Team event...??

#1| 0


Da vi 22 Sep. har team dag med jobbet, har jeg fået til opgave at finde på noget at lave. Men syntes jeg er så hamrende idé forladt. Der er selvfølgelig de alm. ting som, bowling, paintball, gokart osv osv, men ville sq. gerne være lidt kreativ...!!! Men ak nej...!!!

Vi har 600,- pr pers. og vi er ca 10-12 pers.

Smid endelig nogle forslag, så vi kan få en rigtig dejlig dag.

På forhånd tak..


27-08-2007 14:10 #2| 0

Hej Cinco

Jeg kan klart anbefale 6 dages løb i Ballerup Super Arena. Smid mig en pm med tlf nummer hvis du vil vide mere.

Mvh Kasper Jensen

27-08-2007 14:34 #3| 0 men så skal i smide en hund mere hver .-)
27-08-2007 14:54 #4| 0

Do a poker event.

I know several companies that done this to a huge succes, and since its a team event let them play in team.

We got some even companies in sweden that does this so surley you must have them in denmark too i figure. They come and bring all you need and organize it and those i spoke to hade fun and it was different companies, all from officials office and healthcare industry.

So many seen poker on TV these days and are curious what its all about.

I organized it once for a smaller company only 22 people and we did it individual competition and also Teams, we hade some smaller buffe and it was a huge succes. Winner got a nice buckle and a voucher for a nice dinner out with drinks for two in a nice resturang.

no one of them had ever played before! Its was great fun.

27-08-2007 15:02 #5| 0

Så vil jeg anbefale dette firma:

27-08-2007 21:05 #6| 0
27-08-2007 22:30 #7| 0

@ Cinco

PM sendt til dig.


27-08-2007 22:32 #8| 0


build a bear...

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