texts from last night

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Muligvis en re-post, men for jer der synes www.fmylife.com er sjov, så tjek www.textsfromlastnight.com. Sitet går ud på at poste SMS-beskeder fra 'last night', og så kan man stemme 'Good night' eller 'Bad night'.

Tallet i hver besked udtrykker bare area code, og er egentligt lidt ligegyldigt.. men anyway, et par af mine favoritter:

(203): I asked a girl to buy her a drink, she had I have a boyfriend, so I said, well i have a goldfish, she said what? I replied, oh I'm sorry I thought we were talking about shit that doesnt matter.

(781): I was just told by a cop that my party was the most epic party they ever crashed

(913): Come in. Grab a controller and a beer. We've got some Madden to beat.
(1-913): You're the best girlfriend ever.

(813): I think dad's getting high again. His last google search was "awesome ping pong shit."

(630): We fucked twice, I went to the bathroom to freshen up, and came back to him playing "Your Body is A Wonderland" on his guitar naked in my bed.

26-08-2009 14:02 #2| 0

Nice nok side, for at lige at tilføje lidt mere til listen så er der også:


Også nogle fede historier :)

26-08-2009 16:34 #3| 0

Hahaha (813): I think dad's getting high again. His last google search was "awesome ping pong shit." alt for griner

26-08-2009 16:52 #4| 0

FML er genial! :D

26-08-2009 17:30 #5| 0

203'eren er fra www.canItapthat.com , men ellers er de jo nice nok :D

05-09-2009 23:05 #6| 0
05-09-2009 23:17 #7| 0

Today, while giving a lecture about gasses to a large chemistry class, I went outside to let loose an unusualy loud fart while they took some notes. I came back in only to see 300 students dying of laughter. I had left the wireless mic on. FML

06-09-2009 04:21 #8| 0

Today, I got shoved into a wall and pickpocketed. I was already in a bad mood from being dumped, so I chased the guy, tackled him so hard he was knocked out. As I retrieved my things, the police arrested me and apparently the robber was the cop's son, and didn't believe my statement. FML


06-09-2009 04:37 #9| 0

Today, my girlfriend reached into my pocket to get my keys so she could get something out of my car. When she yanked them out, the condom that we just used flew up into the air and landed on the floor in front of her entire family. FML

Saa kan man vel laere at smide brugte kondomer ud og ikke putte dem i lommen!

07-09-2009 22:08 #10| 0

Today, I was sitting in class and I fell asleep during the lesson. I was wearing sweatpants and had an erection. My teacher came up to me and grabbed my penis. She thought it was my phone


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