PT4 crash. løsning fundet, hjælp til udførelsen

#1| 0

Jeg kan ikke loade hænder efter et crash i går, ham her har samme problem, jeg kan bare ikke finde ud af at gøre dette. Nogen som kan forklare mig hvad jeg mere specifikt skal gøre.

Jeg bruger win7

There are two main reasons for this error. The first is a result of data corruption from a computer crash that requires reindexing your database. You can reindex your database from the PostgreSQL command prompt. Click Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL --> Command prompt. At the prompt that appears, type “reindexdb -a” and hit enter. Be aware that if you have large databases this may take a while, so be patient and wait for it to finish.
(If the re-index doesn't work because you are not logged in as user 'postgres' enter: "reindexdb -U postgres -a").

The second reason for this error is a result of faulty hardware. You can set PostgreSQL to ignore these errors by clicking Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL --> Configuration Files --> Edit postgresql.conf. In the configuration file that appears, go to the bottom of the file and add the text “zero_damaged_pages = on” on a new line and then save and close the file. Click Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL --> Reload Configuration and PostgreSQL will ignore the damaged data. If you continue to have problems with that hard drive, you should consider replacing it.

16-01-2015 21:00 #2| 0

jeg går ind i CMD og prøver, men der sker intet :) Jeg er nok det forkerte sted eller noget.

16-01-2015 21:02 #3| 0

Ja, du skal bruge PostgreSQL's promt, ikke cmd.

16-01-2015 21:02 #4| 0

du skal ikke i CMD prompt men
PostgreSQL command prompt ...
Click Start --> Programs --> PostgreSQL -->

16-01-2015 21:07 #5| 0

Alternativt kan det gøres fra PT4. Database->Database Management->Housekeeping->Reindex

16-01-2015 21:44 #6| 0

Fandt det, mange tak for hjælpen.

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