Hvilke bøger?

#1| 0

Ikke sikker på dette er den rette kategori, men nu prøver jeg alligevel.

Jeg søger efter nogle poker bøger, men det er jo en jungle, og selvom jeg har læst anmeldelserne på alle de bøger folk har rated herinde, så er jeg stadig lidt i tvivl. Jeg synes nemlig ikke at kunne gennemskue om bøgerne passer til den slags poker jeg kan lide at spille.
Jeg spiller udelukkende NLHE, enten som multi eller single table turneringer, da jeg synes det er sjovest.

Men spørgsmålet er: Hvad skal jeg vælge for nogle bøger? Regner med at investere i en enkelt eller to her første gang.

Jeg har pt. ikke nogle bogsamling, så alle forslag er velkomne. :)

På forhånd tak.


08-12-2004 10:38 #2| 0

Hey Fever...

Hvis det udelukkende er til turneringer og du stadig føler at du har noget at lærer på dette område kan jeg anbefale:

No-Limit Texas Hold"em : The New Player"s Guide to Winning Poker"s Biggest Game (The New Players Series) af McEvoy og Daugherty...

Synes de kommer godt rundt om en del emner og selvom du ikke er nybegynder er der stadig en del at tage med fra denne bog...

Mvh Mika

08-12-2004 11:14 #3| 0

Man kan vel egentlig godt kalde mig lidt nybegynder. Har kun spillet poker i snart 8-9 måneder.
Men fandt hurtigt ud af at jeg vandt penge på turneringer og tabte penge på ring-borde, så derfor blev turneringer min favorit. Så det er ikke sådan at jeg ikke ser det nødvendigt måske at skulle have fat i nogle helt basale informationer fra en god "begynder bog".
Jeg er som sagt åben for det meste. Så jeg takker takker for dit forslag, og tilføjer bogen til listen over potentielle køb. :)


08-12-2004 11:28 #4| 0

OK :-)

Måske skulle du føje denne bog til din liste:

Harrington on Hold "em, Expert Strategy for No Limit Tournaments; Volume I: Strategic Play

Den er ikke udkommet endnu så jeg skal ikke kommentere på dens værdi, men den lyder lovende... Og så er den skrevet af en yderst succesfyldt turneringsspiller så vi må håbe han kan øse lidt af den viden...

Mvh Mika

08-12-2004 15:58 #5| 0

Her er ca. alt du behøver at vide om pokerturneringer for at spille lige op med folk...


08-12-2004 21:43 #6| 0

I øjeblikket kan siden ikke vises, men når den kan, lyder det til jeg er sikret fremtidig succes ;)


09-12-2004 01:21 #7| 0

Så må jeg jo poste den herinde...

Darse"s No-Limit Hold"em Tournament Primer

Here is a basic strategy for playing in No-Limit Hold"em tournaments.

I originally wrote this as an essay for rec.gambling.poker, in response
to a frequently asked question. Some time later, I was told that about
two-thirds of the players in a large r.g.p. tournament (L.A.R.G.E., the
Los Angeles Rec.Gambling Excursion/Extravaganza) had printed a copy of
the primer -- including the top three finishers!

In 1995, Mason Malmuth called and asked me to be a contributing author
for a new poker magazine called "Poker World". This revised essay was
slated to be a feature article in the second issue, but unfortunately
the magazine folded after its first issue, for technical reasons. (The
magazine that took its place, "Poker Digest", is still going strong).

Caveat Emptor, and all that stuff.

- Darse.

A Primer for Playing No-Limit Hold"em Tournaments

No-limit Hold"em tournaments are becoming increasingly popular these days.
They are a change of pace from the regular grind, and give players a
chance to win a big prize if they"re lucky. A player who is knowledgeable
about the best tournament strategies can also hold a big edge over the
opposition. Conversely, inexperienced tournament players can be at a
significant disadvantage, even if they are fairly good at limit Hold"em.

For a player who is new to the tournament environment, but ready to give
it a try, the natural question is "Where do I start?". The aim of this
article is to give a simple "crude but effective" strategy that will give
even a novice tournament player a decent chance of finishing in the money.

First, the disclaimer. It takes a lot of learning and practice to become
a strong poker player. For most people, it requires hundreds of hours of
reading and playing, often over the course of years. Tournament strategy
adds a completely new dimension to this expertise, and there is no way
you"re going to become an expert overnight. It is equally impossible for
a single magazine article to explore the full depth and complexity of
poker and tournament strategy.

What we hope to accomplish is simply to give a succinct set of guidelines
which will help the relatively inexperienced tournament participant close
the gap, and perhaps even hold a slight advantage over the opposition.
These ideas have been field tested, and they are surprisingly successful.
The reason this system works so well despite its simplicity is probably
because many players, including veterans, fail to make the appropriate
adjustments to tournament conditions.

The primary goal in a tournament is simply to stay alive -- to outlast
the more reckless players and to still have some chips when the field is
reduced to only the paying positions. The approach we recommend is to
play tight but aggressive, to avoid large confrontations (except when we
expect to have much the best of it), and to seize good opportunities,
especially late in the tournament.

Although the main objective is to survive as long as possible, that does
*not* mean you should fear being eliminated. To be successful, you must
make the most of your good hands and situations. In tournaments, safety
is worth money -- but ironically, it is the most courageous players who
are the safest, not the most passive ones.

In no-limit poker, all you can ask for is to get all the chips in the
middle when you figure to have the best of it. You might have KK and lose
to AA, or be caught by someone with 52s -- it happens. If you lose, you
lose, but don"t let that make you second guess a good decision. There is
no reason to regret such a loss, and you should d

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