19. 03. 06 Logen Texas kl. 16:

#1| 0

På søndag kl. 16:00 Spiller vi en hyggelig texasturnering

Reserver plads på tlf.: 2844 4746

01 Hans
02 Ste
03 Emmy
04 Randall
05 Ib
06 Katten
07 Hugi
08 Running Ducks
09 Skinny
10 Martin
11 Roald
12 Mysdeeq
13 Christian UK
14 McMerlin
15 Stig 22
16 Andy
17 Vagn
18 Michael

13-03-2006 19:50 #2| 0

Jeg prøver gerne lykken igen O:-)


13-03-2006 19:52 #3| 0

Færingen er klar!!!!!!!

13-03-2006 19:54 #4| 0

Godt du har fanget den! Det er da altid noget du kan datoen, når nu jeg ikke kan! :-)


13-03-2006 20:21 #5| 0

Jeg ta''r chancen, endnu engang.
Men det er jo -EV når Kathrine er med!!
Det er simpelthen kun fordi du har lavet det om til en timandstur, at jeg tør, Leon ??
I øvrigt stemmer jeg for, at der ikke er noget der hedder LogeSøstre!!!
Hun er simpelthen for skrap for os alle!!

Kathrine,,,,ta'' dog en tur til Vegas i stedet kvinde!!!


13-03-2006 20:45 #6| 0

Jeg tager sq chancen.
Måske hvis planeterne vender og månen falder ned, at man så kan vinde en hånd. ;)

13-03-2006 21:11 #7| 0

@Leon :

Er Logen under ombygning, siden vi kun kan være 10 denne gang ? ;-)

13-03-2006 21:27 #8| 0

Skinny, du splittede da en pot....

Det var iøvrigt samme hånd som dig jeg røg ud på, aq ruder, katrine callede med q t, floppet var q t x, resten er historie.

13-03-2006 21:39 #9| 0

nejnej, der kan godt være lidt flere.

13-03-2006 23:40 #10| 0

hehe ja, og så var jeg endda svineheldig på River der....

Meget sigende ikke...den eneste hånd hvor jeg er heldig splitter jeg ;)

Næste uge piller jeg de esser ud af decket :D

14-03-2006 05:31 #11| 0

Martin er med.

14-03-2006 05:33 #12| 0

Er du altid tidligt oppe Leon, eller er du bare sent i seng?

14-03-2006 05:57 #13| 0

Jeg er medlem af Natpisserklubben. Hver anden time ser jeg lige efter, om I har det godt allesammen. - og så går jeg i seng igen.

m.v.h. Leon.

14-03-2006 09:20 #14| 0

Buy-in er 100,00 for 10.000 i jetons.

Det er tilladt at købe dobbelt portion.

14-03-2006 17:29 #15| 0

Tournament setup:

1. 100/200 30 min pr level.
2. 200/400
3. 300/600


4. 500/1.000
5. 1.000/2.000
6. 1.500/3.000
7. 2.000/4.000
8. 3.000/6.000
9. 5.000/10.000
10. 10.000/20.000

14-03-2006 18:02 #16| 0

Jeg gir'' gerne et tilskud til premiepuljen, så du må meget gerne skrive mig på :)

Inden jeg var i Logen og spille første gang, skrev Leon en mail til mig, hvor han bød mig velkommen som LogeSøster.
Så jo, vi er nogle stykker der er LogeSøstre :)

oops stavefejl, edit tastefejl :)

14-03-2006 18:17 #17| 0

Skal man være bruger herinde for at deltage?

14-03-2006 19:14 #18| 0

Pm sendt til Lakridss

14-03-2006 19:32 #19| 0


Jeg kan se, du er ny her. PM er en postmeddelse, som ligger i din postkasse under Profiler i venstre side.

m.v.h. Leon

14-03-2006 22:46 #20| 0

re-buy er tilladt, hvis man er nede på 4000 chips eller færre.

15-03-2006 04:19 #21| 0

add-on i pausen. 13.000 i chips for en hund.

15-03-2006 07:52 #22| 0

Ste, er det bornholmeren fra nørrebro??

Ham skal man passe på.

15-03-2006 16:06 #23| 0

Nejnej, han kommer kun for at hygge sig.

15-03-2006 18:56 #24| 0

Kristian UK er med.

15-03-2006 20:18 #25| 0

Hehe, jeg mente ikke han er en voldelig fisker eller så noget.......

Hvis det er den Ste jeg tænker på, tog han alle mine penge engang, på aftenens 2 sidste hænder, hvor han fik KK begge gange....

15-03-2006 21:36 #26| 0

afbud fra Ole

16-03-2006 03:28 #27| 0

A married couple was on holiday in Pakistan. They were touring around the marketplace looking at the goods and such, when they passed a small sandal shop. From inside they heard a gentleman with a Pakistani accent say, "You foreigners Come in. Come into my humbleshop." So the married couple walked in. The Pakistani man said to them, "I have some special sandals I think you''d be interested in. They make you wild at sex like a great desert camel." Well, the wife was really interested in buying the sandals after what the man had claimed, but her husband felt he really didn''t need them, being the sex hero he was. The husband asked the man, "how could sandals make you into a sex freak?" The Pakistani man replied, "Why don''t you try them on and see for yourself?" Well, the husband, after much badgering from his wife, finally conceded to try them on. As soon as he slipped them onto his feet, he got this wild look in his eyes; something his wife hadn''t seen in many years -- raw sexual power. In a blink of an eye, the husband rushed the Pakistani man, threw him on the table and started tearing at the guy''s pants. All the time the Pakistani man was screaming, "YOU HAVE THEM ON THE WRONG FEET YOU HAVE THEM ON THE WRONG FEET!"

16-03-2006 03:51 #28| 0

HAHAHAHA, den var go.

Med min aften, er det rart med noget at grine af ;-)

16-03-2006 10:22 #29| 0

Hvad er adressen ? :p

16-03-2006 16:08 #30| 0

Jeg melder mig gerne på.

16-03-2006 19:24 #31| 0

Lige hvad jeg trængte til, et godt grin :)

16-03-2006 20:33 #32| 0


PM til dig i din postkasse i venstre side under Profiler.

16-03-2006 23:39 #33| 0

Once upon a time there was a frog who lived in a lake all by himself. He had been given special powers by a local witch. One day he finally ventured out of the lake to get his first glimpse of the world outside. The first thing he saw was a bear chasing a rabbit and so he called out to them and asked them to stop. Then he said to them: "I am a magical frog and since you are the first two animals I have ever seen, I am going to grant you both three wishes. You will each take turns using them and you have to use them now." The bear (being greedy) went first. I would like for every bear in this forest to be female except for me." A magical sound and it was done. Then the rabbit. "I would like a helmet." This confused both the frog and the bear, but after a magical sound there was a helmet. It was the bear''s turn again. "I would like for every bear in the neighboring forest to be female." A magical sound and it was done. The rabbit went again. "I would like a motorcycle." Both the frog and the bear wondered why the rabbit didn''t just ask for a lot of money with which he could buy himself a motorcycle, but after a magical sound there was a motorcycle. The bear took his last wish. "I would like for all the bears in the world to be female except for me." A magical sound and it was done. The rabbit then put on his helmet, started up the motorcycle, and said "I wish the bear was gay" and took off like a bat out of hell.

17-03-2006 00:16 #34| 0

ROFL - Evil Rabbit!!!

17-03-2006 09:07 #35| 0

Stig er på.

17-03-2006 12:24 #36| 0

LOOOL Leon, du ka'' bare det der :)

Iøvrigt et ud''mærket ex. på hvad grådighed ka'' føre til :)

17-03-2006 16:04 #37| 0

afbud fra Runi,,, min datters fødselsdag på søndag

17-03-2006 18:59 #38| 0

Poker Alice said:

Having a man in your life is like a deck of cards:

You need a heart to love them.

You need a diamond to marry them.

You need a club to beat them.

And you need a spade to bury the bastards.

17-03-2006 19:56 #39| 0


Ska'' se om jeg ka'' huske og købe en ny spade :)

17-03-2006 23:51 #40| 0

A man had great tickets for the Euro 2004 final. As he sits down,another man comes over and asks if anyone is sitting in the seat next to him. "No," he says. "The seat is empty."

"This is incredible!" said the man. "Who in their right mind would have a seat like this for the Euro 2004 Final, the biggest sporting event in the world and not use it?"

He says, "Well, actually, the seat belongs to me. My wife was supposed To come with me, but she passed away. This is the first European Championships Final We haven''t been to together since we got married."

"Oh .... I''m sorry to hear that. That''s terrible. But couldn''t you find someone else - a friend or relative, or even a neighbour to take the seat?"

The man shakes his head. "No they''re all at the funeral."

18-03-2006 07:19 #41| 0

Runi kan ikke deltage :(

18-03-2006 16:06 #42| 0

Jeg er frisk på en gang søndags hygge i logen :-)

18-03-2006 20:35 #43| 0

OK, Andy. Du er på

19-03-2006 05:20 #44| 0

Velkommen til Hugi, vor nyeste logebroder.

19-03-2006 10:30 #45| 0

Nu går jeg i logen og er ikke mere på nettet i dag.

Træffes på tlf. 2844 4746

m.v.h. Leon.

19-03-2006 23:11 #46| 0

Tillykke til Roald, Kathrine og Lars.

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