OMFG! hackere??

#1| 0

Modtog lige den her, det ENESTE jeg har gjort er jeg har trykket på " se denne mail som godkendt" eller lignende oppe i det blå. dokumentret åbnede jeg ikke.

KAN der være sket noget? for denne mail er vel fusk??

Customer verification
Fra: Darren O Brien ([email protected])
Tilføj kontaktperson
Sendt:2. september 2008 13:55:21
Til: [email protected]

Sikkerhedsscanning ved overførsel Uncover C...doc (22,3 KB)

Dear Mr Schultz,

Further to the registration of your card ending in 8296 on the 02/09/2008.

We have in place a routine security procedure which is performed in conjunction with the bank and it is our policy that this is carried out on all cards that are registered to accounts. This must be complied with at all times as it is in the interest of all our customers. Such a procedure is conducted in order to ensure that the details you have registered on your account correlate with those registered against your credit card and it is very much a priority in terms of security.

Unfortunately we have been unable to verify your details with your issuing bank.

We would be grateful if you could complete the attached authorisation statement and return it to us with the relevant documentation by your chosen method within the next 48 hours.

Please be advised that non-compliance with this request may result in the suspension of your account.

If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking on the Help function on our website and then selecting the Email Us option.

Kind Regards

Darren O'Brien

Boylesports Online Games Team

Finnabair Industrial Park


Co Louth

Tel (Ireland): 1800 829 729

Tel (U.K & N.I): +353 42 9393168

Fax: +353 42 9393220

Boylesports accepts no liability for the content of this email, or for the consequences of any actions taken on the basis of the information provided, unless that information is subsequently confirmed in writing. If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. Warning: Although the company has taken reasonable precautions to ensure no viruses are present in this email, the company cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email or attachments. Boylesports Ltd is registered in Dublin, Ireland. Registered no. 194670. The registered address is Finnabair Industrial Park, Dundalk, Co.Louth, Ireland.

02-09-2008 18:21 #2| 0

Så længe at du ikke har åbnet nogen filer, så burde der ikke være sket noget.

02-09-2008 18:27 #3| 0

mailen er ikke fusk...

En verifikationsmail fra Boylesroom og/eller Uncover

02-09-2008 18:30 #4| 0

Hvorfor skulle mailen være fusk!?

Calm down... Breathe :)

02-09-2008 18:51 #5| 0

er heeeelt rolig igen nu :D

Den var sgu ikke fusk, men pga at der var et dokument emd var jeg sgu ret tæt på og gå ned :D

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