forkortelser i chatten

#1| 0

er der nogle der kan hjælpe mig med dette. Er ikke så god ud i det engelske - men vil gerne vide om det er ok når jeg skriver th tilbage.

bare kom med nogle bud, eller henvis til et sted jeg kan blive klogere

19-05-2006 20:24 #2| 0

AFAIK As far as I know
AFK Away from keyboard
BL Belly laughing
BRB Be right back
BTDT Been there, done that
BTW By the way
B4N Bye for now
CUL8ER See you later
FC Fingers crossed
FUBAR F***ed up beyond all repair or recognition
FUD Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
FWIW For what it''s worth
FYI For your information
GIWIST Gee, I wish I''d said that
GG Good game
GGA Good game all
GL Good luck
GP Good play
GTG Got to go
GMAB Give me a break
GMTA Great minds think alike
GOL Giggling out loud
H&K Hug and kiss
HAGN Have a good night
HAND Have a nice day
HHIS Hanging head in shame
HIG How''s it going?
IC I see
IGP I gotta pee
IHA I hate acronyms
IMCO In my considered opinion
IMHO In my humble opinion
JIC Just in case
JK Just kidding
JMO Just my opinion
JTLYK Just to let you know
KISS Keep it simple stupid
KIT Keep in touch
L8R Later
L8R G8R Later gator
LD Later, dude
LDR Long-distance relationship
LHO Laughing head off
LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause
LOL Laugh out loud
NH Nice hand
N1 Nice one
OIC Oh, I see
OMG Oh my God
OTF Off the floor
PITA Pain in the ass
::POOF:: Goodbye (leaving the room)
ROTFL Rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLMAO Rolling on the floor laughing my a** off
SEG S***-eating grin
SETE Smiling ear to ear
SOT Short on time
SOTMG Short on time must go
SUAKM Shut up and kiss me
SUP What''s up
SWAK Sealed with a kiss
SWL Screaming with laughter
SYS See you soon
TA Thanks again
TAFN That''s all for now
TCOY Take care of yourself
TX Thanks
TY Thank you
UL Unlucky
VNH Very nice hand
VUL Very unlucky
WB Welcome back
WD Well done
WP Well played
YW You''re welcome

19-05-2006 20:26 #3| 0

TX eller TY går man nok aldrig fejl af.

19-05-2006 20:58 #4| 0

SUAKM Shut up and kiss me

Plejer jeg at fyrer af når modstanderen banner over hvor heldig jeg var. lol

19-05-2006 20:59 #5| 0

no dp = no double penetration

(dvs. kun vaginal samleje)

19-05-2006 21:05 #6| 0



19-05-2006 21:11 #7| 0

Nogen der har stødt på IMAO?

19-05-2006 21:15 #8| 0

Nej, men tit LMAO = laughing my ass off

19-05-2006 21:15 #9| 0

The first rule of IMAO is you do not tell anyone what IMAO means

ellers i familie med IMO

19-05-2006 21:47 #10| 0

mange tak for bidragene

19-05-2006 22:00 #11| 0


ha ha !!

19-05-2006 23:37 #12| 0

LMAO.... lillebror til Formand Mao

19-05-2006 23:50 #13| 0

STFU = Shut the f*** up

20-05-2006 03:22 #14| 0

På ladbrokes har jeg set denne brugt meget: lo = Hello

20-05-2006 12:04 #15| 0



20-05-2006 13:45 #16| 0

FFS - For fucks sake.....

Blev brugt hyppigt igår.... :o)

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