Homegame - regler

#1| 0

1. Hvilken pot bliver afgjort først sidepot eller mainpot?
2. Hvis sidepot bliver afgjort først kan øvrige spiller så mucke kortene inklusive den spiller som oprindeligt gik all in og blev kaldt?

16-12-2007 18:50 #2| 0

sidepot først :) Tror det er forskelligt om han bare kan mucke sin hånd, hvis man er sikker på at have tabt, ellers viser all in-eren først... tror jeg

16-12-2007 18:52 #3| 0

Det giver ikke rigtig mening det du skriver.

Mainpot bliver afgjort mellem alle de spiller der er med til showdown, en spiller der stadig er med til showdown, men har færre chips en de andre spillere, vinder ikke mere en han havde da hånden startede.


spiller 1 har 5000
spiller 2 har 3500

spiller 3 har 1500

Hvis spiller 3 går all-in og bliver kaldt kan han maks vinde 4500, hvis spiller 1 og 2 better videre mod hinanden efter de har betale spiller 3´s 1500 så vinder den bedste hånd mellem spiller 1 og 2 alt hvad der er over 4500.

Håber det giver mening.

16-12-2007 19:02 #4| 0

1. mest overskueligt at afgøre sidepot først, men ja som agememnon skriver, så er det i princippet ligegyldigt.

2. Hvis han opgiver at vinde puljen, så har han selvfølgelig lov til at mucke... Men som ved alle andre pokerformer, så har alle spillere, der er involveret i potten (dvs har fået kort fra starten af hånden - uanset om de har folded preflop) lov til at kræve hånden vist.

Nogen kan bedst lide at spille med, at man må mucke uden at kunne blive tvunget til at vise, men det er jo så op til house rules... så længe alle er enige :-)

16-12-2007 19:24 #5| 0

Vi er i tvivl om hvem der skal vise først. Her er situationen:

Spiller 1 går all in.
Spiller 2 call
Spiller 3 call

Spiller 2 check
Spiller 3 check

Spiller 2 check
Spiller 3 check

Spiller 2 check
Spiller 3 bet
Spiller 2 call (her laves altså en sidepot)

Hvem skal vise kort op først? Spiller 1, 2 eller 3?

Hvis sidepot afgøres først regner vi med at det er spiller 3 som skal vise først siden spiller 3 blev kaldt af spiller 2?

På forhånd tak.

16-12-2007 20:13 #6| 0

Her er lidt eksempler fra Homepokertourney siden. Håber de hjælper lidt.

Three Players
PlayerA bets 100
PlayerB goes all-in for 60
PlayerC calls the original 100 bet

There are two pots:

Main pot contains 180 (60 from players A, B and C).

Side pot contains 80 (40 from PlayerA, 0 from PlayerB, 40 from PlayerC). PlayerB is not eligible to win this pot.

Place the main pot in front of (or towards) PlayerB, it will be awarded last, after all other pots. You place the pot in front of, or near, PlayerB to remind you that these are the chips that he is eligible to win (and no more!).

Place the side pot between PlayerA and PlayerC to remind you that further betting may take place between these two players (PlayerB has no chips remaining). Place any additional bets into this side pot.

Note that the actual location of the main and side pots is immaterial. It may be easiest to leave the main pot in the middle of the table and locate the side pot off to the side of the table. Use whatever method you prefer.

Award the pots in reverse order - award the sidepot first and then the winner of the sidepot faces off against the all-in player. In this case you would award the side pot to the winner of PlayerA vs. PlayerC and then award the main pot to the winner of the side pot vs. PlayerB.

Multiple Side Pots
PlayerA bets 100
PlayerB goes all-in for 60
PlayerC calls the original 100 bet
PlayerD raises to 500
PlayerA goes all-in by betting his remaining 250
PlayerC calls by betting 400

There is now one main pot and two side pots.

Main pot contains 240 (60 from players A, B, C, and D).

Side pot contains 870 (270 from players A, C, and D). PlayerB is not eligible to win this pot.

Another side pot contains 300 (150 from players C and D). PlayerA and PlayerB are not eligible to win this pot.

There is a main pot of 240 between all 4 players.
4 players x 60 all-in bet of PlayerB.
This main pot should be placed in front of PlayerB.

There is a side pot of 870 between Players A, C and D.
3 players x (350 - 60 already in the main pot).
This side pot should be placed in front of PlayerA.

There is also another side pot of 300 between Players C and D.
2 players x (500 - 290 - 60).
This side pot should be placed somewhere between these two players.

Example 1
A bets 50
B calls all-in 20
C calls all-in 30

Main pot contains 3 x 20 = 60
Side pot with A and C contains 2 x 10 = 20.
A gets back 20 regardless of the outcome.

Cards are dealt and A > B > C
Side pot showdown between A and C is done first so A gets 20.
Main pot showdown between A and B is done next and A gets 60.

Cards are dealt and B > C > A
Side pot showdown between A and C is done first so C gets 20.
Main pot showdown between C and B is done next and B gets 60.

Cards are dealt and C > A > B
Side pot showdown between A and C is done first so C gets 20.
Main pot showdown between C and B is done next and C gets 60.

Example 2
These examples are a bit more mathematical.

A player goes all in for x.
Take the number of players, n, who put at least x in the pot.
x*n goes in the main pot. Everything else goes in the side pot.


A bets 10
B calls
C goes all-in for 7
D calls

37 was bet on this betting round
x = 7
n = 4
Main pot = 7*4 = 28
Side pot = 37-28 = 9

Example 3
A bets 10
B calls
C goes all-in for 7
D raises to 20
A calls
B raises to 30
D calls
A folds

$87 was bet on this betting round.
x = 7
n = 4
Main pot = 7*4 = 28
Side pot = 87-28 = 59

Here is a graphical example.

Player A: ##### (all-in)
Player B: ########## (stayed/paid to the end)
Player C: ######## (all-in)
Player D: ########## (stayed/paid to the end)
Player E: ## (folded)

Player E can't win anything

Because he folded ...
Player A can win a maximum of 22 (5 from A-D, and 2 from player E).
Player C can win a maximum of 31 (5 from A, 8 from B-D, and 2 from E).
Players B and D can win everyth

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