Nogen der har denne bog af Nicholas Carr?

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Det her er ren desperation. Jeg skal simpelthen bruge bogen "The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains" af Nicholas Carr, så jeg håber, at der er nogen i Århus eller nogenlunde tæt på Århus, som sidder inde med den og vil låne mig den i blot en dag. Hvis folk fra andre steder i landet har den og kan låne mig 10-20 min. af deres tid, så vil det også være mig behjælpeligt (dette gælder self. også dem fra Århus, hvis de foretrækker at hjælpe sådan).
Jeg skal blot bruge den til at kunne lave korrekte sidehenvisninger i min eksamensopgave (jeg har kunnet finde bogen som ulovlig pdf-fil online, men sidetallene her stemmer ikke overens med bogen).

Bogen er umulig at opstøve på biblioteker (har endda forsøgt andre kommuners biblioteker), og jeg bestilte den allerede hjem på internettet for en uge siden, men den kommer ikke i tid nok.

06-01-2012 17:14 #2| 0

Burde ikke være noget kæmpe problem. Hvis alt andet glipper kan du undlade sidetal eller referere til et kapitel.

Har du prøvet at finde en anden udgave på nettet med korrekte sidetal?

06-01-2012 17:15 #3| 0
David BB skrev:
Burde ikke være noget kæmpe problem. Hvis alt andet glipper kan du undlade sidetal eller referere til et kapitel.

Har du prøvet at finde en anden udgave på nettet med korrekte sidetal?

Jeg kan ikke undlade sidetal under nogen omstændigheder - især ikke med vores censor :P

Men ja, meget overordnede kapitelhenvisninger er min nødløsning (og så må jeg så droppe direkte citater).

Og det er umuligt at finde en udgave med korrekte sidetal - eller, i hvert fald umuligt for mig :P
Redigeret af Thingyman d. 06-01-2012 17:15
06-01-2012 17:20 #4| 0

i følge dette link har de den da på Aarhus Biblo
06-01-2012 17:42 #5| 0
kramix skrev:

i følge dette link har de den da på Aarhus Biblo

Den er ikke hjemme der. Kun hjemme i Silkeborg, hvor de først pakker den ud på mandag.
06-01-2012 18:33 #6| 0

Jeg ved er på piratebay
jeg ved det er en lydbog, som besvær/umuliggør sidehenvisninger...

men det er da i det mindste noget?

iøvrigt en kommentar du måske kan få noget udaf at kigge på?:
VIP joshua13 på 2010-09-20 19:39 CET:
The problem I see with this book's thesis, is that much the same thing was said for video games starting in the late 70s, and going back in time TV, Comic books, Pulp Magazines, Movies, and going back further in time I'd almost bet my life it was said about Dime Novels, late 19th century so-called trash magazines and literature, theatrical musical comedies, Light/Comic Opera, theatre in general, team sports and so on back to the first thing people had leisure to do beyond things essential to survival.

And yes, the more recents doomsayers (since early 20th century at least) typically present at least some data that seems to support them.

Further, such statements almost always include the author's belief that before "x" and or if not for "x", people would be reading kant, shakespeare, other "great literature", einstein, the bible or all these, each according to his values. Not to mention holding deep and meaningful intellectual conversations, creating great art, unfolding the mysteries of the universe, perfecting themselves in prayer and devotion and devoting themselves to works of charity etc. In truth the world stumbles on. Progress in science and other things is as it has always been the provence of a few. All of these things are and have been done only by a tiny minority who typically consider that all people could and should emulate their choices, tastes, values, beliefs and choice of avocations.

This is a well known "rational thinking" fallacy. Thinking that the world of one's own adult lifetime is different in critical ways from times past without checking the historical data.

VIP joshua13 på 2010-09-20 19:40 CET:

In conclusion :-)
The same phenomenon is seen in common and smaller examples such as many people including journalists believing "road rage" is a new phenomenon of the last couple of decades instead of going back much further, that USA school shootings are "so much worse" than in the past just because the biggest ever in the US is just a few years ago (yet the second biggest was c 1962 so no it's not really increasing recently in frequency or size out of proportion to population increase and increased news coverage. The most common of all is the ubiquitous belief that the recent past was "simpler times, when people had better manners, less worries, better grammar and it rained gumdrops, and gold pieces"

VIP joshua13 på 2010-09-20 19:41 CET:
in conclusion whew! ;-)
The same phenomenon is seen in common and smaller examples such as many people including journalists believing "road rage" is a new phenomenon of the last couple of decades instead of going back much further, that USA school shootings are "so much worse" than in the past just because the biggest ever in the US is just a few years ago (yet the second biggest was c 1962 so no it's not really increasing recently in frequency or size out of proportion to population increase and increased news coverage. The most common of all is the ubiquitous belief that the recent past was "simpler times, when people had better manners, less worries, better grammar and it rained gumdrops, and gold

p00p3don på 2010-09-21 09:15 CET:
you'd save a lot of keystrokes by reading the book before replying to what you assume is in it....

VIP joshua13 på 2010-09-21 16:25 CET:
what on earth makes you assume I haven't? If YOU have and you don' think the essential message at the core is old hat and suspiciously repetitive of doom prophets of the past, present your view.

Redigeret af DaBLAM d. 06-01-2012 18:35
06-01-2012 18:45 #7| 0

har du overhovedet tjekket om du ikke bare kan købe/låne den som ebook?

06-01-2012 18:51 #8| 0


Jeg har den som sagt som pdf-fil og har læst bogen helt igennem, så det skulle udelukkende være for sidehenvisningernes skyld, og her er en lydbog sandt nok ikke for behjælpelig.

Men jeg har kontaktet min vejleder, som sagde, at han ville acceptere upræcise henvisninger, så det er jo super. Ellers tak for alt hjælpen :)

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