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#1| 0

Game # 1057652925 - Texas Hold'em No Limit 15/25 - Table "Tournament Table Freezeout 5121220 9"

Players(max 9):
atteko (860.00 in seat 1)
ZigZag88 (1,435.00 in seat 2)
marcyone (705.00 in seat 3)
marina25 (1,150.00 in seat 4)
menubro (3,180.00 in seat 5)
lucasia (1,335.00 in seat 6)
TehDonk (2,880.00 in seat 7)
poker93 (1,050.00 in seat 8)
aviellouz (2,405.00 in seat 9)

Dealer: marcyone
Small Blind: marina25 (15.00)
Big Blind: menubro (25.00)

TehDonk was dealt: 8c - 8s

lucasia Raise (50.00)
TehDonk Call (50.00)
poker93 Fold
aviellouz Call (50.00)
atteko Fold
ZigZag88 Fold
marcyone Fold
marina25 Fold
menubro Call (25.00)

Flop Jd - 5c - 8d

menubro Check
lucasia Bet (250.00)
TehDonk Raise (665.00)
aviellouz Call (665.00)
menubro Fold
lucasia All-In (1,035.00)
TehDonk All-In (2,165.00)
aviellouz All-In (1,690.00)
TehDonk Payback (475.00)

Turn Jd - 5c - 8d - Ad
River Jd - 5c - 8d - Ad - Jc

TehDonk shows: 8c - 8s (a full house, eights full of jacks)
aviellouz shows: Js - Ac (a full house, jacks full of aces)

aviellouz wins: 2,140.00 side pot (with a full house, jacks full of aces)

lucasia shows: Jh - Qs (three of a kind, jacks)

aviellouz wins: 4,070.00 main pot (with a full house, jacks full of aces)

31-01-2009 20:35 #2| 0

Den er sgu grim :(

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