
      *** TURN *** [Jh 4s 3s] [Jd]
      *** RIVER *** [Jh 4s 3s Jd] [Ad]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Qs Ah] (two pair, Aces and Jacks)
      MaximuzD.M.: shows [As 8d] (two pair, Aces and Jacks - lower kicker)
      CraekZe collected 8460 from pot
      CraekZe wins $3.75 for eliminating MaximuzD.M. and their own bounty increases by $3.75 to $8.75
      MaximuzD.M. finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 8460 | Rake 0
      Board [Jh 4s 3s Jd Ad]
      Seat 1: gairdevil316 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: brooo90 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: CraekZe (small blind) showed [Qs Ah] and won (8460) with two pair, Aces and Jacks
      Seat 4: The Limpet (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: chillis2014 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: gamblenine folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: gbettes folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: MaximuzD.M. showed [As 8d] and lost with two pair, Aces and Jacks

      09-07-2021 20:43 #219| 0

      2.5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228170096712: Tournament #3227157408, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level II (60/120) - 2021/07/09 20:42:13 CET [2021/07/09 14:42:13 ET]
      Table '3227157408 18' 8-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: ExclusiveMe (5494 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (6587 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 3: Martynas0990 (4554 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: 90sss90 (633 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: slaven67 (5000 in chips, $5 bounty)
      ExclusiveMe: posts the ante 18
      CraekZe: posts the ante 18
      Martynas0990: posts the ante 18
      90sss90: posts the ante 18
      slaven67: posts the ante 18
      CraekZe: posts small blind 60
      Martynas0990: posts big blind 120
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [As 2s]
      90sss90: raises 495 to 615 and is all-in
      slaven67: folds
      ExclusiveMe: folds
      CraekZe: raises 5954 to 6569 and is all-in
      Martynas0990: folds
      Uncalled bet (5954) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [7s Qd 2h]
      *** TURN *** [7s Qd 2h] [Td]
      *** RIVER *** [7s Qd 2h Td] [3c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [As 2s] (a pair of Deuces)
      90sss90: shows [6s Js] (high card Queen)
      CraekZe collected 1440 from pot
      CraekZe wins $2.50 for eliminating 90sss90 and their own bounty increases by $2.50 to $7.50
      90sss90 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 1440 | Rake 0
      Board [7s Qd 2h Td 3c]
      Seat 1: ExclusiveMe (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (small blind) showed [As 2s] and won (1440) with a pair of Deuces
      Seat 3: Martynas0990 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: 90sss90 showed [6s Js] and lost with high card Queen
      Seat 5: slaven67 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      09-07-2021 21:08 #220| 0

      2x QQ FTW???:


      PokerStars Hand #228170696874: Tournament #3227124949, $3.30+$0.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XI (400/800) - 2021/07/09 21:06:40 CET [2021/07/09 15:06:40 ET]
      Table '3227124949 7' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 2: Ruimar007 (15788 in chips)
      Seat 3: Mates86 (5463 in chips)
      Seat 4: Vasilijus220 (9144 in chips)
      Seat 5: vaporized1$ (1146 in chips)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (6668 in chips)
      Seat 7: shaundmaster (11229 in chips) is sitting out
      Seat 8: adelfaz (4560 in chips)
      Seat 9: djnic55 (6115 in chips)
      Ruimar007: posts the ante 75
      Mates86: posts the ante 75
      Vasilijus220: posts the ante 75
      vaporized1$: posts the ante 75
      CraekZe: posts the ante 75
      shaundmaster: posts the ante 75
      adelfaz: posts the ante 75
      djnic55: posts the ante 75
      CraekZe: posts small blind 400
      shaundmaster: posts big blind 800
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qs Qh]
      adelfaz: raises 3685 to 4485 and is all-in
      djnic55: folds
      Ruimar007: calls 4485
      Mates86: folds
      Vasilijus220: raises 4584 to 9069 and is all-in
      vaporized1$: folds
      shaundmaster has returned
      CraekZe: calls 6193 and is all-in
      shaundmaster: folds
      Ruimar007: calls 4584
      *** FLOP *** [7c Jh 8h]
      *** TURN *** [7c Jh 8h] [7h]
      *** RIVER *** [7c Jh 8h 7h] [Kd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Ruimar007: shows [5h 5d] (two pair, Sevens and Fives)
      Vasilijus220: shows [9h 9d] (two pair, Nines and Sevens)
      Vasilijus220 collected 4952 from side pot-2
      CraekZe: shows [Qs Qh] (two pair, Queens and Sevens)
      CraekZe collected 6324 from side pot-1
      adelfaz: shows [Ac 6c] (a pair of Sevens)
      CraekZe collected 19340 from main pot
      adelfaz finished the tournament in 65th place
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 30616 Main pot 19340. Side pot-1 6324. Side pot-2 4952. | Rake 0
      Board [7c Jh 8h 7h Kd]
      Seat 2: Ruimar007 showed [5h 5d] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Fives
      Seat 3: Mates86 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: Vasilijus220 showed [9h 9d] and won (4952) with two pair, Nines and Sevens
      Seat 5: vaporized1$ (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (small blind) showed [Qs Qh] and won (25664) with two pair, Queens and Sevens
      Seat 7: shaundmaster (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: adelfaz showed [Ac 6c] and lost with a pair of Sevens
      Seat 9: djnic55 folded before Flop (didn't bet)


      PokerStars Hand #228170704349: Tournament #3227157408, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2021/07/09 21:06:56 CET [2021/07/09 15:06:56 ET]
      Table '3227157408 18' 8-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: Mausefall (4235 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (4357 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 3: Vodkavadim (4196 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: Ser-1PreD (13665 in chips, $11.25 bounty)
      Seat 5: valoch3000 (4245 in chips, $5 bounty) is sitting out
      Seat 6: SALAMALEKOU (5376 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: konoval07 (19364 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: EL MONO STAR (5000 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Mausefall: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts the ante 30
      Vodkavadim: posts the ante 30
      Ser-1PreD: posts the ante 30
      valoch3000: posts the ante 30
      SALAMALEKOU: posts the ante 30
      konoval07: posts the ante 30
      EL MONO STAR: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts small blind 100
      Vodkavadim: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qh Qd]
      Ser-1PreD: raises 200 to 400
      valoch3000: folds
      SALAMALEKOU: calls 400
      konoval07: raises 1200 to 1600
      EL MONO STAR: folds
      Mausefall: folds
      CraekZe: raises 2727 to 4327 and is all-in
      Vodkavadim: folds
      Ser-1PreD: folds
      SALAMALEKOU: folds
      konoval07: calls 2727
      *** FLOP *** [Js 6c Td]
      *** TURN *** [Js 6c Td] [6s]
      *** RIVER *** [Js 6c Td 6s] [3h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Qh Qd] (two pair, Queens and Sixes)
      konoval07: shows [Kh Ac] (a pair of Sixes)
      CraekZe collected 9894 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 9894 | Rake 0
      Board [Js 6c Td 6s 3h]
      Seat 1: Mausefall (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (small blind) showed [Qh Qd] and won (9894) with two pair, Queens and Sixes
      Seat 3: Vodkavadim (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: Ser-1PreD folded before Flop
      Seat 5: valoch3000 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: SALAMALEKOU folded before Flop
      Seat 7: konoval07 showed [Kh Ac] and lost with a pair of Sixes
      Seat 8: EL MONO STAR folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      09-07-2021 21:16 #221| 0

      Bust BB11 og 16.5 PKO

      09-07-2021 21:28 #222| 0

      5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228171264965: Tournament #3224783308, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (25/50) - 2021/07/09 21:27:18 CET [2021/07/09 15:27:18 ET]
      Table '3224783308 12' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: KirillLipin (9262 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: XnGo (5000 in chips) out of hand (moved from another table into small blind)
      Seat 3: Romazottie (5395 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: Otticop0r (810 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: reshetnik (5303 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: papa_af (4897 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (5024 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 9: LeandroC1993 (4456 in chips, $10 bounty)
      XnGo will be allowed to play after the button
      KirillLipin: posts the ante 6
      Romazottie: posts the ante 6
      Otticop0r: posts the ante 6
      reshetnik: posts the ante 6
      papa_af: posts the ante 6
      CraekZe: posts the ante 6
      LeandroC1993: posts the ante 6
      Romazottie: posts small blind 25
      Otticop0r: posts big blind 50
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ts Js]
      reshetnik: folds
      papa_af: folds
      CraekZe: raises 60 to 110
      LeandroC1993: folds
      KirillLipin: folds
      Romazottie: folds
      Otticop0r: raises 694 to 804 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 694
      *** FLOP *** [7c 9c Qh]
      *** TURN *** [7c 9c Qh] [6d]
      *** RIVER *** [7c 9c Qh 6d] [Jd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Otticop0r: shows [Ad 8c] (high card Ace)
      CraekZe: shows [Ts Js] (a pair of Jacks)
      CraekZe collected 1675 from pot
      CraekZe wins $5 for eliminating Otticop0r and their own bounty increases by $5 to $15
      Otticop0r finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 1675 | Rake 0
      Board [7c 9c Qh 6d Jd]
      Seat 1: KirillLipin (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Romazottie (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: Otticop0r (big blind) showed [Ad 8c] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 6: reshetnik folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: papa_af folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [Ts Js] and won (1675) with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 9: LeandroC1993 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      09-07-2021 21:28 #223| 0

      ITM 3.5 sng

      09-07-2021 21:35 #224| 0

      4/18 i 3.5 med 23.5BB

      09-07-2021 21:47 #225| 0

      Bust BB11 ODM som 74/384

      09-07-2021 21:49 #226| 0

      FT 3.5 sng som 3/9 med 19.3BB

      09-07-2021 21:53 #227| 0

      LOL bust som nr 8 med AK som da render ind i AA.... 32.74$ ku det blive til

      09-07-2021 22:06 #228| 0

      Indrømmet, dette er ikke et uheldigt runout.. 5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228172244934: Tournament #3224783308, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (100/200) - 2021/07/09 22:04:07 CET [2021/07/09 16:04:07 ET]
      Table '3224783308 12' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: Mulatin181 (3325 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: timothyb83 (7131 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: jimmor01 (7156 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 4: MonacoMpire (6928 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: mihai_f1986 (5690 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: reshetnik (6632 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: papa_af (4736 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (2919 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 9: Meller77 (15 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Mulatin181: posts the ante 25
      timothyb83: posts the ante 25
      jimmor01: posts the ante 25
      MonacoMpire: posts the ante 25
      mihai_f1986: posts the ante 25
      reshetnik: posts the ante 25
      papa_af: posts the ante 25
      CraekZe: posts the ante 25
      Meller77: posts the ante 15 and is all-in
      jimmor01: posts small blind 100
      MonacoMpire: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Kd Qd]
      mihai_f1986: folds
      reshetnik: raises 240 to 440
      papa_af: folds
      CraekZe: raises 2454 to 2894 and is all-in
      Mulatin181: folds
      timothyb83: folds
      jimmor01: folds
      MonacoMpire: folds
      reshetnik: calls 2454
      *** FLOP *** [7s Qh 8s]
      *** TURN *** [7s Qh 8s] [7d]
      *** RIVER *** [7s Qh 8s 7d] [9s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      reshetnik: shows [Ad Kc] (a pair of Sevens)
      CraekZe: shows [Kd Qd] (two pair, Queens and Sevens)
      CraekZe collected 6168 from side pot
      Meller77: shows [2c 8d] (two pair, Eights and Sevens)
      CraekZe collected 135 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $5 for eliminating Meller77 and their own bounty increases by $5 to $20
      Meller77 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 6303 Main pot 135. Side pot 6168. | Rake 0
      Board [7s Qh 8s 7d 9s]
      Seat 1: Mulatin181 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: timothyb83 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: jimmor01 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: MonacoMpire (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: mihai_f1986 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: reshetnik showed [Ad Kc] and lost with a pair of Sevens
      Seat 7: papa_af folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [Kd Qd] and won (6303) with two pair, Queens and Sevens
      Seat 9: Meller77 showed [2c 8d] and lost with two pair, Eights and Sevens

      09-07-2021 22:08 #229| 0

      7.5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228172299506: Tournament #3224783308, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (100/200) - 2021/07/09 22:06:05 CET [2021/07/09 16:06:05 ET]
      Table '3224783308 12' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: Mulatin181 (3250 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: timothyb83 (7318 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: jimmor01 (6541 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 4: MonacoMpire (6553 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: mihai_f1986 (5075 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: reshetnik (3463 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: papa_af (4924 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (7433 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 9: Romazottie (5866 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Mulatin181: posts the ante 25
      timothyb83: posts the ante 25
      jimmor01: posts the ante 25
      MonacoMpire: posts the ante 25
      mihai_f1986: posts the ante 25
      reshetnik: posts the ante 25
      papa_af: posts the ante 25
      CraekZe: posts the ante 25
      Romazottie: posts the ante 25
      reshetnik: posts small blind 100
      papa_af: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Tc Kc]
      CraekZe: raises 240 to 440
      Romazottie: folds
      Mulatin181: folds
      timothyb83: folds
      jimmor01: calls 440
      MonacoMpire: folds
      mihai_f1986: calls 440
      reshetnik: folds
      papa_af: folds
      *** FLOP *** [Ac 5c Td]
      CraekZe: bets 517
      jimmor01: calls 517
      mihai_f1986: folds
      *** TURN *** [Ac 5c Td] [9s]
      CraekZe: checks
      jimmor01: bets 1000
      CraekZe: calls 1000
      *** RIVER *** [Ac 5c Td 9s] [Jc]
      CraekZe: checks
      jimmor01: bets 2200
      CraekZe: raises 3251 to 5451 and is all-in
      jimmor01: calls 2359 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (892) returned to CraekZe
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Tc Kc] (a flush, Ace high)
      jimmor01: shows [Ah 5h] (two pair, Aces and Fives)
      CraekZe collected 13997 from pot
      CraekZe wins $7.50 for eliminating jimmor01 and their own bounty increases by $7.50 to $27.50
      jimmor01 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 13997 | Rake 0
      Board [Ac 5c Td 9s Jc]
      Seat 1: Mulatin181 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: timothyb83 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: jimmor01 showed [Ah 5h] and lost with two pair, Aces and Fives
      Seat 4: MonacoMpire folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: mihai_f1986 (button) folded on the Flop
      Seat 6: reshetnik (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: papa_af (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [Tc Kc] and won (13997) with a flush, Ace high
      Seat 9: Romazottie folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      09-07-2021 22:12 #230| 0



      PokerStars Hand #228172433543: Tournament #3224783308, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (125/250) - 2021/07/09 22:11:01 CET [2021/07/09 16:11:01 ET]
      Table '3224783308 12' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: Mulatin181 (2700 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: timothyb83 (6518 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: karimboJ (3610 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 4: MonacoMpire (6023 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: mihai_f1986 (6105 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 6: reshetnik (7111 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: papa_af (1469 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (15551 in chips, $27.50 bounty)
      Seat 9: Romazottie (5316 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Mulatin181: posts the ante 30
      timothyb83: posts the ante 30
      karimboJ: posts the ante 30
      MonacoMpire: posts the ante 30
      mihai_f1986: posts the ante 30
      reshetnik: posts the ante 30
      papa_af: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts the ante 30
      Romazottie: posts the ante 30
      karimboJ: posts small blind 125
      MonacoMpire: posts big blind 250
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ks As]
      mihai_f1986: raises 500 to 750
      reshetnik: folds
      papa_af: folds
      CraekZe: raises 1500 to 2250
      Romazottie: folds
      Mulatin181: raises 420 to 2670 and is all-in
      timothyb83: folds
      karimboJ: folds
      MonacoMpire: folds
      mihai_f1986: raises 3405 to 6075 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 3825
      *** FLOP *** [8h 3d 6h]
      *** TURN *** [8h 3d 6h] [8d]
      *** RIVER *** [8h 3d 6h 8d] [3h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      mihai_f1986: shows [Qc Qh] (two pair, Queens and Eights)
      CraekZe: shows [Ks As] (two pair, Eights and Threes)
      mihai_f1986 collected 6810 from side pot
      Mulatin181: shows [Jc Jd] (two pair, Jacks and Eights)
      mihai_f1986 collected 8655 from main pot
      mihai_f1986 wins $5 for eliminating Mulatin181 and their own bounty increases by $5 to $15
      Mulatin181 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 15465 Main pot 8655. Side pot 6810. | Rake 0
      Board [8h 3d 6h 8d 3h]
      Seat 1: Mulatin181 showed [Jc Jd] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Eights
      Seat 2: timothyb83 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: karimboJ (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: MonacoMpire (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: mihai_f1986 showed [Qc Qh] and won (15465) with two pair, Queens and Eights
      Seat 6: reshetnik folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: papa_af folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [Ks As] and lost with two pair, Eights and Threes
      Seat 9: Romazottie folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      09-07-2021 22:29 #231| 0

      5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228172926702: Tournament #3224783308, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIV (300/600) - 2021/07/09 22:28:00 CET [2021/07/09 16:28:00 ET]
      Table '3224783308 123' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: lukalili17 (21365 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: nejro141 (10485 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: pokistar66 (14474 in chips, $30 bounty)
      Seat 4: Cant-Help-Uu (16658 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: tcherny79 (25715 in chips, $56.25 bounty)
      Seat 6: gordeeva1717 (15219 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: Sr. Huana (4445 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (6909 in chips, $27.50 bounty)
      Seat 9: max cheb (34884 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      lukalili17: posts the ante 75
      nejro141: posts the ante 75
      pokistar66: posts the ante 75
      Cant-Help-Uu: posts the ante 75
      tcherny79: posts the ante 75
      gordeeva1717: posts the ante 75
      Sr. Huana: posts the ante 75
      CraekZe: posts the ante 75
      max cheb: posts the ante 75
      pokistar66: posts small blind 300
      Cant-Help-Uu: posts big blind 600
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ad Qc]
      tcherny79: folds
      gordeeva1717: folds
      Sr. Huana: raises 3770 to 4370 and is all-in
      CraekZe: raises 2464 to 6834 and is all-in
      max cheb: folds
      lukalili17: folds
      nejro141: folds
      pokistar66: folds
      Cant-Help-Uu: folds
      Uncalled bet (2464) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [Kd 6h 2d]
      *** TURN *** [Kd 6h 2d] [5c]
      *** RIVER *** [Kd 6h 2d 5c] [Ks]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Sr. Huana: shows [Ac 4h] (a pair of Kings)
      CraekZe: shows [Ad Qc] (a pair of Kings - Ace+Queen kicker)
      CraekZe collected 10315 from pot
      CraekZe wins $5 for eliminating Sr. Huana and their own bounty increases by $5 to $32.50
      Sr. Huana finished the tournament in 583rd place
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 10315 | Rake 0
      Board [Kd 6h 2d 5c Ks]
      Seat 1: lukalili17 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: nejro141 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: pokistar66 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: Cant-Help-Uu (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: tcherny79 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: gordeeva1717 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: Sr. Huana showed [Ac 4h] and lost with a pair of Kings
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [Ad Qc] and won (10315) with a pair of Kings
      Seat 9: max cheb folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      09-07-2021 22:34 #232| 0

      Bust TH22 501/1.726. Den var klam:


      PokerStars Hand #228173047644: Tournament #3224783308, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (350/700) - 2021/07/09 22:32:18 CET [2021/07/09 16:32:18 ET]
      Table '3224783308 123' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: lukalili17 (20990 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: nejro141 (12810 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: pokistar66 (11711 in chips, $30 bounty)
      Seat 4: Cant-Help-Uu (24797 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: tcherny79 (23174 in chips, $56.25 bounty)
      Seat 6: gordeeva1717 (12456 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: the meisterr (15951 in chips, $20 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (11279 in chips, $32.50 bounty)
      Seat 9: max cheb (33309 in chips, $37.50 bounty)
      lukalili17: posts the ante 90
      nejro141: posts the ante 90
      pokistar66: posts the ante 90
      Cant-Help-Uu: posts the ante 90
      tcherny79: posts the ante 90
      gordeeva1717: posts the ante 90
      the meisterr: posts the ante 90
      CraekZe: posts the ante 90
      max cheb: posts the ante 90
      CraekZe: posts small blind 350
      max cheb: posts big blind 700
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [5h 8s]
      lukalili17: folds
      nejro141: folds
      pokistar66: folds
      Cant-Help-Uu: folds
      tcherny79: folds
      gordeeva1717: folds
      the meisterr: folds
      CraekZe: calls 350
      max cheb: checks
      *** FLOP *** [5d 8c Th]
      CraekZe: checks
      max cheb: checks
      *** TURN *** [5d 8c Th] [6h]
      CraekZe: checks
      max cheb: bets 700
      CraekZe: raises 1400 to 2100
      max cheb: calls 1400
      *** RIVER *** [5d 8c Th 6h] [Ah]
      CraekZe: bets 2244
      max cheb: raises 10898 to 13142
      CraekZe: calls 6145 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (4753) returned to max cheb
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      max cheb: shows [7h Jh] (a flush, Ace high)
      CraekZe: shows [5h 8s] (two pair, Eights and Fives)
      max cheb collected 23188 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 23188 | Rake 0
      Board [5d 8c Th 6h Ah]
      Seat 1: lukalili17 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: nejro141 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: pokistar66 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: Cant-Help-Uu folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: tcherny79 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: gordeeva1717 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: the meisterr (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (small blind) showed [5h 8s] and lost with two pair, Eights and Fives
      Seat 9: max cheb (big blind) showed [7h Jh] and won (23188) with a flush, Ace high


      09-07-2021 22:36 #233| 0
      10-07-2021 19:27 #234| 0

      Starter en session op nu

      Opdaterer program i post nr. 2, men fra nu af kommer nye sessions øverst i posten.

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 10-07-2021 19:29
      10-07-2021 19:33 #235| 0

      FT Mini BB HR sat

      10-07-2021 19:36 #236| 0

      Kvallet til Mini BB HR for 7.5$

      10-07-2021 19:47 #237| 0

      Bust BB11, re-entry

      10-07-2021 20:10 #238| 0

      Lækker 4-flush:


      PokerStars Hand #228194437244: Tournament #3224780337, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2021/07/10 20:08:34 CET [2021/07/10 14:08:34 ET]
      Table '3224780337 6' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: TitanPbI6KA (10397 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 2: lengush (24908 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 3: CraekZe (8035 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 4: ATR90 (8066 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 5: Lobachev92 (13435 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 6: YaHOOTA (32370 in chips, $14.80 bounty)
      Seat 7: Vlad Vettel (11545 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 8: Versiper (14412 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      TitanPbI6KA: posts the ante 25
      lengush: posts the ante 25
      CraekZe: posts the ante 25
      ATR90: posts the ante 25
      Lobachev92: posts the ante 25
      YaHOOTA: posts the ante 25
      Vlad Vettel: posts the ante 25
      Versiper: posts the ante 25
      TitanPbI6KA: posts small blind 100
      lengush: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ah Kd]
      CraekZe: raises 240 to 440
      ATR90: folds
      Lobachev92: folds
      YaHOOTA: raises 1160 to 1600
      Vlad Vettel: folds
      Versiper: folds
      TitanPbI6KA: folds
      lengush: folds
      CraekZe: raises 6410 to 8010 and is all-in
      YaHOOTA: calls 6410
      *** FLOP *** [6h 7h Ts]
      *** TURN *** [6h 7h Ts] [Kh]
      *** RIVER *** [6h 7h Ts Kh] [Th]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ah Kd] (a flush, Ace high)
      YaHOOTA: shows [Kc Ad] (two pair, Kings and Tens)
      CraekZe collected 16520 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 16520 | Rake 0
      Board [6h 7h Ts Kh Th]
      Seat 1: TitanPbI6KA (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: lengush (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: CraekZe showed [Ah Kd] and won (16520) with a flush, Ace high
      Seat 4: ATR90 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Lobachev92 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: YaHOOTA showed [Kc Ad] and lost with two pair, Kings and Tens
      Seat 7: Vlad Vettel folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Versiper (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      10-07-2021 20:13 #239| 0

      Bust i den forbandede Mini BB HR.. AQss vs AA

      10-07-2021 20:17 #240| 0

      Bust BB11 på 2 hænder i streg hvor vi løber koldere end kold.

      10-07-2021 20:55 #241| 0

      Gl !!

      10-07-2021 21:00 #242| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Gl !!


       TY..... Håber snart at kunne give jer lidt lir... Dette her er bestemt ikk lir

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 10-07-2021 21:03
      10-07-2021 21:07 #243| 0

      Bust 16.5 PKO... AK vs 1010

      10-07-2021 21:33 #244| 0

      Hold nu op det er ikke nemt i dag. Bust Mini KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228196602798: Tournament #3223018475, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (150/300) - 2021/07/10 21:31:55 CET [2021/07/10 15:31:55 ET]
      Table '3223018475 200' 9-max Seat #6 is the button
      Seat 1: dammsugarn (20095 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: P--ije--M93 (9084 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: Dankerrrrr (4806 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 4: tiger_eye47 (52220 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 6: xristosG115 (15655 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (5565 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 8: A7pik (4978 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 9: 666Ragnarok (24358 in chips, $20 bounty)
      dammsugarn: posts the ante 30
      P--ije--M93: posts the ante 30
      Dankerrrrr: posts the ante 30
      tiger_eye47: posts the ante 30
      xristosG115: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts the ante 30
      A7pik: posts the ante 30
      666Ragnarok: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts small blind 150
      A7pik: posts big blind 300
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qh Qc]
      666Ragnarok: folds
      dammsugarn: folds
      P--ije--M93: folds
      Dankerrrrr: folds
      tiger_eye47: calls 300
      xristosG115: folds
      CraekZe: raises 600 to 900
      A7pik: calls 600
      tiger_eye47: calls 600
      *** FLOP *** [6h Ts Ks]
      CraekZe: checks
      A7pik: checks
      tiger_eye47: bets 950
      CraekZe: raises 3685 to 4635 and is all-in
      A7pik: folds
      tiger_eye47: calls 3685
      *** TURN *** [6h Ts Ks] [Js]
      *** RIVER *** [6h Ts Ks Js] [2d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Qh Qc] (a pair of Queens)
      tiger_eye47: shows [Jc Th] (two pair, Jacks and Tens)
      tiger_eye47 collected 12210 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 12210 | Rake 0
      Board [6h Ts Ks Js 2d]
      Seat 1: dammsugarn folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: P--ije--M93 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Dankerrrrr folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: tiger_eye47 showed [Jc Th] and won (12210) with two pair, Jacks and Tens
      Seat 6: xristosG115 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: CraekZe (small blind) showed [Qh Qc] and lost with a pair of Queens
      Seat 8: A7pik (big blind) folded on the Flop
      Seat 9: 666Ragnarok folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      10-07-2021 21:35 #245| 0

      Ligger 3/7 i PN Tour... ITM ved 4 tilbage

      10-07-2021 21:36 #246| 0

      FT PN Tour som 1/6

      10-07-2021 21:49 #247| 0

      5/5 efter denne... LORTE RIVER:


      PokerStars Home Game Hand #228196959924: {Club #2163077} Tournament #3227032711, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (250/500) - 2021/07/10 21:44:43 CET [2021/07/10 15:44:43 ET]
      Table '3227032711 1' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
      Seat 1: feelgood3 (29888 in chips)
      Seat 2: Fuzhi (23041 in chips)
      Seat 4: grovfil (23672 in chips)
      Seat 5: bjaever (35619 in chips)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (38780 in chips)
      feelgood3: posts the ante 65
      Fuzhi: posts the ante 65
      grovfil: posts the ante 65
      bjaever: posts the ante 65
      CraekZe: posts the ante 65
      feelgood3: posts small blind 250
      Fuzhi: posts big blind 500
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ad Jh]
      grovfil: folds
      CraekZe said, "ryger du på boblen og jeg vinder, saa maa du faa den... Jeg har en i forvejen"
      bjaever: raises 550 to 1050
      CraekZe: raises 2450 to 3500
      grovfil said, "<3"
      feelgood3: folds
      Fuzhi: folds
      bjaever: calls 2450
      *** FLOP *** [7c 9c Jc]
      bjaever: checks
      CraekZe: bets 2826
      bjaever: calls 2826
      *** TURN *** [7c 9c Jc] [5h]
      bjaever: checks
      grovfil said, "hov, det er fejt, det har jeg også, men ældre model, fik af aalundberg"
      CraekZe: checks
      *** RIVER *** [7c 9c Jc 5h] [Js]
      bjaever: bets 9609
      CraekZe: calls 9609
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      bjaever: shows [8c Tc] (a straight flush, Seven to Jack)
      CraekZe: mucks hand
      bjaever collected 32945 from pot
      bjaever said, "ok flop"
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 32945 | Rake 0
      Board [7c 9c Jc 5h Js]
      Seat 1: feelgood3 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: Fuzhi (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: grovfil folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: bjaever showed [8c Tc] and won (32945) with a straight flush, Seven to Jack
      Seat 6: CraekZe (button) mucked [Ad Jh]

      10-07-2021 22:17 #248| 0

      LOL KK taber til KQ... Og nede som 3/5


      10-07-2021 22:18 #249| 0

      ITM PN Tour som 3/4.. sikret 23.5$... 105$ på toppen

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 10-07-2021 22:19
      10-07-2021 22:21 #250| 0

      2/4 efter denne:


      PokerStars Home Game Hand #228197866055: {Club #2163077} Tournament #3227032711, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (400/800) - 2021/07/10 22:19:51 CET [2021/07/10 16:19:51 ET]
      Table '3227032711 1' 6-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: feelgood3 (7703 in chips)
      Seat 2: Fuzhi (23884 in chips)
      Seat 5: bjaever (96680 in chips)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (22733 in chips)
      feelgood3: posts the ante 100
      Fuzhi: posts the ante 100
      bjaever: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts the ante 100
      bjaever: posts small blind 400
      CraekZe: posts big blind 800
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Jc Js]
      feelgood3: folds
      Fuzhi: folds
      bjaever: raises 95780 to 96580 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 21833 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (73947) returned to bjaever
      *** FLOP *** [9h Kd Kc]
      *** TURN *** [9h Kd Kc] [4c]
      *** RIVER *** [9h Kd Kc 4c] [8h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      bjaever: shows [Jh 7d] (a pair of Kings)
      CraekZe: shows [Jc Js] (two pair, Kings and Jacks)
      CraekZe collected 45666 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 45666 | Rake 0
      Board [9h Kd Kc 4c 8h]
      Seat 1: feelgood3 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: Fuzhi (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: bjaever (small blind) showed [Jh 7d] and lost with a pair of Kings
      Seat 6: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Jc Js] and won (45666) with two pair, Kings and Jacks

      10-07-2021 22:24 #251| 0

      JEBUS.. Anden gang i touren:


      PokerStars Home Game Hand #228197963422: {Club #2163077} Tournament #3227032711, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (400/800) - 2021/07/10 22:23:25 CET [2021/07/10 16:23:25 ET]
      Table '3227032711 1' 6-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: feelgood3 (7318 in chips)
      Seat 2: Fuzhi (21264 in chips)
      Seat 5: bjaever (84147 in chips)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (38271 in chips)
      feelgood3: posts the ante 100
      Fuzhi: posts the ante 100
      bjaever: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts the ante 100
      Fuzhi: posts small blind 400
      bjaever: posts big blind 800
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ad Js]
      CraekZe: raises 960 to 1760
      feelgood3: raises 5458 to 7218 and is all-in
      Fuzhi: folds
      bjaever: folds
      CraekZe: calls 5458
      *** FLOP *** [Tc 2d 9c]
      *** TURN *** [Tc 2d 9c] [5s]
      *** RIVER *** [Tc 2d 9c 5s] [Ks]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ad Js] (high card Ace)
      feelgood3: shows [Th Ah] (a pair of Tens)
      feelgood3 collected 16036 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 16036 | Rake 0
      Board [Tc 2d 9c 5s Ks]
      Seat 1: feelgood3 (button) showed [Th Ah] and won (16036) with a pair of Tens
      Seat 2: Fuzhi (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: bjaever (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: CraekZe showed [Ad Js] and lost with high card Ace

      10-07-2021 22:25 #252| 0

      Oh så laver jeg den grimme... 2/3:


      PokerStars Home Game Hand #228197988145: {Club #2163077} Tournament #3227032711, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (400/800) - 2021/07/10 22:24:19 CET [2021/07/10 16:24:19 ET]
      Table '3227032711 1' 6-max Seat #6 is the button
      Seat 1: feelgood3 (16236 in chips)
      Seat 2: Fuzhi (20964 in chips)
      Seat 5: bjaever (82647 in chips)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (31153 in chips)
      feelgood3: posts the ante 100
      Fuzhi: posts the ante 100
      bjaever: posts the ante 100
      CraekZe: posts the ante 100
      feelgood3: posts small blind 400
      Fuzhi: posts big blind 800
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ah Qs]
      bjaever: folds
      CraekZe: raises 960 to 1760
      feelgood3: folds
      Fuzhi: raises 19104 to 20864 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 19104
      *** FLOP *** [9h 4d As]
      *** TURN *** [9h 4d As] [Qc]
      *** RIVER *** [9h 4d As Qc] [Jh]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Fuzhi: shows [Kc Ks] (a pair of Kings)
      CraekZe: shows [Ah Qs] (two pair, Aces and Queens)
      CraekZe collected 42528 from pot
      Fuzhi finished the tournament in 4th place and received $23.50.
      CraekZe said, "phew"
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 42528 | Rake 0
      Board [9h 4d As Qc Jh]
      Seat 1: feelgood3 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: Fuzhi (big blind) showed [Kc Ks] and lost with a pair of Kings
      Seat 5: bjaever folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (button) showed [Ah Qs] and won (42528) with two pair, Aces and Queens

      10-07-2021 22:38 #253| 0

      HU efter denne.. 1/2:


      PokerStars Home Game Hand #228198335750: {Club #2163077} Tournament #3227032711, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (600/1200) - 2021/07/10 22:36:59 CET [2021/07/10 16:36:59 ET]
      Table '3227032711 1' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: feelgood3 (51038 in chips)
      Seat 5: bjaever (46650 in chips)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (53312 in chips)
      feelgood3: posts the ante 150
      bjaever: posts the ante 150
      CraekZe: posts the ante 150
      CraekZe: posts small blind 600
      feelgood3: posts big blind 1200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [3c 3h]
      bjaever: folds
      CraekZe: raises 1440 to 2640
      feelgood3: calls 1440
      *** FLOP *** [Th 3s 8s]
      CraekZe: bets 2006
      feelgood3: calls 2006
      *** TURN *** [Th 3s 8s] [Kh]
      CraekZe: checks
      feelgood3: bets 4871
      CraekZe: raises 12080 to 16951
      feelgood3: calls 12080
      *** RIVER *** [Th 3s 8s Kh] [Ts]
      CraekZe: bets 31565 and is all-in
      feelgood3: calls 29291 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (2274) returned to CraekZe
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [3c 3h] (a full house, Threes full of Tens)
      feelgood3: shows [7s Js] (a flush, Jack high)
      CraekZe collected 102226 from pot
      feelgood3 finished the tournament in 3rd place and received $35.25.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 102226 | Rake 0
      Board [Th 3s 8s Kh Ts]
      Seat 1: feelgood3 (big blind) showed [7s Js] and lost with a flush, Jack high
      Seat 5: bjaever (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (small blind) showed [3c 3h] and won (102226) with a full house, Threes full of Tens

      10-07-2021 22:55 #254| 0

      Hahahah.. Standard... Taber HU:


      PokerStars Home Game Hand #228198814541: {Club #2163077} Tournament #3227032711, $5.00+$0.50 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (700/1400) - 2021/07/10 22:54:28 CET [2021/07/10 16:54:28 ET]
      Table '3227032711 1' 6-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 5: bjaever (89092 in chips)
      Seat 6: CraekZe (61908 in chips)
      bjaever: posts the ante 175
      CraekZe: posts the ante 175
      bjaever: posts small blind 700
      CraekZe: posts big blind 1400
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qc Ah]
      bjaever: raises 1400 to 2800
      CraekZe: raises 7000 to 9800
      bjaever: raises 79117 to 88917 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 51933 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (27184) returned to bjaever
      *** FLOP *** [6s Js 9h]
      *** TURN *** [6s Js 9h] [3d]
      *** RIVER *** [6s Js 9h 3d] [Ad]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Qc Ah] (a pair of Aces)
      bjaever: shows [Ac As] (three of a kind, Aces)
      bjaever collected 123816 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 123816 | Rake 0
      Board [6s Js 9h 3d Ad]
      Seat 5: bjaever (button) (small blind) showed [Ac As] and won (123816) with three of a kind, Aces
      Seat 6: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Qc Ah] and lost with a pair of Aces

      10-07-2021 22:56 #255| 0

      Vinder dog 70.5$... Så det var jo ret fint

      10-07-2021 22:57 #256| 0

      Andre tours tilbage? 

      10-07-2021 22:59 #257| 0
      Evigtung skrev:

      Andre tours tilbage? 


       Nej det var dagens sidste

      10-07-2021 23:07 #258| 0

      Hmmmm. Får da reddet lidt af æren i den sidste, men det er stadig langt fra tilfredsstillende...

      Jeg har lige en uges arbejde endnu, så går jeg på ferie. Så mon ikke der kan snige sig et par sessions ind hist og her.

      16-07-2021 19:51 #259| 0

      Så fik den gamle fede her også ferie. Det skal da fejres med en session.

      Opdaterer i post nr 3, da post nr 2 er ved at være ret lang.

      16-07-2021 19:56 #260| 0

      FT Mini BB HR sat

      16-07-2021 19:58 #261| 0

      Og bust nr 4... Flot call:


      PokerStars Hand #228335586100: Tournament #3230982647, $7.36+$0.14 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round II, Level I (25/50) - 2021/07/16 19:56:37 CET [2021/07/16 13:56:37 ET]
      Table '3230982647 1' 4-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: mr winkie101 (500 in chips)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (500 in chips)
      Seat 3: fozzzi (500 in chips)
      Seat 4: Varella8234 (500 in chips)
      mr winkie101: posts the ante 10
      CraekZe: posts the ante 10
      fozzzi: posts the ante 10
      Varella8234: posts the ante 10
      fozzzi: posts small blind 25
      Varella8234: posts big blind 50
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [6h Ad]
      mr winkie101: folds
      CraekZe: raises 440 to 490 and is all-in
      fozzzi: folds
      Varella8234: calls 440 and is all-in
      *** FLOP *** [Kc Ac Qc]
      *** TURN *** [Kc Ac Qc] [Kd]
      *** RIVER *** [Kc Ac Qc Kd] [Qh]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Varella8234: shows [Kh 9h] (a full house, Kings full of Queens)
      CraekZe: shows [6h Ad] (two pair, Aces and Kings)
      Varella8234 collected 1045 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 1045 | Rake 0
      Board [Kc Ac Qc Kd Qh]
      Seat 1: mr winkie101 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (button) showed [6h Ad] and lost with two pair, Aces and Kings
      Seat 3: fozzzi (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: Varella8234 (big blind) showed [Kh 9h] and won (1045) with a full house, Kings full of Queens

      16-07-2021 20:15 #262| 0

      Bust MM-Phase

      Bust BB11, re-entry

      16-07-2021 20:22 #263| 0

      FT Mini Fast sat

      16-07-2021 20:23 #264| 0

      Kvallet Mini Fast

      16-07-2021 20:35 #265| 0

      5.55$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228336460273: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2021/07/16 20:33:21 CET [2021/07/16 14:33:21 ET]
      Table '3228689286 32' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: foursixoff (9310 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 2: nneeyy77 (13009 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 3: ANTWILAS (10350 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (17421 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 5: champion339 (11708 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 6: lamogiaris (11917 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 7: zentino1909 (24674 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 8: Pokerfee60 (15653 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 9: komornik (13109 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      foursixoff: posts the ante 40
      nneeyy77: posts the ante 40
      ANTWILAS: posts the ante 40
      CraekZe: posts the ante 40
      champion339: posts the ante 40
      lamogiaris: posts the ante 40
      zentino1909: posts the ante 40
      Pokerfee60: posts the ante 40
      komornik: posts the ante 40
      nneeyy77: posts small blind 150
      ANTWILAS: posts big blind 300
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [7d 7h]
      CraekZe: raises 360 to 660
      champion339: calls 660
      lamogiaris: folds
      zentino1909: folds
      Pokerfee60: folds
      komornik: calls 660
      foursixoff: folds
      nneeyy77: folds
      ANTWILAS: folds
      *** FLOP *** [7c 5c 6d]
      CraekZe: bets 977
      champion339: calls 977
      komornik: calls 977
      *** TURN *** [7c 5c 6d] [As]
      CraekZe: checks
      champion339: checks
      komornik: bets 3814
      CraekZe: raises 11930 to 15744 and is all-in
      champion339: folds
      komornik: calls 7618 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (4312) returned to CraekZe
      *** RIVER *** [7c 5c 6d As] [6s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [7d 7h] (a full house, Sevens full of Sixes)
      komornik: shows [9s Ac] (two pair, Aces and Sixes)
      CraekZe collected 28585 from pot
      CraekZe wins $5.55 for eliminating komornik and their own bounty increases by $5.55 to $12.95
      komornik finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 28585 | Rake 0
      Board [7c 5c 6d As 6s]
      Seat 1: foursixoff (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: nneeyy77 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: ANTWILAS (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: CraekZe showed [7d 7h] and won (28585) with a full house, Sevens full of Sixes
      Seat 5: champion339 folded on the Turn
      Seat 6: lamogiaris folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: zentino1909 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Pokerfee60 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: komornik showed [9s Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and Sixes

      16-07-2021 20:38 #266| 0

      Og en gave på 3.7$:


      PokerStars Hand #228336541213: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VIII (150/300) - 2021/07/16 20:36:31 CET [2021/07/16 14:36:31 ET]
      Table '3228689286 32' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
      Seat 1: foursixoff (9230 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 2: nneeyy77 (12009 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 3: ANTWILAS (9200 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (40199 in chips, $12.95 bounty)
      Seat 5: champion339 (9221 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 6: lamogiaris (11837 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 7: zentino1909 (19882 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 8: Pokerfee60 (15573 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      foursixoff: posts the ante 40
      nneeyy77: posts the ante 40
      ANTWILAS: posts the ante 40
      CraekZe: posts the ante 40
      champion339: posts the ante 40
      lamogiaris: posts the ante 40
      zentino1909: posts the ante 40
      Pokerfee60: posts the ante 40
      CraekZe: posts small blind 150
      champion339: posts big blind 300
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ad Ah]
      lamogiaris: folds
      zentino1909: folds
      Pokerfee60: folds
      foursixoff: folds
      nneeyy77: raises 549 to 849
      ANTWILAS: folds
      CraekZe: raises 1251 to 2100
      champion339: folds
      nneeyy77: calls 1251
      *** FLOP *** [Ac 7d 8c]
      CraekZe: checks
      nneeyy77: bets 2844
      CraekZe: calls 2844
      *** TURN *** [Ac 7d 8c] [4d]
      CraekZe: checks
      nneeyy77: bets 7025 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 7025
      *** RIVER *** [Ac 7d 8c 4d] [7c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ad Ah] (a full house, Aces full of Sevens)
      nneeyy77: shows [Jh Kc] (a pair of Sevens)
      CraekZe collected 24558 from pot
      CraekZe wins $3.70 for eliminating nneeyy77 and their own bounty increases by $3.70 to $16.65
      nneeyy77 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 24558 | Rake 0
      Board [Ac 7d 8c 4d 7c]
      Seat 1: foursixoff folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: nneeyy77 showed [Jh Kc] and lost with a pair of Sevens
      Seat 3: ANTWILAS (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (small blind) showed [Ad Ah] and won (24558) with a full house, Aces full of Sevens
      Seat 5: champion339 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: lamogiaris folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: zentino1909 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Pokerfee60 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      16-07-2021 20:41 #267| 0

      3.7$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228336639741: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level IX (200/400) - 2021/07/16 20:40:03 CET [2021/07/16 14:40:03 ET]
      Table '3228689286 32' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
      Seat 1: foursixoff (27270 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 2: lRUlInActive (11116 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 3: ANTWILAS (8910 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (43148 in chips, $16.65 bounty)
      Seat 5: champion339 (8881 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 6: lamogiaris (12547 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 7: zentino1909 (18992 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 8: Pokerfee60 (15733 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 9: poikie20 (820 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      foursixoff: posts the ante 50
      lRUlInActive: posts the ante 50
      ANTWILAS: posts the ante 50
      CraekZe: posts the ante 50
      champion339: posts the ante 50
      lamogiaris: posts the ante 50
      zentino1909: posts the ante 50
      Pokerfee60: posts the ante 50
      poikie20: posts the ante 50
      foursixoff: posts small blind 200
      lRUlInActive: posts big blind 400
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [3c 4h]
      ANTWILAS: folds
      CraekZe: raises 480 to 880
      champion339: folds
      lamogiaris: folds
      zentino1909: folds
      poikie20 said, "Lol 1 out offcourse"
      Pokerfee60: folds
      poikie20: calls 770 and is all-in
      foursixoff: calls 680
      lRUlInActive: folds
      *** FLOP *** [Kc 4s Qh]
      foursixoff: checks
      CraekZe: bets 1183
      foursixoff: folds
      Uncalled bet (1183) returned to CraekZe
      *** TURN *** [Kc 4s Qh] [Qc]
      *** RIVER *** [Kc 4s Qh Qc] [Ac]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [3c 4h] (two pair, Queens and Fours)
      CraekZe collected 220 from side pot
      poikie20: shows [Th 7d] (a pair of Queens)
      CraekZe collected 3160 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $3.70 for eliminating poikie20 and their own bounty increases by $3.70 to $20.35
      poikie20 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 3380 Main pot 3160. Side pot 220. | Rake 0
      Board [Kc 4s Qh Qc Ac]
      Seat 1: foursixoff (small blind) folded on the Flop
      Seat 2: lRUlInActive (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: ANTWILAS folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: CraekZe showed [3c 4h] and won (3380) with two pair, Queens and Fours
      Seat 5: champion339 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: lamogiaris folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: zentino1909 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Pokerfee60 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: poikie20 (button) showed [Th 7d] and lost with a pair of Queens

      16-07-2021 20:53 #268| 0

      Bust BB11 2nd bullet:


      PokerStars Hand #228336929031: Tournament #3228685487, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVI (250/500) - 2021/07/16 20:51:19 CET [2021/07/16 14:51:19 ET]
      Table '3228685487 295' 8-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: CraekZe (4386 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 2: Marcel0Jr (23197 in chips, $12.50 bounty) is sitting out
      Seat 3: chv89 (37317 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 4: iflatyourbet (18852 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: M_Mihail (7607 in chips, $8.75 bounty)
      Seat 6: Anast8sha (54019 in chips, $17.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: AND5RON (46892 in chips, $34.99 bounty)
      Seat 8: MasterOfPoo8 (35286 in chips, $9.37 bounty)
      CraekZe: posts the ante 80
      Marcel0Jr: posts the ante 80
      chv89: posts the ante 80
      iflatyourbet: posts the ante 80
      M_Mihail: posts the ante 80
      Anast8sha: posts the ante 80
      AND5RON: posts the ante 80
      MasterOfPoo8: posts the ante 80
      chv89: posts small blind 250
      iflatyourbet: posts big blind 500
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Jh Jd]
      Marcel0Jr has returned
      M_Mihail: calls 500
      Anast8sha: folds
      AND5RON: folds
      MasterOfPoo8: folds
      CraekZe: raises 3806 to 4306 and is all-in
      Marcel0Jr: folds
      chv89: folds
      iflatyourbet: folds
      M_Mihail: calls 3806
      *** FLOP *** [6h 8d 2s]
      *** TURN *** [6h 8d 2s] [4d]
      *** RIVER *** [6h 8d 2s 4d] [5h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      M_Mihail: shows [3s Ad] (a straight, Deuce to Six)
      CraekZe: shows [Jh Jd] (a pair of Jacks)
      M_Mihail collected 10002 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 10002 | Rake 0
      Board [6h 8d 2s 4d 5h]
      Seat 1: CraekZe showed [Jh Jd] and lost with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 2: Marcel0Jr (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: chv89 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: iflatyourbet (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: M_Mihail showed [3s Ad] and won (10002) with a straight, Deuce to Six
      Seat 6: Anast8sha folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: AND5RON folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: MasterOfPoo8 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      16-07-2021 21:04 #269| 0

      Og vi har en stack igen i 16.5 PKO...


      PokerStars Hand #228337153507: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level X (250/500) - 2021/07/16 21:01:32 CET [2021/07/16 15:01:32 ET]
      Table '3228689286 32' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: foursixoff (27090 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 2: lRUlInActive (53167 in chips, $16.65 bounty)
      Seat 3: ANTWILAS (6680 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (29212 in chips, $20.35 bounty)
      Seat 5: champion339 (15462 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 6: pexon72 (9989 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 7: Cr1s5t1 (28059 in chips, $14.80 bounty)
      Seat 8: Pokerfee60 (46394 in chips, $12.95 bounty)
      Seat 9: Jekson Tuk (33360 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      foursixoff: posts the ante 60
      lRUlInActive: posts the ante 60
      ANTWILAS: posts the ante 60
      CraekZe: posts the ante 60
      champion339: posts the ante 60
      pexon72: posts the ante 60
      Cr1s5t1: posts the ante 60
      Pokerfee60: posts the ante 60
      Jekson Tuk: posts the ante 60
      Jekson Tuk: posts small blind 250
      foursixoff: posts big blind 500
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ad Qd]
      lRUlInActive: folds
      ANTWILAS: folds
      CraekZe: raises 600 to 1100
      champion339: folds
      pexon72: folds
      Cr1s5t1: folds
      Pokerfee60: folds
      Jekson Tuk: calls 850
      foursixoff: folds
      *** FLOP *** [Qc 3h 5s]
      Jekson Tuk: checks
      CraekZe: bets 1134
      Jekson Tuk: raises 3116 to 4250
      CraekZe: calls 3116
      *** TURN *** [Qc 3h 5s] [2c]
      Jekson Tuk: bets 4500
      CraekZe: calls 4500
      *** RIVER *** [Qc 3h 5s 2c] [6d]
      Jekson Tuk: bets 23450 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 19302 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (4148) returned to Jekson Tuk
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Jekson Tuk: shows [2h Ah] (a pair of Deuces)
      CraekZe: shows [Ad Qd] (a pair of Queens)
      CraekZe collected 59344 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 59344 | Rake 0
      Board [Qc 3h 5s 2c 6d]
      Seat 1: foursixoff (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: lRUlInActive folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: ANTWILAS folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: CraekZe showed [Ad Qd] and won (59344) with a pair of Queens
      Seat 5: champion339 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: pexon72 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: Cr1s5t1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Pokerfee60 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: Jekson Tuk (small blind) showed [2h Ah] and lost with a pair of Deuces

      16-07-2021 21:12 #270| 0

      Bust Mini Fast.. Kortdød fra start til slut

      16-07-2021 21:16 #271| 0

      2.5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228337537376: Tournament #3231020363, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level III (70/140) - 2021/07/16 21:15:43 CET [2021/07/16 15:15:43 ET]
      Table '3231020363 3' 8-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: bommeronie (3264 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 2: Dutchie X (6784 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 3: SK 38744 (2626 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: NeverBrokeA (3301 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: aovidiu1 (2789 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 6: nosf-ds (6355 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 7: sheicox (3832 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (6564 in chips, $5 bounty)
      bommeronie: posts the ante 21
      Dutchie X: posts the ante 21
      SK 38744: posts the ante 21
      NeverBrokeA: posts the ante 21
      aovidiu1: posts the ante 21
      nosf-ds: posts the ante 21
      sheicox: posts the ante 21
      CraekZe: posts the ante 21
      SK 38744: posts small blind 70
      NeverBrokeA: posts big blind 140
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [9d 9c]
      aovidiu1: folds
      nosf-ds: raises 140 to 280
      sheicox: folds
      CraekZe: calls 280
      bommeronie: raises 2963 to 3243 and is all-in
      Dutchie X: folds
      SK 38744: folds
      NeverBrokeA: folds
      nosf-ds: folds
      CraekZe: calls 2963
      *** FLOP *** [3s 4c 8h]
      *** TURN *** [3s 4c 8h] [7h]
      *** RIVER *** [3s 4c 8h 7h] [Jd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [9d 9c] (a pair of Nines)
      bommeronie: shows [Kd Qd] (high card King)
      CraekZe collected 7144 from pot
      CraekZe wins $2.50 for eliminating bommeronie and their own bounty increases by $2.50 to $7.50
      bommeronie finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 7144 | Rake 0
      Board [3s 4c 8h 7h Jd]
      Seat 1: bommeronie showed [Kd Qd] and lost with high card King
      Seat 2: Dutchie X (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: SK 38744 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: NeverBrokeA (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: aovidiu1 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: nosf-ds folded before Flop
      Seat 7: sheicox folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe showed [9d 9c] and won (7144) with a pair of Nines



      16-07-2021 21:18 #272| 0

      Lidt for mange af disse i sats i dag;


      PokerStars Hand #228337577951: Tournament #3231026585, $2.79+$0.06 USD Hold'em No Limit - Match Round I, Level II (50/100) - 2021/07/16 21:17:11 CET [2021/07/16 15:17:11 ET]
      Table '3231026585 1' 4-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: zira72 (855 in chips)
      Seat 2: vlado2991 (430 in chips)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (715 in chips)
      zira72: posts the ante 20
      vlado2991: posts the ante 20
      CraekZe: posts the ante 20
      vlado2991: posts small blind 50
      CraekZe: posts big blind 100
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ah 7d]
      CraekZe said, "I call"
      zira72: raises 200 to 300
      vlado2991: folds
      CraekZe: raises 395 to 695 and is all-in
      zira72: calls 395
      *** FLOP *** [Ts 4s 3d]
      *** TURN *** [Ts 4s 3d] [5c]
      *** RIVER *** [Ts 4s 3d 5c] [9h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ah 7d] (high card Ace)
      zira72: shows [3s Ad] (a pair of Threes)
      zira72 collected 1500 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 1500 | Rake 0
      Board [Ts 4s 3d 5c 9h]
      Seat 1: zira72 (button) showed [3s Ad] and won (1500) with a pair of Threes
      Seat 2: vlado2991 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Ah 7d] and lost with high card Ace

      16-07-2021 21:29 #273| 0

      2.5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228337909166: Tournament #3231020363, $4.80+$5.00+$1.20 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level VI (100/200) - 2021/07/16 21:28:22 CET [2021/07/16 15:28:22 ET]
      Table '3231020363 3' 8-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: hendrik4 (10870 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: Dutchie X (6445 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 3: pjunkers74 (4793 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 4: NeverBrokeA (2326 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 5: Snowsmile (1387 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: nosf-ds (14998 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: sheicox (7539 in chips, $5 bounty)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (7726 in chips, $7.50 bounty)
      hendrik4: posts the ante 30
      Dutchie X: posts the ante 30
      pjunkers74: posts the ante 30
      NeverBrokeA: posts the ante 30
      Snowsmile: posts the ante 30
      nosf-ds: posts the ante 30
      sheicox: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts the ante 30
      CraekZe: posts small blind 100
      hendrik4: posts big blind 200
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [6h 6d]
      Dutchie X: folds
      pjunkers74: raises 4563 to 4763 and is all-in
      NeverBrokeA: folds
      Snowsmile: folds
      nosf-ds: folds
      sheicox: folds
      CraekZe: raises 2933 to 7696 and is all-in
      hendrik4: folds
      Uncalled bet (2933) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [Kc 3h 6c]
      *** TURN *** [Kc 3h 6c] [Qd]
      *** RIVER *** [Kc 3h 6c Qd] [Kd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [6h 6d] (a full house, Sixes full of Kings)
      pjunkers74: shows [Qh As] (two pair, Kings and Queens)
      CraekZe collected 9966 from pot
      CraekZe wins $2.50 for eliminating pjunkers74 and their own bounty increases by $2.50 to $10
      pjunkers74 finished the tournament
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 9966 | Rake 0
      Board [Kc 3h 6c Qd Kd]
      Seat 1: hendrik4 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: Dutchie X folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: pjunkers74 showed [Qh As] and lost with two pair, Kings and Queens
      Seat 4: NeverBrokeA folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: Snowsmile folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: nosf-ds folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: sheicox (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: CraekZe (small blind) showed [6h 6d] and won (9966) with a full house, Sixes full of Kings

      16-07-2021 21:37 #274| 0

      Bust 3.5 sng som 64/180

      16-07-2021 22:11 #275| 0

      Bust BB11 ODm 77/316

      16-07-2021 22:21 #276| 0

      ITM 16.5 PKO

      16-07-2021 22:25 #277| 0

      Lige blevet fyraften, så nu et par kolde øl på hjemturen, håber de er fyldt med skrub 

      16-07-2021 22:26 #278| 0

      12.5$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228339477252: Tournament #3228696239, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XIII (250/500) - 2021/07/16 22:25:08 CET [2021/07/16 16:25:08 ET]
      Table '3228696239 6' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: lapin noita (11169 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: burnt famous (8452 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 3: aq-kruss (6499 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (8991 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 5: Eddie1209 (13945 in chips, $17.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: goa1908 (3224 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: tvojebaba747 (17285 in chips, $17.50 bounty)
      Seat 8: kuzenbek15 (1813 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 9: mosk0s (1871 in chips, $10 bounty)
      lapin noita: posts the ante 65
      burnt famous: posts the ante 65
      aq-kruss: posts the ante 65
      CraekZe: posts the ante 65
      Eddie1209: posts the ante 65
      goa1908: posts the ante 65
      tvojebaba747: posts the ante 65
      kuzenbek15: posts the ante 65
      mosk0s: posts the ante 65
      mosk0s: posts small blind 250
      lapin noita: posts big blind 500
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [7d 7h]
      burnt famous: folds
      aq-kruss: folds
      CraekZe: raises 600 to 1100
      Eddie1209: folds
      goa1908: folds
      tvojebaba747: folds
      kuzenbek15: calls 1100
      mosk0s: raises 706 to 1806 and is all-in
      lapin noita: folds
      CraekZe: raises 5194 to 7000
      kuzenbek15: calls 648 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (5194) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [2d 8h 2h]
      *** TURN *** [2d 8h 2h] [9d]
      *** RIVER *** [2d 8h 2h 9d] [9c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      mosk0s: shows [Ad Ks] (two pair, Nines and Deuces)
      CraekZe: shows [7d 7h] (two pair, Nines and Sevens)
      CraekZe collected 116 from side pot
      kuzenbek15: shows [Th Ah] (two pair, Nines and Deuces)
      CraekZe collected 6329 from main pot
      CraekZe wins $7.50 for eliminating kuzenbek15 and their own bounty increases by $7.50 to $17.50
      CraekZe wins $5 for eliminating mosk0s and their own bounty increases by $5 to $22.50
      mosk0s finished the tournament in 654th place
      kuzenbek15 finished the tournament in 655th place
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 6445 Main pot 6329. Side pot 116. | Rake 0
      Board [2d 8h 2h 9d 9c]
      Seat 1: lapin noita (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: burnt famous folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: aq-kruss folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: CraekZe showed [7d 7h] and won (6445) with two pair, Nines and Sevens
      Seat 5: Eddie1209 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: goa1908 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: tvojebaba747 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: kuzenbek15 (button) showed [Th Ah] and lost with two pair, Nines and Deuces
      Seat 9: mosk0s (small blind) showed [Ad Ks] and lost with two pair, Nines and Deuces

      16-07-2021 22:28 #279| 0
      Evigtung skrev:

      Lige blevet fyraften, så nu et par kolde øl på hjemturen, håber de er fyldt med skrub 


       Nok nærmere det modsatte. Men vi lever da i 2 tours endnu og er lige gået fra 5BB til 20BB (incl blind stigning) i TH22 PKO


      Edit: læste din besked forkert.

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 16-07-2021 22:30
      16-07-2021 22:28 #280| 0

      Og så lige sådan er frækkert her:


      PokerStars Hand #228339542689: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XVIII (900/1800) - 2021/07/16 22:27:24 CET [2021/07/16 16:27:24 ET]
      Table '3228689286 46' 9-max Seat #9 is the button
      Seat 1: Charlie-Joe8 (21784 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (25502 in chips, $20.35 bounty)
      Seat 3: vs_mal_tv (101375 in chips, $23.12 bounty)
      Seat 4: d3u8m5a3 (68021 in chips, $25.90 bounty)
      Seat 5: 19roma69 (93759 in chips, $29.60 bounty)
      Seat 6: Hellvin_10 (51372 in chips, $16.65 bounty)
      Seat 7: personal (33759 in chips, $7.40 bounty)
      Seat 8: ndima (11975 in chips, $11.10 bounty)
      Seat 9: mitrux (83091 in chips, $21.27 bounty)
      Charlie-Joe8: posts the ante 225
      CraekZe: posts the ante 225
      vs_mal_tv: posts the ante 225
      d3u8m5a3: posts the ante 225
      19roma69: posts the ante 225
      Hellvin_10: posts the ante 225
      personal: posts the ante 225
      ndima: posts the ante 225
      mitrux: posts the ante 225
      Charlie-Joe8: posts small blind 900
      CraekZe: posts big blind 1800
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [2c 2d]
      vs_mal_tv: folds
      d3u8m5a3: folds
      19roma69: folds
      Hellvin_10: raises 1800 to 3600
      personal: folds
      ndima: folds
      mitrux: folds
      Charlie-Joe8: folds
      CraekZe: calls 1800
      *** FLOP *** [9d 2s Qs]
      CraekZe: checks
      Hellvin_10: bets 3600
      CraekZe: calls 3600
      *** TURN *** [9d 2s Qs] [5c]
      CraekZe: checks
      Hellvin_10: bets 20790
      CraekZe: calls 18077 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (2713) returned to Hellvin_10
      *** RIVER *** [9d 2s Qs 5c] [Ac]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [2c 2d] (three of a kind, Deuces)
      Hellvin_10: shows [Ad 9h] (two pair, Aces and Nines)
      CraekZe collected 53479 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 53479 | Rake 0
      Board [9d 2s Qs 5c Ac]
      Seat 1: Charlie-Joe8 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 2: CraekZe (big blind) showed [2c 2d] and won (53479) with three of a kind, Deuces
      Seat 3: vs_mal_tv folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: d3u8m5a3 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: 19roma69 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: Hellvin_10 showed [Ad 9h] and lost with two pair, Aces and Nines
      Seat 7: personal folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: ndima folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: mitrux (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      16-07-2021 22:35 #281| 0

      Bust TH22 PKO... Først A10 som rammer top 2 på river, hvor villain rammer flush.. Og så denne:


      PokerStars Hand #228339728606: Tournament #3228696239, $10+$10+$2 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XV (350/700) - 2021/07/16 22:33:45 CET [2021/07/16 16:33:45 ET]
      Table '3228696239 6' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: lapin noita (16166 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 2: burnt famous (4498 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 3: aq-kruss (14018 in chips, $15 bounty)
      Seat 4: CraekZe (8668 in chips, $22.50 bounty)
      Seat 5: Eddie1209 (16520 in chips, $17.50 bounty)
      Seat 6: Xander S14 (1288 in chips, $10 bounty)
      Seat 7: tvojebaba747 (21785 in chips, $17.50 bounty)
      Seat 9: tzupicu30 (5127 in chips, $15 bounty)
      lapin noita: posts the ante 90
      burnt famous: posts the ante 90
      aq-kruss: posts the ante 90
      CraekZe: posts the ante 90
      Eddie1209: posts the ante 90
      Xander S14: posts the ante 90
      tvojebaba747: posts the ante 90
      tzupicu30: posts the ante 90
      Xander S14: posts small blind 350
      tvojebaba747: posts big blind 700
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac Jh]
      tzupicu30: folds
      lapin noita: folds
      burnt famous: folds
      aq-kruss: folds
      CraekZe: raises 7878 to 8578 and is all-in
      Eddie1209: folds
      Xander S14: folds
      tvojebaba747: calls 7878
      *** FLOP *** [8c Th 3h]
      *** TURN *** [8c Th 3h] [6c]
      *** RIVER *** [8c Th 3h 6c] [Qd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      tvojebaba747: shows [Kh Ks] (a pair of Kings)
      CraekZe: shows [Ac Jh] (high card Ace)
      tvojebaba747 collected 18226 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 18226 | Rake 0
      Board [8c Th 3h 6c Qd]
      Seat 1: lapin noita folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: burnt famous folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: aq-kruss folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: CraekZe showed [Ac Jh] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 5: Eddie1209 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: Xander S14 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: tvojebaba747 (big blind) showed [Kh Ks] and won (18226) with a pair of Kings
      Seat 9: tzupicu30 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      16-07-2021 22:40 #282| 0

      Så må vi bare hive den sidste hjem! 


      16-07-2021 22:50 #283| 0
      Evigtung skrev:

      Så må vi bare hive den sidste hjem! 



       Så skal der ske noget.. Sidder med 11.5BB

      16-07-2021 22:52 #284| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Så skal der ske noget.. Sidder med 11.5BB


       Der er varmt i bussen! Håber det fyrer op for noget vildt

      16-07-2021 22:55 #285| 0
      Evigtung skrev:


       Der er varmt i bussen! Håber det fyrer op for noget vildt


       Håber du sveder af helvedes til :)


      PokerStars Hand #228340330710: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (1200/2400) - 2021/07/16 22:54:41 CET [2021/07/16 16:54:41 ET]
      Table '3228689286 46' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: <3Football20 (120699 in chips, $25.90 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (23184 in chips, $20.35 bounty)
      Seat 4: d3u8m5a3 (164023 in chips, $43.01 bounty)
      Seat 5: 19roma69 (151456 in chips, $41.62 bounty)
      Seat 6: VC VEM!! (142687 in chips, $18.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: MadMaximka (45973 in chips, $24.05 bounty)
      Seat 8: Jackjoe01 (31357 in chips, $38.85 bounty)
      Seat 9: Roodikk (146589 in chips, $31.45 bounty)
      <3Football20: posts the ante 300
      CraekZe: posts the ante 300
      d3u8m5a3: posts the ante 300
      19roma69: posts the ante 300
      VC VEM!!: posts the ante 300
      MadMaximka: posts the ante 300
      Jackjoe01: posts the ante 300
      Roodikk: posts the ante 300
      19roma69: posts small blind 1200
      VC VEM!!: posts big blind 2400
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [2d 2s]
      MadMaximka: folds
      Jackjoe01: folds
      Roodikk: folds
      <3Football20: folds
      CraekZe: raises 20484 to 22884 and is all-in
      d3u8m5a3: folds
      19roma69: folds
      VC VEM!!: calls 20484
      *** FLOP *** [8d 3c 2c]
      *** TURN *** [8d 3c 2c] [Ad]
      *** RIVER *** [8d 3c 2c Ad] [Td]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      VC VEM!!: shows [Tc Jd] (a pair of Tens)
      CraekZe: shows [2d 2s] (three of a kind, Deuces)
      CraekZe collected 49368 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 49368 | Rake 0
      Board [8d 3c 2c Ad Td]
      Seat 1: <3Football20 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: CraekZe showed [2d 2s] and won (49368) with three of a kind, Deuces
      Seat 4: d3u8m5a3 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: 19roma69 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: VC VEM!! (big blind) showed [Tc Jd] and lost with a pair of Tens
      Seat 7: MadMaximka folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Jackjoe01 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: Roodikk folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      16-07-2021 22:56 #286| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Håber du sveder af helvedes til :)


      PokerStars Hand #228340330710: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XX (1200/2400) - 2021/07/16 22:54:41 CET [2021/07/16 16:54:41 ET]
      Table '3228689286 46' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: <3Football20 (120699 in chips, $25.90 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (23184 in chips, $20.35 bounty)
      Seat 4: d3u8m5a3 (164023 in chips, $43.01 bounty)
      Seat 5: 19roma69 (151456 in chips, $41.62 bounty)
      Seat 6: VC VEM!! (142687 in chips, $18.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: MadMaximka (45973 in chips, $24.05 bounty)
      Seat 8: Jackjoe01 (31357 in chips, $38.85 bounty)
      Seat 9: Roodikk (146589 in chips, $31.45 bounty)
      <3Football20: posts the ante 300
      CraekZe: posts the ante 300
      d3u8m5a3: posts the ante 300
      19roma69: posts the ante 300
      VC VEM!!: posts the ante 300
      MadMaximka: posts the ante 300
      Jackjoe01: posts the ante 300
      Roodikk: posts the ante 300
      19roma69: posts small blind 1200
      VC VEM!!: posts big blind 2400
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [2d 2s]
      MadMaximka: folds
      Jackjoe01: folds
      Roodikk: folds
      <3Football20: folds
      CraekZe: raises 20484 to 22884 and is all-in
      d3u8m5a3: folds
      19roma69: folds
      VC VEM!!: calls 20484
      *** FLOP *** [8d 3c 2c]
      *** TURN *** [8d 3c 2c] [Ad]
      *** RIVER *** [8d 3c 2c Ad] [Td]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      VC VEM!!: shows [Tc Jd] (a pair of Tens)
      CraekZe: shows [2d 2s] (three of a kind, Deuces)
      CraekZe collected 49368 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 49368 | Rake 0
      Board [8d 3c 2c Ad Td]
      Seat 1: <3Football20 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: CraekZe showed [2d 2s] and won (49368) with three of a kind, Deuces
      Seat 4: d3u8m5a3 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: 19roma69 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: VC VEM!! (big blind) showed [Tc Jd] and lost with a pair of Tens
      Seat 7: MadMaximka folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: Jackjoe01 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: Roodikk folded before Flop (didn't bet)


       Ja tak! Sveder som 20 vilde heste

      16-07-2021 23:00 #287| 1

      Fik lige en ekstra guld dame af en gut i bussen, det må også bringe skrub med sig! 

      16-07-2021 23:01 #288| 0
      Evigtung skrev:

      Fik lige en ekstra guld dame af en gut i bussen, det må også bringe skrub med sig! 


       Uuuuuh det kan kun betyde én ting!!!

      16-07-2021 23:04 #289| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Uuuuuh det kan kun betyde én ting!!!


       Hvad placering har du? Hvor mange tilbage? 

      16-07-2021 23:05 #290| 0
      Evigtung skrev:


       Hvad placering har du? Hvor mange tilbage? 


       74/90 med 18.5BB


      Edit: 23BB efter jeg skubber fra BB til knap klick

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 16-07-2021 23:06
      16-07-2021 23:10 #291| 0

      19.43$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228340697073: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXI (1400/2800) - 2021/07/16 23:09:12 CET [2021/07/16 17:09:12 ET]
      Table '3228689286 46' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
      Seat 1: <3Football20 (80595 in chips, $25.90 bounty)
      Seat 2: CraekZe (55200 in chips, $20.35 bounty)
      Seat 3: Sempre Nessa (63324 in chips, $27.75 bounty)
      Seat 4: d3u8m5a3 (164083 in chips, $43.01 bounty)
      Seat 5: 19roma69 (198760 in chips, $41.62 bounty)
      Seat 6: VC VEM!! (158143 in chips, $18.50 bounty)
      Seat 7: MadMaximka (35173 in chips, $24.05 bounty)
      Seat 8: Jackjoe01 (28957 in chips, $38.85 bounty)
      Seat 9: Roodikk (113157 in chips, $31.45 bounty)
      <3Football20: posts the ante 350
      CraekZe: posts the ante 350
      Sempre Nessa: posts the ante 350
      d3u8m5a3: posts the ante 350
      19roma69: posts the ante 350
      VC VEM!!: posts the ante 350
      MadMaximka: posts the ante 350
      Jackjoe01: posts the ante 350
      Roodikk: posts the ante 350
      d3u8m5a3: posts small blind 1400
      19roma69: posts big blind 2800
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [5h 5c]
      VC VEM!!: folds
      MadMaximka: raises 4200 to 7000
      Jackjoe01: raises 21607 to 28607 and is all-in
      Roodikk: folds
      <3Football20: folds
      CraekZe: raises 26243 to 54850 and is all-in
      Sempre Nessa: folds
      d3u8m5a3: folds
      19roma69: folds
      MadMaximka: folds
      Uncalled bet (26243) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [2c 3d Th]
      *** TURN *** [2c 3d Th] [Ts]
      *** RIVER *** [2c 3d Th Ts] [9c]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      Jackjoe01: shows [Ad Ks] (a pair of Tens)
      CraekZe: shows [5h 5c] (two pair, Tens and Fives)
      CraekZe collected 71564 from pot
      CraekZe wins $19.43 for eliminating Jackjoe01 and their own bounty increases by $19.42 to $39.77
      Jackjoe01 finished the tournament in 85th place and received $24.37.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 71564 | Rake 0
      Board [2c 3d Th Ts 9c]
      Seat 1: <3Football20 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: CraekZe showed [5h 5c] and won (71564) with two pair, Tens and Fives
      Seat 3: Sempre Nessa (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: d3u8m5a3 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: 19roma69 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 6: VC VEM!! folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: MadMaximka folded before Flop
      Seat 8: Jackjoe01 showed [Ad Ks] and lost with a pair of Tens
      Seat 9: Roodikk folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      16-07-2021 23:12 #292| 0

      Og 48/82 nu

      16-07-2021 23:14 #293| 0
      CraekZ skrev:

      Og 48/82 nu


       Ca 1 time hjem endnu. Håber på lidt rail til "aftensmaden" 

      16-07-2021 23:15 #294| 0
      Evigtung skrev:


       Ca 1 time hjem endnu. Håber på lidt rail til "aftensmaden" 


       For satan de busser kører ikke skide hurtigt "over there" :)

      16-07-2021 23:18 #295| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       For satan de busser kører ikke skide hurtigt "over there" :)


       Har en 5 km cykel tur når jeg står af bussen 

      16-07-2021 23:20 #296| 0
      Evigtung skrev:


       Har en 5 km cykel tur når jeg står af bussen 


       WOW.... Det ville ikke ske her i det mørke Jylland. Med 1.5 time bus og så 5km cykeltur efterfølgende... Håber du har rigeligt med væske med

      16-07-2021 23:24 #297| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       WOW.... Det ville ikke ske her i det mørke Jylland. Med 1.5 time bus og så 5km cykeltur efterfølgende... Håber du har rigeligt med væske med

       Burde faktisk invester i en øl holder til cyklen! 

      16-07-2021 23:35 #298| 0



      PokerStars Hand #228341391519: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIII (1800/3600) - 2021/07/16 23:34:06 CET [2021/07/16 17:34:06 ET]
      Table '3228689286 37' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: CraekZe (67463 in chips, $39.77 bounty)
      Seat 2: Mordimer_M (278852 in chips, $46.71 bounty)
      Seat 3: Rashamba77 (390421 in chips, $58.15 bounty)
      Seat 4: lucascostaf (102738 in chips, $14.80 bounty)
      Seat 6: C.J.SLASHer (91684 in chips, $14.80 bounty)
      Seat 7: DiesSseEL (116889 in chips, $38.85 bounty)
      Seat 8: reysle (157139 in chips, $38.85 bounty)
      Seat 9: IamTABASCO (151575 in chips, $37 bounty)
      CraekZe: posts the ante 450
      Mordimer_M: posts the ante 450
      Rashamba77: posts the ante 450
      lucascostaf: posts the ante 450
      C.J.SLASHer: posts the ante 450
      DiesSseEL: posts the ante 450
      reysle: posts the ante 450
      IamTABASCO: posts the ante 450
      IamTABASCO: posts small blind 1800
      CraekZe: posts big blind 3600
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Kh Ac]
      Mordimer_M: folds
      Rashamba77: raises 3600 to 7200
      lucascostaf: folds
      C.J.SLASHer: folds
      DiesSseEL: folds
      reysle: raises 3600 to 10800
      IamTABASCO: folds
      CraekZe: raises 56213 to 67013 and is all-in
      Rashamba77: folds
      reysle: calls 56213
      *** FLOP *** [5c 7d Qs]
      *** TURN *** [5c 7d Qs] [Js]
      *** RIVER *** [5c 7d Qs Js] [Ks]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Kh Ac] (a pair of Kings)
      reysle: shows [Jh As] (a pair of Jacks)
      CraekZe collected 146626 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 146626 | Rake 0
      Board [5c 7d Qs Js Ks]
      Seat 1: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Kh Ac] and won (146626) with a pair of Kings
      Seat 2: Mordimer_M folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Rashamba77 folded before Flop
      Seat 4: lucascostaf folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 6: C.J.SLASHer folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: DiesSseEL folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: reysle (button) showed [Jh As] and lost with a pair of Jacks
      Seat 9: IamTABASCO (small blind) folded before Flop

      16-07-2021 23:36 #299| 0

      Ja tak! 

      16-07-2021 23:45 #300| 0


      16-07-2021 23:45 #301| 0

      Taber desværre en vital pot imod bordets fisk:


      PokerStars Hand #228341644301: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXIII (1800/3600) - 2021/07/16 23:43:27 CET [2021/07/16 17:43:27 ET]
      Table '3228689286 37' 9-max Seat #8 is the button
      Seat 1: CraekZe (131775 in chips, $39.77 bounty)
      Seat 2: Mordimer_M (269402 in chips, $46.71 bounty)
      Seat 3: Rashamba77 (403759 in chips, $58.15 bounty)
      Seat 4: lucascostaf (93288 in chips, $14.80 bounty)
      Seat 5: d3u8m5a3 (90110 in chips, $43.01 bounty)
      Seat 7: DiesSseEL (105621 in chips, $38.85 bounty)
      Seat 8: reysle (97776 in chips, $38.85 bounty)
      Seat 9: IamTABASCO (242809 in chips, $44.40 bounty)
      CraekZe: posts the ante 450
      Mordimer_M: posts the ante 450
      Rashamba77: posts the ante 450
      lucascostaf: posts the ante 450
      d3u8m5a3: posts the ante 450
      DiesSseEL: posts the ante 450
      reysle: posts the ante 450
      IamTABASCO: posts the ante 450
      IamTABASCO: posts small blind 1800
      CraekZe: posts big blind 3600
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [6s Qh]
      Mordimer_M: folds
      Rashamba77: folds
      lucascostaf: folds
      d3u8m5a3: folds
      DiesSseEL: folds
      reysle: raises 7200 to 10800
      IamTABASCO: folds
      CraekZe: calls 7200
      *** FLOP *** [Qs 7s 3c]
      CraekZe: checks
      reysle: bets 86526 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 86526
      *** TURN *** [Qs 7s 3c] [Tc]
      *** RIVER *** [Qs 7s 3c Tc] [Kh]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [6s Qh] (a pair of Queens)
      reysle: shows [Ks 2s] (a pair of Kings)
      reysle collected 200052 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 200052 | Rake 0
      Board [Qs 7s 3c Tc Kh]
      Seat 1: CraekZe (big blind) showed [6s Qh] and lost with a pair of Queens
      Seat 2: Mordimer_M folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: Rashamba77 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: lucascostaf folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: d3u8m5a3 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: DiesSseEL folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: reysle (button) showed [Ks 2s] and won (200052) with a pair of Kings
      Seat 9: IamTABASCO (small blind) folded before Flop

      16-07-2021 23:46 #302| 0

      Men doubler kort efter

      17-07-2021 00:17 #303| 0

      Er hoppet på railen nu

      17-07-2021 00:23 #304| 0


      17-07-2021 00:23 #305| 0
      Evigtung skrev:

      Er hoppet på railen nu


       Så kan vi lidt igen:


      PokerStars Hand #228342586464: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVI (2800/5600) - 2021/07/17 0:22:38 CET [2021/07/16 18:22:38 ET]
      Table '3228689286 52' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: d3u8m5a3 (247880 in chips, $43.01 bounty)
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp (223872 in chips, $51.33 bounty)
      Seat 4: MegAmputator (100044 in chips, $42.54 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (95683 in chips, $39.77 bounty)
      Seat 6: TheGeneraI72 (604659 in chips, $190.06 bounty)
      Seat 7: ronei11 (492417 in chips, $50.87 bounty)
      Seat 8: leozinhobre (704308 in chips, $54.57 bounty)
      Seat 9: sw0416 (257429 in chips, $73.99 bounty)
      d3u8m5a3: posts the ante 700
      prymek1981plp: posts the ante 700
      MegAmputator: posts the ante 700
      CraekZe: posts the ante 700
      TheGeneraI72: posts the ante 700
      ronei11: posts the ante 700
      leozinhobre: posts the ante 700
      sw0416: posts the ante 700
      leozinhobre: posts small blind 2800
      sw0416: posts big blind 5600
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Js As]
      d3u8m5a3 has timed out
      d3u8m5a3: folds
      d3u8m5a3 is sitting out
      prymek1981plp: folds
      MegAmputator: folds
      d3u8m5a3 has returned
      CraekZe: raises 89383 to 94983 and is all-in
      TheGeneraI72: calls 94983
      ronei11: folds
      leozinhobre: folds
      sw0416: folds
      *** FLOP *** [9d Kc 8c]
      *** TURN *** [9d Kc 8c] [9h]
      *** RIVER *** [9d Kc 8c 9h] [3h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Js As] (a pair of Nines)
      TheGeneraI72: shows [Ah 4s] (a pair of Nines - lower kicker)
      CraekZe collected 203966 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 203966 | Rake 0
      Board [9d Kc 8c 9h 3h]
      Seat 1: d3u8m5a3 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: MegAmputator folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: CraekZe showed [Js As] and won (203966) with a pair of Nines
      Seat 6: TheGeneraI72 showed [Ah 4s] and lost with a pair of Nines
      Seat 7: ronei11 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: leozinhobre (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 9: sw0416 (big blind) folded before Flop

      17-07-2021 00:33 #306| 0

      Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tak!!!

      17-07-2021 00:33 #307| 0

      Så kan vi da lave lidt ravage igen:


      PokerStars Hand #228342817889: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXVII (3200/6400) - 2021/07/17 0:32:07 CET [2021/07/16 18:32:07 ET]
      Table '3228689286 52' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: d3u8m5a3 (261300 in chips, $43.01 bounty)
      Seat 2: WOLFJE007 (276959 in chips, $63.70 bounty)
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp (230412 in chips, $51.33 bounty)
      Seat 4: MegAmputator (205328 in chips, $42.54 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (181126 in chips, $39.77 bounty)
      Seat 6: TheGeneraI72 (532536 in chips, $190.06 bounty)
      Seat 7: ronei11 (502293 in chips, $50.87 bounty)
      Seat 8: leozinhobre (683008 in chips, $54.57 bounty)
      Seat 9: sw0416 (142289 in chips, $73.99 bounty)
      d3u8m5a3: posts the ante 800
      WOLFJE007: posts the ante 800
      prymek1981plp: posts the ante 800
      MegAmputator: posts the ante 800
      CraekZe: posts the ante 800
      TheGeneraI72: posts the ante 800
      ronei11: posts the ante 800
      leozinhobre: posts the ante 800
      sw0416: posts the ante 800
      prymek1981plp: posts small blind 3200
      MegAmputator: posts big blind 6400
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Kc Ks]
      CraekZe: raises 7680 to 14080
      TheGeneraI72: folds
      ronei11: folds
      leozinhobre: folds
      sw0416: folds
      d3u8m5a3: calls 14080
      WOLFJE007: calls 14080
      prymek1981plp: folds
      MegAmputator: folds
      *** FLOP *** [2h 3h Kd]
      CraekZe: checks
      d3u8m5a3: checks
      WOLFJE007: bets 29520
      CraekZe: calls 29520
      d3u8m5a3: folds
      *** TURN *** [2h 3h Kd] [4s]
      CraekZe: checks
      WOLFJE007: bets 59040
      CraekZe: raises 77686 to 136726 and is all-in
      WOLFJE007: calls 77686
      *** RIVER *** [2h 3h Kd 4s] [Qd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Kc Ks] (three of a kind, Kings)
      WOLFJE007: shows [Jh 9h] (high card King)
      CraekZe collected 391532 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 391532 | Rake 0
      Board [2h 3h Kd 4s Qd]
      Seat 1: d3u8m5a3 folded on the Flop
      Seat 2: WOLFJE007 (button) showed [Jh 9h] and lost with high card King
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 4: MegAmputator (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: CraekZe showed [Kc Ks] and won (391532) with three of a kind, Kings
      Seat 6: TheGeneraI72 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: ronei11 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: leozinhobre folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 9: sw0416 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      17-07-2021 00:39 #308| 0

      Stærkt spillet den smule jeg har set


      Jeg hopper i seng med GL med at komme i mål :)



      17-07-2021 00:42 #309| 0
      petjen27 skrev:

      Stærkt spillet den smule jeg har set


      Jeg hopper i seng med GL med at komme i mål :)




       Jo tak... I forhold til at jeg har en brølende hovedpine pt, så er jeg faktisk også fint tilfreds. Sov godt.

      17-07-2021 00:45 #310| 0

      Ham CL´en virker godt nok fisket i det jeg har set indtil videre

      17-07-2021 00:47 #311| 0
      Evigtung skrev:

      Ham CL´en virker godt nok fisket i det jeg har set indtil videre


       Har lidt over 200 hænder på ham.. Han er ret ABC, men ja, bestemt ikke den køligste is i fryseren :) 

      17-07-2021 01:09 #312| 0

      Hvor er det bare en f....... lækker river!

      17-07-2021 01:09 #313| 0

      Jaaaaaaaaaaaa for satan da:


      PokerStars Hand #228343599453: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXX (4500/9000) - 2021/07/17 1:08:15 CET [2021/07/16 19:08:15 ET]
      Table '3228689286 52' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: lucascostaf (169408 in chips, $14.80 bounty)
      Seat 2: WOLFJE007 (665433 in chips, $122.19 bounty)
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp (221158 in chips, $51.33 bounty)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 (258807 in chips, $115.85 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (556323 in chips, $39.77 bounty)
      Seat 6: TheGeneraI72 (346779 in chips, $190.06 bounty)
      Seat 7: TitanPbI6KA (461009 in chips, $73.70 bounty)
      Seat 8: leozinhobre (757383 in chips, $75.84 bounty)
      lucascostaf: posts the ante 1125
      WOLFJE007: posts the ante 1125
      prymek1981plp: posts the ante 1125
      erwin8585: posts the ante 1125
      CraekZe: posts the ante 1125
      TheGeneraI72: posts the ante 1125
      TitanPbI6KA: posts the ante 1125
      leozinhobre: posts the ante 1125
      TheGeneraI72: posts small blind 4500
      TitanPbI6KA: posts big blind 9000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qd Qh]
      leozinhobre: raises 9000 to 18000
      lucascostaf: folds
      WOLFJE007: folds
      prymek1981plp: folds
      erwin8585: folds
      CraekZe: raises 45000 to 63000
      TheGeneraI72: folds
      TitanPbI6KA: folds
      leozinhobre: raises 693258 to 756258 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 492198 and is all-in
      Uncalled bet (201060) returned to leozinhobre
      *** FLOP *** [4h Kh Jh]
      *** TURN *** [4h Kh Jh] [2s]
      *** RIVER *** [4h Kh Jh 2s] [5h]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      leozinhobre: shows [Ad Kc] (a pair of Kings)
      CraekZe: shows [Qd Qh] (a flush, King high)
      CraekZe collected 1132896 from pot
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 1132896 | Rake 0
      Board [4h Kh Jh 2s 5h]
      Seat 1: lucascostaf folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: WOLFJE007 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (button) showed [Qd Qh] and won (1132896) with a flush, King high
      Seat 6: TheGeneraI72 (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: TitanPbI6KA (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 8: leozinhobre showed [Ad Kc] and lost with a pair of Kings

      17-07-2021 01:10 #314| 0
      Evigtung skrev:

      Hvor er det bare en f....... lækker river!


       Max ABC player... AA og KK skubber han ikke... Og hvis, så spiller han sit image til UG

      17-07-2021 01:20 #315| 0

      7.4$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228343838833: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXX (4500/9000) - 2021/07/17 1:19:33 CET [2021/07/16 19:19:33 ET]
      Table '3228689286 52' 9-max Seat #7 is the button
      Seat 1: lucascostaf (136108 in chips, $14.80 bounty)
      Seat 2: WOLFJE007 (551133 in chips, $122.19 bounty)
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp (267280 in chips, $146.36 bounty)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 (682539 in chips, $115.85 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (1212084 in chips, $39.77 bounty)
      Seat 7: TitanPbI6KA (456971 in chips, $73.70 bounty)
      Seat 8: leozinhobre (130185 in chips, $75.84 bounty)
      lucascostaf: posts the ante 1125
      WOLFJE007: posts the ante 1125
      prymek1981plp: posts the ante 1125
      erwin8585: posts the ante 1125
      CraekZe: posts the ante 1125
      TitanPbI6KA: posts the ante 1125
      leozinhobre: posts the ante 1125
      leozinhobre: posts small blind 4500
      lucascostaf: posts big blind 9000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [5h 3h]
      WOLFJE007: folds
      prymek1981plp: folds
      erwin8585: raises 9000 to 18000
      CraekZe: calls 18000
      TitanPbI6KA: folds
      leozinhobre: folds
      lucascostaf: raises 9000 to 27000
      erwin8585: calls 9000
      CraekZe: calls 9000
      *** FLOP *** [Qh 3s 3d]
      lucascostaf: bets 107983 and is all-in
      erwin8585: folds
      CraekZe: calls 107983
      *** TURN *** [Qh 3s 3d] [4s]
      *** RIVER *** [Qh 3s 3d 4s] [6s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      lucascostaf: shows [5d Qd] (two pair, Queens and Threes)
      CraekZe: shows [5h 3h] (three of a kind, Threes)
      CraekZe collected 309341 from pot
      CraekZe wins $7.40 for eliminating lucascostaf and their own bounty increases by $7.40 to $47.17
      lucascostaf finished the tournament in 22nd place and received $55.61.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 309341 | Rake 0
      Board [Qh 3s 3d 4s 6s]
      Seat 1: lucascostaf (big blind) showed [5d Qd] and lost with two pair, Queens and Threes
      Seat 2: WOLFJE007 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 folded on the Flop
      Seat 5: CraekZe showed [5h 3h] and won (309341) with three of a kind, Threes
      Seat 7: TitanPbI6KA (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: leozinhobre (small blind) folded before Flop

      17-07-2021 01:26 #316| 0

      Blaaaaaaaaaaah... For 100$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228343959130: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXI (5000/10000) - 2021/07/17 1:25:08 CET [2021/07/16 19:25:08 ET]
      Table '3228689286 52' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp (257405 in chips, $146.36 bounty)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 (1196922 in chips, $176.94 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (1392317 in chips, $47.17 bounty)
      Seat 6: 12bwb3 (606069 in chips, $121.15 bounty)
      Seat 7: TitanPbI6KA (508596 in chips, $73.70 bounty)
      Seat 8: leozinhobre (109560 in chips, $75.84 bounty)
      prymek1981plp: posts the ante 1250
      erwin8585: posts the ante 1250
      CraekZe: posts the ante 1250
      12bwb3: posts the ante 1250
      TitanPbI6KA: posts the ante 1250
      leozinhobre: posts the ante 1250
      CraekZe: posts small blind 5000
      12bwb3: posts big blind 10000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Ac Th]
      TitanPbI6KA: folds
      leozinhobre: raises 98310 to 108310 and is all-in
      prymek1981plp: raises 147845 to 256155 and is all-in
      erwin8585: folds
      CraekZe: raises 1134912 to 1391067 and is all-in
      12bwb3: folds
      Uncalled bet (1134912) returned to CraekZe
      *** FLOP *** [6s 9d 6d]
      *** TURN *** [6s 9d 6d] [3s]
      *** RIVER *** [6s 9d 6d 3s] [7d]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Ac Th] (a pair of Sixes)
      prymek1981plp: shows [Qd Kd] (a flush, King high)
      prymek1981plp collected 295690 from side pot
      leozinhobre: shows [Ks Js] (a pair of Sixes)
      prymek1981plp collected 342430 from main pot
      prymek1981plp wins $37.92 for eliminating leozinhobre and their own bounty increases by $37.92 to $184.28
      leozinhobre finished the tournament in 20th place and received $55.61.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 638120 Main pot 342430. Side pot 295690. | Rake 0
      Board [6s 9d 6d 3s 7d]
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp showed [Qd Kd] and won (638120) with a flush, King high
      Seat 4: erwin8585 (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (small blind) showed [Ac Th] and lost with a pair of Sixes
      Seat 6: 12bwb3 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: TitanPbI6KA folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: leozinhobre showed [Ks Js] and lost with a pair of Sixes

      17-07-2021 01:28 #317| 0

      Hvor mange er i tilbage? 

      Har set pindsvinet drikke vand af skålen på min terrasse, det må tælle lidt når man ikke har været i ugle kvarteret og lytte. 

      Knæk og bræk! 

      Edit nåede ikke sidste post, 19 ser jeg 😉





      Redigeret af grovfil d. 17-07-2021 01:30
      17-07-2021 01:30 #318| 1
      grovfil skrev:

      Hvor mange er i tilbage? 

      Har set pindsvinet drikke vand af skålen på min terrasse, det må tælle lidt når man ikke har været i ugle kvarteret og lytte. 

      Knæk og bræk! 







       Ligger 3/19... Haha ok, så må vi nøjes med pindgrisen :)

      17-07-2021 01:49 #319| 0

      Har tændt op, men kan sku ikke finde ud af at søge efter spiller/Tour, hvor gør man det? 

      17-07-2021 02:01 #320| 1
      grovfil skrev:

      Har tændt op, men kan sku ikke finde ud af at søge efter spiller/Tour, hvor gør man det? 




       Du trykker på Tools, helt ovre til højre, og så på Find

      17-07-2021 02:03 #321| 0

      92.14$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228344670621: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXIV (8000/16000) - 2021/07/17 2:02:18 CET [2021/07/16 20:02:18 ET]
      Table '3228689286 52' 9-max Seat #1 is the button
      Seat 1: IamTABASCO (693876 in chips, $63.82 bounty)
      Seat 2: stood_duck (1348718 in chips, $46.01 bounty)
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp (278835 in chips, $184.28 bounty)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 (752044 in chips, $176.94 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (1350952 in chips, $47.17 bounty)
      Seat 6: 12bwb3 (383444 in chips, $121.15 bounty)
      Seat 7: TitanPbI6KA (310309 in chips, $73.70 bounty)
      Seat 8: davidgradic (602814 in chips, $115.02 bounty)
      IamTABASCO: posts the ante 2000
      stood_duck: posts the ante 2000
      prymek1981plp: posts the ante 2000
      erwin8585: posts the ante 2000
      CraekZe: posts the ante 2000
      12bwb3: posts the ante 2000
      TitanPbI6KA: posts the ante 2000
      davidgradic: posts the ante 2000
      stood_duck: posts small blind 8000
      prymek1981plp: posts big blind 16000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [9h 9d]
      erwin8585: folds
      CraekZe: raises 19200 to 35200
      12bwb3: folds
      TitanPbI6KA: folds
      davidgradic: folds
      IamTABASCO: folds
      stood_duck: folds
      prymek1981plp: calls 19200
      *** FLOP *** [9c 7c 4c]
      prymek1981plp: checks
      CraekZe: bets 33040
      prymek1981plp: raises 208595 to 241635 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 208595
      *** TURN *** [9c 7c 4c] [2s]
      *** RIVER *** [9c 7c 4c 2s] [Kd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      prymek1981plp: shows [Jh Ac] (high card Ace)
      CraekZe: shows [9h 9d] (three of a kind, Nines)
      CraekZe collected 577670 from pot
      CraekZe wins $92.14 for eliminating prymek1981plp and their own bounty increases by $92.14 to $139.31
      prymek1981plp finished the tournament in 15th place and received $66.48.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 577670 | Rake 0
      Board [9c 7c 4c 2s Kd]
      Seat 1: IamTABASCO (button) folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: stood_duck (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 3: prymek1981plp (big blind) showed [Jh Ac] and lost with high card Ace
      Seat 4: erwin8585 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: CraekZe showed [9h 9d] and won (577670) with three of a kind, Nines
      Seat 6: 12bwb3 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 7: TitanPbI6KA folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 8: davidgradic folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      17-07-2021 02:09 #322| 1

      :) fin AQ jeg kigger med..



      edit.. neeeej så ikke det blev split :(


      Redigeret af grovfil d. 17-07-2021 02:10
      17-07-2021 02:19 #323| 0

      60.58$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228344956151: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXV (9000/18000) - 2021/07/17 2:18:03 CET [2021/07/16 20:18:03 ET]
      Table '3228689286 52' 9-max Seat #5 is the button
      Seat 1: IamTABASCO (730326 in chips, $63.82 bounty)
      Seat 2: stood_duck (1350432 in chips, $46.01 bounty)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 (1447983 in chips, $213.79 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (1464226 in chips, $139.31 bounty)
      Seat 6: 12bwb3 (262824 in chips, $121.15 bounty)
      Seat 8: davidgradic (465201 in chips, $115.02 bounty)
      IamTABASCO: posts the ante 2250
      stood_duck: posts the ante 2250
      erwin8585: posts the ante 2250
      CraekZe: posts the ante 2250
      12bwb3: posts the ante 2250
      davidgradic: posts the ante 2250
      12bwb3: posts small blind 9000
      davidgradic: posts big blind 18000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [4s 4c]
      IamTABASCO: folds
      stood_duck: folds
      erwin8585: folds
      CraekZe: raises 21600 to 39600
      12bwb3: raises 220974 to 260574 and is all-in
      davidgradic: folds
      CraekZe: calls 220974
      *** FLOP *** [9h Jh 7h]
      *** TURN *** [9h Jh 7h] [7d]
      *** RIVER *** [9h Jh 7h 7d] [Qd]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      12bwb3: shows [2h 2c] (two pair, Sevens and Deuces)
      CraekZe: shows [4s 4c] (two pair, Sevens and Fours)
      CraekZe collected 552648 from pot
      CraekZe wins $60.58 for eliminating 12bwb3 and their own bounty increases by $60.57 to $199.88
      12bwb3 finished the tournament in 11th place and received $79.24.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 552648 | Rake 0
      Board [9h Jh 7h 7d Qd]
      Seat 1: IamTABASCO folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: stood_duck folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (button) showed [4s 4c] and won (552648) with two pair, Sevens and Fours
      Seat 6: 12bwb3 (small blind) showed [2h 2c] and lost with two pair, Sevens and Deuces
      Seat 8: davidgradic (big blind) folded before Flop

      17-07-2021 02:19 #324| 0

      drømme scenarie der pludselig så farligt ud.. men ja tak!

      17-07-2021 02:27 #325| 1

      FT 16.5 PKO som 1/9

      17-07-2021 02:30 #326| 0

      du spiller fint! så holder jeg kæft fra nu af, knæk og bræk! pindsvinet har lig været og tage en tår igen...

      17-07-2021 02:31 #327| 1
      grovfil skrev:

      du spiller fint! så holder jeg kæft fra nu af, knæk og bræk! pindsvinet har lig været og tage en tår igen...


       Fint er store ord her i Jylland :)

      Så roooolig nu

      17-07-2021 02:34 #328| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Fint er store ord her i Jylland :)

      Så roooolig nu


       jeg er kjøvenhavner, vi kaster om os med superlativer, de var bare for at give et lille moraleboost ;)


      17-07-2021 02:57 #329| 0

      det kunne da se værre ud.

      passer det jyden ;)

      17-07-2021 02:59 #330| 1
      grovfil skrev:

      det kunne da se værre ud.


      passer det jyden ;)


       Det var mere mellow, som vi siger :)

      Jeg klager ikke. De spiller ret så meget face up samt ekstremt tight

      17-07-2021 03:02 #331| 0

      106.9$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228345698862: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XXXVIII (15000/30000) - 2021/07/17 3:01:36 CET [2021/07/16 21:01:36 ET]
      Table '3228689286 52' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
      Seat 1: IamTABASCO (749748 in chips, $121.33 bounty)
      Seat 2: stood_duck (1707870 in chips, $46.01 bounty)
      Seat 3: ilyasav4enko (2422992 in chips, $192.14 bounty)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 (373370 in chips, $213.79 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (2904564 in chips, $199.88 bounty)
      Seat 6: c henriqu911 (1996338 in chips, $167.72 bounty)
      Seat 7: ronei11 (445118 in chips, $95.55 bounty)
      IamTABASCO: posts the ante 3750
      stood_duck: posts the ante 3750
      ilyasav4enko: posts the ante 3750
      erwin8585: posts the ante 3750
      CraekZe: posts the ante 3750
      c henriqu911: posts the ante 3750
      ronei11: posts the ante 3750
      CraekZe: posts small blind 15000
      c henriqu911: posts big blind 30000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [6h 5h]
      ronei11: folds
      IamTABASCO: folds
      stood_duck: folds
      ilyasav4enko: folds
      erwin8585: raises 339620 to 369620 and is all-in
      CraekZe: calls 354620
      c henriqu911: folds
      *** FLOP *** [Kd 4c Ks]
      *** TURN *** [Kd 4c Ks] [6s]
      *** RIVER *** [Kd 4c Ks 6s] [Qh]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [6h 5h] (two pair, Kings and Sixes)
      erwin8585: shows [Th As] (a pair of Kings)
      CraekZe collected 795490 from pot
      CraekZe wins $106.90 for eliminating erwin8585 and their own bounty increases by $106.89 to $306.77
      erwin8585 finished the tournament in 7th place and received $137.42.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 795490 | Rake 0
      Board [Kd 4c Ks 6s Qh]
      Seat 1: IamTABASCO folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: stood_duck folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 3: ilyasav4enko folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 4: erwin8585 (button) showed [Th As] and lost with a pair of Kings
      Seat 5: CraekZe (small blind) showed [6h 5h] and won (795490) with two pair, Kings and Sixes
      Seat 6: c henriqu911 (big blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 7: ronei11 folded before Flop (didn't bet)

      17-07-2021 04:04 #332| 0

      46.89$ KO:


      PokerStars Hand #228346698001: Tournament #3228689286, $7.30+$7.40+$1.80 USD Hold'em No Limit - Level XLIII (30000/60000) - 2021/07/17 4:03:54 CET [2021/07/16 22:03:54 ET]
      Table '3228689286 52' 9-max Seat #2 is the button
      Seat 1: IamTABASCO (5878974 in chips, $121.33 bounty)
      Seat 2: stood_duck (949150 in chips, $93.78 bounty)
      Seat 3: ilyasav4enko (2383664 in chips, $276 bounty)
      Seat 5: CraekZe (1388212 in chips, $306.77 bounty)
      IamTABASCO: posts the ante 7500
      stood_duck: posts the ante 7500
      ilyasav4enko: posts the ante 7500
      CraekZe: posts the ante 7500
      ilyasav4enko: posts small blind 30000
      CraekZe: posts big blind 60000
      *** HOLE CARDS ***
      Dealt to CraekZe [Qc Qd]
      IamTABASCO: folds
      stood_duck: raises 881650 to 941650 and is all-in
      ilyasav4enko: folds
      CraekZe: calls 881650
      *** FLOP *** [5d 8s 7d]
      *** TURN *** [5d 8s 7d] [5c]
      *** RIVER *** [5d 8s 7d 5c] [4s]
      *** SHOW DOWN ***
      CraekZe: shows [Qc Qd] (two pair, Queens and Fives)
      stood_duck: shows [Ks 9c] (a pair of Fives)
      CraekZe collected 1943300 from pot
      CraekZe wins $46.89 for eliminating stood_duck and their own bounty increases by $46.89 to $353.66
      stood_duck finished the tournament in 4th place and received $286.27.
      *** SUMMARY ***
      Total pot 1943300 | Rake 0
      Board [5d 8s 7d 5c 4s]
      Seat 1: IamTABASCO folded before Flop (didn't bet)
      Seat 2: stood_duck (button) showed [Ks 9c] and lost with a pair of Fives
      Seat 3: ilyasav4enko (small blind) folded before Flop
      Seat 5: CraekZe (big blind) showed [Qc Qd] and won (1943300) with two pair, Queens and Fives

      17-07-2021 04:14 #333| 0

      Bust nr 3/1.060

      17-07-2021 04:17 #334| 2
      17-07-2021 06:07 #335| 0

      Stærkt spillet! 

      17-07-2021 06:36 #336| 0

      Sådan lækkert comeback. god start på ferien :)

      17-07-2021 07:33 #337| 0

      WP 🙂

      Redigeret af kris_rem d. 17-07-2021 07:33
      17-07-2021 08:00 #338| 0

      Sådan græker stærkt spillet.. må også være dejligt at få den følelse at det kan lade sig gøre..💪🏻

      17-07-2021 09:44 #339| 0

      Godt gået!

      17-07-2021 10:04 #340| 0

      WP mate! 

      17-07-2021 10:28 #341| 0

      Sådan min ven. Godt spillet 

      17-07-2021 10:34 #342| 1

      Tak skal i ha drenge. Det var vidst også på tide med en ok cash, og så var jeg endda ved at glemme at regge den tour!!

      Desværre fik den ene villain vind i sejlene da vi var 5 tilbage. Var endda nede i 20BB af 3 omgange, hvor det lykkedes mig at komme tilbage. Så alt i alt må jeg være tilfreds, meeeen hold nu op jeg er smadret i dag. 

      17-07-2021 12:42 #343| 0

      Pokkers, jeg skulle tydeligvis være blevet på terrassen hos pindsvinet, i stedet for at falde i søvn på sofaen med fem tilbage. 


      Mere saiøst, så spillede du den fint så længe jeg så med, troede sku du tog den ned. 

      Tillykke med cashet, trods alt. 🙂

      17-07-2021 13:23 #344| 0

      Nåede lige at tænke, hvad fanden laver han, da du vandt 106$ bountyen, #331, men det var jo rigtigt gjort i en bounty Tour og med den stak du havde, og endnu mere rigtigt når bordet løb som det gjorde 🙂

      17-07-2021 18:26 #345| 0
      grovfil skrev:

      Pokkers, jeg skulle tydeligvis være blevet på terrassen hos pindsvinet, i stedet for at falde i søvn på sofaen med fem tilbage. 



      Mere saiøst, så spillede du den fint så længe jeg så med, troede sku du tog den ned. 


      Tillykke med cashet, trods alt.

       Haha, tænkte nok vi var ude i at du var faldet hen, siden der pludseligt blev så stille ;)

      Og jo tak, havde også fint styr på bordet, indtil den ene villain begyndte at ramme som en gud. 

      grovfil skrev:

      Nåede lige at tænke, hvad fanden laver han, da du vandt 106$ bountyen, #331, men det var jo rigtigt gjort i en bounty Tour og med den stak du havde, og endnu mere rigtigt når bordet løb som det gjorde

       Mega standard spot i en PKO. Mener endda at hans bounty var større en næste pricejump, så det var egentlig kun at overveje om jeg sku hejse den eller bare flatte. Og her kom jeg frem til at et flat nok ville se stærkere ud. 



      17-07-2021 18:32 #346| 1
      CraekZ skrev:

       Haha, tænkte nok vi var ude i at du var faldet hen, siden der pludseligt blev så stille ;)

      Og jo tak, havde også fint styr på bordet, indtil den ene villain begyndte at ramme som en gud. 

       Mega standard spot i en PKO. Mener endda at hans bounty var større en næste pricejump, så det var egentlig kun at overveje om jeg sku hejse den eller bare flatte. Og her kom jeg frem til at et flat nok ville se stærkere ud. 




       Jeg kæmpede en brav kamp for ikke at forstyrre...


      Helt enig i din overvejelse, jeg så bare du callede en All in med 65h, og tænkte what? Så tjekkede jeg op og tænkte, selvfølgelig 😉

      Som i PN touren, du har forstået spillet!! 

      Jeg havde tidligere tanken om du pressede for hårdt på med stakken på spil for tit, baseret på kun at læse HH herinde, det har du gjort til skamme, jeg vil ikke være bange for at være med i et evt senere stake ❤️

      17-07-2021 19:20 #347| 0

      Det var fed læsning i morges, tjekkede PN som det første selvfølgelig og kunne se at der var kommentar fra tråden i morges, det kunne jo betyde at der var sket noget godt, så stille og rolig læsning ned af, så er det lækkert at læse at du gik dybt 💪🏻

      17-07-2021 19:24 #348| 0

      vandskålen står her stadig, og det tyder på endnu en ok varm nat.. Måske jeg selv hopper med på et par tours 🤔  skal nok lave seperat tåd så 😉

      17-07-2021 23:04 #349| 1
      grovfil skrev:


       Jeg kæmpede en brav kamp for ikke at forstyrre...


      Helt enig i din overvejelse, jeg så bare du callede en All in med 65h, og tænkte what? Så tjekkede jeg op og tænkte, selvfølgelig

       Tak for roserne. Jeg er bestemt ikke verdensmester, det er jeg udemærket klar over, men jeg prøver konstant på at blive dygtigere. 
      PKO tours skal angribes på en lidt anderledes måde end reg. tours, så jeg kan godt forstå hvis du syntes at det til tider har lignet mindre hjerneblødninger i mine HH’s - det er noget mere varianspræget. Og jeg laver stadig en del fejl, men så længe man lærer af dem, så er det positivt. Vil jeg mene. 

      bergkamp22 skrev:

      Det var fed læsning i morges, tjekkede PN som det første selvfølgelig og kunne se at der var kommentar fra tråden i morges, det kunne jo betyde at der var sket noget godt, så stille og rolig læsning ned af, så er det lækkert at læse at du gik dybt


       Godt at høre. Er glad for jeg endelig kunne få noget lir ind i tråden. Dette var, hvis man vil, det 4. FT i dette stake, men det første i en tour med mange entries - lad os håbe at det ikke bliver det sidste. 


      18-07-2021 14:48 #350| 0

      Totimom har lige skrevet til mig at han gerne vil ud af staked, så hans andel på 6.67% er til salg, hvis det på nogen måde kan lade sig gøre og i andre er med på den. 
      Jeg aner ikke helt hvordan udregningen skulle se ud, for at det går op. 

      Edit: even money er fint for ham, altså 400kr. Men igen, så er det op til i andre stakers, det er ikke noget jeg kan tage stilling til. 

      Redigeret af CraekZ d. 18-07-2021 14:51
      18-07-2021 15:03 #351| 0

      Måske en upopulær holdning, men der var lagt op til minimum 3 måneder i salgstråden, så giver ikke megen mening at vi skal til at regulere efter under halvdelen af perioden. 

      Der kan naturligvis opstå ting og sager der gør at man er nødt til at trække sig, men det er bare ærgerligt IMO og halvbesværligt. 

      Jeg mener ikke værdien af staket skal reduceres, så IMO kræver det at en eller flere vil købe andelen. Men det er der jo også fin værdi i, hvis den sælges til 400 :) 

      Redigeret af ktothep d. 18-07-2021 15:05
      18-07-2021 15:08 #352| 0

      Ps - opretter du ikke en ny tråd ved lejlighed, tråden er ved at blive lidt besværlig fra mobilen. 
      Men bare vent til vi har fået styr på hvem er inde/ude, så vi ikke fylder en ny tråd med det :) 

      18-07-2021 15:15 #353| 0
      ktothep skrev:

      Ps - opretter du ikke en ny tråd ved lejlighed, tråden er ved at blive lidt besværlig fra mobilen. 
      Men bare vent til vi har fået styr på hvem er inde/ude, så vi ikke fylder en ny tråd med det :) 


       Jo jeg skal nok oprette en ny tråd til næste session. Vi landede i sommerhus i går og har pt besøg af noget familie, så jeg kan ikke love hvornår det blir og jeg har også kun den bærbare med, så uden 2 store skærme, så kommer jeg nok næppe over 4 borde af gangen. 

      Og mht til at totimon vil ud, så vil jeg ikke blande mig i det, da jeg udelukkende er stakee. Men vil da sige at når han kun vil have sit indskud retur, så bliver værdien vel ikke reduceret? 

      18-07-2021 15:17 #354| 0

      altså det er lidt ærgeligt, men lad ham komme ud hvis nogen hvil overtage hans del, også kører vi videre indtil perioden er overstået

      18-07-2021 17:27 #355| 0
      bergkamp22 skrev:

      altså det er lidt ærgeligt, men lad ham komme ud hvis nogen hvil overtage hans del, også kører vi videre indtil perioden er overstået


       Er vi enige om at staket løber til og med 31/8? Bare lige for at ha det 100% på plads. 

      18-07-2021 18:14 #356| 0
      CraekZ skrev:


       Jo jeg skal nok oprette en ny tråd til næste session. Vi landede i sommerhus i går og har pt besøg af noget familie, så jeg kan ikke love hvornår det blir og jeg har også kun den bærbare med, så uden 2 store skærme, så kommer jeg nok næppe over 4 borde af gangen. 

      Og mht til at totimon vil ud, så vil jeg ikke blande mig i det, da jeg udelukkende er stakee. Men vil da sige at når han kun vil have sit indskud retur, så bliver værdien vel ikke reduceret? 


       Jeg vil gerne købe det for 400kr

      Edit: jeg har overført 400kr til totimom

      Redigeret af SineQuaNon d. 18-07-2021 18:24
      18-07-2021 19:01 #357| 1
      CraekZ skrev:


       Er vi enige om at staket løber til og med 31/8? Bare lige for at ha det 100% på plads. 

      Lige præcis..
      18-07-2021 21:56 #358| 0

      Bare så i ikke tror det er ren gak og gøjl med pindsvin og ugler, de er her altså 😉


      Skal nok give jer fred i den nye tråd, pokkers jeg ikke nåede at købe totimons andel.. 

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