Copenhagen Expedition

#1| 0

Vandt to sæder til Tournament #336540210 Copenhagen Expedition på PokerStars. Den første der poster sit PS nick får det overskydende sæde.

29-11-2010 20:07 #2| 0


29-11-2010 20:09 #4| 0

Sædet er dit, jeg dropper en email til support :)

29-11-2010 20:09 #3| 0

Ja jeg hedder det samme på PokerStars som her og mange andre steder ;)

29-11-2010 20:19 #5| 0

Nice crancko ;)


29-11-2010 21:03 #6| 0

Fik lige denne her:

Thank you for contacting PokerStars Support.

Unfortunately, there is a problem with the automated congratulatory emails
sent out in regards to the Copenhagen Expedition tournaments. As per event
policy, extra seats players might win cannot be transferred to other
players. However, any extra seats to the same event are automatically
awarded to your PokerStars account as T$.

We apologize for this misunderstanding and any inconvenience it may cause.

Should you need any further assistance, please let us know.

Kunne måske bede dem om at rydde op i deres lort, men tvivler på at det gør en forskel, sorry Mikkmakk...

29-11-2010 21:48 #7| 0


No problem, jeg klarer den nok selv via sådan en SNG ;)

de skriver : any extra seats to the same event are automatically
awarded to your PokerStars account as T$.

Hvor mange t-$ giver sædet ?


29-11-2010 22:03 #8| 0

Har heller ikke fået nogen $T. De kører med klatten...

29-11-2010 22:54 #9| 0

He, nu begynder det at blive sjovt:

Thank you for your follow-up!

We have confirmed that the T$ was not credited by the system as it should
have. Given the situation, we have made an exception and granted you the
extra seat transfer to your friend's account 'Mikkmakk'. He is now
registered to tournament #336540210.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Should you need anything else, please let us know!

29-11-2010 22:58 #10| 0

hvad er det for en turnering?

29-11-2010 23:02 #11| 0


Nice super tak ;)


En tour den 30, med et Ept sæde til vinderen og 10k $ added ;)

Man kan kvalle via 1 $ SNG hvor pladserne er added, så det skulle ikke være så svært ;)


29-11-2010 23:03 #12| 0


Fik du så ingen T$ ;) ?? Og hvis du gjorde hvor mange. Det kn da være super value hvis man får f.eks 9 t$ or so for hver 1 plads ;)


29-11-2010 23:45 #13| 0

en vundet nu,(+ 1 2nd og 2 3rd i 4 forsøg, måske er jeg heldig ellers er der value) giver den et par skud mere så får vi se hvad de siger hvis jeg kvaller igen.
det blev 2nd i 5 forsøg.. godnat, gider ikke mere.
meld op hvis nogen finder ud af de kan veksles til T$, for så skal jeg da fortsætte...

29-11-2010 23:46 #14| 0

No need - er kvallet :D

30-11-2010 00:08 #15| 0

Har også kval. mig til den på første forsøg. ;-)

30-11-2010 12:16 #16| 0

Og så lige en ekstra gang for sikkerheds skyld. Tror sgu de havde julefrokost i går...

Greetings from PokerStars.

As the two previous emails you have received from us contained
misinformation, we have decided to send this email in order to clarify our
policy regarding multiple wins in our Danish Copenhagen Expedition promotion.

Our policy in regards of winning multiple tickets, is that further tickets
will not be of any value (T$ or the likes) and cannot be transferred to
other players.

However, as we have already granted you the opportunity to transfer the
ticket we would never reverse that decision. As such your friend will still
be able to play in the Final as an exception to our policy.

The reason for this email, is to remove any future confusion in case you
decided to hunt tickets, as they will not be of any value.

I hope the above information clarifies our policy, and we wish you the best
of luck in the Copenhagen Expedition Final.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

30-11-2010 13:46 #17| 0


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